Gone is the pale hand of winter

Word Count: 338

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Dawali found himself chuckling along with his friend at his joke; the great cat certainly wasn't a creature that Dawali would apply any kind of humor to, but then again most would not when their spirit animals donned such powerful forms as Onawa. He was fairly certain that humorous thoughts or jokes were not the first things that struck the few that had ever seen Gvihita. The Kalona nodded as Nayati answered his question, satisfied as his leader, and more importantly happy that his friend seemed to be comfortable here. From the Great Tribe, it was certainly a big change; Dawali knew first-hand. Apparently this change had left Dawali a stranger again to the freedom of a friend's tongue (which was not a bad thing to be reminded of), because the question that Nayati asked was unexpected. His daughters did not ask him these things, and it had been too long since Dawali considered his own personal life, always too busy with the tribe to sit down and think. He hesitated for a moment, looking as if he gave the topic some thought before shrugging as he replied. "Well it's been very different, I suppose." He paused for a second. "I mean at first we waited for you lot, and when it was apparent you wouldn't appear and I was made sub-leader... I suppose there was no choice." Whether it had been "hard" or not was something he'd never considered. "Ayegali trusted me to run this tribe, and honestly I've never stopped to think about any alternatives. It's very much an honor, even if it is also very different." Nayati would know; he'd seen where Dawali had ranked in the original hierarchy. Not at the bottom, no, but far from the top. That their Kalona chose him to be their leader after her was something he never could have imagined would happen. "But, of course, it is a blessing to now see the familiar faces of my family." Clearly, the indication was that Nayati fell within this category.


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