[M] My soul shatters, only you keep me together

blackdated to evening of the 25th. WC: 308

WARNING This thread contains: strong violence and strong sexual content starting with the 8th post. Reader discretion is advised.

Once again Jace huddled underneath the log where just last night something beautiful and special had happened in her life. Now shame, guilt and sickness revolted through her body. The blood had long since dried, staining her fur and turning it red where it was once white and grey. Horrible how her contentedness had suddenly been torn to shreds and stomped all over with the uncaring clawed feet of a black furred demon. A shudder ripped through her, an involuntary reaction of her body and she hated it for its weakness, she did not fear him but her body now did. Her body cowered and slunk in its cowardice and revulsion.

Her muzzle wrinkled and she bared sharp teeth that were still coated with his blood and snarled a furious anger to the night around her. She would rip and tear her rage.. oh yes she would. The black demon would feel her wrath even if she had to chase him through time itself. He would cower before her, the one who preyed on others of his own kind. Jace remained squashed into the almost too small space underneath the log with only her blood darkened black muzzle sticking out of the opening, growling every time she heard something move outside.

She was unclean, it was nagging at her, a tinny voice injecting poison into her mind, driving her further and further from sane and into the grip of madness. She shook her head, her eyes staring out with the status of her mind clearly visible within the amber and blue orbs. Her ears remained pressed back to the fur of her main as they had done ever since it had happened, not even Ookami's words had brought them up. Under the log she waited for something, what it was she was not sure but she was waiting for something.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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Temo Wolfe

A happy Temo had spent the day rooting through some abandoned human dwellings. He was looking for books and tools that were still usable. Books, he knew, were unlikely to be found, but the tools did seem to have survived better. When he had seen the destruction of the farmhouse, he remembered a book he had read that showed various tools and what they did and had told how to build the human buildings. He was hoping to find something that would be useful for rebuilding the storm damaged structures.

For the first time in his life, he felt whole. Felt complete. The emptiness in his heart was gone. The day before, Jace had declared her love for him and he declared his love for her. They were now mates and he couldn't be happier. Looking up at the sky and realizing that it was evening, He headed back to the den. Happy thoughts in his head and a need to see Jace again in his heart.

As he approached the den that Jace had created, he caught her scent on the breeze. His heart sang at the knowledge that she was here already. His paws making soft crunches in the snow at his every step. Temo looked forward to seeing Jace again and in his euphoria, did not think that there could be anything wrong.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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Jace stopped growling as she heard footsteps coming towards her and her ears flattened. She was still wheezing from the assault earlier, she had ran from Ookami and Kami not wanting to speak to anyone. She bared her teeth out at the darkness as the footsteps got louder.

As the shape materialized out of the darkness she caught a glimpse of all black fur and her mind roared. He was back for more was he, well he would pay for it. She hauled herself out of the hole under the log with surprising speed considering the damage that was done to her ribs. A snarl bubbling up from her maw. The hunting knife that she had retrieved from where he had thrown it was pulled from its sheath.

At the very last second as she was launching the knife into the air did she realize that it wasn't Lucifer coming back to defile her body again but Temo returning from whatever it was that he had been doing all day. Her hand jerked as the handle left it and the knife sailed through the air and instead of slicing into his skull it thumped into the tree behind him, passing between his ears with an inch to spare from his head. She shook her head confusedly,


Temo Wolfe

Temo approached Jace's den with a bounce in his step and a small bundle of items he found. They had been apart all day and he was looking forward to seeing Jace again. He felt happy and complete when they were together and had missed her by his side. Her scent was in the air and he knew she had already returned. Upon seeing her emerge from her den, he was about to call out when the knife flew over and thwacked into a tree behind him.

Like the flash of lightning, he stopped in his tracks, his happiness was gone and the bundle dropped into the snow, forgotten. His ears went back and eyes grew wide as he was horrified that she would now attack him. He couldn't figure out why she would do that after all these months together and then just announcing their undying love for each other.

