Ghosts and Demons

Sorry it took me so long to get this up! and can we back date it a couple days, like around the 13th or 14th? =)

Everything Anann had done to keep her thoughts clear and set to the future was failing her now. Ever since her argument with Heath she had been unable to sleep. It had little to do with the disagreement it's self, but for the past several months Anann had slept next her horse. She now found it nearly impossible to sleep peacefully without the rise and fall of his breathing beneath her. He was her security blanket and her truest friend. But in avoiding Heath she was also avoiding the stables. It seemed Rem found his stall next to the mare, Lumiere much more suitable than sleeping outside with Anann. The lack of sleep only adding to her frustration at the two males.

It wasn't Rem and Heath that truly troubled Anann's thoughts. It was Keese. And dreams of battles already lived through. Staying away from the stables had only proved to Anann how lonely she really was without her horse by her side. She missed the man she had left behind and worried about her people. Her decision to leave had been made with her people's interest in mind. But now she wondered what fate she had left them to. Her dreams and thoughts a like were a mottled mess of the two concerns. Horrific flashes of a war being fought while helplessly she watched the slaughter ensue. Only to next be in Keese's arms again and hear his refusal to come with her. Without sleep she had lost the focus that had kept these thoughts locked away in the back of her mind. Tired and emotionally weakened they had bombarded her.

Anann wondered as she trudged towards the hotel, if she looked as haggard as she felt. She felt like her face was drooping and her eyelids weighted. The actual embrace of sleep seemed so close, yet so far. Her body ached for it but her mind would not slow its whirling buzz. When she had explored the hotel she had smelt the faintest hint of healing herbs. She hoped to find the healer and perhaps she would know a sleep draft. Anann only wanted a few hours of peaceful, dreamless sleep. She did not want to be buried under the dark cloud of these thoughts any longer. If she could only get some sleep, some peace of mind.

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ooc: so sorry for the lateness! its been a crazy few weeks :<

The Chien hotel was quiet. Upstairs, Alaine knew that the two pups in her care would be fast asleep, curled around each other like yin and yang. Filled with a sense of peace, the young healer drifted through the empty halls like a wraith, humming gently to herself as the forest-green summer dress she wore flowed gently about her slender form. Being a collie-woman, old human clothes fit her far better than they did her wolf comrades, for her stature was far shorter and more slender.

In the old kitchen, a warm fire was banking, it's coals still spluttering with enough heat to keep the brother that bubbled above it warm. On the bench beside it was a number of strange, eclectic bottles; Tall ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones, some with odd opaque hues and others that you could look right through. Into some of these, the mixture had been poured, and wafted now with a sweet, heady scent. The broth was a mixture of yarrow and meadowsweet, with a few bits and pieces added to detract from the yarrow's bitter taste - It was a concoction she used against mild cases of poison, when children ate berries they shouldn't or the such.

Satisfied that her mixture was still contently bubbling away, the young healer found herself at a loss of things to do. No mixtures to make, no herbs to gather, no wounds to stitch, no children to care for... The silence deepened, and boredom descended. Absently wandering through the hotel, Alaine found herself drawn out to the balcony, where the cool, crisp air flowed through her short cream fur. She silently padded through the doorway, glancing out into the world beyond the hotel with warm emerald eyes.

She saw the woman immediately, floppy ears perking up at the sound of her approach.

" Ho, who goes there?" Her sweet, melodic voice called forth, gentle and persuading, " Are you hurt?"

Speak think walk


A prideful creature, Anann hated her current state. Had she not felt she was closing in on her limit on the number of sleepless nights she could endure Anann would not have traveled to the hotel. Or anywhere near it for that matter. Knowing so few of her pack, this was hardly a state she would wish to meet them in. She was used to sleep depravation, to an extent. Every warrior would be as it was often the nature of battle and war. Hell, it had been part of her training. Though it seemed more like torture at the time.

This was totally different. There was no outlet for the frustration the was building in her. She had tried to take it out on the trees as she fell them for use in the home she hoped to soon build. Hoping exhaustion would lead to sleep. It had not. The amber hued fem stared at the ground, her eyes only open enough to keep her running head first into a tree. Heavy paws scarcely clearing over the ground beneath them. Making a scuffling sound as she trudged along. Swaying slightly as she went along.

