A change in stature

It was now two days since Bindu left the Valley, and she was starting to feel the effects of living on her own. The girl huddled behind the shelter of a tall tree and tried to keep warm. She sorely missed the fireplace at the ranch house that never went out. There was a pathetic pile of sticks before her, the failed result of an attempt at fire; now Bindu had a ratty blanket in her mouth that she had scavenged from the wreck of an old house. The cold girl was trying to wrap it around her neck and midsection, keeping Jefferson's twirling scarf in mind.

Bindu shivered and, once again, dropped a corner of the blanket because of her chattering teeth. Despite her struggling, she did not once wish that she had the fingers of a wolf in optime form. The young wolfdog remembered how, in the desert, shape-shifters were regarded with disgust. Her mother said over and over that they were unnatural, evil, that they would end up like the humans. So although Bindu had made friends with several Luperci, like Geneva and Jefferson, the sight of one still made her uncomfortable.

But the girl did wonder what it would be like to have fingers and to walk on two legs instead of four. She thought about it now, while clumsily tucking a fold of the blanket beneath one of her forelegs.

The teen had almost forgotten the notion a few minutes later when she began to feel strange. The blanket slipped off of her small form as she stood; the thin fur on the hybrid's neck tingled, almost as if it were growing longer. Bindu did not panic yet, as she figured it was the wind or something ruffling her fur. The girl was about to settle again when she felt herself grow a few inches. Now she was panicked.

Her legs were lengthening, re-forming, thinning, and her breath grew short and ragged. Fear clutched at her heart, draining her sense away. It only took a few minutes of this sick growing for the teen to realize what was happening; she was becoming one of them. The girl's body was going to continue growing until she was a two-leg.

A stream of thought filled Bindu's head and consumed her, Oh no mother is going to hate me I'm a two-leg I'm evil monster I am one of them one of them two-leg-two-leg-evil-two-. Desolate tears filled her big black eyes and streamed down into her fur with every centimeter grown. Now she was not a dog anymore, but a two-leg.

Bindu wailed miserably, but her voice was lost on the wind. Minutes passed. For a while, the growth halted, the girl being stuck in an ugly and lopsided halfway form. She was too distressed for the shifting to progress any farther, and her shoulders quaked in terrified sobs. Nothing the teen had experienced in life so far had taught her how to deal with this; fear, anger, distress, hopelessness, disgust, hatred. I will never think of two-legs again I will never ever think or see a two-leg again make it stop please please please ...

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+3 ooc: I tried lol, hopefully it's worthy, i don't think so but i can't do much better cause i faiiill

Niro didn’t normally leave his packlands at night, but it was one of those nights where he wanted to see how much he could do with his birds. He had not worked Marahute at all that day, so it wasn’t like he was stretching her endurance in any way, but he wanted to see how well she could do in a night scene… He could see her as she flew up in the nights sky, but he couldn’t see her well, and he had to keep his eyes on her at all times as she flew to scout. It did not take her long to start circling something though… but the way she was doing it looked urgent, and not something she was taught for prey, Niro started running towards her, his ears perked for sounds and eyes scanning ahead of him… it wasn’t before he was nearly on top of Marahute that he heard an agonizing cry… someone was in trouble. He ran faster, hoping that whoever was being hurt wasn’t in too much danger, he’d help, yes, but he would rather not fight, as he came upon the scene, he could see a young wolf, part ways between two of her forms, crying, was this her first change?

Hey, hey, come on, you need to finish the change,

He said, he could see she’d been camping here… or trying to, he frowned remembering his own change… it had not been pleasant the first time either, he hurried to her… well it wasn’t much of a place for a fire, he found some twigs and brush and dead leaves, and lit them, with a deft hand… something he’d learned since he was a pup left alone with his sister, then he hurried to the young woman,

Are you ok? You need to calm down, let the change happen…

He could tell she was trying to prevent it, though he didn’t know why, but he wanted to encourage her before she hurt herself, both physically and mentally. He did not know who she was nor did he need to care he just wanted to see the young woman get through this with little pain as possible.


Sorry for the wait. Finals are over! <3

She saw a pale wolf come towards her through the trees, a blue mohawk crowing his head and polite concern in his eyes. He said something that she could not hear.

This wolf was not threatening in the least, but the sight of him in optime form made the teen tremble a little more violently. In a few minutes, maybe a few hours -or days?-, Bindu knew that this was what she would look like, the long, broken arms, tall legs, lurching gait, twisted fingers.

