The Love of Nature
It had been a while since she had seen a horse since her father had taken her only horse when he left her mother, so when she first walked in the stable she noticed just how big they were. They were huge easily reaching her shoulder some where even taller then that. She wasn't frightened though, they were gentle giants that wouldn't even hurt a fly if it didn't bother them. They didn't want to hurt anyone, but they could if you made them upset or bother them in any way. That’s why, even though they were gentle, you had to be careful around them, so that you or it wouldn't get hurt.

She had noticed that most of the horses hadn't had any food or water, so after a little trip to get some grain and water she was back again ready to feed the horses. She walked up to the first stall which held a large, chestnut male and poured it some grain and water. Then took a moment to pet it as it eat its fresh grain. She then moved on to the stall next to it which held a white female that was slightly smaller then the male next to it.

There were quiet a bit of horses in the stable weren't there. Not that she was complaining or anything in fact she loved horses. The way there muscles moved when they ran through the land with you sitting softly on it back. The number of horse would mean she would have to spend longer taking care of them, but she didn't really mind it. It meant that she would have an excuse to spend more time with them.

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