It was no wonder she was complete unaware of the other woman's presence as she approached the hotel. Her words awoke Anann like a jolt. Head jerking up from its ground bound gaze. Having not even realizing she had already reached the hotel. At least not until she saw the great building looming ahead. The owner of the voice standing on its balcony. "uh no ma'am, I'm not injured. I'm am looking for the pack's healer, though. Do you know where I might find them?" Never one to assume someone's identity Anann poised the question. Besides she wasn't sure the healer even lived in the hotel or if the pack even had one at that. All she did know was that she had smelt the faintest hint of medicinal herbs in the kitchen when she had first explored the hotel. I'm Anann. She added quickly. realizing she had forgotten to introduce herself.

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ooc: :3

As her emerald eyes narrowed in on the other, it became obvious that the stranger was not fully able. Her whole body seemed to slouch, as if wilted by some omnipotent pain, some invisible burden that crushed down on her shoulders and made each step more difficult than the last. Her ears perked, the collie-woman leaned forward over the balcony, straining to get a greater view of what she assumed would swiftly become her newest patient. The stranger's words rang out clearly, surprising the cream-pelted healer such that she rocked back suspiciously. Not injured? But clearly, even her voice was stained with some sort of pain and exhaustion! But as the other finished her sentence, Alaine felt her suspicion melt away into confusion. She stood still, waiting for the other to reach the stairs up to the Chien Hotel before answering.

" You are speaking with her, miss Anann. I am Alaine Winters, the healer."

Pushing a copper tendril of hair behind one floppy ear, Alaine quickly stepped forward, and held out one hand in offering of aid to help the swaggering lady up the stairs, and into the hotel. Once inside, she gestured towards a room that branched off from the hall, in which was a table and some chairs.

" Please, sit down, make yourself at ease... How might I be able to help you?"

As she spoke, those wide emerald eyes were scanning the other's body, looking for obvious wounds or broken bones. Nothing seemed apparent, even though the other's body seemed to visibly ache with affliction. What was it that had brought such an obviously strong lady to require her skills?

Speak think walk


The golden hued fem tried her best to greet the other women properly, but her tail had no gesture to give. Words failing her as she approached the porch. A tired smile attempted to be seen. Though on the fem's face it felt more like a grimace than any sort of smile. She was glad that she had found the healer she had been searching for and that there was no need to travel any farther. It was some relief that her effort in coming here had not been wasted. Although it was still to be seen if the dog woman would have anything to help her. As she came to the stairs she hesitated to take the ivory paw that was offered. Did she really seem that unstable? Regardless, she took the hand, letting her self be ushered in and seated. Anann had learned many injuries ago that it was best to do as told when dealing with a Healer. Stubborn bunch. Ah, but where would she be with out them. Dead by now. That or severely scarred. As it were, her thick pelt hid the scars from battles past.

"I've had trouble is sleeping is all. I was hoping you might have a sleeping draft or something of the sort." Her mind whirled and buzzed. Concerned with what she could not know, nor remedy if she did. Feeling the eyes of the healer roam her body Anann added, "I doubt you'll find little wrong with me that several hours sleep wouldn't fix." She was sore and stiff sure, but whether it came from the lack of sleep or the work she had done trying to earn sleep was uncertain. Either way it was nothing that a good night's -or day's, sleep wouldn't fix. It was darker in the hotel than it was outside. Anann was glad for it, finding it much kinder to her eyes. It had been weeks since Anann had first visited the hotel. Only having briefly explored the building with Heath it was still quite foreign to the amber hued fem. Eyes roamed the room, not sure if it was one she had explored before.

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ooc: :3

As the woman spoke, Alaine listening intently, her emerald gaze still grazing the other's tired features for some sort of unvoiced explanation. Her revelation was surprising - A severe case of insomnia? The young healer's brows rose in momentarily surprise; She'd never before seen a case this bad. But already, a list of ingredients and supplements and medical treatments was running through her mind at the speed of light, a clinical spark lit in the lady's intelligent gaze. She nodded sympathetically but said nothing, allowing this 'Anann' to continue her tale.

" Well, we shall just see about that, miss... Please, take a seat."

She watched as the other woman gazed semi-curiously about the dark interior of the Chien Hotel, and wondering again at her sudden arrival. She'd never seen Anann at any of the few pack gatherings, but could already smell the scent of other pack members about her form. Releasing the woman's arm, the healer quickly dipped her head.

" Sorry to pry, but I'm going to need just a few details, miss Anann. Firstly, just how long HAS it been since you had a restful night's sleep?"

