When the Rain Blows

ooc: backdated to 1.4.11, is that alright? :3

Skye was sitting outside the borders of Cercatori d'Arte, for once. She hadn't been outside her pack in a while, and it was nice to be out again. Except for the small mishap in Dahlia de Mai - thanks to Jack, the little horsie stinker - she hadn't been outside the pack, much. Now she was staring out at the cool, wintery forests, glad that she could take a little breather for a while.

She had been meaning to visit her parents, and perhaps now was as good a time as any. It wouldn't take long - two days, at the most - and Shawchert could more than handle the stress of the pack weighing on his shoulders. Poor Shaw, she sympathized. He did all the heavy work, working on Valinta's tree house, helping Sky with her fireplace, and now she was planning to ask the leader to help tear down the walls of the shop to help Skye build a stable for her horse. He was doing the work, while Skye was planting gardens and trying new things out and accepting joiners - she wished she could do more to help, but it seemed like the leader liked doing these things, and she couldn't do them, anyway. That's why all his clients are girls. She giggled, then continued on her stroll.

She had kept her horse in the living room again today, since she didn't want to lead him out in the cold too much. She had left him a bushel of apples and some hay she'd found on the ground; he was happily munching away. She had taken him far, far away from the flower fields, though, afraid that he may try to eat all the flowers in the beautiful meadow like he had almost last time. What a disastrous horse! She giggled and kept walking.

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That's fine, dear. SSWM: 350.

The sound of a giggle roused Fiachra from her reverie. She sat up from the place she lay in the forest, head against the base of a tree, and tried to remember what she had been doing. Sleeping? Yes, but not originally. She looked around her. Her flask was nearby in the snow, and her head was swaying. Dear God, was she hung over? A scream from her head as the sun hit a patch of snow confirmed her diagnosis. What the hell was she doing out in the snow, with her flask and a hangover? She groaned. She had hallucinated, clearly. She tried to shake off the nausea, only to have a sickening flood of pain overtake her body. She collapsed back against the tree and sighed. God, she was so sick. Whyyy? whined a voice in her head. Because you're a moron, another replied with disgust. Another sigh. She needed help. She needed to stop drinking. She needed another drink. Fucked if she knew what she needed. But she needed something, and it seemed that she needed it badly.

With a groan and sheer power of will, she dragged herself up from the ground, flask in hand, and tucked it into her jacket. Memories flooded back. She had hallucinated Naniko. Dear God, why? Her flask, she had noticed earlier, was completely empty. That would be why. Her snow white queen occupied every free moment, every spare space within Fiachra's mind. It was a small wonder that she didn't hallucinate her when sober. She closed her eyes and tried to clear Naniko's face from her inner eye. It was impossible. She tried instead to gather her bearings and breathe deeply. She focused so hard that her head throbbed and she swayed, her body threatening to collapse again. She gave up and began to walk.

She found the source of the giggle without meaning to, and nodded her head in greeting. A crooked smile that leaked the reality of her sobriety - or, still, lack there of - took over her lips as she spoke. "Hello, stranger. Fare thee well?"


skye has little to no experience with drinking/drunks so yeah xD

Skye continued walking, but then stopped as someone was suddenly in front of her. She smiled as she gave a greeting. "I'm well, how about you?" she asked. If someone asked her (which no one did), this girl didn't seem very well at all. Her eyes seemed cloudy and pained, as if she had a bad headache, and there was an empty flask in the pocket of her jacket - the top was visible through the hole. Her smile was a bit...strange, like it was lopsided or something, and her voice slurred together like she didn't really know what she was saying - or care.

Skye didn't really know what this meant, except that perhaps the girl was sick. She hadn't had much experience with drinking or drunk people, because she had never encountered one before - and she didn't know the effects of such activities. She assumed that this girl was sick, so she cocked her head. "Are you alright?" she asked. Perhaps this girl needed help, and although Skye didn't have much medical experience, she was sure that she'd be able to find a drink for the girl - maybe some water, or some apple juice squeezed from the many apples in the lands of Cercatori d'Arte. She wasn't sure that would help, but she did know that water flushed bad liquids and viruses from the body.

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wc: 242

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Sorry for the delay. You can powerplay waking her up with the water or something, if Skye decides to oblige. SSWM: 205.

Fiachra was sobering off, for sure, but the hangover that had overtaken her was nearly unbearable. She tried to focus on what was being said to her. Where was she? She wasn't sure. "Yes, dear, I'm fine.. fine, I say!" She was a little out of it still, but comprehensible at the very least. Her head was just killing her. It felt like it was shattering into a million tiny pieces, which were then becoming lodged in her brain and eyes. Oh, the things she thought of when she had a hangover. Scarcely if ever pleasant.