Fear showed in his eyes as the thought that their relationship was over wandered through his head. One ear came up half way when she said his name. The fear gave way to sadness at the thoughts of parting company with Jace also wandered through his head. After a moments pause, his voice shook when he softly answered,



Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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Her breathing increased double time and she simply stared. Nausea filled her stomach and disbelief filled her mind, she had been so sure and now.. now she was as much a monster as HE was. She tried again to speak,

"Temo.. I'm... I didn't... " A strange strangled whine came out of her throat and suddenly her legs collapsed from under herself dropping her body to the floor, only her outstretched hands stopped her muzzle meeting the ground, and exposing the lines of red blood that extended from the back of her neck all the way down her spine and sides to the base of her tail and the teeth marks in her shoulder. Now the tears came although she couldn't raise the energy to sob and scream and how like she wanted to so instead the salty drops poured themselves down her face mixing with the blood and dirt that stained her fur.

She raised her head from facing the ground and looked up, unable to meet his hurt eyes,

"I.. I thought you were HIM. I thought he was coming back again, I... You're both black." The word 'him' was spat from her lips with hate, venom and bile. She tried to raise herself upright but her legs still refused to work so instead she held out a blood splattered and stained paw to him,

"Temo... please. I'm sorry. I need you." Now she sobbed, her voice broke on the last sentence, her tail and ears were completely lifeless, laying against her head and the floor.

Temo Wolfe

In the moments that she stammered at him, Temo could now see that there was something wrong. The blood caked in her fur and the distress she was emanating. Now he could smell the blood along with her scent. Also the scent of someone else was on her. Someone he didn't know. He realized that something happened, that she had gotten into a bad fight.

His ears were back, but not in anger or madness, just in sadness. Sadness in that Jace was hurting both physically and emotionally. Sadness in that he wasn't there to protect her. Sadness in that he thought the worst of her a few minutes ago. Tears slowly welled up from his eyes and soaked into the fur on his cheeks as the pain, sadness and anger with himself for not being there to protect her from whomever "Him" was that she so venomously spat out.

He can tell now that there was something wrong. Something that was deeply troubling her and not just the physical pain. Hearing her plea and not noticing the cold and not caring if he did, Temo sat down next to Jace in the snow. Gently, he gathers her up as best he could and lays her across his lap hoping he doesn't cause her too much pain. Half hunched over and half holding her to his chest with his arms around her, Temo rests his cheek on her head, his quiet tears soaking into her fur, mingling with the dried blood.

In a quiet voice, Temo says "It's ok. I'm here now. You are safe now." A few moments pass, and in a softer voice, "I'm here, it's ok."


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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300+ 3 points

His ears pulled back and for one heart wrenchingly horrible moment that had the world turning around inside her head she thought he wouldn't help, that he would walk away and leave her lying here broken and bleeding on the floor in the mud and dirt. Surely she hadn't caused that much damage with her hasty actions, surely not? In a moment that seemed to go completely perfect with her mood and the horrible events of the day that had occurred, the sky above seemed to open up, a crack and flash rolled across the sky. The lightning brightening the night to day for a second, before the rain poured down in drenching torrents.

She closed her eyes and shook with the force of her sobs, then he picked her up and she clung to him as though she were drowning in a rough sea and he a lifebelt keeping her afloat. Uncaring of the pain it caused to be held by another, the claw marks opened up as did the wound on her shoulder, fresh blood spilling from them and staining her fur further but the rain was cleansing, washing some of the blood and other fluids from her body. Her breathing was harsh and painful, something inside was damaged maybe even broken with the force that which she had hit the floor.

