The Fantasy
Thread Information
Date: 08 March (Backdated)

Setting: Cda, Thornbury

Time: Afternoon

Character Form: Optime

OOC: Pixie plz. +5

Bartholomew had been taking a lot of time away from Mars lately because of the return of the Californian into his life. Mars had been getting more and more impatient when it came to Bartholomew because of it. Every time Bartholomew came to talk to Mars for some reason, Mars was quick to get in the man's face and talk him down, push him away. Mars barely relaxed because of Bartholomew, and once Mars was done fighting, Bartholomew would take over. It was a never ending struggle between the two for dominance over the body. Just like it was back in California. This was why he had left the area in general. Bartholomew was weak when he was alone, but when he had friends, and reasons for him to be him, he just wanted to be Bartholomew and Mars couldn't be Mars without having to fucking battle for control. Today was like this. But this morning, he was able to wake up as Mars, laying in bed with a slumbering Krystalle. He was quick to move away from her, probably a sign to her that he was back to who he really was. Mars Russo. The morning was not really too many hours of actual morning. It had been somewhere around what his mother called "tea time" (which was around noon in his mother's sense of time) and this time would often make Mars do exactly what his mother taught him to do. Relax and drink tea.

Out of him being polite, he would make a cup for Krystalle. Mars tried to remember all the times the two woke up like this. Mars being Mars again, and Krystalle having spent a wonderful night with Bartholomew but waking up and Mars was in the bed, being Mars. Cold. Distant. It wasn't very many mornings, but there were enough of them to be confused with one another. Keeping time was something that Mars was obviously sucked at because he couldn't organize memories because his head was just a mess when it came to what memories Bartholomew had and what ones he had. Bartholomew always made sure to kick Mars out of the memory banks if he found memories that he was not supposed to.

Anyways, Mars had gotten up and gotten a pot of water over a small flame that he was quick to light up in his fireplace. He had taken a liking to the black tea today, since his soul was feeling a little blackened right now. Mars was weird in the mornings/afternoons sometimes when he woke up. This afternoon though, while he waited for his tea to be done, he had taken to his front porch with his white guitar. He sat on a stump that was there on his front and he had started to play a song. It wouldn't be too long before a fully dressed Krystalle would walk out of the front door and tell Mars that she couldn't stick around for tea and that she would be back later on in the day. Mars shrugged lightly, his attitude being indifferent towards the Californian. Go ahead.. the man spoke, and then the happy Californian called for her steed and once Senorita had come up, she mounted her steed and then rode off. Mars continued to play his guitar, but he also was keeping an ear out for his tea so he'd know when it was done..

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Sorry for the lateness. Word Count: 732

Pixie had expected herself to be happier now that the blizzard was gone and the weather overall was getting warmer. She no longer was forced to pace around the rooms of the manor, her fear of the snowstorm always present. Her new red coat and black-and-gray scarf, both found in Halifax, proved to be in surprisingly good condition and kept her warm, even on the back of a galloping Magic, where her exposure to the elements was increased tenfold. Magic himself had stayed warm in the stable Ehno had built for him and the other horses; luckily he had had enough food and water in his stall during the storm. The pack itself had been doing good as well, with Artemis finally waking up and everyone who was involved in the bear fight recovering from their wounds.

But then there was Denali. Just thinking of his name brought another wave of anger. She wouldn’t have felt as bad if she didn’t know who his murderer was—hell, she wouldn’t have felt his bad if she hadn’t met her, hadn’t talked to her. There hadn’t been any reasoning behind Nuki doing it, either; from what little details Pixie had heard, it just seemed like the bitch had come across Denali and decided to kill him. She had nearly done the same with Parker as well. And to have the nerve to join the pack of the boy she had murdered…it was as though she lived to kill and destroy, with no reasoning behind it. And the worst part was that she was still out there, injured by alive. It sounded like something out of an old fairytale: a psychotic villain who would steal away children if they did not listen to their parents. It was a story Pixie never believed, even as a pup, and to have something remotely closely to it happen in real life was, in her own words, insane.