By the looks of the bags beneath her eyes, the golden canine must have been deprived for some time now. Alaine knew also that going to a healer was often the more prideful creatures' last resort, and therefore her turmoil must be already bordering on unbearable for her to be seeking assistance. Pulling out a chair opposite from the lady, the more petite form of the collie-woman peering in at her face inquisitively. Anann's pupils were dull and round, flat in the dimness of the room. Pursing her maw thoughtfully, Alaine waited for an answer, wondering just how strong her prescription was going to need to be.

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She had been expected to be the protector of her prior clan since the day of her birth. Since she had first been able to leave the palace under the power of her own legs life had been hard on the woman's body. It was not something that she regretted or wished to changed. She had always been accepting of the path that had been laid before her, to walk the path her mother had. There was certain event that stood out to Anann as the first time she had been scent to the Tosawi healers. There had been various injures during training and rough-housing. Most nothing more than the usual scraps and bumps of puppy-hood. The scariest had been after bear attack. She had been lucky, but it was also the first time she had met death. Fear only sinking in after the fact as she had sat. Her first stitches and scar. Even it had healed amazingly well, now completely veiled beneath the fur on her thigh.

Needless say, Anann had long learned how to handle such visits. They always wanted to do their poking and prodding. Checking this or that. It was easier and often quicker to simply submit to their wishes. At least while they were looking. Anann had known there would be questions but still she was not prepared. Time had become somewhat irrelevant. The days had seemed to stretch on forever and she had not really kept track of their passing. Her brow furrowed as she thought back. Trying to count the moons she had spent the nights staring at. "Three, maybe four nights, its been now without any sleep. It's been fitful for a little less than a full moon cycle." Anann had lost track of the exact month and day many months ago. "The first day or two, I spent falling timber with an axe. I'm hoping to build a cabin see and I was hoping that maybe if I exhausted myself I would find it easier to sleep." It had been a failed attempted and she expected Alaine would reprimand her for such a tactic.

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ooc: sorry for slight pp, i can change it if you want.

For a moment, the healer thought that Anann would not answer her - The woman's face seemed glazed with memory, her dull eyes far away, her wearied body slouching with the weight of remembering and the pull of gravity. However, the golden canid's brows dipped in thought after a moment, and as she spoke Alaine listened with the intensity born of those in her trade.

For nights without sleep... One moon with broken sleep cycle? No wonder this Fae was so inebriated! The young collie-woman could only guess at the turmoil her sleep-deprived mind must be spewing, and was surprised that she'd not succumbed to seeing a healer much sooner. The cream and ivory miss made a thoughtful clicking sound with her tongue ,those sharp emerald eyes grazing over the other once more. But Anann had not finished listing her surprises quite yet.

"You did WHAT?" Her normally soft voice rose an indignant pitch, not quite to a shout, for she was far too much of a meek character for that. But nonetheless, the healer's eyes were sharply critical, the clicking of her tongue returning now as if to chide the woman's foolish actions.

"No wonder your body is so exhausted. I'll warrant that after the first day you didn't even feel the pain such exertion brought! That was very dangerous of you, Miss Anann. Once you've lost perception of your body, like with insomnia, there is no telling what injuries you might have accidentally inflicted upon yourself!"

She rose briskly, paced around the seated woman once, before gently laying her cool palms on Anann's forehead. No temperature - That was good. Next, she pressed her thumb into the golden lady's wrist, feeling the flurry of her pulse there. It was far slower than normal. Making a soft sound of consideration beneath her breath, Alaine stood with her hands on her hips for a moment, her short pixie stature making the authoritative stance seem rather amusing.

"I've two treatments I could offer you, Miss Anann. The first will send you to sleep, but it is a weaker broth, and you will need to take it nightly for the next seven-day at least. You will feel sluggish and lethargic, even when awake, after taking it. The second it much stronger, but can have... Side effects. It will make you sleep for a whole day, but can also give you strange dreams and sleep-walkings. It is a much quicker cure, but far more tolling on your body."

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It was true that she was not nearly in as good of shape as when she set out on her journey. The long winter voyage had been hard on wolf and horse alike. Both had lost their tone muscle and weight. Rem had suffered worse as the heavy snows had set in covering most of the vegetation under the snow. What little there was in the winter months. That did not change the fact that Anann knew her body well and did not typically punish it needlessly. Knowing her limits she had not pushed herself beyond them.