Soon she was soaked all the way through her fur though it didn't wash away even most of the blood and stuff from her body, she still felt cleaner. She felt him lay his cheek on her head and heard his words that were supposed to make her feel better although surprisingly they didn't. She wanted to stop feeling and also feel real again, she wanted to feel his flesh against hers to know that she wasn't marked and that Lucifer's words were not true,

"Make love to me.. "

Temo Wolfe

Temo sat on the ground with Jace in his arms, his grief over her pain and suffering would have been obvious if the rain was not washing away his tears. The lighting flashing through the tree tops, the thunder rolling around them and the rain cascading on them and through their fur went unnoticed by Temo as he sat and held Jace with the grief and guilt that he was not there to help her when she needed him the most.

It was a full minute before her words registered on his ears. He raised his head and looked at her uncertainly, "But... but your wounds. Your pain. You are hurt..." he whispers. His voice trails off as he looks deep into her eyes and sees the pain, not the physical pain, but a different pain. He sees her eyes pleading with him, wanting reassurance.

Noticing the rain for the first time as it soaked through his fur, his voice quiet, "Sure, anything you want my love." As careful as he could, he lifted her and got her into the den and crawled in next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and cuddles up to her. He nuzzled her cheek and whispers into her ear "I love you ever so much with all my heart." The lightning and thunder moving off into the distance and the rain beating on top of the log, all forgotten while he gently makes love to her.

Afterwords, Temo lays with Jace, holding her to him, sharing his body heat to help keep her warm. He remembered the bloody scratches on her back and the look that was in her eyes. His hand softly strokes her head and he asked her in a soft voice laced with concern, "What happened to you?"


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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The lightning made her flinch and the thunder brought quiet whimpers from her lips, now that her life didn't depend upon her actions could she be afraid of the world around her. Now she could for a short time cry and sob and wonder why her and all the things that she couldn't do at the time of the incident. Her fear would have been fed on and made it all the more worse for he would have had a reason to hurt her more to gain more of that fear, it was how he got off on his rape by the fear of his victims and the knowledge that if given a choice they wouldn't have chosen him as a partner.

She didn't react to his words but simply looked up at him with pleading in her eyes, he had to do this for her or she would break in to a thousand pieces and be scattered to the wind, lost forever in a world that had almost fully turned against her. She buried her muzzle into his shoulder and simply breathed as best she could as he picked them both up from the floor, her teeth were bared against his skin. She refused to let go of him until he had maneuvered them under the log/den that she had enlarged not an hour ago in a frenzied attempt to escape the world. Hi arms came around her body and she settled into his embrace with a relieved sigh, Lucifer was the manifestation of evil she was sure of it but Temo was pure safety and comfort.

At first it was painful, very painful and she bit back the yelps and whimpers that built in her throat although not all of them were silenced before they were given sound, places inside her had been ripped or torn or rubbed raw and the outside was bruised and tender, her injuries were extensive and body wide but not once did she ask for him to stop or even slow down. Eventually some of the pain dulled and she even experienced quick snatches of pleasure in the haze of discomfort, her head staying pressed against his shoulder.

After what seemed like an age it was done, and he was spent, tied and locked inside her while panting weakly against her neck. Only then did she finally pull her face from his fur and lick the side of his face in thanks. The comfort it provided to both her mind and body was enormous despite the pain, her paws no longer shook from their place grasping handful of his fur to hold him close. And her brain no longer screamed at her that she was unworthy of any male;s attentions much less this one's. His hand stroked her face and she looked up into his dark eyes, he finally asked the question that burned inside him to be answered,

What happened to you?

She shivered and one of her hands disentangled from his fur to caress a black ear lovingly, she braced herself and now spoke with no hesitation or stuttering of her earlier breakdown,

"I was raped today...." She closed her eyes and leaned her cheek against his, waiting his reaction.

Temo Wolfe

Temo closed his eyes as he enjoyed her touch as she caressed his ear. Then she told him what had happened, "I was raped today..." and his breath caught in his throat. It was several moments that he didn't breath as neumerous thoughts went through his mind. His lungs finally filled with new air as a tear squeezed out from his eye as the the thoughts that he wasn't there to protect her came to the fore.

