I believe in nothing


Though the sable-shaded woman did not make any of her thoughts known to the general public humming around her, her brain was far from quiet. She had gained the knowledge necessary to depart from Inferni from her mother, and here was the perfect opportunity to live elsewhere. It was a new pack, a fresh start, a place where they had no idea what her name was and what she had done, or what she was supposed to have done as her father's daughter. The truth of Salvaged Eternity had yet to truly sink in with Eris, the fact that she was, in fact, a by-product of his death and the activities of that night. It was as if her mind refused to process it.

She had expected something so much more grand -- a king, maybe, or some other, secret lover of her mother. It was supremely disappointing to learn he was a rapist, a terrible man, a deposed beta from some long-dead wolf pack. What legacy was there in that blood, she wondered? He was supposed to grant her purpose, but none had revealed itself to her yet. A sudden burst of noise from the group drew the sable-shaded hybrid's attention, and she stared toward the pale wolf who had just arrived, finding him too familiar. She had never met him before, she didn't think, but there was familiarity nonetheless, and the hybrid was disturbed by her inability to place it. The thought passed as soon as it had arrived, a momentary distraction from the grinding of her mind. Almost immediately she returned to her deeper contemplations, remaining quiet.

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As his mother reached down to give him a complimentary pat on the head, he straightened his posture and pushed his head into her hand, hoping for perhaps an ear scratch or to be picked up, but when none of that came, his red eyes turned back to Harlowe. He was terribly disappointed with the man’s reaction to him, in fact, the man would barely look at him at all. And when Scorpius did catch the yellow-green eyes of the one that he would later learn is his half-brother, the look in them did not encourage him any.

The pup deflated with a sigh as he watched his mother turn back to the others and continue whatever business she was conducting. Sure, the boy understood what was happening, something about a new pack, but that did not make the business end any more exciting. He had dreams of a pack, and of being a grown wolf and hunting with his people, the camaraderie and brotherhood that would be so tightly woven within the pack bonds... His tail began to drum on the ground at the thought. Still, adults had a way of making even the most exciting things tedious; ‘Stay in the den while I hunt. Stay with Aunt Sele. Don’t run off like that. Stay away from that porcupine. Stop chewing Juju’s ears.’

He turned back to Harlowe for comfort. This silent treatment just would not do. Straightening himself back up, he studied Harlowe for a second longer, “Hey! Hey, hey, hey!” He waited for Harlowe to look at him and then sprang into his lap. Tail wagging, he propped his forepaws on the man’s chest and grinned into his face. “We pack now? I’m Scorpius, but you can call me Scorpiusno, like momma does. You?” The pup stretched his neck out, trying to give Harlowe’s muzzle an affectionate bump with his nose.

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Sorry for keeping everyone waiting; had to wait to get permission to play Zale. :3 ILY ALL. <3
Pushing along the shoreline, the young wolf traveled south towards the claimed area of Phoenix Valley. After traveling over the mountain in the company of the four D’Angelos, Azalea had come across the skull marked borders of Inferni rather quickly. They had sought an area to settle, and were quick to wandered further south upon the realization that that area near the bay had already been claimed. While the others stayed behind at the base of the mountain, the dark girl pushed herself much further than she needed to go. If one pack (or clan, rather) was so close by, they needed to know whether or not another had taken root elsewhere. It was good to have some sense of their surroundings.

It didn’t take long for Azalea to pick up on hints that she was nearing another claimed area. The scent began to reach her before she reached the clearly marked border of Phoenix Valley. Luckily, the pack was quite far from where Zale had originally left behind the D’Angelos. They would be alright to go ahead and establish themselves according to plan. With a light sneer, the girl turned back to deliver the news to the girls. It seemed as if they had found a place well enough to suit them. Perhaps this would even develop into something permanent.

Though the girl pushed herself, paws propelling her lithe lupus frame forward, it was obvious that Azalea had been expected to arrive earlier. She had gone much further south than they had originally planned, but at least she would come back with results. Gold eyes easily picked out Naniko from the small band of Luperci that had gathered, and Azalea was quick to step to her place at the white woman’s side without so much as a glance at anyone’s direction. As far as Azalea was concerned, these other people didn’t really matter in the scheme of things. They were merely pawns in establishing her pack.

"Always so regal," she sneered at Naniko, noting the way the wolves had gathered around the aged woman somewhat similar to spokes on a wheel. Not waiting for a response, Zale informed of her trip, "Many miles separate us from the closest pack south," though this was meant to be directed at Naniko. Only then did she finally let her eyes wander the unfamiliar faces gathered, though she was not entirely impressed. Rather, the young wolf remained rather apathetic about those who were to become her pack mates.


She was glad that little Scorpius was trying to bond with his new packmate and brother, but didn't want him to be annoying Harlowe. They had just met and learned of each other, after all. The smaller of the two would probably adapt to the idea of additional family members quicker than the larger, and she was quick to reprimand the pup for his actions. "Scorpius." She said sharply.

Azalea arrived and gave the female a nod. Naniko owed the dark wolf her life, and was trying to repay her that debt by showing her a new life in these lands. Now that her sub-leader was here at her side she looked back to the others, giving them a nod as well. "Well, then. I guess we'll claim this land right here. This land and what's under our feet, as well. I'll work on getting the border established with Azalea..and I'm sure I'll be seeing all of you around very soon."


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