The Domains of My Gods are Many
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Since her return to Dahlia, Cwmfen had seldom assumed the bipedal form. Once more, the natural form in which she had been born was enough for the black Warrior. It was in this form that she had learned first the most simple and yet most effective way of the warrior. What she had gathered and then practiced for countless hours daily within that humanesque form had been learned by her keen mind and the observations of her father in her early years. The way of the sword and the spear had been discovered by the young Cwmfen when she had fought in the battles between the tribes of Caledonia. And she had learned well those ways, those ways of humans that the wolves had curiously adopted. And she had made use of those ways most frequently because of a coyote that she had fallen in love in. But now, traveling in solitude as she once had, the form that she had been born in was enough.

The black fae moved through the dim hours of the dawn. It had been raining, and the song of the weeping world lifted within her soul with ever drumming of the tears upon the earth and leaves, upon her fur, upon her mind. The rain washed away the dust she had gathered, but the rain washed away what could not be seen as well. Each storm was a cleansing, different from the cleansing that she took within the pools. The rain was not the domain of Nemain but of the Morrigan as a whole, and in the rain, and in the world, she could hear the song that moved her soul and life force: the song of War. As a tenebrous shape, silent and hungering, the Raven Warrior breathed quietly, each breath drinking in the tones of those songs. Her soul sang softly with the world, and she felt a Peace that she had not felt in a long time. It was a Peace that was different from that strange emotion ‘Love’. This Peace was lighter in shade, gentler in touch. It was one that a Warrior could be satisfied in. And somehow, just as before, the Warrior felt as if she had arrived upon these lands just too late to fight. Too late to fight in a War. That was what that Peace sang to her.

Cwmfen had crossed the Dahlian boarders, but she paused now, the woad-banded maw raised as if in question to the lightening winds. Those black ears lifted as if hearing something in the far distance, but only the silence of the Ethereal Eclipse, welcoming the Warrior, ensued. The one-eyed Raven, his beak shattered, cut the silence with his cry, and the pied creature took his place upon the wolf’s shoulder. Fluidly, the Warrior continued, her paws walking with quiet, dancing steps that carried her to the cold pools of the dark woods. She must visit a different water and taste a different domain in which her gods dwelt.

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OOC: Is long i sorry ; ; i'll have shorter posts i swear!! my hands wouldn't stop typing lol.

Since his first excursion outside of Cour des Miracles, he felt a little braver than he did that day, this time he was itching to explore a little further, and since the clouds didn’t seem to call rain when he first left he decided to bring Tobias with him this time. The small bird was getting use to the wolf, and tethered around Niro’s arm, he couldn’t go anywhere of interest. He was beginning to change in mind habits, from what Niro had seen at least, the redtail wouldn’t move much more than a few feet, the new trust was heartening, Niro was doing the right thing, but he still didn’t trust the bird to fly away if he unhooked the bird from his arm. Inside a small sling pouch going around his shoulder was the little golden eagle, Marahute, who was enthralled with Niro, maybe it was because he hatched the egg the bird came out of. The bird was quite genderless until it grew, that’s why he gave it a genderless name. He hoped it was a female, although that might be too much, females were far larger than their male counterparts. Niro walked through the border between course and the shattered coast, but to actually go to the coast, he was going the wrong way, but he’d been there before on an excursion to look for some pretty things for his and Amaranth’s pirate cave, for now, they were headed into the thick trees of the Ethereal Eclipse, he had heard it was a beautiful place to visit, and he figured Tobias and Marahute would be happy to see such things as well. They needed to get out in any case… until it started raining. The bird wolf threw a blanket over the screeching redtail and let Marahute hide in her little pouch before running towards the forest, it was thick enough to keep the rain from hitting them as much as the open plains. Once in the forest, he was astounded by the sudden change from grassy plains to…. Well trees, ferns, logs and mossy rocks, and he could see many different animals that scattered at the sight of him. This was more of a beautiful place than he could imagine, he uncovered Tobias, who shook his feathers unhappily nipping at Niro’s gloved hand telling him his annoyance at how long it would take him to preen his feathers dry. Niro ignored it. He moved on through the forest looking at wonderment at all of the plant life he could see. He knew this would be a herbalists dream paradise, there were probably plants that could heal the worst of skin infections, even diseases that would surely kill a wolf.