His arms tightened around her and pulled her protectively closer into him as his voice seemed to have left him for a few moments. He kept his eyes tightly closed trying to hold his tears in. Now he knew why she was acting different. Why she was hurting and in pain. Why she was covered in the stink of whomever it was that done this to her.

Many thoughts raced through his head and one was that he would kill the one responsible if he ever met him. He had his scent now and would know it if the day came that thier paths crossed. Finally his voice came back to him and he whispered, "I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry. as he hugged her tightly against him and the guilt of not being there when she most needed swelled in his heart.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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She heard his breath catch painfully in his throat and kept her cheek pressed again his and her eyes closed. Bracing herself for several seconds as though she expected him to pull away from her, feeling the wetness trickling from his cheek onto her own. She gasped as she was squeezed tight to his body, pain flaring up where she had been injured but she didn't whimper or whine and she held onto him just as tightly. She could still smell Lucifer all over her body and it was as though the demonic male was still touching her, still violating her, the thought made her moan involuntarily and bury her head in Temo's chest, moving it back and forth as though she could overlay Lucifer's scent with Temo's.

Then his voice whispering words of apology to her as he held her tightly, the woman wriggled and lifted her hands to bring up his muzzle so she could see his tightly shut eyes,

"Look into mine eyes. This is not your fault."

Sorry for the lateness, i really suck at rping.

Temo Wolfe

Many thoughts were going through his head. Why had it happened? Why wasn't he there to save her? Thoughts about Jace and the pain she must be in. The pain he is now in. Thoughts about the one that raped her. What would he do to him if they crossed paths. Probably wouldn't be a pretty site. Most likely, he would try and kill the rapist, or die trying.

At first, he kept his eyes shut. He didn't want to look into her eyes and see the pain in them. He didn't want her to see the pain in his. Finally, as her words, Thist is not your fault" echoed through his mind, he opens his eyes and looks at her. He looks deep into her eyes and sees the pain and sadness in them. Temo fought the urge to look away.

He whispered his response, "I was not there for you. I was not there to protect you." A tear forms and rolls off of his muzzle as he spoke the last even quieter, "I was not there when you most needed me," his voice trails off.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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He kept his eyes shut, blocking her out and the female felt rejection flare through her, her ears dropping back, laying themselves against her skull with her pain and a soft whine left her lips. just as she was about to speak again he opened his eyes and looked at her. The pain and guilt within them were enough to make her whine in sadness a second time and she could see the fight within him to remain fixed onto her gaze when all he wanted was to look away. The woman did the favor for him and turned her eyes to the underneath of the log that acted as their makeshift den, staring at the knots and marks in the bark of the fallen tree some of which had been created by herself in her desperate flurry of activity attempting to deepen the hole as much as she could.

She looked back at him as he spoke, his words branding her heart as much as Lucifer's claws had torn valleys into her flesh and fur. Her ears falling back even further the doggish woman looked at her new mate with a soft sigh.

"The universe will do what it wills, we can't stop it or change it all we can do is deal with the consequences."

Sorry for the lateness, i really suck at rping.

Temo Wolfe

Temo watched her ears go back and he knew he had said something wrong. He didn't know exactly what part was wrong and considered trying to explain further. After some thought, he decided not too. He decided it would only make things worse and it would be best to leave it.

He considered her words using them to take his mind away from the other thoughts. An old memory of something he had read once a long time ago. He didn't understand the reference the humans were inferring until now. The text had read "The universe is a cruel mistress".

With a mental sigh, "Yes, we must deal with the consequences." Temo whispers. Then he softly strokes her cheek with the back of his finger, "But the universe should not be so cruel to one so beautiful and of kind heart as you."


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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So mysterious he seemed to her, in his silence and unrelenting eyes. Spending so much time together and she still did not know him completely. His hand stroked her cheek and she sighed closing her mismatched eyes and nuzzling her head against the black furred hand. She shivered but not from the cold and her ear snapped to the side as a twig cracked outside of their log den, and touched the end of her inky black muzzle to his in a wolfy kiss.

