Why does it rain...
Word Count: 262

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... hiban2.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

     It was raining again. She hated rain, the thing that reminded her of sadness. She decided to stay close to her home due to this and so she was out just getting fresh air. She had stayed in the home for too long and no matter how much she didn't want to, she ventured out into the one thing she hated. In her Optime form, she had a blue scarf around her neck with a blue umbrella to shield her from the rain. She hardly uses such a thing but today she just didn't feel like getting wet. She aimlessly walked, looking at her surroundings and passing many homes. Some were taken and some were free. Which was which, she didn't exactly know which was why she didn't dare to venture into one unless she really needed to.

     She wished it would stop raining. It rained so much here. Her expressionless face changed into that of a sad face for a moment. The rain reminded her of the rain in her heart and it hurt. She shook her head. She didn't want to start remembering and so she started to count the rocks. As she walked, she was began to grow bored of counting things so she figured she should head back. She stopped for a second and looked up to the sky, allowing the rain to hit it for a second. She looked as though she was pleading for it to stop raining. She knew this was futile but she did it anyway. She probably looked strange but she didn't care.


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