Among all these thoughts, there was the memory of Denali, too. He had had his first riding lesson with her before he disappeared. Pixie remembered how he wanted to be able to ride a horse and play guitar at the same time—something the young wolfess had never even thought about, let alone attempted. He seemed to focus on the future a lot, which made his death seem all the more tragic. Even then, Pixie could not bring herself to cry; having learned the news of his passing only a few days ago, she was still too shocked for the feeling to truly sink in. Maybe in a week or two, realization would kick in, but for now, she needed to escape from Crimson Dreams, where grief seemed to be the only feeling present, and if she wasn’t sharing that grief, there was no point in hanging around.

It was strange to feel more familiarity in Thornbury than she did in her own home, but such was the case today. She went around the north side of the town and dismounted—not bothering to tie Magic up, as he had been here enough times that she knew he wouldn’t wander off too far—and strode through on foot. She still didn’t have boots, or any sort of shoes, for that matter, but it wasn’t a pressing complaint. As usual, her guitar was slung on her back, and in one of the pockets of her crimson coat was a bottle of liquor. It was one of the bottles that she and Gotham had found in their exploration of the manor during the storm, and she figured it wouldn’t hurt to bring some along.

Then as she came around a corner and looked to one of the houses on the left, she stopped and had to blink for a moment to make sure she was seeing correctly. Was that Mars Russo, playing his white guitar? After realizing that it was definitely him, she broke into a grin. Even though she had only met Mars once, and hadn’t had much of a conversation with him, it was nice to see another familiar face that wasn’t filled with grief. “Hey, Mars!” she called to him and waved. She began to walk over to him, asking, “What’re you doing here?” As far as she knew, he was a member of Cour de Miracles. What was he doing here in Thornbury, acting as though he lived here?

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OOC: +5

He'd begun to play his guitar when his little sheep buddy would be rounding the corner to see the Russo man. Axel seemed to be attracted to music, Mars did noticed some time ago. He also responded to clicking, which was good, so Mars could keep a track on the beast. Vox didn't seem to mind the music too much, but he never was too curious about it. Never did he really want to come up to Mars when he was playing the music, only when Mars called Vox did he really just come up to Mars, or if Vox was urgently needing Mars for something, which was rare, and if it was, it was because there was an apple that Vox wanted and Mars would have to help get it. Often times, Mars would help Vox get the apple too. Vox had done countless things for Mars, so getting an apple that was out of reach for the steed was normally not a problem to Mars. Nor Bartholomew.

Mars had been playing a song he had written when he was in the middle of the beginning of his song when he would hear a voice that he had recognized. Steel eyes still would look up to see who it was though, and it was one of the very first people to tell him about D'Arte. The woman also told him about her pack, Crimson Dreams at some point as well. Pixie Frost, her name was. Steel eyes landed on her and her blue-furred body. What exactly was she doing here? He would think the question before she would ask him the same. When they had last seen each other, Mars was part of the pirate pack by the name of Cour Des Miracles. He'd left there quite some time ago now. Mars ended up watching Axel for a moment because of the sheep's sudden movement. His black sheep had looked over to the new being, not having seen her around the lands before, and he was rather curious (and probably way too luperci friendly) and the black sheep had gotten up from his spot and trotted over to the woman and gave a 'baa' to her. It's yellow-brown eyes had looked at the woman as if he was analyzing the woman. She was new, and different smelling than the wolves he had met here. The sheep was curious to all of his master's friends too. Since she was approaching, she apparently was friend in the mind of the sheep.

I live here in Thornbury. What are you doing here? the man asked, his voice calm and cool like it always was. Was she visiting someone? If so, then who? Who did she know in the pack that she would play music for (he had seen her guitar that she had been carrying around) and he slightly wondered where her horse was, since he knew that she couldn't, and probably wouldn't come here without her horse. Where's Magic? he asked, tilting his head lightly to her.

