Faces Blur By

Sorry it took so long! I had to tie out my horses :/ Word Count: 525!

Shanta had woken up a bit late this morning, she had been out late last night for a midnight ride. Though she felt a bit more refreshed today than the days she slept through the night. It would definitely turn into something she would do weekly. Shanta sat up in the Town Hall, many members missing since they had woke on time and were off doing their duties. Her blanket was thrown aside of her, the way it usually was when she woke up. She grabbed the wrinkled blanket and folded it neatly, she did the same to the thin sheet she had lay on. Shanta stood up and stretched, yawning in the process. She picked up the blankets and took them to a small shelf that held many blankets and towels. She really wanted some fresh air, so she grabbed her satchel and headed out the door. She stepped out into the chilly air, enjoying the contrast of the warm, stuffy air in the building to the cool, clear air out here. She took a big breathe and exhaled, feeling fully awake now.

Shanta headed to the Stables as she dusted herself off and smoothed down her fur. She entered the warm building and shook off some snow that had landed on her. She went into the tack room and pulled out a headstall and reins for Belle, a young mare whom Shanta had grown to love. Shanta walked out of the tack room and closed the door tightly. She went to Belle's stall and joined the mare in the stall, putting the tack on her and leading her out of the stall. She closed the stall and continued to lead Belle out of the Stables. Shanta mounted the horse smoothly, patting her back as she did. She heeled the horse and leaned slightly to the left, gently pulling the reins to the left. Belle followed Shanta's commands and turned left and started to walk. Shanta walked the horse for a few minutes, then she began to trot, bobbing slightly on the horse, but gripping enough with her thighs that she was not flopping off of the horse.

She rode on and on, but when she got to the border, Belle didn't seem to want to head back, nor did Shanta. Shanta led Belle to a low part of the fence and jumped Belle over it. She scratched the mare's shoulders kindly and then heeled her once more, causing the mare to start at a long trot again. Shanta knew that she was in Neutral Territories now, land unclaimed by packs. But she was still on her guard, many lone canines roamed the lands. She finally came to a halt near a small stream, dismounting and sitting near it, letting Belle go to the stream and drink. Belle splashed then lay down, rolling in the water. "Belle!" Shanta shouted in happiness when she was splashed with cold water. "I hope you don't get sick from the cold! Liliana wouldn't ever leave me in charge of the animals again." Shanta stopped suddenly, her ears twitching and angling towards a noise she had heard. "Hello? Someone there?"

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Sorry again for not seeing this sooner! 500+ WotD: "Akimbo"

          Foreign areas generally made the Sidhe cautious, but there was something about Dahlia de Mai and the encompassing neutral territories that brought about a sense of serenity and ease she had not felt since Ireland. Also, it was fascinating how many different types of herbs truly grew in this region of the world; most of which Alae knew for a certainty that weren't native to the soils here, but over years of cultivation from the humans and from the change of ecosystems the lands were fertile with many foreign fauna. The Dahlian took delight in spending the few several days first exploring these lands to survey what she could with finding essential herbs for medicinal use. There was a small collection she possessed upon her travels, but at least here she could begin to start a meager collection so there was a seasonal supply.

          Carrying her leather bound pack with scavenged containers filled with herbs collected along the way, like living the life of a rogue there was no particular destination the Luperci and her snowy owl companion were headed toward. Kael took to his usual soar up ahead, leading the way for the duo to regions ahead. After awhile the snowy owl grew tired of his realm in the skies, and ended up resorting upon Alae's left shoulder; talons clutching rather tensely upon fur and flesh, but enough grip to where the pain from his avian claws were bearable. The two strolled in silence for quite sometime, Alae drinking in the scenery about them. Coming upon the trail of a small stream that the Sidhe closely followed, it ended up leading her to an amusing sight up ahead. Coming to a stop, her arms rested akimbo upon her hips, and her muzzle played an amused grin.

