To face your troubles..
She's finally out of her cave!

The forest leaves crunched loudly under large paws,

It was time. She knew Skye was right in one thing - she needed to get out, and set things right. Even in the tribe the shaggy female grew up in, she learned early on that conflict should never be left unsolved; it only brought more conflict down the road. With a heavy sigh, that day she lifted her tired body, scars still visible under her matted fur, and made the trek to Denali's home. The large female never got to thank her friend for saving her life, nor the wolf on the horse, but amidst the bleeding wounds and the desperation to get away, Mala never caught the woman's name.

Shoulders tensed as her large nose wriggled at the scents of the pack - the pack that attacked her for wandering on the beach. Ears caught the sounds of waves not far away, but the giant female's path ran to the borderline of the beach, still hugging the trees and the shade of the forest. The sights, sounds, and smells of the place only made Malachi remember that awful winter evening of the attack, and she could almost feel the stings of the scars on her back leg and chest. The memory weighed the large creature down mentally and physically - so much so that the shaggy female had to stop for a moment to catch her breath.

It had been a while since Malachi made such a long journey, as she had kept herself holed up in her cave the moment she could get up and walk (or even limp) again. But there was a bear near her cave, now, as Skye had shown her (through her own, mirrored reflection), and Malachi had been cautious to be around it ever since. Presently, she shook her massive head, opened her eyes, and pushed on forward past bramble and bush. A clearing opened up, a small, circular area surrounded by trees, that fed the forest grass into the sandy beaches to the right. The large female stopped there, her head spinning with the memory of the attack, but she swallowed hard.

And - as was taught to her in her tribe - Mala opened her muzzle and sent a greeting call into the air for her small friend, and perhaps his mother. The thought of the black female made her shiver, unsure of what would happen if she were to greet the honey eyed creature. In what was supposed to be an attempt at a howl came a mix of 'HNNNGGG'ing and guttural growls. They came in a couple short bursts before Malachi went quiet again, eyes and ears alert to the open space before her.



Sadface bonding time!

For a long time Savina had been confined to the mansion. Her wounds had made it hard to move about, nearly impossible. Usually being inside Haven Manor was a comfort, but it had quickly become a suffocating cage to the mourning mother. She wished to see no one, and even if one desired to be with her usually her voice was kept securely buried inside. The Consul was filled with such self blame and grief that all she wanted to be was alone. The only solace she found was brief intervals of light sleep, before the dreams came. The dream was always the same. She saw the back of Denali as if through a mist. The mother would call to him, crying, begging for his forgiveness, but either he could not hear her or he ignored her. The Marino always woke with tears staining her face and she would curl tighter around that metal mask. The only piece of her son she had left.

As the days and weeks had passed, her body had begun to recover, though her heart still bled. Whenever she could she would leave the Manor and get as far away as she could. Usually she could make her way back by nightfall, but there had been a few occasions where she had needed to be fetched back by her family. Savina never called for help on these occasions, but they found her anyway. Nearly a moon had passed since the fight and she could move with much more ease now, though still with severe limping. Yesterday she had traveled to the beach and had told Kansas and the girls that she would not be back until the next day. They were not keen on letting her go, but she had refused to stay. She needed to see the ocean, needed to feel that calm and timeless presence.

It had taken her the majority of the day to reach Riunione Beach, needing to take frequent stops to rest her sore body and catch her breath. It had been cold, sleeping on the sand in the sea breeze, but it had helped to numb the fiery aching of her wounds. Of course the dream came again, and as always it reopened the wounds that could not be seen. What woke her was a strange call on the air. Her head lifted from its sandy bed and slowly her legs lifted her body up. The Consul limped a short way until the borders were in sight and she saw the form of a bear. The bear that Denali had called a friend and saved from that pack's attack. Savina gave a soft, mournful bark at the creature and sunk back down into the cold sand. She didn't know what the bear wanted, but if it wanted her it would have to come and get her. She was too sore to move any further.