The girl watched the stranger through watery, dark eyes as he quickly lit a fire. She was too upset to question his actions, and was actually grateful for the warmth that the flickering fire provided. Her curved spine curled hungrily over the flames and for a moment she lost herself, all instinct and heat. Then terror grasped at her once more and she resorted to rocking mechanically back and forth on distorted hind legs.

Let the change happen, calm down, the stranger urged. Bindu looked at him wildly, her heart racing. She didn't know who he was, but he brought her fire and was trying to help, so she made an effort to relax for him. And then she was changing again. Her bones creaked dangerously beneath her thin fur and she suddenly felt very sick. "I'm scared," she croaked. This man was gray and maybe a little frightening, but Bindu clung to his presence as if she were drowning.

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WC: 376 (+3) OOC: Smile

He was scared for the young woman before her, he had never in his life saw someone fight against their change, and he felt that it would do her more harm than anything else. All he wanted to do was to help her change, and hopefully help her heal emotionally because that seemed to be what was preventing her from fully changing in the first place.

there’s nothing to be scared of, just one change, and you can control them for the rest of your life, you can change back.

He wasn’t sure why she was scared, but he’d known some who did not like change … and this was a big one for her, he knelt down, knowing he couldn’t change himself right now due to his own injury, but he could tell that she was doing her best to prefent it. He tried talking to her in a soothing voice, one he would use for his daughters, when he was around and they were scared of something or unhappy.

I’m sure everything will be ok, your life has a plan for you and right now that plan is to change.

He wasn’t sure what else he was suppose to say, he had never had any problems when he’d first changed, he’d been cheered on by his sister and though his parents were not around he knew they were by his side even in spirit. This young female seemed to be all alone, and he felt bad, but if she needed the company, he’d igve her it, though she seemed quite scared of him, even though he wouldn’t harm her.

Everything will be fine, I promise.

He was confident in these words as he’d never seen anyone have problems changing, though he did not change into his Halfling form, he still could, though he had little desire to change to that ugly form. It was either optime or wolf, nothing more, but no one had mentioned any problems, it had all become instinct after the first change, though there had been times where he’d heard an infected changed not on their own free will a few times but that was it. It was just a simple thing… something he couldn’t describe but it was simple.


The wolfdog listened while choking back sobs as her rescuer spoke quietly to her in a calm voice, just like Geneva's. It was soothing to her ears and mind, which were beginning to open to the world again. You can change back, he said. You can change back. The girl quivered, panting, and stared at him with fright in her black eyes. The deep green of his gaze was calming, but at the crackle of new bones in her wrists, she broke her gaze and gaped in horror at the deformed sticks that were sprouting from her paws. Panic ensued, and for a few seconds the change slowed again.

The stranger's voice brought Bindu back to the surface of her terror; his words were low and fluid, like water. He spoke of a plan in her life and how she was destined to change at this moment. At another time, the girl might have puzzled over his meaning, but right now she did not bother. Relax- she had to relax and let the change happen, the wolf had said.

The teen's dark gaze was just lifting to meet the stranger's green one when he said, Everything will be fine, I promise. Courage, she felt it, seeping through her strangely shaped bones as the promise echoed in her thoughts. Everything will be fine. That simple assurance, only a few words strung together, gave Bindu hope; it was because she knew that she was not alone. Neither her mother nor Geneva was here, but there was a kind stranger with her, and he would help her through this. Everything will be fine. She believed him; everything would be fine.

Bindu let go of the shifting and waited for it to finish. She felt her leg muscles re-position and tighten, forming furry calves and thighs. The digits on her feet separated a little to create toes, and small claws emerged from them like needles. Similar changes were happening all over her young body; she felt like all of her muscles and organs were being poured from a dog's body into a two-leg mold like hot wax. It was rapid and maddening, too many minor alterations to keep track of. But when it ended, the girl knew.

Her new body was crouched to the ground like it was before the shift, but now it felt awkward. Bindu straightened her legs slowly and tried to stand like Geneva and Jefferson did. Whatever balance she had immediately disintegrated, and she fell to the ground, elbows instinctively cushioning the fall. The girl did not try to stand up again. Her tiny body remained on the ground, although she scuttled into a sitting position. Her paws -no, fingers- became a shield over her black eyes and she cried and cried.

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WC: 346 ooc: Rawr!! <3 sorry for the delay

He could do nothing as he watched her helpless, how could someone be so scared of something… well… it was natural to them these days, but still, what was there to be scared about? Niro had only been slightly scared, but his sister had been there to reassure him, she’d changed before he had and she made it easier for him… did she not know what was going on? Did this stranger get infected somehow? That’s possibly how it happened, but he was here not giving the poor canine some reassurances. Letting her know everything would be fine, and that a change would not kill her. that she just needed to let it all happen. He felt so relieved when he saw her finishing her change, felt a bit better that she didn’t hold it back any longer, who knew what kind of damage that could have caused.