Presently, she sat down nearby the girl, then quickly followed the motion into a laying position. No use trying to stand. It hurt too much. Relief rushed to her head as she laid there, and she decided that she may very well prefer to stay here all day. Water... dear God, she needed water. Maybe this girl would fetch some for her. Yes.. yes, that would be rather nice. Fiachra would fetch it herself, but she was far too tired, and in far too much pain. She spoke, and the words came out as a hoarse whisper; her vision swayed. "Could you.. water.. please.." And then she passed out.



Skye cocked her head as the woman muttered about being fine, dear, fine, she says. Her speech was a bit slurred, like she had run into a tree or a wall or something, and her eyes were unfocused and still cloudy. She was about to ask if there was something she could do for her, as she was clearly not fine, when the girl sat down next to her, then lay down stretched out.

She seemed dizzy, then, and asked for water. Then the girl's eyes fluttered closed, and her head lolled to the side. She was passed out, or dead, or something! Panicking, Skye stood and looked around; where was there water? There had to be water somewhere. But if there was, what was she going to carry it in? She glanced at the girl's jacket again and saw the flask. She took it; it smelled powerfully of something smelly, maybe something the girl had been drinking before she fainted, but it was all she had to carry water in. Not eager to leave the girl that had passed out, but still knowing she needed water, she left through the woods in search for a spring or a lake.

She didn't have to look long, it seemed; there was a small, clear pool by the side of a cluster of trees. She uncapped the flask, and an even more powerful smell emerged. Disgusted, Skye washed the flask out the best she could until the water inside was pure and free of any of that crap that was inside before. She capped it and ran back to the girl.

"Here, water," she said, kneeling by her and gently shaking her. She then trickled some of the water into her mouth and a tiny bit in her face as to wake her.

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SSWM: 300.

Fiachra came around slowly, but she came around. Her first movement was painful; the second was excruiciating. She needed that water. Sitting up, she took the flask, which still smelled very faintly of the Golden Fairy, from the girl and downed half of it in one gulp. Ah, better. She blinked slowly into the light and groaned. "Why is it so bright?" she whined softly. Too bright, too bright. She felt sick to her stomach, and her head screamed in agony. She closed her eyes as her stomach shifted uncomfortably. She needed to go home.. she needed to lay down...

She tried again to recollect what had happened. Naniko. All she could see, burned into the back of her eyelids, was Naniko. What had happened? Hallucinating.. how much did she drink? And why so much? Her head swayed with questions, repetitive questions... she wished that her head would just shut up already. It hurt enough as it was, without all these damn questions. She ached and she wanted to go home. She knew that she was far from home. She opened her eyes slightly and squinted at the girl who had brought her water. "Thank you," she said, sipping on what remained of it.

She would need much more if she was ever going to defeat this hangover, though. She spoke a little clearer as she asked, "Can you bring me where you found this water, please?" She was going to need it. In fact, she already needed it rather badly, judging by the headache. A hangover was caused by dehydration, she knew, which was a fascinating concept... and one that she was shocked that she remembered in this state. At any rate, if she could just keep drinking water, she'd be able to go home in no time flat.

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The first things the girl asked when she came back from being passed out was asking why it was so bright. Bright? Skye looked around, but the sun hadn't magically sprayed out any more rays than it normally did - in fact, it was quite dim due to the clouds being so thick and gray. She looked back at the girl and decided that it was due to whatever she had done to herself with that strange liquid Skye decided she had drank. It had looked and smelled disgusting, and Skye was sure that it tasted that way, too. Why, oh, why would anyone want to drink that? A gross drink that made them pass out? It was beyond the creamy female.

She smiled as the girl sipped the water from the flask and thanked her. "No problem," she said in concern for the girl. It was good that she had found her - otherwise, what would she have done? If she hadn't come across the girl, she might have been out here for hours without water, or even days if no one else had come along after the creamy-white and red girl. It was a good thing she had, at least, and she was glad that she had. Otherwise, who knew what would have happened to this person?

Not to her surprise, she asked if she could take her to the place where she got the water. Skye took her by the arms and lifted her up on unsteady legs. She would carefully, carefully, as to not drop the girl, lead her to the large and cool lake that she'd gotten the water from. When the girl would have drank her fill from the lake and hopefully get better, Skye would ask her what had happened - she was curious to know what was in that flask before she filled it with water.

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