"It is how we deal with the blows that define who we are." As she spoke she took a deep breath in wincing and whimpering as one of her ribs shifted painfully, and then froze as a scent invaded her nose, she lot out the breath with a low pitched whine, that smell was as familiar to her as her own base scent was,

"Oh no." She whispered quietly, "Not now." From between her closed eyelids more tears came to wet her drying cheeks, she opened her eyes and with a voice shaking said,

"Breath in, what do you smell?" He would recognise the smell and he would know what it was having been with her while she had been during it a time or two.

Temo Wolfe

A slight smile turns the corners of his muzzle up as she nuzzles his hand and touched her nose to his. His hopes raise that her feelings for him do not change. His biggest fear when she announced what happened to her was that she would leave him.

He nods slightly as her words hold a world of wisdom in them. It was something that he had not thought of before, but he knew she was right. Temo frowns at her apparent pain when she tries to breath in. His concern for her showing through his eyes.

Puzzlement crossed his face when her concern changed to something else and told him to check for a scent. At first he thought someone was approaching the den and she had detected their scent. He took a breath in but did not detect any new scents, at first. Then it hit him, the scent she was talking about. It took another minute for him to realize why she became worried.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a gentle hug trying not to cause her pain with her injuries. "it's ok. do not worry, I have been with you before and after. If you do get pregnant, it is unlikely to be his." he said. After a pause he continues, "It does not matter, the pups are ours and ours alone."


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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She had to grit her teeth to stop herself from screaming, it was always with the getting worse and worse, more and more pain, heartache, heartbreak and despair. Why was her life not normal? Why did she have to suffer more then most others did. Was it not enough she had lost her mother, father, sister, friends, family, pack, everyone to those wretched mangy bastards, now she was forced through this as well it was enough to make her want to hurt someone just so she could share her pain, as her mother had often said a problem shared is a problem fucking halved. Angry rear paws gripped into dirt and clawed at it in silent rage.

Her body was just one huge ball of pain so Temo's movements didn't really make a different to what she felt, it should had comforted but it did not, same with his words. It was as though the gods were playing a cruel practical joke with her life and she the focus, leaning on her more and more until what? Until she snapped and lashed out at someone she loved? Until she went mad from the endless cruelness of it all and killed herself. She sunk into her morbid thoughts and languished in them for a while allowing herself to feel self pity before rising above it all again, sighing acceptingly she nodded slightly to his words,

"Yes, they are ours."

Temo Wolfe

She was hiding her pain, but he could tell that she was in pain. Her muscles clenching were giving her away. Temo laid there next to Jace for a few moments thoughts going through his head. One thought stood out and was louder than the rest, somehow, he had failed her.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly as he is feeling tired and figures that she must be tired too. Also that the day was not kind to Jace and she must be drained emotionally and physically as well as the pain. "Maybe we should get some sleep. It will help your body heal and maybe you will feel better after some rest." he quietly said to her.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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Weariness contorted his face, and lingered in his eyes, fatigue also dragged down at her as well although the last thing she wanted to do was sleep. She wanted to go out there and kill Lucifer or at least make sure he couldn't rape anyone else and leave him bleeding and dieing. Unease rumbled up inside of her and she frowned looking out at the sliver of the night sky she could see from inside the den, the sky was now clear with the rainstorm having moved on to parts unknown.

With a sigh she agreed with him, neither of them were in a fit state to go gallivanting off into the night searching for someone who was night colored. Jace was surprised she was so well feeling in herself despite everything, she knew that rape often left a mark on the victim and maybe she just couldn't see it in her yet, maybe it would manifest later when she least expected it or maybe Jace was an enigma of the norm, she couldn't answer this question at the moment. She felt more than saw Temo drop off besides her and stared at the ceiling of their log den, sleep was a long time coming for the hybrid.

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