pearl amongst oysters

Oh, how her knee hurt! It had been such a mistake to go hunting, and as the Marino woman hobbled her way back toward Haven Manor, she realized just what she had done. A gasp of clear pain was pushed through her chest, forming on the cool dusk air in a puff of weak smoke. The deer she'd brought back for herself and her family was flung to the ground, the new antlers sticking in the soft earth; it was a young buck, but certainly enough to feed her own family and the families of her siblings. Her hand went to the scarred knee, trying to rub the pain away. "Ciò era un errore." She cursed under her breath and allowed herself to sit on the worn porch of the building.

It wasn't hard to get back into her daily routines at all, yet she found that her knee hurt more when the weather was cold. She couldn't wait for summertime. Maybe she would feel better when the sun's heat beat down on her. For a moment, she regretted diving into the dilapidated barn after her niece. Those thoughts were dashed almost as soon as she started. It wasn't Cambria's fault that the barn had collapsed. It wasn't Cambria's fault that she had gone in after her. She loved her niece. The loss of the girl would have destroyed the pack morale. She would have been miserable. Savina too, she was certain.

Still, that barn had caused a lot of trouble. She gave a huff and allowed herself to lay back, rolling into her stomach and crossing her arms beneath her head. "Ugh. Too much for the day." Words laced with heavy Italian undertones filtered into the air. She was tired, but it wasn't over. The deer needed to be skinned and cleaned. With any luck, she'd find company to help her. The wolf scrambled to her feet and found the legs of the woodland critter, dragging it up the stairs to sit in close comfort to the manor. As she started her work on the cadaver, she started to sing, tone deaf as she was. Lyrics to an Italian folk song, learned from the nomads around Monti Sabini, twisted the quiet air into something vaguely unpleasant, but she seemed unbothered, happily working at skinning the animal.


I don't know exactly what is going down in the Mati/Cambi/Keese thread, but it'll be traumatizing, so I'll just be vague XD

Cambria was almost certain she never wished to leave Crimson Dreams again. The world outside the borders of her home was a frightening place and it seemed each time she stepped foot outside something awful happened. She had hoped never to see that man she had come across and healed in the Shiloh Hills again, but that desire had been dashed the previous day. While she and her mate had been on their way to visit Mati's brother he had found them. Her brain was already doing its best to block out the confrontation, the slightest memory of it making the girl want to curl up and cry. Why were there such horrible people in the world? And how did so many of them find her?

The Marino fey had locked herself up in the room she shared with Mati ever since their return. She couldn't bare facing anyone so soon after the events of yesterday. It was all too upsetting. She was curled up under the covers on the bed listening to Enzo softly coo when she heard a bit of ruckus coming from the porch of the mansion. For a moment or two she debated whether or not to check it out—the irrational fear of it being the horrible man upon her doorstep seizing her. A few calming breaths were taken and she stood and walked out of her room and to the front door. Cambi cracked it open, poking her head out and was relieved to see it was just her Zia. "Hi Auntie," she said in her mouse's voice as she stepped out into the cool open air.

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The Italian woman severed the tendons and cut the short-furred pelt away, leaving red muscle and blood in its wake. Butchering was a filthy job, and not one she could do with any quickness or lack of mess. Her hands took on the dark, coppery shade of red that had seeped into the old wood of the manor's porch. Iron filled the air. She sneezed, but that did not stop her horrific singing. Woe to the creatures that had to listen to the Marino woman's abrasive tones, for certainly they'd wish themselves deaf. It didn't seem to bother her that she was incapable of performing a melodic, operatic performance. If the world didn't like it, they could turn their ears off.

Despite her apathy over the noise she had created, she was surprised to see Cambria in the doorway after a moment. The tiny voice of her favorite niece startled her to a defensive posture, skinning knife transforming into a dangerous weapon before her blue eyes softened on the feminine features of the young Marino. "Oh, Cambria. You startled me; you should be careful with that." It was honest advice for caution, but she knew that if anyone harmed the chocolate-furred female, there were many who would see justice dealt. Ghita would be one of the first to defend her nieces and nephews and children, for all were so important to her and her family. A smile brightened her features and she gave a pat to the empty porch beside her. "Come and sit with your Zia Ghita. How have you been?" Though she had seen Cambria since the incident at Ol' Red, she worried for the female.


The last thing she had intended to do was to startle her aunt, but as the smell and sight of the carcass hit her those bright oceanic orbs widened and she felt an uncomfortable lurching in her stomach. Then her gaze lit upon the glint of the blood-stained knife pointed toward her and she took a frightened step back instinctively, her tail tucked up between her slender legs. Just as quickly as it had all started though the hostility left the air and she saw the usual smile of her beloved aunt. Still, her heart beat like a frightened bird's. "I-I will b-be," she stuttered out. It shouldn't have surprised her that Ghita might be on-edge, not after everything that had happened this winter. Thoughts of Nuki still sent shivers down the Medicus' spine. A murderer had been in their midst and none of them had known it until it was almost too late. Her mother would carry the scars of that mistake for the rest of her life.

Ghita patted an empty space beside her on the porch and Cambria quickly thawed her tensed muscles to meekly come and sit in the designated area. Her rear sat down on the weathered porch and she hugged her legs up to her chest. "I've been...okay." There was an unsteadiness to her voice that said quite the opposite though. Undoubtedly her aunt would pick up on it, but she would not go further in depth unless she was asked to. "How have you been Zia? How is your leg?" Dawali had done all he could to help set the broken limb and put Ghita on the road to recovery, but Cambi could tell it still bothered her at times.

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It seemed the woman had done more than simply unnerve her niece; as Cambria stuttered out a response, Ghita felt the guilt of her actions. Of course, after that fool who had killed little Denali, she felt prepared to deal with anyone else who came to ruin the tentative equilibrium of the Marino world. Cambria, however, was not one of them. Her aunt tried to comfort her, offering her a seat that her niece quickly took. Her actions, her body language, concerned her aunt. Ghita's turquoise eyes studied the woman, rubbing one hand against her knee while she tried to figure out what could possibly be wrong. She claimed to be okay, but Ghita could tell otherwise.

"My leg, it is fine. The man with the feathers, Dawali, he did a very good job" She had been impressed with the man's skill in tending to her break, and was glad to see that he had been able to back what she'd been told. The conversation didn't stay on her leg for long; as soon as she replied to Cambria's inquiry, she started off on her own. "Che cosa circa voi, miei cari? Stai bene? Non mentire alla tua zia Ghita." She kept her voice mellow, calm, as she asked about her niece's welfare. Something was wrong. She wanted to know what.


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