Gone is the pale hand of winter

aw, though preferably only one so that this can be completed Smile set in the village 300+

Nayati had not spent much time in the hut that he had chosen as his dwelling aside from sleeping there at night. There had been other and more important matters to attend to. Now though, as it seemed that winter's grip on the lands was beginning to wane, the time seemed right to make his personal den more of a home instead of simply a place. The inside was dusty and there were no trinkets or decorations coloring the space. He had a few things that he had brought from the main tribe but he hadn't bothered to unwrap them and place them about yet. He opened the door to his home wide to let the fresh air in and to drive the mustiness out. Though the air would not do all of his job for him. Setting off from the village he came to a copse of trees. Searching around he found a long fallen stick from one of them and continued to look for a fallen pine bough. Unfortunately he did not find any small enough for his purposes. Taking out his hunting knife he cut one from the nearest tree, thanking the pine for its gift.

As he returned back to the village and walked into his home he sat upon the ground with the stick and pine branch with needles. Grabbing some twine he attached the pine to the bottom of the stick and stood up, looking over his makeshift broom. It wouldn't be a long lasting tool, quickly found and constructed, but it would serve him for this day. Grinning to himself Nayati began to sweet the dust and loose dirt from the floor of his hut and out into the open. Usually such a thing was a task his mother often did in the advent of spring, but he had helped her on occasion and so was not completely ignorant of what to do. His mind drifted back to the main tribe, wondering if they were also making preparations for the season of rebirth.


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