one tribe, one time, one planet, one race



It was only when Nayati replied that she realized how ambiguous and ridiculous her answer had been. She had sounded so flippant in her remark that she almost forgot to listen to Nayati when he spoke! Her cheeks burning, Tayui forced herself to listen closely this time. She did not want to make herself look like a fool – not after presenting herself to be so pig-headed. There was nothing worse than a mulish, but misinformed luperci. While she could handle mulish with good reason, she did not want to misrepresent herself. She only wanted to act like exactly who she was.

She nodded as he spoke, absorbing his words readily. Now that they had found a more pleasant (for her, at least) topic to discuss, he seemed to visibly relax. In fact, the moment she had relaxed, she noticed Nayati appear more comfortable around him. Perhaps he disliked confrontation; or perhaps he had never dealt with someone like Tayui before. Certainly she understood the differences in AniWayan culture and her own.

Tayui chuckled when Nayati mentioned his aspiration of fatherhood. She gave him a little wink and raised her brows as she tilted her head to one side. Oh, she could fake the coy look, but she knew she was nothing like a spry young female. Certainly not the one Nayati was looking for. Nonetheless, she hoped Nayati would not be too prudish and take her wink the wrong way. Allowing herself a mental shrug, she replied, already feeling more relaxed.

“I am certain they will, in their own time. And I am certain you will your own ladyfriend in due time. Everything has a way of working or ending. There are two roads that have multiple paths – I’m sure one of those paths will lead them back to me,” she replied. As she spoke, she could feel contentment singed with the familiar worry flood her chest. It always felt like she experienced everything near her heart: all her emotions and all her pain. But now that she and Nayati had found a less political topic, she was able to relax and continue pursuing the conversation until one of them would eventually depart.

Table by Kate!


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