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Word Count: 613

Pixie’s violet eyes were drawn to a puffy-furred little animal that suddenly came into view. She didn’t have much experience with sheep—she had mostly passed by the small herds she came across, and had once killed one for food—but they seemed tamer for goats, which was a good thing, because she could recall all too well when she had a run-in with some nasty billy goats. It was another reason why she was glad that the Crimson Dreams horses had their own stables, so now she didn’t have to walk past the horned animals whenever she wanted to get Magic. This sheep, on the other hand, just seemed curious; she snickered as he called out a ‘baa,’ probably the funniest sounding noise an animal could make. “Hello to you, too.” She patted the sheep’s furry back, wondering how Magic would react if he ever got this close to such a weird looking animal.

Mars’s reply to her question hit her by surprise. He lived here now? Since when? “So you’re a part of Cercatori D’Arte now. For how long?” She hadn’t seen him on any of her visits here, but most of them were just to visit Skye’s house for the guitar and reading lessons. She could now read short sentences and spell most words that were less than six or seven letters, but she still had trouble with knowing some of the weirder sounds that letters or combinations of letters made. English seemed to always break its own rules when it came to spelling words and pronouncing them.

Then the black and white male asked the same question she had just asked him—a pretty reasonable thing to do, seeing as she didn’t live here and it didn’t seem like she had anything to do here. “I’m teaching Skye how to play guitar, and she’s showing me how to read and write in exchange. The lessons have been going on for…” She paused for a moment to think, taking a sip from the bottle of booze she had. “Six months, I think. I’m free to wander around here, and I decided I would come here today to take a break from my own pack. Let’s just say…we’re not the happiest pack around here at the moment.” She didn’t know too much about the neighboring groups of wolves and coyotes that lived near and around the peninsula, but she couldn’t imagine any of them feeling more sadness than the members of Crimson Dreams right now.

The next question thrown her way did make her smile a little, though. She didn’t think Mars would remember her horse’s name. Maybe he was just good at remembering. “He’s wandering over in the trees, that way.” She pointed towards the north, back where she had allowed the stallion to graze and run around as he pleased. “He knows to stay put, and now that spring is almost here and there’s not as much snow on the ground, he’ll be busy grazing. I’ve been teaching him to stay clear of the gardens—he’s still learning, but since there aren’t any that way, I don’t think it’ll be an issue if I just let him have free range.” As she spoke, she walked closer to Mars until she was about a yard away from him; she didn’t see the point of having a conversation with him from several yards away. “So…what’s up?” she asked casually, pausing to take another gulp from the bottle. “Any drama going on here, too? I know Skye and Bangle got together, and I heard there’ve been pups, but I normally don’t pay a lot of attention to what’s been going on here.”

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OOC: completely sorry for the wait D: +5

The woman interacted with the black sheep that was owned by the Russo man, the resident black sheep of the Russo family, so it was only appropriate for him to get a gift of a black sheep and actually end up befriending the damned beast when he could have easily killed it and eaten it for dinner. Mars looked at the beast that he had grown emotionally attached to. Bartholomew definitely didn't like the little bastard, so it was only Mars' will that kept the beast alive. In truth, it was for the wool that the beast grew. Mars would be able to weave it and make it into clothing for himself and his housemate. The sheep baaed at the woman again and then trotted off and laid down in the sun not too far from the porch. The woman asked him how long he had been in D'Arte. He thought back. He was horrible at keeping track of time because of his personality disorder that he had, so he actually had no clue what day in the month it was half of the time. His ears fell back lightly. Uhm....Since early winter... the man ended up saying, nodding his head lightly before he picked at the guitar strings to start another lullaby.

The woman ended up answering his question with a long winded reply of her own, which had made the male listen to the woman more because he wanted to be able to catch everything that she said. The deal that they had was kinda confusing to Mars, since there were other guitarists in D'Arte that could teach Skye without anyone having to go into another pack, but then Mars figured it was because Skye probably liked Pixie so they helped each other out. Mars nodded his head lightly. I'm sorry to hear about how unhappy your pack is. the man spoke, a frown on his face as he strummed his guitar. Mars let his eyes go onto the woman and then he had looked at the chair that was next to him, a silent invitation for her to sit down and relax since it didn't seem she was going anywhere in a hurry. She then went on to tell him where Magic was. This too was a long winded answer that had ended with her asking what was up and then telling him what she knew about what was going on in D'Arte.