The wolf and two birds had been there for some time, moving further and further into the forest, it was filled with a lot of things Niro had never seen before, and he was afraid to touch in case he shouldn’t. He soon found himself so far into it… that he couldn’t tell which way he’d come from and he felt a sense of panic. He was lost. That was enough. He turned this way and that, and it all just looked like a jumble of trees. He turned to Tobias who screeched a loud “I’m not about to help you” noise. Niro didn’t know what to do… and he usually did know what to do, he had never been lost before, he always had such a good sense of direction.

Oh dear oh dear, just like me to get myself into a situation like this

He said as he turned this way and then that, thinking this was the kind of thing that Orin did and he normally had to save her from it… but Orin wasn’t here… was this some way of telling him he should have stayed in miracles with his sister? He hoped not she was stuck in her room still barely eating when he put food and tried to make her go out, it had been hopeless, now he was here, lost and alone, with one flightless little chick and another he couldn’t trust quite yet. Just as he was thinking he might get stuck in this place, beautiful or not, he caught a glimpse black… and blue? He squinted, and saw a wolf moving through the trees, his heart leapt happily

Hey, hey, can you help me?

Niro said not thinking if she would turn and rip his throat out, he’d lost his caution since he had been in Miracles, it had been so safe that he felt that just about everywhere here would be safe, and this wolf, would gladly help him, just like his pack mates. He had yet to run into someone that had not welcomed him. Even in his last excursions he’d met a pretty nice loner, and before then he’d met those from outside the pack that were pretty nice to him, so why wouldn’t this wolf, and as soon as he thought that he started wondering why the would would want to help him at all, he couldn’t offer her anything, since all he had were his birds, and he’d never give them up, and his belt full of dried food for the birds to snack on. He felt a little more apprehensive than he had been now, stopping, looking awkward with a eagle chick head looking out through the pouch, almost blending in with his grey belly, and his arm stretched out so that the redtail could continue standing on his gloved hand. Niro knew how awkward he would be to others, many of them mentioned it when he was out and about, but they were his friends, this was a total stranger. He stared at the black wolf, not sure if she was going to listen to him or not, in some ways he thought it would be best if she actually moved away now, he wasn’t sure if he really should meet someone like this, he could see the muscles of her body, and could tell she exercised them, kind of like Anann when he watched her practice, maybe she was a fighting wolf? Niro was no match for a fight now, not even with the help of the hawk. It was too small, and he was too much of a … well pansy to take on a fully trained wolf.

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The woods were quiet, and the trees whispered softly to the wolf who was silently passing. The black fae was listening, that strange tranquility filling her soul so that she sang back to the world. The Warrior’s wild song hummed quietly in the undertones, feral and restless, aggressive and merciless. It was that song that beat within her heart and that moved within her mind, that peered through those white orbs that shone like the moon in the half-light. The pied Raven croaked in response, a coarse and yet fitting note to that belligerent melody. The Dahlian Warrior breathed softly and listened to the song of silent predawn.

The drizzling rain made the Warrior’s fur damp. Cwmfen paused, shaking her painted coat. The drops of moisture fell upon the foliage and earth with soft ringing laughter, so mirthful and friendly that she paused to listen. She sneezed softly as the air changed direction, and the white eyes considered the trees that offered such change. The wolf slowly continued walking, her fluid movements soundless. She became a predator, a Warrior. The Raven fell silent and fell up into the darkness of the branches above. Another had come within a favorable distance—favorable for a warrior, as proximity allowed for contact. The voice that broke the songs of predawn, however, was not aggressive, and the Warrior’s song, Which had risen to a loud thrumming within her breast, fell once more, like an ocean’s retreating wave. The woad bound ears lifted forward and the ethereal movements ceased. A woad-marked tail moved behind her with curiosity.

