sing a song, but sing it sweetly.
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done

Live every second like it was my last one

She had watched for days now the progression on her foot. Pains had numbed themselves, coming and going without her noticing the differences. It wasn't so bad now. She could move about with minimal pains, but if she stepped on a rock or a root she still yelped. For now she was resting on her stomach, painting on a smooth stone the names of the original members of Labyrinth Glen. She had just finished Sedition's name when she realized she was low on paints and stood up, preparing to amble back into the forest for more berries to mush up."
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Melisande spent the first few days as leader of her pack simply thinking. She explored the lands they now called home, marking the borders, memorizing the landscape as she passed, but most of all thinking. Melis knew that it would be important to her health, to think things out, to remember, and to plan, and to know what was going on within her mind. She decided not to assume that anyone had died in the fire. After all, she and Fatin and the rest of the pack had made it out just fine... and until proven otherwise, she would assume that she was no more than separated from the rest of her beloved family. Other things she missed, she replaced, although she knew there was no true "replacement" for them. There were, at least, stand-ins. There was a lake, and that reminded her of safety, of her childhood. And she picked a great tree near the lake to represent her new mourning place for Ceres. It looked so old and wise, the big willow, that it had jumped out at her almost immediately upon seeing it.

Free of past burdens, she could move on easier. At first she explored happily, today, but as noon came around, and the sun was heavy overhead, Melisande began to feel incredibly alone. She'd solved all the little puzzles in her mind, for the moment, and without anything to occupy her, the lonliness took hold. Even if she didn't worry about her family, (which she still did despite herself) she still missed their constant presence. So Fatin, who was happily painting something on a rock, was a welcome sight. "Oh, hello!" she called out upon seeing the female. "I was just exploring our new home. Its astonishingly lovely. What's that you are painting?" Even as she spoke, she was coming closer, but still not close enough to read the words upon the rock, which, of course, would have made the question redundant. ... bottom.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 400px; height: 120px;"> 


So far, she had only a couple names down after writing out their ranks as well. Thankfully, the stone she had found at the edge of their lake was large enough that her flowing script-handwriting didn't take up too much space. She smiled at Melisande, nodding her head in the direction of the stone. "I've written out our ranks and the founding members of the Glen....I hope I spelled everyone's name right...I was just heading out to find some more berries to finish it up." She explained quietly, wiping the paint from her fingers onto her legs. Later, when it was night, she'd indulge herself in a long bath and scrub everything away.

"And what have you been keeping yourself busy with?" She asked, grinning impishly. She felt a renewed vigor for life after finding these lands, even if she'd hardly found anyone else from the old packs. Somehow, she was fine living on the faith that they had survived. She had all she needed, or so she thought, right here.


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