These feelings will be gone

Essentially, it had been the fault of her king and father that had caused Anann to leave home in the first place. She was reluctant to put herself in a similar situation again. She certainly hadn't expect to find herself in the prospect of joining a pack ruled by a yet another man claiming to be a king. While she knew better than to judge the man solely by his title, it was hard for her not to form some prejudice against the man.

She listened to Strelein's words with great interest. Heath had given off a much different vibe when she had asked about their leader and had given her little more than his title and name. She assumed whatever distaste was between the two was of a personal nature. She believe Heath would have warned of the man were it necessary. The red-head however, gave her a new feel for the monarch. He sounds unlike any King I have ever heard of. In all ways but for his womanizing and love of his title. She laughed. But I guess if I liked the way my prior king did things I wouldn't be here.

Tosawi had been ruled with a iron grip. While most were content enough it seemed Anann had finally learned that many suffered. Freedom of choice is exactly what I was looking for to be honest. It was the lack of it that helped drive me from my home. A hint of regret slipped in to her tone. Conformity is never something that should be sought after, but there can also be a fine line between freedom and neglect. You seem to think he has found this balance? The question really needed no answer for Strel's words had already said that much. So what brought you into his fold? If you don't mind me asking, that is.

Table by Alli<3


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