The voice seemed to truly desire the help for which it was asking. The Dahlian wolf moved in the other’s direction, pausing once more when a comfortable distance had been obtained. "You called for help," the Caledonian lilt sang quietly in the damp air. The white orbs seemed to contemplate the male with unnerving tranquility. The bipedal male did not seem to require ‘help’ as the Warrior would define it—he seemed to have obtained no crippling wounds. The wolf was curious, however, with what this male needed help and if she could offer a solution. The woaded Warrior breathed softly but deeply, drinking in the scent of this stranger and storing it within the back of her mind for later use. The pack signature was one that she did recognize, however: Cour des Miracles, the pack of dogs that followed a King. The pied Raven, having landed in a low limb above the black wolf, eyed intruder with its inky, empty gaze. The other carried birds, though in a strange manner, it seemed. While the Raven followed the Dreamer willingly and was spiritually linked to her Dreaming, the bird at the male’s arm seemed to harbor resentment.... The Warrior, at times, could not understand the human qualities that the wolves had chosen to adopt.

"Perhaps I may offer you a solution." The alto melody was soft, neither amiable nor belligerent as she sat back upon her haunches, displaying to the distraught male that she offered no hostilities.

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At first he didn’t think she’d understand, she was moving a little slowly to him but stopped far enough away, and stared at him, finally speaking, which came to such a relief to Niro, he didn’t want to be stuck lost in the forest with another wolf who didn’t understand him. Well the wolf in front of him didn’t seem lost at all, in fact she seemed rather at home here. Which was a heart lifting sign for Niro

I think I lost my way through here, I’m not sure where I should go.
He said quickly, he was sort of getting better at talking, but he was still slightly shy. The wolf in front of him gave him no reason to be extremely hesitant anymore, now that she sat, indicating she wasn’t about to attack him, he had to sigh a relief for that because he had scuffles with drunks and well dirty fighters, nothing like a trained warrior or fighter like her.

Do you know the way to Cour des Miracles?

He asked, knowing if she did know what his pack was she could smell it, although he knew there might be a chance that she hadn’t been there to know the smell but knew the whereabouts, as long as he could get home with his birds safely, he’d be indebted to her. He was not sure, if she knew though, she gave no notion that she knew or even cared, her face was rather unreadable, which in a way scared Niro, he was so use to facial expressions, he rarely talked to those in wolf form though and he knew that most body language was much different in each form. He stood patiently, as the bird on his arm stared at the newcomer one eyed then looked up at the black form that was in the trees, something Niro failed to see, but he wasn’t paying attention to his bird. His full attention was on the black wolf in front of him.

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I’m so sorry for the wait! OnO Struggling with my muse… Q~Q

The black fae’s woad-banded ears flickered forward at the sound of the male’s voice. Lost. It was strange to the woman. The concept of getting lost itself was not, however, what the black wolf found to be strange. It was the need for help because of such a state. Indeed, the Warrior had been lost before, but she had simply continued and had regained her path. When a specific destination were required, she supposed that inquiring as to in which direction the destination lay was appropriate. However, the sense of urgency that radiated from the bird-burdened male did not resonate with destination. It was simply a nervousness that filled the air, one that characterized a creature that had entered an arena unknown to it. A simple fear. It was a curious thing to witness for the Woaded Warrior, but she found it interesting enough. This male was no threat to her, and she could guide him as far as he needed. Her own path that lead to spiritual cleansing could wait. Cwmfen chose to give her time to this strange circumstance.

For a brief moment, the white eyes, glowing in the half-light of the dawn, turned away from the male. A pink tongue flickered from the hungry jaws, harmlessly grooming the fur upon her breast where the woad had been covered by the earth. Despite her seeming preoccupation, however, the woad-banded ears did not miss his words. "Cour des Miracles," the alto melody repeated softly, her white gaze returning to the green-eyed male. The she-wolf’s head was tilted imperceptibly. The wolf-born female found it curious again: he wished to return to his home. She watched him for a few moments more with quiet eyes. Perhaps the luperci were slowly forgetting the ways of the wolf. Perhaps such a path was inevitable. The Warrior could not deny that she herself was a luperci now, since the body of her father had caused her blood to turn. A faint smile, almost sad, flickered across her silent lips as she offered him a simple nod. "I know the way to your home."

