We'll See if I Run

Big Grin

The place had an interesting scent, and the heavy scent of female lingered just about everywhere. There were many, Minos could figure and just as the urge to no longer be the silent and cowering beast resided in him another one rose as well. It was a shiver, quickening his pace and driving him forward with a little less caution. But such a thing did not last long, for his travelings did not go unnoticed. Minos smelt the beast before the massive creature was seen. The dark wolf filled his view easily, his anger laced words filling his ears and almost driving him backwards. Almost. Eyes narrowed, the fur on his back bristling and the skin of his neck and back were exposed to the chilled air. Neck extended forward to sniff the fellow, and found the same feminine scent that he had once before.

Mino responded with his own vocal display, a low growl that was felt deep in his gut. The words were needed, he learned, to fill the silence and divert attention from his true cause. Lies, this new blood of his and these strange creatures that lived for things beyond food and shelter had taught him to lie. "What is this place called?" The question masked his intention, an intention that was new to the male and thus confusing. Minos slowly took a few rounded steps to the left, not approaching and yet not backing away.


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