Peace, calm, tranquility


sorry for the slight pp saying he was home

NPC Zafier talking
Zafier movements

417 words


Ayita looked at her mate who was still rather far away. She wanted him over here. She wanted to be near him. She looked at him watching him for any signs of anything then he spoke. "Oh no vigi leave them there." She said. "I want you here please come sit I know my brother you don't you should get to know him and I want to spend time with you." She said smiling. She was hoping that the seductive look she was giving him would be enough to bring him to her.

Zafier looked at vigilante he wanted to know about his niece and nephew and see how they were. Who was there father what was he like and was he wolf or not. He didn't feel like interrupting his sister talking to her mate as he just watched. How long had the two of them been together. He wasn't entirely happy with the choice she had made in a mutt. They were pure breed wolves and he and her were raised to cherish that.

Ayita looked at her brother. She wanted to tell him about the two crazy pups and their father but she still wasn't sure what he was thinking about. She hoped that he wasn't to mad with her. He had to understand she left that world and came here to a land that was free she had no responsibilities. She wasn't fighting for her life. She wasn't going out trying to kill wolves nor were wolves trying to kill her. "Brother what are you thinking about" Ayita asked smiling.

Zafier looked at her smiling. He was happy for her but what he was thinking about wasn't nice. "Just about your pups what do they look like. Who is the father what is he like? How long have you and vigilante been mates? and of course there are things I need to tell you."
He said looking at her. His ashen eyes so full of the care and love that he still held for his baby sister. No matter how old they got she would still be the little wolfess that brought him flowers and trained with him. Though mother and father hated that. She was to be trained different from him. But she always wanted to be with him.

Ayita smiled. She knew he'd want to fully know. "Well we have been together what two months?"she said looking at vigi. "Just about." She was pretty sure it was about two months.


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