one tribe, one time, one planet, one race
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A thread where our characters will like each other? No wai! XD Set at Adagio Creek. 300+

       Despite being confident in his decision to come and assist this half of their tribe, Nayati could not help but feel a bit of homesickness for the main tribe. This was mostly due to the fact that his missed his family. His father, his mother, his sister and brothers. He was not only Ohitekah and Talulah's eldest son, but their eldest child. A part of him felt that he should have never left them for his was the main inheritor of the Utina family. He was comforted by the fact that his younger siblings, especially Sewati and Cha'tima, were old enough now to be responsible and helpful members of the family and it was only that fact that had allowed him to depart in any sense of good conscience. His parents had been supportive of his choice, proud that their son would be brave enough to journey to help the smaller satellite tribe. Still, he couldn't help the nagging feeling that he should not have left them. He had consulted Onawa about these feelings but she had said it was an answer that he needed to find for himself, she could not give him peace.

       The Tsisdu Kanati had walked from the village to the serene little creek that was a short distance away, hoping to find some comfort and perhaps even answers in the calming environment. Onawa was stretched out on a nearby rock. One could have easily mistaken the puma Guide as asleep if not for the constant alert twitching of the end of her tail. It was only when that habit of her's ceased that he knew she was truly resting. He could never really tell if she actually slept though, and if she did if she actually needed to. Even though they shared their lives with the Spirit Guides there was still so much about them that was a mystery. Nayati knelt down beside the slowly flowing water and dipped his fingers into the frigid water. If only it were summer he would take a dip in the creek, but doing so now would be asking for illness. His pale blue eyes scanned the area and found there was an entrance to a cave nearby. Curious he walked over to it and peered in. What could be inside?


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