          Companion animals were endearing to watch, especially seeing a horse rolling and splashing around a stream in joy. Especially for a creature as big as a horse, it was a sight for sore eyes to see one rolling around like a canine in a stream. Kael, with his wide yellow eyes, watched intently at this too, an unreadable expression upon him (but Alae could almost assume he had to have been surprised himself at such a large animal acting silly). There was a goodhearted chuckle to come from her, and it seemed like the woman who the companion belonged to heard Alae. She was a tall woman, with a proper posture and tattoos on her shoulders and chest. One tattoo that especially caught on to Alae's interest was of the pink lotus carved into her chest, and it made the flesh by her own lotus tattoo on her upper arm tingle with remembrance. With her interest lighting up to this, Alae excused herself for being so rude on staring. "Oh, pardon me. My friend and I were trailing the stream, and couldn't help to notice how happy your stallion looks in the stream." Alae explained with a broadening grin. Companion animals always held a soft spot in her heart.


I swear I replied to this O.o and sorry for the short post. my first is usually the longest.Word Count: 336!

Shanta kept her ears alert as well as her eyes. When the other wolf entered the hollow, she checked the scents, instantly knowing the distinct feminine smell. She also smelled a heavy scent of herbs along with a scent she had missed a lot, incense. She took in the she wolf, the bird on her shoulder, the leather pack. The other wolf was very curvy and much larger than Shanta, Shanta had always been small, though she was usually more muscle packed and agile than others. She listened to the other wolf and when she stopped speaking, Shanta decided she was not a threat. Shanta relaxed and slid on a gentle smile. "I see," she looked towards the owl. "This is a horse who belongs to AniWaya, my pack. Her name is Belle." she patted the mare as Belle looked questioningly at the other wolf. "I haven't known her for too long, but I am happy I met her. We clicked and haven't really left each other much." She looked at Belle, and thought 'friend', trying to show her through her eyes. It must have worked, Belle snorted and drank some more water. "Please excuse my lack of manners, I am Shanta. Who might you be?"

Shanta grabbed Belle's reins and led her out of the stream. Cupping her hands, she tried to scrape as much of the water off of the mare. She should have brought a blanket or towel, but how was she supposed to know this would happen? "You may pet her if you like. Approach her from the front, but let her reach out to you. Then you can pet her nose and move down to her neck." She informed the other wolf. "Oh, and be very relaxed! Horses can sense every one of your emotions." She continued to scrape off the cool water. When she was somewhat drier, Shanta rubbed Belle's coat in circular motions, moving it so patches could dry. Then she would smooth over it and repeat the process.

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          The Luperci woman seemed to relax from her tense state, and was easy to explain the mare's name, Belle, and where the woman and her horse came from. AniWaya. The pack name would be burn into memory for later use, as well as both of their names as the female would later introduce herself as Shanta. Discovering as how Belle and Shanta really weren't as close companions as first assumed, the beauty of instantly connecting with another creature was heart felt to Alae. "It seems like yourself and Belle do have a particular connection as if you were companions for months. That is a beautiful thing to discover in nature." Alae said, expressing the harmony a wolf could gain from something otherwise known as a prey item. The Sidthe then shook her head. "Not a problem. My name is Alae, and this is my friend Kael. We are from Dahlia de Mai." Her muzzle motioned gently to the side where Kael was perched upon her shoulder, where his gleaming yellow eyes were staring at Belle in particular. It was unknown whether the snowy owl felt threatened by the big creature, or was just curious.

          Taking note of the woman before her, she was a tall Luperci with silvery blue eyes. Besides the pink lotus displayed across her chest proudly, there were also two silvern crescent moons etched into her shoulders. It was the lotus that appealed to Alae more, due to the fact she herself had a light pink and daffodil lotus on her upper right arm. The two lotus tattoos probably differed in meaning greatly, but it was still intriguing to see one upon another since they were a rare sight of body art to witness. Alae wanted to question about her tattoo, but Shanta bid Alae to get acquainted with Belle. It appeared Shanta knew what she was speaking of, for her directions were precise and knowing. Smiling at Shanta, Alae took calculated and calm steps forward to where she would be in reach of Belle. Kael shifted a little upon her shoulder, but as little as he was compared to the mare before them, Kael stood his ground upon Alae's fur and flesh. Approaching Belle from the front, Alae extended her arm out in a gesture to pet her nose, but didn't make any moves further. Glancing and smiling at Shanta, Alae waited to see if Belle would be comfortable enough to let the Dahlian pet her. Kael's eyes couldn't grow any wider for an owl, as he was silent yet stunned by the sheer size of Belle before them.

