Peace, calm, tranquility

300+ words. Sorry for the wait! :c

As was common for him, Vigilante nodded in response, though he held her hand tightly in his and smiled fondly at her. Though he was a man of few, very calculated words, he always made certain that his affections were known. He loved Ayita with everything that he could possibly be, though he was subtle about it. She knew, though, he was certain. The Constable only hoped that her brother would see it, as well. Briefly, he wondered what it would be like to have to worry about who was looking at or touching a sister. Martyr had been mated with, yes, but it had not been her choice and it had been a very quick, simple thing, only done to get her pregnant. They had been kept isolated for most of their lives, as well, so he had not had to worry about who might fancy his pure-hearted sister. It had never even crossed his mind, really, because they had only ever had each other, and it had been enough to keep them happy. Now that he had Ayita, though, he did question those thoughts.

When they entered the living room and the two siblings sat, Vigilante felt his fur bristle ever so slightly when he heard Zafier tell Ayita that she should not do something. It had been different for Vigilante to tell Zafier that he should not have trespassed, but he did not particularly like anyone, even her brother, telling Ayita what she should and should not do. She handled it well, though, so the doggish man stood in the door frame silently, wondering what it was that he should be doing. They needed to talk, and he felt like he would be intruding if he simply sat down, regardless of whether or not it was his own house. An idea occurred to him, something that seemed like a good idea. "If you would like, Ayita, I could go and get them from their father's house so that they might meet their uncle," he suggested evenly. He was still not friends with Leroy, but he was willing to be civil, and it seemed the black and white male was, as well. Fetching Amaranth and Kable would give them some time in his absence to discuss everything that they needed to discuss, and he could return when they were finished, and the mood would probably be lighter.

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