Orin is having Shawchert's puppies.. the man spoke to he simply. My best friend from California ended up finding me here so she lives with me now..But there's not that much else going on. the man spoke to the woman, shrugging lightly at the end of his sentence. What has your pack stressed out? the man switched the subject back to her pack since he didn't have too much else to say about his pack, then again, he could have been leaving things out, but he didn't care to elaborate because he simply wasn't one to want to run around and tell others about what was going on in the pack, that and a lot of the times he was all in his own little world and ignoring everyone else and their drama so there were things that he didn't know were going on.

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No worries. It builds up the anticipation for your awesome posts XD
Word Count: 699

Violet eyes followed the little black sheep with amusement as it went to sun itself, while her ears perked up at Mars’s answer. Since early winter? Wow, he had been here a while. It just showed how much Pixie still didn’t know about this pack, but maybe that was for the best, seeing as it wasn’t even her pack to begin with. She had really only gotten to know Skye and Ouija, whom she had asked to give her the tattoo that was now engraved on her back. Her meetings with Skye were spent mostly with the lessons and only general bits of what was going on in their own packs, not really about any specific members. If they did talk about specific members, Mars was never mentioned; maybe he just wasn’t the sort to get into pack drama. And since half the time Skye came to Crimson Dreams for the lessons instead of the other way around, Pixie normally came to Cercatori about every other month. In other words, as much as she found the place to be a bit of peace and solitude, there was still so much about the pack of artists that she didn’t know about. For all she knew, they could start some sort of wild party as soon as she crossed back over the parties. Maybe then they would have those swordfights with paintbrushes that she always imagined them doing. Or, at least, she always wanted to see them do. The way Pixie saw it, if there was going to be a pack devoted to art, there needed to be at least one fight involving paintbrushes as weapons in their history. There just had to be.

Mars seemed genuinely concerned about what was going on with her pack, but even if he wasn’t, Pixie wouldn’t have minded. She knew that if people were really concerned about something, they tended to ask lots of questions, and answering questions about what happened to Denali was the last thing she wanted to do. She did notice the man’s invitation for her to sit, and she did so, turning her guitar around to the front of her body to that she could strum along with whatever Mars was playing. As always, she was envious of the beautiful white guitar that the wolf mix played, as opposed to her own instrument, which had a few scratches here and there and was never fully tuned. It hadn’t been in great condition when she had first found it in an abandoned music store, and caring for it had been harder than she imagined.

“Pups, huh?” she murmured. “Well, congrats to them.” She had heard of Shawchert plenty of times from Skye, him being the pack leader and everything, but had never gotten around to meeting him. As for Orin, Pixie knew little of her, but recalled that there had been some drama that Skye had talked about a few months ago where the name popped up. The young wolfess couldn’t remember much about it, though. She was more interested in Mars’s mention of his friend from California living with him now; Pixie wanted to know more about the west, partially because she knew her brother could possibly have traveled there, and partially because she just found it interesting and so much unlike the world where she grew up in along the east coast. “Where in California is your friend from?” she asked. She didn’t know much about the different places in California, but hey, it seemed like a perfect time to find out about them.

And then he brought the subject back to her own pack and what was going on. Pixie didn’t answer for a few moments, reluctant to go back to the pain and misery that she was trying to escape from. But eventually she did say, quite simply, “One of our leader’s pups was killed.” She hoped Mars would see that she wasn’t eager to elaborate on the subject. There wasn’t much more to say about it, anyways; the killer was long gone, either dead from her wounds or far away from ‘Souls, as they hadn’t heard any word about her causing chaos from the nearby packs.