Gahhh >.< sorry for the wait! Word Count: 489!

Shanta finally got Belle as dry as she could. She led the beautiful, sleek mare out of the stream. "Yes, my family has always held connections with other animals, especially animals. " Shanta smiled. Belle snorted some water out of her nose and then rubbed her face all over Shanta. Shanta laughed and scratched Belle's forehead, brushing through her forelock as she did so. The horses eyes seemed so light and alive, much like when they rode together. Much like Shanta came alive when they rode, so did Belle. Belle was such a kind hearted horse, Shanta had never seen her hurt a fly. Ok, well Belle didn't exactly enjoy the flies. . . so, she swished them away. Shanta laughed quietly to herself as she patted the mare. Then her attention was taken back to the other wolf, Alae. Her name was Alae and her companion was Kael, a snowy owl. The woman was not AniWayan, in fact, she was from Dahlia de Mai, so it was not a Spirit Guide. This didn't puzzle Shanta much, for he could be like a spirit brother to Alae, just as Belle was a Spirit Sister to Shanta in a way. Shanta examined the owl, cocking her head slightly as his eyes grew wide. Shanta could sense a sort of fear coming from him, maybe not so much fear, but shock.

Shanta went back to the water, she washed off some mud from her feet and dusted off. She looked at Alae again, studying her in a few seconds, then turning back to the water. She went over the others image, then it hit her. Alae had a lotus. Shanta also wore a lotus. But the two were totally different. Shanta's tattoo was stained on her chest while Alae's was on her upper arm. It was not the family crest, but it was still a beautiful sight. Someone who shared a similar interest of the flower. Very good taste, the Lotus symbolizing many different things. In Shanta's family, it symbolized the bond between each of them, an unbreakable bond. It also showed the ability to rise beautifully from the ugliest of scenes. In her family, the woman were taught to give the tattoo, mothers to children, wives to husbands, and so on. Shanta's family has been known as the Lotus Clan for centuries, but no one knew that now. Only the people of her past, and those were people she hoped to never see again.

"I noticed your tattoo. Do you have a story behind it? I am very interested, along with your companion, Kael." She looked towards Alae and smiled. She went to a larger rock and sat down, getting comfortable. Beckoning Belle over, Shanta clicked her tongue. Belle walked over and snorted on Shanta, then she began to graze calmly. Shanta leaned against a tree behind her and crouched over a bit. She pulled her legs up to her chest and relaxed.

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          Learning how Shanta's family always had a special connection with creatures other than Luperci, Alae's own family could relate on the same level as well. "That's interesting. My own family has taken care of wounded and ill animals over time, sometimes just to take care of when they're well. We often let them go on their own whim, however." Most of the animals the Sidhe Luperci kept in captivity were free to leave upon their own will. Most animals did stay as companion or personal pets, but most also left back into the wild at the same time. While some creatures were unable to voice their gratitude, the Sidhe Luperci knew in their hearts the creatures were thankful for them, and not all Luperci in the world were after them for prey or to kill for the fun of it.

          There seemed to be an impenetrable bond between Shanta and Belle, as the two got along in harmony with one another. Alae observed this, while Kael was still feeling rather uneasy about Belle in general (his feathers furrowed like the guard hairs upon a Luperci when they were frustrated). "Easy, Kael, Belle is tame." The Sidhe murmured to her companion on her shoulder, feeling the talons of the owl digging rather tensely into her shoulder. There were some things that were puzzling about the owl, but then again Alae held a sense of understanding as to why the owl would be intimidated by such a large presence.