Fluidly, the Woaded she-wolf rose to her paws and took several silent steps in the direction of the King-led pack. Turning back, the Warrior paused briefly to allow him to follow. The Raven in the boughs above took flight quietly, his single eye turned toward the one that had grown lost. "How did you become lost?" The Warrior placed the question in the air, gently revealing her curiosity. She did not mock him, however, and the tranquility of that quiet melody held no malice. The wolf was simply curious of this circumstance that she could not yet understand.

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OOC: sorry it took so long and so short, i'm just getting into work routine and such

He did feel rather sheepish telling the fem that he was lost, as he was normally really good with his sense of direction, but he couldn’t even find his own scent in this mess much less where he’d already been, he was an ok tracker but he knew it would take him forever to get back to where he started, not to mention find where he was first, the forest had taken over his scent with the drizzle that was coming down now, and he never been in a place with such thick trees and brush.

Thank you, I honestly don’t know how I got lost, I usually have a good sense of direction

He said blushing deep scarlet. Thinking his companion thought low of him because of this. He followed her as she moved along the other way. Tobias flapped his wings as he turned unsure of what’s going on but not liking it, Niro clicked his tongue to the bird to calm him down. He was glad the black wolf seemed happy to help him, which in turn was a relief, he’d have to find a way to repay her.

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No worries! I’m not particularly fast either, ^=^;; Sorry about the quality. OnO

The male seemed bashful, suddenly, at her voiced curiosity. That was another emotion that the fae found to be unfamiliar. She saw it often within the faces of those that she encountered, and she smelled it in the air. It was a very warm smell, she decided, and a very rosy, yellow colour. It was a sensation that simply had not found its way into the emotional vocabulary of the woaded Warrior. Uncertain as to how to react to the male’s bashfulness, Cwmfen was silent. For many long moments, her only response to the Cour des Miracles wolf was a swiveling of the double-banded aurals. But as the black wolf lead, she did not allow the silence to persist for long, although she preferred to simply listen to the songs that the world sang to her. She knew that in these cultures, silence was uncomfortable, not beautiful. Thus, at length, the Warrior slowed her pace so that she walked alongside the once-lost male. "All souls become lost once or twice," the alto melody sang, the soft Caledonian lilt dancing with whispering feet upon the dark, damp air. The white orbs, having vigilantly drank the surrounding environment, turning towards the male’s face. The tranquility in her gaze did not reveal her emotions, if other emotions even existed within the Warrior’s solitary soul.

And then, for a moment longer, the Caledonian-Korean allowed he silence to persist once more. The white orbs, glowing in the half-light of pre-dawn, returned to the path ahead as her paws quietly chose the correct path. "If I were to become lost," the soft song sang as her thoughts manifested themselves, "I would pause in my traveling." Her voice was quiet, perhaps only just greater than a whisper. The alto tones were contemplative as she created such a scenario within her mind. The Warrior was accustom to creating scenarios, yet most involved the strategies of war and battle. Such thinking took on a different hue within her soul. The white orbs briefly returned to the nameless male. "Perhaps then the path that I had traveled could be scented and retraced." It seemed a logical thing to do within her mind, but as a Warrior, her mind, too, was trained and disciplined in War. Her mind was as calm and as tranquil as the sinew that bound her form.

The pied Raven crawed thrice, laughing with harsh tones sent upon the dark air. He descended quietly, black wings scooping the air as the talons found purchase within her thick pelt. The Warrior did not break step, as if the added weight of the large bird were insignificant. The single, inky eye was turned toward the Dreamer. The head swiveled about to find the luperci and his birds. The black gaze was unnervingly empty as if the soul of a dead wolf of the same colour still influenced the Raven. It was the empty curiosity that seemed sinister, but what it desired was difficult to say. The broken beak parted slightly as he breathed the air. "Your birds," the alto melody sang, as if the Raven had asked a question of her. "What is their purpose?" The resent she had seen was still within her mind, and she wondered what human thing was now influencing the wolves of ‘Souls.