She tried to stand a little too soon and fell and he rushed to her side, feeling bad for her, a stranger… Niro always had a soft spot for all others who were in pain or sad, it was one of his weaknesses he thought. He touched her shoulder.

Hey it’s ok, nothings wrong, just try again, it’ll feel natual in a little while I promise.

He said, that had been his first worry when he was about to change… learning to walk again, but after a few moments from changing it seemed to just click, like an instinct he didn’t know about. He just knew how to stand and walk on his two legs. It seemed it was a part of the virus that programmed itself in his brain… that thought scared him at that moment and he didn’t want to repeat that out loud.

Now lets try again, I’ll catch you if you fall again, ok?

He said after a while, letting her despair decrease, why was she so sad? What was wrong? He wanted to ask all these questions, but he didn’t even know what her name was much less ask her such personal questions.


NP! All the better if you're doing SSWM (: and jeezus, sorry for the monster post.

The monster shook her new face, hands still blocking them from the sun and from the stranger as he tried to comfort her. She was terrified and a two-leg, so how could nothing be wrong? No, everything was wrong, like the shape of her paws and legs and the fur rippling down from her crown. How had this even happened? Bindu knew that, to have the Luperci virus, you had to be either born or infected with it. As far as she knew, her mother wasn't a Luperci, but her father was- maybe that had something to do with it. The teen wouldn't have been surprised if this disease was his fault. He'd been the source of so much pain in her life already.

Alternatively, she could have been infected by another Luperci. Bindu knew that this was likely- after all, she'd spent months living in Geneva's home, sharing the same air and food ... was the disease highly contagious? Did she breath it in while in peaceful sleep? The wolfdog couldn't bear the thought of having lived in what she thought was happiness, while in reality she'd been being poisoned, slowly.

She mentally scolded herself. It didn't matter how it had happened- she was a Luperci now, and there was no reversing it. But a tiny, winged curiosity stirred somewhere inside. Bindu wanted to know who was responsible for her suffering, no matter how hard she tried to feel disinterest. Not to seek revenge or something of the like- just to know.

Now lets try again, I’ll catch you if you fall again, ok? The stranger encouraged, though this time Bindu didn't have the heart to meet his level, emerald gaze. She awkwardly rubbed her wet eyes with bony knuckles and arranged her legs beneath her new body in a solid crouch. Very deliberately, she pushed against the earth with her feet and felt its frozen soil pushing back. Her thin legs extended, pausing once or twice to regain balance, and then she was standing. After a second of swaying slowly and precariously, her fingers darted out and curled around the stranger's gray arm for steadiness.

It was official. Now she was a Luperci.

Bindu couldn't see her face very well, but she felt a wavy mane fall down from her ears to just above her shoulders. She held a length up to her eyes -warily- with the free hand and saw that it was a dark, dark umber. The strands dropped from her fingers as she looked down at the rest of her body. Still skinny, she thought humorlessly, the tears threatening to spill again. Skinny and as straight as a board, like a boy. The colors in her pelt were also a little different, with gold dominating over browns and reds, creating a lighter overall tone. Bindu looked up at the stranger, and also realized that she was short.

"My name is Bindu," She blurted out, then, out of instinct, she reached a hand up to brush a piece of hair off of her face. When she realized what she'd done, the young lady started to cry again. This time, though, her tears were smaller and less violent. They were almost all gone.

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WC: 240 OOC: Apparently I did not see this one :/ good thing I caught it!!!

He wasn’t sure why she was so sad, so very unhappy, and it hurt him to see anyone in such sadness, so he was doing his best to comfort her, though it seemed to almost make it a bit better for a little bit and then worse after another spurt of being ok. This time the young female was able to get up on her feet, and he held onto his arm for balance, it seemed she would do find, but as she moved her hand to wipe away the newly grown hair, and speak her name to him she started crying again. He started rubbing her back, a comfort he had always taken to, feeling sorry for the young girl. Was she scared of this form?

What is the matter?

He asked, he’d been taught that it was now a natural part of what wolves and other canines were, mostly by his own parents, but they did teach him about how wolves had always run on all fours, and never two, until the humans made their big mistake, and now the virus that killed them had spread and the wolves flourished from it, becoming what Niro was, and what this young woman was… Bindu…

My name is Niro by the way, I hope I haven’t said anything that upsets you.

He said calmly, wondering if he should just leave, as he felt that he was making it all worse.