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OOC: awh, thanks, your posts are pretty awesome too Tongue +3

The woman congratulated the unmated couple. They aren't mates. Mars added in bitterly to the equation, maybe a subtle sign that he was not happy about Orin having Shawchert's puppies. It was more of a one night fling. It just really made him dislike Shaw. That's all that this situation did for the man. Mars had a frown on his face as he looked down at his guitar and played it. Mars was glad that she moved on to talk about Krystalle, since she was a slightly less sore subject only because he did have to deal with her now, and there was nothing that was going to change that he supposed because she was a tag along that had followed him all the way from California to Nova Scotia to be with him, so he guessed early on that she was there to stay. I met her in Los Angeles, she was born somewhere else though. I think it was Nevada. the man spoke to her, shrugging his shoulders signaling that he wasn't sure if his information was right (even though it was) then the man decided to say something else, so he opened his mouth again. Her name is Krystalle Horzana. were the words to fall from the man's calm tongue as he played his guitar along with the woman, hims leading and her adding her own flare to the sound that he created.

It wouldn't be too much of a silence before the woman would speak about what had happened to her own pack that had them in dismay. Someone went in and killed one of the leader's puppies. I'm sorry to hear. was the automatic response that Mars could give the woman. It was sad when puppies were murdered, especially when they were the leaders pups. Mars shook his head, and sighed lightly. He let his fingers strum over the white guitar that he made sure to repaint when it started to chip. It took him a lot of effort to keep his guitar looking the way it did.

The man looked up to see his little coal colored friend out in the yard and he played to Axel, who had turned his head to look at the male whom he had grown accustomed to. A stray baa was put in the air by the sheep, and Mars gave a short chuckle about it and then he looked over to the woman. He was silent though, for he really didn't know what else to say to the woman. Instead, he continued to play his guitar with the Crimson Dreamer.

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My posts are duck sauce. Speaking of Duck Sauce, BARBRA STREISAND. Tongue Ah, the wonders of when songs get in my head…Word Count: 456

“Oh, they aren’t?” she inquired as Mars went on to explain that the pups were not the result of a mateship. “Well, in any case, I hope the pups turn out healthy and happy.” The tricolored wolf seemed to be upset about it, for some reason, judging by the frown on his face and the way he spoke about it, but Pixie decided not to question him further on it. She often found it hard to tell what was going on in Mars’s mind, and trying to question him about him brought no answers, only frustration at learning nothing more about him.

Her eyes widened as Mars began to talk about how he met his friend. She had heard of Los Angeles before; supposedly it used to be one of the biggest and most powerful cities in the world, but after the humans died out it became a shell of its former self, just like the rest of human towns. She vaguely remembered her brother mentioning Nevada at some point when he was talking about other “states” similar to Penny Slavia, where she grew up. “Nevada…isn’t that where…whatchacallit…Las Veggies is? No no no, not Las Veggies…Las Vegas?” It was one of the cities Melbourne had talked to her about. It had been nicknamed “Sin City” and filled with buildings called casinos, of which Pixie knew nothing about other than the name. “Krystalle’s a cool name,” she added, then let herself fall silent as she continued to play along with the song Mars was playing, letting her guitar back his up.

She didn’t respond when he told her he was sorry to hear about Denali’s death. He didn’t seem eager to stay on the subject any longer and neither did she. Really, who would be eager to? Instead she watched the little sheep and snickered along with Mars as he let out another baa. “I’ve wondered what it would be like to raise a sheep,” she mused, looking towards the man. “I’m not too fond of goats, but sheep aren’t like them, are they? They don’t try to head-butt you or anything like that?” She looked back at the sheep and added, “Yours seems to be pretty well behaved.” Pixie could deal with a little bad behavior, though; she had had to train a stallion, after all. But she could tell when Magic was in a bad mood and when he was most likely to try to kick or bite her. With goats, she could never tell, because even in a good mood, the ones that lived around the cottage out in the woods in Crimson Dreams would sometimes try to head-butt her because they wanted to play. But that didn’t make their horns hurt any less.