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Big Grin!

A soft wind blew as Mala's sounds died down, and for a moment her honey eyes closed as she felt it brush past her grizzled body. Her form was massive since winter, and though she had yet to lose a lot of her stored fat and for her fur not to become so.. furry.. the scars on her body would forever remain. The marks on her back left leg were the most visible, but most importantly it served as a reminder to the large female not to assume certain things.

She had thought, all those nights ago, that because she had a good friend among the pack - she knew no one else. Everyone else saw what Mala herself could not, and for it her life was nearly drained right on the beach, the same beach that stood feet from her at present. As her malachite-tinted eyes opened into the dim sunlight, a voice in response to her call rang into her rounded ears. Even still, Malachi believed it was her intrusion that caused that large-scale attack, and not of who, or what, she was.

Large head swiveled towards the beach, where a shadow in the sand become apparent. The shaggy female knew who it was, then, but was more confused as to the sadness in the voice. Though she had confined herself in her cave for what seemed like moons, the female recognized the different calls of wolves. This female, whom Malachi only knew as the vicious one that first attacked her, and marked the brown female's back leg, was somehow sad. A large paw shuffled towards the edge of the beach, stepping onto the soft, warm blanket of grains. For a moment she hesitated, as if unsure if she could make another move, but the black female seemed to want her to come forward.

And Malachi would grant the black female leader's wish, as the chocolate and cream female finally took one shuffling step after another, leaving the safe forest behind and onto the open beach. She shivered as she slowly walked towards the female, still unsure if her resting position was just temporary - a trick - to get Mala to come closer for another attack. However, something told her this wasn't the case that very day, leaving heavy footprints behind as she drew near the female. Malachi stopped a few feet away from the resting female, her head hung low and her gaze at the sand. Subconsciously, her position was submissive towards the smaller sized female, but Malachi was in no position to try and anger the female once more.

"Kwe," she breathed out, her native tongue coming forth as a small greeting. "I-" Her cream colored muzzle opened to speak again, but only silence came out after the first word. Her throat felt tight, as if being suffocated, and she hoped dearly that the other would say something to break the tension.



Honestly she had not expected the bear to show up near her lands again. A lot of things had happened lately that Savina never could have expected though. There was no more energy to appear shocked anymore, only a cold numbness remained. The creature hesitated, only taking a tentative step forward at first. Even though she and Jazper had badly hurt the hulking bear, it was odd to think that the larger animal might actually be afraid of her. It could easily end her life with one powerful swipe of its claws front paws whereas she could really do very little damage in comparison, especially in her current physical state. She was a sitting duck and as the beast approached that instinctual voice inside her head warned her to run away, to growl in warning, but she did neither of these things. There was no will left inside of the Consul to do anything but lay here in the sand. If the bear killed her, so be it—though she did not believe that such a thing would happen.

A short distance still remained between them when the bear finally stopped. Emerald eyes looked at the creature dispassionately with her head only held up so she could fully see the animal. There was no authority in the way she held herself and she barely recognized the seeming submission that the bear showed; it was hard to see it from a form that naturally towered over her lupine body. The bear spoke an unfamiliar word and then uttered one more before the strange voice gave out on her. Silence hung in the air uncomfortably for some moments before Savina's own broken voice came forward. "If you came to see my son, you made a wasted trip." Her tone was completely flat, but her true emotion swirled behind her dulled eyes. All of the pain and sorrow that filled her to the brim inside were only thinly veiled behind those windows into her soul.

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Shinedown music is really fitting for this thread, I find ;o

The grizzled female wasn't all to sure of what to say, at first. Fear crept up with a sudden gust of wind as she approached the female leader, almost wanting to vociferate her anguish, turn, and run from the scene in case another attack happened. But determination kept Malachi there, as she slowly settled her large rump down onto the sand, the soft grains parting under her massive weight. "I'm.. Malachi." She introduced herself, an awkward tone in her hushed voice, though she could never forget where her manners were.