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Table by Meghann!


Haha, definitely a good thing. Big Grin

The tears subsided, leaving the girl's eyes red and itchy. They burned in the cold as if on fire- a fire that had survived through a rainstorm of tears, and that would continue to burn for a very long time. Was this the feeling of sorrow? Her knuckles rubbed at her dark red eyes again- already it was easier to maneuver her fingers to do so.

"What is the matter?" the man asked, his hands rubbing her back like a consoling father would do. Normally the wolfdog would not consent to someone touching her, but right now she wanted him near her- if not in place of her parents, then as a friend. He added, "My name is Niro by the way, I hope I haven’t said anything that upsets you." Bindu shook her head. He had not upset her in the slightest, and she wanted him to know that.

She answered him, "N-no, mister N-niro ... " Her free hand curled over her dark eyes, but she didn't cry any more. She had to hide her face from him, out of embarrassment for what she was about to say. "Th-they said that shif--shifters were ... m-mons-monsters." To plainly insult a kind man broke Bindu's simple heart, even though she didn't think that he was like a monster at all. No, this opinion was that of her old pack's, the dogs who she'd grown up with and lived with and eaten with. The shame ate her up.

"I ... I didn't know I was a-a Luperci!" the girl burst, sniffling and trembling. She still held on to Niro's arm, but her fingers slackened. Bindu liked to learn, but learning of this new truth was devastating.

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WC:334 +3 OOC: Poor Bindu!

Niro got his answer and to his shock, he did not think she had the right idea, he blinked a few times and scowled, who would say such thinks about luperci? Why? He’d never had anyone have any animosity towards him for being able to change, maybe for being alive, but that was because whoever it was wanted him dead to eat him or play with his organs, but this … it was entirely different.

Well.. they are wrong, we are not monsters, we are different. Just like our pelts, they are different but that doesn’t make either you or me one…

He doubted this was much of a good analogy but he didn’t know what else to say really. He felt bad for her… not bad, sad, she had gotten the wrong idea, to be a luperci, meant so much. There could be so much more that they could accomplish with the use of their hands, their upright bodies, and even their thoughts that had changed over the years.

We are different, but not demons or monsters, we can do so many things too, we can lift things up with not just our teeth but our hands, we can work and build and do beautiful things…

Her last words made his heart ache as she loosened her grip on him… he wished he could help her but once a luperci was one… it was impossible to change back, whatever changed them was there forever.

There are many who choose not to change. You do not have to be in this form… you can change back to your lupis, and you would never have to change back again.

He said, giving her a sad smile, though he did not know her, he felt that whatever happened should happen and if she needed to do what she did… then it was up to her he would not force her into anything but to give her the options… that was what friends were for wasn’t it?

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Table by Meghann!


For a fraction of a second her black eyes darted up to catch the male's reaction; she saw anger in the form of a twisted frown and as quickly returned her gaze to the ground. Must be offended, oh no, oh no how do I say sorry how do I take it back, the girl fretted to herself. Right then, holding onto Niro's arm felt like the worst possible thing to be doing, as if by using him for balance she would make him even angrier than he already was. Her little hand fell from his arm to her side, where it hung limply. She stood on her own.

Niro spoke up, but the teen was surprised to hear that he didn't sound angry at her. Well.. they are wrong, we are not monsters, we are different. Just like our pelts, they are different but that doesn’t make either you or me one… His tone was consoling but still held a wisp of indignation; Bindu realized that he was just trying to defend the Luperci and was not upset with her. The realization eased her mind enough that she wasn't afraid to lift her eyes up to look at his strong face.

It was good to hear that someone say that shifters weren't monsters. And his point about different pelts made sense, so she thought, her eyes big and wet. She listened intently as he continued to speak about all of the good things that came with being a Luperci, and wondered if she could really do beautiful things. Good things.

Her heart nearly stopped at his last words, but after a second or two she felt an overwhelming relief flood into her blood. 'Two-legs' might be wonderfully capable, but a few minutes of talk could not change Bindu's mind about feeling safest in her 'dog-form'. The wolfdog could hide inside of her lupus form without ever coming out and she would be happy. But now that she was a shifter, Bindu had the idea that keeping herself locked away in one form wouldn't be smart or safe. Eventually she would have to deal with all three forms, not only lupus.

"Okay," she bleated weakly. It seemed like all the crying had worn her out; Bindu was exhausted. Her dark eyes drooped but she tried so hard to keep them open but the fire's so warm and you can change back soon ... Her eyes did not close; instead they looked to Niro once more. "C-can you help me t-to walk, please?" Before she rested, and while the older male was still around, she thought that she should learn how to maneuver in this form.

