i knew the pathway like the back of my hand
Ruri <3

Snow, snow, and more snow. Winter marked the land with its white signature. Everywhere the lime-colored eyes swept over the land, there was snow. But at least that was better than the rain that had been crashing down over her head a few hours before. The gray colored woman had awakened with the sun and had decided to traverse outside of the Valley pack's borders. She had plainly heard the raindrops on the roof of her home, but she had decided to venture out anyway, after a cursory sweep of her borders.

She had a lot on her mind today. She was dwelling on the past. It had been nearly a year since she had joined Phoenix Valley, and she was definitely happy. There was no question about that. Still, her heart returned to the factors that had influenced her decision. She was at peace with that, for the most part. There were still some things that had gone unresolved - not things she wanted to lay to rest, but things she wanted to to rekindle, to make right on some level.

However, when she finally passed through Halifax, her legs took her in a new direction. She had heard tell of a new pack that had arisen in the last calendar year, but she had yet to see it. The sub-leader was of the curious sort, and thought that perhaps she would go beyond Ethereal Eclipse, and beyond her old home of Crimson Dreams and see if those rumors were true. It never hurt to see or to ask. She tread toward what she believed to be the borders, lime green eyes scanning for any signs.


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