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OOC: I don’t know what’s gotten into me, I really should have had this up, I didn’t see it… *makes sure she gets emails from now on*

Niro was slightly unnerved by his companions eyes, they were white, he had just noticed, but that didn’t make her anything bad. They just gave him goose pimples. He listened to her as she spoke, they were wise words. He used his smell but never to track himself back, but that was because he was use to using his sight for back tracking, and he was sure if he really wanted to he could pick his own scent up. He kept silent as they walked, until the raven flew down and onto the shoulder of his companion. He didn’t even recall getting her name, and for that fact he didn’t think he gave it, but before he could ask he had been asked a question first.

My birds? They are used to assist in hunting, these ones at least, they spot the prey we take the prey down and we all eat. They are still training and Marahute isn’t even a fledgling yet, but they’ll soon be able to.

Suddenly his falconry seemed almost something funny saying it in front of the wolf who was leading him home. He knew how to track and scent, but he also knew a bird’s eye view, they might be able to split and get multiple kills providing for the whole of the pack, which was growing at an alarming rate.
Someday I’ll have other birds to send messages between packs. A quick way to get important news to other packs.

He said with some hesitation. That raven was still looking at him, he’d seen crows, and they were nothing but scavengers, he knew little about ravens other than they were the crow’s cousins. Even then cousins could be complete opposites, it was just hard to stare into the black eyes, and even more so right after he stared in to the white eyes of the warrior next to him.

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Don’t worry about it! I don’t post on the weekends anyway, and I don’t mind the waiting! You’re your time~~ ^w^

When the Dahlian female heard the purpose of the birds, the woad-banded ears swiveled back to catch the words that left the throat of the male. She found it strange that wolves would require the aid of birds in a hunt, but she supposed that they could simplify the effort required of a pack to hunt. It would be more difficult for a large pack to find enough food to survive, if pack hunts were the ideal means by which a meal was provided. “Do they aid in single-wolf hunts as well,” the soft melody asked aloud before allowing a brief pause to ensue. “I am unfamiliar with many antics of wolves these days,” she explained, and there was no embarrassment within her voice. Cwmfen was not shamed by her lack of such knowledge. She understood herself and was comfortable with what she knew and what she was purposed to do.

The white orbs turned to find the green eyes of the Cour optime, a mild curiosity within their tranquil depths. "That is an interesting idea," the soft melody replied. She was but a simple wolf, the ability to adopt the optime shape provided by the loins of her father, and such strange ideas never entered her mind. The Woaded female was intelligent, but her specialty was simply in War, and that was all. That she had learned to wield weapons belied her simplistic existence. “How will you convince the birds to fulfill such requests?” The woad-marked crania tilted slightly in question before her gaze returned to the path at hand. The Warrior was not one to understand the concept of pets and beasts of burden. While she found the concept of horse riding interesting, and while many of her homeland prided themselves in their riding prowess, the Warrior simply could not understand it. She preferred to use how own four paws to carry her across the many terrains of these lands. Even the pied Raven at her shoulder was not under her complete command. She could ask the bird for a favor or two, but she did not require anything of him. The child of Nemain had concluded that the pied bird remained with her for spiritual reasons, although she knew that the remains of her kills provided an easy meal for the battered bird.

The Raven Dreamer paused slightly to indicate a change in the path ahead. An obstacle, a sudden drop, had presented itself. The powerful sinew beneath her coat bunched instinctually before she leapt across, her movement remaining fluid even as she had transitioned from her easy gait to the sudden leap. The pied Raven pushed himself from her shoulder, spreading his great wings and beating the still, damp air before gliding into the tenebrous forest and disappearing into the distance. Landing lightly and safely upon the other side, she turned to look back at the green-eyed male. It would be easier for a optime shape, she thought, to leap across, for their taller and longer forms would require a less strenuous jump.

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WC: 307

They should be able to aid in a single wolf hunt as well as a whole pack, even possibly two hunting parties, but that would be difficult and I’m not sure if very many birds could actually do that, but it would be interesting.

He said, it was probable though, but it would take years of training. Something he may just have time for, he was still learning himself, so he wasn’t entirely sure what he could teach these birds. He felt confident enough and even if it failed he still made friends for life. Especially Marahute. Her next question seemed the most easiest for him to answer.

Trust, patience, and most of all… free food.

