if we could always be so silent.

She was meeting her again. She had seen her only a few times in the past, and each time almost by accident. Since she had ventured into the human lands with Kieran to examine the old history texts of humanity, she had begun frequently the school where she had found the books, and had eventually found someone else. She had said her name was Anderung Meer, and Tayui had found herself inexplicably drawn to the other female. Despite her small blunders - which Tayui found undeniably cute - and her small, little habits, they had both agreed to meet again. They had chosen to meet in a house this time, one that seemed safer than any of the other buildings in the human city.

Tayui pushed open the heavy, oak door, leaning on it with her shoulder to open it far enough so that she could get inside. The door always got stuck when it was opened halfway, for it no longer quite fit. The wood was old and warped, so it was only to be expected. Tayui crossed into the main room she had cleaned out some time ago, sitting down against a wall. She set the rabbit she had caught beside her, something of a feat in its own respect. The rabbit was brown with streaks of white, and had given her a difficult time when she had been hunting it.

She smiled and leaned back against the wall to wait.


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