Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
Nodding and smiling her assent, she made tracks for the dunes, red paws sinking into the sand. The beach had been one of her favourite places ever since she first came here, never mind the fact that if you walked too far you were liable to get your face torn off by a territorial coyote. Somehow the risk made it even more exciting - after all, you could see a good long way and thus gain plenty of warning. She'd run from a murderous puppy once before. Now she was here with her dearest companion; it couldn't be more different. Now they could look after each other if anything happened. Legacy lifted her face into the breeze, delighting in the cooling air. But although her mood was lighthearted, he was quite right in perceiving the girl to be in an unusually contemplative mood today, as her next words proved. "Kansas," she said after a moment, "d'you ever think about the future? What'll happen when we're grown-up? I wonder if things will be any different... you know, our lives, people, each other..." Awkward, tentative; she was scared of the thoughts she had sometimes and really just wanted him to reassure her. They would always be around, right? But it had been a few days since they last met up - and they didn't even live that close to one another, as well as being in totally different packs. She would leave for him, yes she would give up her home for the boy, if there was no other option but it hurt to think about losing the forest. How inconceivable, though, to consider not seeing Kansas any more. She needed him.

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