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308+3 OOC: 

Niro could see that the woman was contemplating, sorting through the ideas of what he had said to her, and it seemed his words would come through, the best way to live was to accept what you were, that’s what he’d learned early on. He hoped that this had come to her mind. If she was something she hated… then her life would be a misery, but if she were to accept that she was what she was, by accident purpose, whatever, then she would have a much fuller life, and it seemed that she wanted to try to accept it.

Well by now I think you would know what to do. It is like instinct, but I will help you, I just hope you aren’t afraid of hights.

He said, his last comment a joke, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at it as he held his hand out for her to take it and pull herself up. It won’t be so bad, he thought, he was trying to put as much positive vibes to her that he could, so that she’d feel more comfortable, he was a nice wolf and always wanted to do good for others, and this was one of those cases where he was. It made him feel wonderful when she asked him if he could help her stand. At least now she knew that she could change back whenever she wanted to.

It’s like walking on all fours except with two feet, one foot in front of the other… just without your front feet.

He said confidently, knowing that he didn’t have to, she would know exactly what to do, exactly how to balance once she was standing, and he was sure if she really wanted to she could run, not as fast as her lupus form, but she could still run.

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Table by Meghann!


Not a sound came from the hybrid girl when Niro cracked a light-hearted joke, because she knew that her voice would be high and too shrill and would scare her. Instead, she took Niro's hand with trembling fingers. Her hand was like an ivory dove encased in the cage of his soft gray one; he laughed, and through their hands she could feel the vibrations. It was comforting. Bindu pulled herself into a better stance and awaited instruction. She could feel Niro's courage seeping into her.

It’s like walking on all fours except with two feet, one foot in front of the other… just without your front feet. The girl nodded and swallowed. She doubted his reasoning, that instinct would bubble up from her diseased body and she would instantly be able to walk. Everything in this form was alien, new, strange, and she was too stupid to do anything right while in it. But Niro was watching. His hand was firm in her shaking one.

Bindu took a step while sucking a sharp breath inward ... it was easy. Slowly, she took another step. And then another. And another. The corners of her mouth twitched for a second. The male was right- walking felt natural in any form. After a few more paces, the teen's feet came to a halt, though her hand didn't fall from Niro's. "I was walking," she whispered, looking down at her strange legs and then at his calm face.

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OOC: Meep is short ; ;

Niro was nothing more than support for now, and it seemed it was working as she took timid steps forward on her own occord. He was smiling the whole time knowing she wouldn’t have a hard time at all. She just needed a little bit more confidence.

Yes you were, see not so hard at all.

He said cheerfully, so glad that he could help the young woman out. He took care as he let her go as to not scare her any more than she had to, she would need to do this on her own eventually, and Niro was sure she would do just fine.

And now you are standing on your own.

He said, his tail wagged back and forth slowly showing his happiness at the whole thing. He could tell she didn’t feel right in her optime form, but sometimes he couldn’t blame here, there were days where he felt he should never have changed at all, but those were off days that he didn’t fully understand. He was now quite comfortable with himself in any except his secui form.

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Would you like to wrap this up? Smile

Now that she was assured that this new body could walk, the wolfdog felt like collapsing near the fire and falling asleep. Her head pounded a forceful lullaby, thump, thump, thump, making her fingers float up to a temple and rub it wearily. Beneath the exhaustion was a solid wall of unhappiness that would not blur or fade. Bindu wanted to sleep now, not only to satisfy her body's needs but to forget, if only while in slumber, of what had happened to her today.

And now you are standing on your own. Niro said calmly. The teen nodded and retreated a step away from him, her shoulders hunched in a stoop that made her seem thinner and more frail. After what the gray man had done to help her, from the crackling fire to his unwavering arm, Bindu considered Niro to be a friend. However, no matter how much she wanted his companionship now, to see his foggy outline as she fell asleep, the girl could not bear to detain her savior for any longer.

She took another step back until the tree's rough bark pressed into her back. Knees folded up to her chest, and her arms folded around them, loosely clasped together. Bindu let her head rest, but her dark eyes remained open and fixed on the male standing before her. "Thank you," she whispered. A soothing warmth crept up her toes from the orange flames, although the sensation was unsettling. There should be paws there, not toes ...

"I don't know what I would have done ..." The hybrid's head shook faintly, a weak frown on her face. She would still be changing if Niro hadn't come along, stuck in the ugly halfway form. Her eyes blinked once or twice and then closed entirely; normally, Bindu would be more cordial but the sleep was quickly settling in.

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