He smiled at his little joke, but it was entirely true, birds, especially raptors weren’t there to please him like a cat or a horse, or most mammals. They wanted food, and as they tended to be mostly hungry, that’s what they cared about most. When they were going to eat next.

I just hope I get more trust in them than anything else though. They are great birds, even if Marahute can’t move around yet. She is still a good companion. Kind of like your companion.

He said nodding to the raven. They’d stopped at a drop, and he watched as his companion jumped across, he secured Marahute and shook Tobias up to fly a little as he himself took a couple steps before jumping. The redtail was startled by Niro’s action, but he glided with Niro, he was still attached by a leather string that was around Niro’s wrist, but it gave the bird some leeway to fly a little. He’d been letting Tobias glide around as part of his reward for some of his training, but most of it was food. A bird did everything on its stomach.

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I’m sorry for making you wait! I’ve been working on art-related things >n<

The birds would be used to aid single hunters and hunting parties alike. She wondered how they would communicate without alerting the prey. She thought perhaps that such a change in animal behaviour would cause stress to arise within the prey animals, for they would no longer be able to know which birds to trust. But the Warrior said nothing and merely nodded softly. Perhaps the world was simply changing. "And easy food for the wolves," the alto tones responded as she pulled up from her thoughts. The tranquility was unphased as the black wolf looked up at her tall companion, but there was a great discomfort within her soul about the change that she was witnessing.

Once the male had leapt across, a thought occurred to her. "You said that one day the birds may be able to send messages between packs.... If these birds were trained well enough, how far would they be able to travel?" The simple wolf’s mind still had difficulty holding the thought in her mind, but she tried to understand this concept that the green-eyed optime was explaining to her. She wondered if communication could extend a very great distance. She wondered if she would be able to communicate with the three creatures held dear to her. Then, awaiting his reply, the Warrior turned back to the path. Those strange, fluid, ethereal movements seemed to allow her to melt into the darkness of the woods despite the coming dawn. Already birds were waking and singing their songs of day. Such beautiful simplicity caused the black wolf’s soul to thrum in response. White orbs peered through the air, the tranquility moving within them like a strange light, like a lone lantern guiding a lost soul in a world of Dreams.

But this was no Dream. She recognized the area, and the earth and smells. Her head lifted slightly, her gaze averting from the path to find her bird-training companion. "We are near your pack," the soft melody sang. "Do you recognize where we are?" She did not know if this would have been a normal path tread by the male, nor did she know if other wolves not trained in war or scouting would learn the intimacies of the land within and with out the packs. She would be willing, however, to walk all the way to the boarders before departing and returning to the strange cleansing she had previously been on her way to execute.

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WC: 519

OOC:Niro is a dork.

Niro nodded in agreement to the she wolf, it would be quite easy for them actually, but the hunt was still the hunt, and they’d still have to have their own strategies, the eagles and falcons only showed them… well unless it was smaller prey he was sure they could kill on their own too, he’d have to teach them the difference between show only kills and go after the kills themselves. Just another thing to learn how to train for. He had to think for a little bit on the message question, he’d never delved into it, but he had gotten a pretty good idea about it and how it was done.

The bird has to know where it’s going, so I think they could go over a far distance with plenty of training, I guess it needs to know at least one of the wolves in the pack they go to as well, it helps them know where to drop the message off, It’s complicated… yet so simple.

He wasn’t sure how well he used his words. The way he spoke them could result in something cruely confusing, but it really was simple, just rather hard to train, he knew falcons and pigeons had been used to send messages between humans back in the day, and he figured those were the smarter and faster of the birds to use, although dealing with pigeons wasn’t his best idea at all. Niro wasn’t really paying attention to his surroundings the whole time, which he had to kick himself for, because he wasn’t going to have her the next time he wandered this place, and this was a lovely forest that he’d surely wish to visit again, well next time he’d keep his nose sharp. He looked around and thought it seemed familiar, the scents started to become familiar from the early morning he’d been heading through the forest. He nodded

Yes I think we are on the right path, I must thank you again, I’ll not get lost again in there, although I do enjoy your company.