She had come to the healer knowing that she was beyond what she could for herself. Her body ached for sleep and her mind refused to settle. So now she found herself at the healers mercy. Tired and testy she tried to keep her annoyance under the surface but lack of sleep was leading to lack of control. The woman's tsking was grating and her explosive response to Anann's strategy brought her arms crossing stubbornly across her chest. I know my limits, she grumbled with a slight rumble of annoyance. She had come for a sleeping draft not a lecture. She had expected such though and normally she would not have voiced such words.

Despite Anann's annoyance the dog woman did not give her quite a severe tongue lashing as what she had really expected. Anann took a moment to mull over her treatment options. She worried that the weaker of the two would not be enough to subdue the night terrors that had been tormenting her at night and she did not like the idea of seven more groggy, lethargic days. I think I'd prefer the stronger one. Anann's sleeping arrangements had been basic since she came to these lands. First sleeping in Rem's stall with the large stallion and as of more recently simple huddled at the base of the large tree in her halfling form, where she planned to build here home eventually. Is there an empty room upstairs I could use for the day? If it was likely she was going to suffer side effects she assumed Alaine would want her under someones supervision.

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table © Alaine
ooc: following on with what we discussed :3

The golden-pelted woman seemed just as stubborn as the healer herself, but it was weariness that lost the day, and Anann seemed not to mind the relentless young healer's tsking and chiding. Alaine watched as her newest patient considered the options, her hands still planted firmly on her slender hips, her emerald eyes sharply assessing the other. Of course, she knew which one Anann would choose - These 'strong' types were so predictable, always taking the more risky option! However, in this case, Alaine approved.

" Yes, I feel that the stronger broth would be the most suitable. As to a spare room, there is one upstairs nearest to my own that would be adequate - I will be coming in to wake you up regularly, as you will need to drink plenty of water while the mixture is taking effect." She paused for a moment, looking thoughtful, before continuing, "I will also be able to hear you sleepwalking, if indeed you do. I'm a light sleeper, and you'll have to walk past my room."

Satisfied with this decision, Alaine nodded sharply, indicating that the woman should remain seated while she fetched the mixture. The young healer hurried into her kitchen, and began to rifle through an eclectic selection of glass bottles of all different colors. Selecting a small olive-green vial, the collie-woman returned into the room, shaking it briskly in one hand with a small bowlish object filled with water in the other. The mixture inside was an unappealing brown color, and although scentless, it had the look of something foul. She held it out to Anann, ivory palm outstretched.

" I need you to drink this all down, please. It will taste rather bitter, but I've some honey-sweetened water here that will help wash the flavor away." As if in a peace offering, Alaine held out the small bowl of sweet-smelling water, too.

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Anann was glad that Alaine had agreed to the stronger of the two treatments. She did not want to have to muster up the energy to argue with the healer woman. As it was she simply nodded as she explained the how she would be waking the her to drink water periodically through the length of her treatment. Shortly after Alaine had headed into the kitchen Anann could hear the soft clinking of glass as she rifled through various viles. The collie woman returned with small green vile containing a rather ominous looking liquid. Warned of its bitter taste she gave the mouth of the bottle of cautious sniff. Swirled the bottle and sniffed again, but it revealed nothing. She gave the bottle a tentative look before dumping it down the hatch as quickly as she could muster. Trying to pour the contents past the tongue and straight down the throat as best she could.

The taste was unavoidable and Anann made a face as finished the awful concoction. "How long until it takes effect?" She asked as she reached for the sweetened water, handing back the olive colored bottle. She took her time with second drink. Wanting to be sure and rid her mouth of the bitter flavor that lingered. As exhausted as she already was she would rather get to the room well before the mixture started to act on her system. Once she had finished the water she got to her feet. "I think I'd like to go ahead and get laid down, if you wouldn't mind showing me the room I'll be staying in?"

Anann could have done without the stairs. She felt now as if she could have curled up on the floor anywhere at this point and fall asleep. The journey to the room quite the obstacle to the exhausted woman, not matter how unsubstantial it actually was. Still she was quite happy to see the old dusty mattress on the floor. There were a few other pieces of furniture in the room, but had not taken notice of any of them, heading straight for the mattress along the wall. "Thank you, very much." She made little delay in curling up on the bed. Her feet hung over the edge but it was still far more comfortable then the ground or floor.