          Shanta then spoke about the lotus tattoo upon her upper right arm, and she chuckled gently. "You know, I was just about to ask the same of you." Alae said, intrigued to suddenly learn about Shanta's lotus tattoo across her collarbone. Shanta questioned the history behind Alae's own, and also how herself and Kael met. Before she went into explaining, Alae followed Shanta a little ways to sit with her, sitting on her knees. One hand rubbed her tebori tattoo in reverie to the meaning. "Well, it was a gift from my grandmother. She was into holistic healing and Buddhist practices, and I've followed her along in her studies. It's a symbol for optimism, free thinking, positivity. It was done by a renowned tebori artist in my birth pack, and the process is usually not for the weak." Her tattoo was full of pain no doubt, but she was proud to endure what she must to earn such a symbol upon her. "Actually, I found Kael wounded in a forest. He was meant to be…" Alae suddenly trailed off, her voice lowering in a whisper. "… prey," She wasn't sure if Kael understood English language, and didn't want to offend her companion. ", so I took him back to our village and healed him. Ever since he's stuck around, even though he's healthy enough to return to the wild. I just think he stay around for free meals." Alae said with amusement, jiggling her shoulder in jest a little. "What's the story behind yours?" Alae then said, interested to know what her lotus symbolized (and also the two crescents upon her shoulders if she decided to divulge in them).


and again. . . with my lateness :/ Word Count: 362!

Shanta listened intently to the story of Alae's tattoo. The way it had been given as a gift. She looked at the faded, yet still detailed, lotus. She re-colored her own lotus yearly, she had been studying the art of tattoo, as all woman in her family had. When Alae questioned her own tattoo, Shanta quickly went through a story in her head. She determined what she could and couldn't say, altering the truth so that it was safe. She began informatively, "In my family, the mother always gives a tattoo to her children as a sort of present on their first birthday. So many of the woman are taught to give tattoos, sometimes, only one daughter is taught and then she will give the tattoo to her nieces and nephews as well as her own children." Her mind drifted back to her old village. Nostalgia turning her head into a movie as she told the story. "My sisters died early on, so I was the only one to learn. I was taught to use a needle, things we found in old shops. Dipping it in inks and dyes, we apply our tattoos to given spots on our bodies. My family has always had their tattoos on their chest." Her mind drifted to her father and brother's tattoo, the Snowy Owl.

Both tattoos in her family represent many things, but a common representation is Strength. The woman carrying the lotus and men carrying the owl, the tattoos have been in the family since the beginning of the luperci. Shanta thought about how high ranked her family had been, what had happened? But now was definitely not the time for that. Then she thought of her crescent moons on her shoulder. A symbol that means, at least where she comes from, good fortune. It leaves little light, but that can play to your advantages. "My crescents bring me luck and keep me safe. Or, that's what they are supposed to do." She smiled to Alae. She enjoyed talking with this female, opening up somewhat. Shanta sat back more, leaning her head against a tree. The cool, moss covered, trunk welcomed her head comfortingly.

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No worries. ^^ 300+

          Tattoos appeared to be a tradition passed down from mother to daughter in Shanta's culture, and Alae couldn't help but to find that quite fascinating (especially to know it was the females of the family that did this; one would think it could have been a male thing to pass tattoos down). Anyone could pass down any object from their culture to the next generation, but something about passing along tattoos seemed very intimate, like a permanent reminder that the individual was part of the family for life. Tattoos were for life, and the heritage of a family matched the ideal of a tattoo's permanence. Shanta's legacy was upon her chest, and her family took to chest pieces. It was a strategic place, Alae thought, to have a family's heritage be tattooed upon the chest. The chest was broad and wide, with an open heart. Shanta's culture wore their tattoos above their heart, and Alae assumed that signified love and soul for their tattoos. "Fascinating." Alae said, with a profound interest in her voice. "Tattoos always have meaning attached to them, but yours seems very significant for what it is." The Sidhe remarked, admiring the pink tones of her vivid tattoo more so.

          Shanta divulged into the two silver crescents that bore upon her shoulders, signifying there was significant fortune behind them in luck and protection. Alae observed the crescents, taking note of their color and detail. "Hm, I've never really thought about how tattoos could protect someone. That's interesting to know as well. One day I wish I could get more, but all in reason and sense, of course. Just as my lotus has meaning to me, any other tattoos I get have to have significance to my very being." Alae said in her own opinion. Tattoos were nice, but she wasn't the type of Luperci just to get tattoos for the sake of them looking beautiful and artistic. While there was certainly nothing wrong with that, Alae thought if there was another tattoo to be carved in her fur and flesh, she would be satisfied to die with such a thing knowing that there was a compelling story to tell behind it.


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