Simply looking at the female that lay before her, the honey-eyed female was unsure of what to make of her or the situation. The black wolf seemed exhausted, and lacked any energy to assert her dominance over the lands as she had moons ago. It was almost like Mala was staring straight into the emerald eyes of a different character, and not the ones that blazed with anger and passion that she remembered.

But after the large female spoke, the tension that hung in the air only became weightier as the black Consul spoke, her voice giving off the same expression that her eyes held. "Why?" Was her simple question, fuzzy ears twitching in confusion. A look of concern crossed her soft features, feeling her necklace tighten and give an uncomfortable pinch at the same time. She said no more, almost afraid of asking anything further.


I'm really feeling the track "Time" from the Inception soundtrack :o And instant reply, whut?

She could sense fear coming from the bear, but it was still such a foreign concept that she wasn't sure if her senses were failing her or not. How could such a strong beast be afraid of her? Certainly she had been fearsome that day, but all of that fire was gone, put out. Savina was nothing now. A bug that could easily be crushed under one of those massive paws. Some small part of her almost wished for that. At least then the pain would end. Maybe, if she were to die, she would live out her dream but with a different ending. She could find Denali in the world beyond this one and apologize. Maybe he would even forgive her, even after she had failed him in the worst way.

The bear introduced itself. Savina took the name in. She had never really supposed that bears had names. It seemed there was much that she did not know, did not understand. "Savina," she returned mechanically. Perhaps Malachi knew her name already. Denali might have told her, though she of course had no way of knowing this. In some way she was momentarily comforted by the familiarity of the exchange of identities, even if nothing about this particular meeting was ordinary. Malachi seemed just as uncertain and uncomfortable as she was. There was some miniscule comfort in that as well, though really only a blip in the sea of grief that engulfed her.

The expected question after such a question came and Savina felt her throat turn dry and constricted. Her eyes looked over the bear's concerned face before dropping down to the sand. She focused intently on the individual grains as she forced the truth to come from her lips. "He's dead." The well known pressure of tears pushed at the back of her eyes and she closed them, not wishing to show that much vulnerability in front of the other creature. It was all so easy to see though, as it would be in any mother who had outlived her child.

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Ooh, you're right. Also, bear hug, whut? Let me know via PM if pp is not good, though you already knew this would happen :3 I won't be online again until Sat. night-ish.

There was some sort of easiness that settled over Malachi, then, as she caught wind of the other wolf's name. A small smile was offered, one that was almost lost since she was last here, in Savina's direction. Muscles in her tense body visibly relaxed, finding the name to be quite beautiful despite the ugly scar received from the black wolf on the very same beach. It had healed over, for the most part, and fur covered most of the ugly marking, but the dull pain that Mala felt in that place before coming here was now-


As Savina's next words came, almost in an echo from another world, a crashing wave of horror swept over the giant beast. The news was delivered with violent sounds of the ocean, which seemed calm not moments ago. A coldness overcame Malachi, then, repeating the same word back to Savina as if not wanting to believe it. "D-dead?" The shaggy female couldn't feel as her face changed, then, which dropped as if a heavy weight hit her. Though her muzzle was left open, only small sounds came out, choked and unable to be formed. How... how?

Little did Malachi know that she voiced the word in a very concerned and hushed voice, that she wasn't sure if the black female could hear her. When, really, she wanted to vociferate just how she felt. Denali was her friend, her first young friend since her banishment, and memories of him swam through her eyes. Tears pooled in her honey eyes, then, turning to face the sky as the sunlight caught the flash of green in her eyes. She could not feel the warmth, however, in its rays.