Even with the aid of the healer Anann had still thought it would take her hours to find peaceful sleep. Instead it had come rather quickly. She slept quite peacefully for awhile too, without the warrish nightmares that had plagued her. Instead it was pleasant memories of her youth. Days spent napping, basking in the warm glow of the sun. Play fights with her siblings and some with a little more earnest effort. Of coarse, Rem was in all of them. However they didn't stay happy forever. It felt as if she was reliving the moment she first learned what true fear was.When it came time for Alaine to come and wake Anann, she was found not on the mattress but hiding under a table in the room like a terrified child. Her gaze was distant as she stared across the room. It looked as if the lights were on and no one was home.

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table © Alaine

She watched with appraising eyes as the other woman drank the mixture, and took the empty bottle from her once she'd finished. " Usually, it depends on the severity of the case... But not long, regardless." The young healer was careful to monitor her patient. When Anann asked to be shown to her room, Alaine complied with a gesture to follow. She was careful to check the woman walking up the stairs; Sometimes, the broth had unusually fast side effects such as vertigo, but the other woman didn't appear to be displaying any. Satisfied that she was for now in safe health, the collie-woman lead the way to the room beside her own, ushering her newest patient in.

" Sorry about the mess... I would have dusted if I'd known I was going to have an invalid." She smiled kindly as Anann went directly over to the bed, stepping past her only to draw down some heavy drapes over the one gaping window, plunging the interior of the chamber into a fake midnight. She left then, shutting the door gently on her way out.

When she returned a while later with a bottle of water in hand, the golden woman was nowhere to be seen. Opening the door wide, Alaine quickly crossed to the window and pulled it aside, allowing some natural light to filter in. It was only then that she saw the mineral glint of the female's eyes reflecting the light from far across the room, underneath the old table. Knowing at once that her patient was suffering the true side effects of the broth she'd prescribed, Alaine moved slowly, keeping her eyes cautiously on the other woman. In this dream-like state they were entirely unpredictable, and the healerwoman had no was to tell if she would display aggression or not.

" Anann... Anann, can you hear me?" She used a musical, sing-song voice, soft and soothing, as if speaking to a child. Crouching down beside the table so that she was on eye-level with the cowering woman, Alaine was careful not to jolt her awake - Pulling people directly from these waking dreams was dangerous. " I need you to drink some of this delicious water, Anann... Aren't you thirsty?" She cooed gently, holding the bottle out gingerly.

Speak think walk


sorry if this sucks

She had only been what, maybe ten months of age or had it been closure to eight? It was impossible to remember now what had caused her to go out alone that day. There was nothing especially nefarious about the woods and so the young honey-hued fem had not a fear in the world. She had been lectured on alertness and how one should never let their guard down. A principle she understood well enough but she had not yet learned the diligence of such a task. The young mind still easily distracted by the various wonders in the world it was immersed in. And it just so happens that a distracted, unattended wolf pup made an easy meal for black bear boar.

When the bear had charged her Anann had managed to flee and find shelter. But the rotted wood she had hidden herself behind was hardly a barrier for the claws and teeth of the large boar. She had manage wiggle herself deep enough of the hollowed and fallen tree to be out of the bear's immediate reach, but as it destroyed the trunk around her the distance between them diminished. Her ears were filled with the grunts and growls of the bear. The splintering sound of its nails raking the inner and outer walls of the trunk, trying to relieve it of its living cargo. Eyes were tightly shut as the few tried to push herself as far back and away from the claws of the bear as possible.

In the dream world Anann found her self trapped in, a moment in her life that had been, well, just that, a moment. Now it stretched on forever. Claws and fangs coming ever closer. Any moment they would finally reach there target, sinking into the flesh of the fem and tearing it from bone. This time there was no dark horse coming to rescue, with hooves capable of crushing bone. After what had seemed like an eternity though, light did break and the bear had vanished. There had been no thundering of hooves and it was not the soft knicker of the horse that tempted to lure her from her hiding spot. But there was something, soft and comforting. A mother's voice. Gently coaxing her from the darkness.

Anann blinked. Where was she? What was going on? She startled slightly, only a mere a jerk as she awakened. What...Where? She looked a round the unfamiliar room, slightly dazed. Eyes finally settling on the woman crouched before her, a bottle extended in her hand. Recognizing the healer woman, Anann's tired mind slowly put the pieces in place, remembering she was in the hotel and under Alaine's treatment and care. Ignoring the offered water for the moment, she crawled out form under the table that she suddenly realized she was under. She felt weak and wobbly, heading for the mattress. She then took the water. She had not thought herself thirst but as the liquid found her lips and tongue she found she was terribly so. How long has it been? She asked as she handed the bottle back. She was still so tired and sleep was all ready beckoning her back to its embrace.

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