if we could always be so silent.

Tayui watched, slightly amused at the younger female's antics. She bit back a smile as Anderung deliberated over her next course of action, content with watching her as her paws jerked as she attempted to decide what she would do next. Tayui nodded encouragingly as Anderung clawed at the rabbit, tilting her head to one side as she watched the other examine the rabbit. Indeed, the other was more than welcome to begin eating. She had caught the prey wit Anderung in mind. She would not mind if her gift for them to share became a gift for Anderung alone.

The pale female watched as the other paused, waiting as Anderung shuffled closer. She pushed her weight off her one hand, crossing her legs. She leaned back against the wall, regarding the other with a slightly amused, if a little perplexed expression. No one had ever found her eyes anything more than 'curious' or 'interesting' aside from Shaeniire. It was strange to think that another could find beauty in such a thing. Tayui chuckled and shook her head, smiling. "Thank you. If I may say this about you, you have fairly intriguing eyes as well. I've seen very few creatures with eyes such a vibrant shade, especially that of violet."


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