These feelings will be gone

We could wrap this up pretty soon I think

Anann had already put her little pounce on the man well out of her mind. Not having gave it much of a second though since the situation had lead to the conversation she had truly been seeking. Strelein's reminder of the not so past event was not harsh, but she couldn't help but dip her ears back she he mentioned her 'assault' and his offense at it. "I apologize about that. Something perhaps she should have said in the beginning. Though her only regret had been that the lesson she had hoped to teach the man had seemed to bounce right off. "I only meant to show you the danger of walking so unaware with war being waged not too far from your borders. Just because you do not preceive yourself to be in danger does not make it so. You did walk straight into a horse after all." She laughed, keeping her tone light. "And he isnt even a small one!" Quite the opposite infact. She wasn't trying to lecture the man. Just explaining her motive. "Had I wanted you dead, you would have been and probably none the wiser either." The statement was point blank and she meant it. It was simply an observation, not a threat. But Im a defender, not a murderer. I only meant to open your eyes, so to speak.

The meantion of booze brought the joyful smile back to Anann's face. Her bottle of whiskey was not full anymore. Though she still hadn't touched her bottle of rum. The whiskey had become and aid to dreamless sleep. She rarely over indulged in the substance, prefering to keep her wits about her for the most part. A nice happy buzz was always nice though. "A nice party ever now and again does sound like a splended idea!" Good for the social life of the pack as well. "There will always be those that disagree." Anann said with a slight shrug. Without the complaints of the few, the content of the masses would be unpreceived. It was simply the rule off opposites. Without contrast nothing would be percievable. Thats is why there can never be happiness without sarrow. Life is tough so you can appreciate it when it is not. Otherwise it would be meaningless. "It is when the many are miserable and the few are happy that it becomes a problem." Anann knew all too well.

"Constable? Is that like the second in command?" Most packs had their own unique ranks, while the titles varied the duties seemed to remain somewhat standard. It would take time to learn the different ranks of her prospect pack, but often the scent and posture of the other beast was enough of a clue of their status. The most pressing of her question had been answered and Anann wasn't quite sure in what direction she should take their conversation. "So, is there anything more you'd like to know about me?" She spoke in a sultry voice, giving the redheaded man a wink. Her playful flirting had no intent behind it. She was simpling enjoying being a little goofy despite the serious note they had first gotten off on.


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