that crown don't make you a prince

O: Hokay?!(251.)

She had not been gone too long—King could tell because the length of the shadows in the snow had not grown very much since she had left. She had promised to come back soon. He didn't worry. He usually felt enveloped in safety, as long as he was in Dahlian territory. War? Trying to explain war to an infant was like trying to explain advanced astrophysics to him. He knew that there were bad guys out there, but he had never seen one. He imagined that they were afraid to come in to the territory. He could understand why. He was afraid of his father on most occasions.

Now was no exception. But King, like most natural sons, had a furious desire to please his father—he wanted to impress him, to mean something in his eyes. The fear was dulled by this fervor, though it stirred slightly when the Rosen replied that he had come to see him. His inherited blue eyes blinked slowly, then his thin tail wagged once or twice. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but he wanted to believe it was a good thing.

The question Haku posed was unexpected. King thought for a moment (for he was a quiet and thoughtful child) before replying, "Yes." A brief pause and then, "I don't have a reason not to believe in them." As far as he was concerned, he had never really seen one. But that could change. Swiftly.

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