that boy is a monster

(03/05/10) that crown don't make you a prince, Dahlia de Mai — Haku Soul
Haku Soul pays his son a visit while his mother is away. After a strange enough conversation, King is promised another visit from Haku when he is older—in order to "teach him what life has to offer". Haku leaves soon thereafter, and King continues to wait for his mother to come back.

(03/06/10) my daddy's got a gun, Arachnea's Revenge — WAR THREAD
On a journey outside the pack boundaries with his mother, King and Tokyo are ambushed by a leader of Inferni, a hybrid woman named Kaena Lykoi. After a brief exchange of threats, both sides call reinforcements and split off into separate fights.

(03/06/10) turn the page, Arachnea's Revenge — Tokyo Chance, Nala Garner
Tokyo tries to defend herself against Nala, a scrawny Inferni coyote who came to Kaena's aid. Eventually Tokyo gets King and runs off while Nala was attempting to plan a surprise-attack, and the fight ends in what can be called a draw.

(04/05/10) spring — Dahlia de Mai (Town Square)PACK MEETING
Conor Soul calls the pack together as the pack's new Alpha Male and describes the terms of the end of the war with Inferni, as well as the changes made in Dahlia de Mai.

(04/18/10) a poison on the street, Dahlia de Mai (Demon's Trail) — Harlowe D'Angelo
King meets another youth, named Harlowe D'Angelo, on the borders of Dahlia de Mai. He claims to be looking for his uncle, Larkspur. After speaking for a while, King leads the stranger in vain on a journey for this mysterious uncle. He later escorts him out and forms something of a friendship.

(05/06/10) I saw the sun, Dahlia de Mai (St. Pepin's Vineyards) — Larkspur D'Angelo
King meets up with a man with a horse near the Vineyards. He introduces himself as Larkspur D'Angelo—the man that Harlowe was looking for—and as a friend of King's father. The two have a brief conversation before King excuses himself and heads home.

(05/26/10) snips, snails, and puppy-dog tails, Dahlia de Mai (Wolfville) — Gideon Stormbringer, Nayru
After coming across two other Dahlia de Mai puppies while out walking in Wolfville, King decides to intimidate them. When they start asking too many questions, however, he decides they aren't worth his time and wanders off again.


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