Which was true, although she didn’t speak much she gave him a lot to think about, he was only wierded out by her eyes but that wasn’t something to hate someone over, and the raven whose eyes were the complete opposite bore into his eyes as though it could see right into his brain, but that meant nothing compared to the good company, it sure made him think quite a bit, and consider things, well they still had a little ways to go unless she was ready to go back to where she was from.

Where do you come from? I have met only a few wolves outside the miracles pack, I’m not too familiar with the lands outside, and I am quite interested in the customs of other packs.

He said bluntly, noting not for the first time he still didn’t know her name, and for some reason still felt it was not necessary for name exchanges yet… why? He didn’t know but that’s just the feeling he got from her.

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Sorry about the wait! You are so fast~! End soon? ^~^;

The male’s response was not quite what the black fae had desired. It was very rare that such a strong emotion—was it hope?—moved within that tranquil soul, but when she had thought of the three that she had left behind, the Warrior had felt a sudden need of them. It was a strange emotion, a strange thing for the Warrior to feel. And yet, it was not quite what a normal wolf would experience, for her emotion lacked the dissatisfaction and true disappointment that others could feel. Indeed, even that strong movement within her, now quieted once more, had not manifested itself upon her features. Instead, a simple nod and a quiet, "I see," was given in response. The woad-marked fae had thought that the bird would be able to find any place, but she could see that the male’s explanation was much closer to the truth. Perhaps if she had found a bird that had been there, she could request such a service. The one-eyed Raven had indeed been to that place with her, but he would not leave her side for long. She did not quite understand why, but the child of Nemain believed that, because he seemed to be a manifestation of her Dream, that he could not travel too far from her before their spiritual connection, however strange, was pulled thin.

As the two neared Cour des Miracles, pied Raven pushed forth from her form and took to the shadows of the woods. It was as if the pied bird had been answering to a call for the suddenness of his departure, but the black wolf did not seem to react. A soft smile of warm amusement touched her quiet lips. It was strange for her to hear that someone enjoyed her mere presence. At times, that was all she could offer to another wolf. The simple wolf had nothing else to give. "I have learned a lot from you," came the tranquil response. And indeed, she had learned all of what she had told her and even what he had not told her, for she had heard the whispers of change that moved in the silence after his voice.

The green-eyed male’s sudden question caused the female to pause. She thought at first that he asked the name of her place of birth, but she soon realized that he referred to a pack. "I hail from Dahlia de Mai," the soft tones replied, "where Conor Soul is Alpha Male." There was a slight pause as she wondered briefly if the one-armed dog was named King still. "I’m not sure if I am the one to explain her customs," she continued, "as I am unfamiliar with the customs of other packs as well." The Dahlian Warrior was interested in the way the lands moved. At times she would meet the members of the packs that had found a place at ‘Souls, but often she explored unclaimed territories or patrolled the boarders of her pack. She was not a politician. She was too simple for that.

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WC:301 OOC: yeah I don’t mind, you can end if you want!

Niro was starting to feel more relaxed the closer he got to his packlands, and it was made even better when the bird stopped boring its eyes into him. He was surprised when she told him that she’d learned from him. He was surprised, normally he was the one that was learning, but thinking back, she did very little talking, well how typical.

I’ve only heard that pack mentioned.

He said, but he didn’t ask for more information, he didn’t want to look like he was trying to get information about it, although he was curious what it was like to live in another pack. When she said that she didn’t know much about the other packs, he smiled, she was in the same boat as he was then it seemed. He knew that he would eventually go to other packs and maybe even integrate a bird messenger service. That thought got him excited.
By the way, it was great meeting you, if you ever need come to Cour des Miracles, just ask for Niro, that’s me, I’ll vouch for you.

He said bravely, he wasn’t sure that he should have said that but she did help him, which was the least anyone who’d rather do harm would do. At least that was Niro’s thinking. So instead of introducing himself at the beginning of the encounter, he’d actually did it right before they departed.

Thank you again, I appreciate the help, and it was a great pleasure meeting you.

He said, showing his happiness and relief in his voice. She was not the type of wolf he’d ever met, she seemed strange and rather… out there, but she listened, and showed she was smart, and cunning, and he could tell she was more athletic. Yes he was glad he met her.


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