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OOC: +5

The woman seemed to realize that he didn't want to elaborate on the whole entire story about Shawchert and Orin simply because it always made him angry when he thought about it. He couldn't help but be angry about it. It wasn't a mateship, and they didn't even like each other that way so he didn't understand why there was a pregnancy happening. He dropped the subject in his mind then though, so he didn't have to let his anger fester in his head. They instead talked on about where Krystalle was born. The woman spoke of a city in the state where Krys was born. Mars never really got into detail about the cities in Nevada, and the man had never been there himself, but he did read a map at some point and he had seen something to the jist of what the woman had said, not the first few, but the last one sounded like it was the right one. I think it's that last one. Las Vegas. the man quietly commented as she went on to say that Kryssy's name was cool. Mars actually cocked a small grin on his lips, even though it was short lived, only lasting a few seconds. He was silent though, letting his guitar speak instead of his mouth by him strumming his fingers across his guitar.

Soon the woman would start to talk about Axel. Mars looked out to his coal furred companion and he listened to her questions. He was a gift from a friend. the man spoke, it was true, Addison had randomly brought the Court a sheep and some sheep meat, but Mars had been a greedy bastard and ended up taking both the sheep meat and the live sheep for himself to keep as a pet. Why he had done so, he didn't know, nor did he really think about it. He just kept the sheep, and ever since then, the little bastard seemed to take a liking to following Mars around. Mars was actually very surprised about how docile the ram was, but maybe it was because he was the only ram around, there weren't even ewes in CdA. Only goats that fainted, owned by Sky Katruk. Axel has bitten me a few times. He also tried to ram me once, but I got away from him and he ran into the porch like a dumbass. the man spoke, amusement evident in his voice because of the thought of the ram when Mars had apparently did something to piss him off. He couldn't remember what exactly he had done but it was something. He's mostly friendly though. I think that uhm...female sheep are kinda dumb, and pretty easier to deal with though... I dunno really what goats are like...Never had one.. the man spoke, shrugging his shoulders briefly.

He also chews on shit when he's inside the house. Mars randomly added, remembering that he did that. You want sheep or something? he asked, cocking his head to the woman.

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Word Count: 539

Pixie nodded and murmured, “Yeah, Las Vegas, that’s it.” That seemed like the right name. She looked up just in time to glimpse the grin that barely graced Mars’s face. It even made herself smile a little; she had never seen Mars smile before and had begun to wonder if he was the sort of person who never smiled at all. But no, he could if he really wanted to. She let herself feel a little accomplished for a moment at actually getting him to smile, if only for a few seconds, and then she continued to play her guitar alongside his.

He then explained where he had gotten the sheep. “When did you get him?” she asked. “From back when you lived in Cour de Miracles?” Pixie was curious as to where one would even get a sheep; she hadn’t seen a lot around ‘Souls, at least not in the big herds she had seen when she was further south. It seemed to be the opposite with horses, as she had imagined that a lot of wolves in ‘Souls were riders when in reality it seemed like a lot of them had never even seen a horse. There didn’t seem to be a lot of livestock in general in her pack besides Magic, one or two other horses, and the goats.

Pixie was surprised when she heard that the docile ram had bitten Mars and tried to ram him, but then she remembered that sheep were related to goats and was no longer that surprised. She did chuckle a little at the story of Axel ramming into the porch. “Then I guess I’ll just hide behind Magic the next time a goat comes chasing after me. He can take all the damage.” She was kidding, of course—she would never put Magic into a potentially dangerous situation like that unless she had a very good reason to. Besides, the stallion was smart enough that he would just walk away before the goat could ram into him. “I guess since ewes don’t really have horns that they would be easier to deal with—and they don’t constantly fight with each other over mates. I prefer sheep to goats, personally. Before we built the stables, Magic stayed in this cottage out in the woods where all these goats roamed around, and it was a pain in the ass to have to get him everyday because you could never tell when the goats were going to charge you or not. I’ve been kicked and rammed a few times by them, and trust me, it’s not fun.”

At the man’s question, Pixie shrugged. “I guess if I were ever offered one, I’d say yes. They seem easy enough to care for, and they seem like nice companions, too. Axel does, at least. But Magic is a handful to care for, so I don’t think I’ll be looking for another animal anytime soon.” As much as she’d like a little sheep to follow her around, she couldn’t have it be around her constantly, especially if she were hunting or going beyond the boundaries of the territory. She wouldn’t want the stupid thing to get hurt because it kept following her where it shouldn’t.

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