With a burst of wind, it was as if she felt Denali's presence there, which lifted the large female onto her four feet. And, without even thinking about what she was about to do, she stepped closer towards the Consul, bringing her large front paw under Savina and scooping her upwards towards her own chest. It was an awkward hug, of sorts, but at that moment Malachi couldn't think - couldn't even find the words - but at that moment the grizzled female felt the gesture was needed between the two. And there, she held the black female, small sounds of distress beginning to bubble in her beat-up chest.


Sorry for the derpy wait : /

The death of some soul was never an easy thing to deliver, but it was so much worse when that soul was so innocent, so young. Denali had barely gotten a chance to live. Just on the cusp of adulthood when the light of his life had been so violently extinguished. Thoughts of how it had happened plagued the mother ever since she had learned the truth. She had found out first hand how it felt to have that bone dagger stabbed into your body. Savina had survived though, her son had not. The Consul hoped that blood-eyed demon was dead. Hoped that she had died slowly and painfully from the wounds her teeth had inflected upon her. Still, the hate was so small now in comparison to the loss, the grief.

Malachi whispered something, though she was not sure exactly what the word was. Her eyes remained closed, head bowed as she willed the tears to go away. Wished for it all to just stop. Why she did deserve to continue living when that right had been taken from Denali? The devil woman had almost taken another of her children as well, her sweet little Parker. Losing one babe was so horrendous, Savina doubted that she could still be functioning if she had lost her daughter as well. She likely would have tried to walk into the ocean again to feel its deathly embrace as she had upon another occasion when hopelessness had reigned her heart. It was true, she had recovered from that, but this was so different. Could she ever truly be the same?

Folded back ears picked up the sound of the bear moving, coming closer to her, but she remained still and unseeing. That fearful part of her was expecting some kind of blow to come, a white flash of pain. What reason Malachi would have for attacking her she couldn't guess, perhaps for having failed the boy. The mother certainly felt she deserved such blame. When she felt the thick limbs surround her and life her up though her body went rigid and emeralds popped back open. What was she doing? The survival instinct rose up in her again and she was ready to struggle and fight to get free, but the hulking creature merely held her to its chest. When the soft, sad sounds came from the bear, the Consul's form finally relaxed. She was comforting her? Confused and shocked as she still was at such a thought, the woman relaxed into the large chest and the tears finally began to flow without a fight.

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It's fine woman <3

There was no rhyme or reason for Malachi's actions, then. She simply followed her heart, and her heart told her that she needed to be there for this grieving mother. In the tribe that she was raised in, Mala had understood how important the death of someone was to their relatives still on this earth. The giant female was unsure if Denali's spirit had been put to rest properly, either, which disturbed the chocolate and cream female even more. Restless spirits could still wander the earth, still serve as a remaining presence to grieving relatives. It seemed, to Malachi, that Savina could see her son everywhere - and she, too, was not at peace.

She clung to the black female even as she felt her slightly struggling. Though her grip would have looked vice-like, Malachi did her best as of the recent years to watch her own strength. Her own eyes were closed, attempting to swallow back the wave of sorrow that was rolling strongly within. Feeling the Consul relax some, Mala sucked in a deep breath and summoned her own strength to speak the following words. "Gjinisgam, geleiwatl negm a'se'g." As she said those words, the last of her energy disappeared like a crashing wave upon the sand. Mala felt submersed in the ocean itself, feeling suffocated and the world becoming darker around her. She felt a wetness at her chest as Savina began to break down, though this mattered little to the colossal female that held her there. Her own cheeks were wet with tears, which dropped down like rain when honey eyes shut tightly.

The silver-tipped female didn't want to let go of the shadowy woman, to her it was the last connection to Denali she had. Though his spirit would need to be put to rest as soon as possible, all Malachi could offer the black woman then were words, and an understanding. Denali was her friend, who had taught her more than she had imagined when she ambled onto the beach that warm day. Though she felt that bond with him, they were not tied by blood. The grizzled female's grip relaxed on the Consul, allowing her to move away if she pleased. Malachi hoped this wouldn't be the case, for she would feel the overwhelming sense of loss herself.


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