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The game was passing it seemed like the male was enjoying this game just as much as he was. With a laugh the male took another drink watching the male stubble back then coming back to the bar drinking so more, the male rested his body upon the top of the bar with a laugher followed by a nod. Yes the stuff was good, it was so good that neither one of them was willing to stop drinking and admit that they couldn't handle the stuff. Lucifer wasn't as far good as the raven haired male was, but he wasn't really that far off, he was a pro at drinking and getting drunk. The black male shook his head, taking another drink out of the bottle.

"You had best lay off, I'd hate for to be sick."

Lucifer smacked his lips together looking the raven haired male up and down, the more Lucifer drank it was coming clear to him that the male before him was hot, not just let me droll over you hot. It was like the hot where your willing to do any thing you can to have sex with them, just to say that you've done the deed with that being.

"Your...Hot! Like Sexy hot."

There was Lucifer saying what ever was on his mind. Wasn't always the best thing, but at this point he was so far gone from where he could care.

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