If you want to be happy

She stood on a low rock, overlooking the beach. Her head lifted, her long tail gently waving, she was standing on all fours in her luperci form - at long last! Actually it was rather too strong a breeze to make herself such a high target; her long, slightly waving locks that were not restrained in any way in this form were blown right across her protuberant muzzle, getting in the way. This was her bane: she loved the speed and sensation of her floppy-pawed four-legged form but without hands, there was no way to stop her long hybrid-domestic mane from its wild behaviour. It was the first day she'd felt brave enough to leave the warm leather coat at home. She felt a little of the exuberance that a domestic pet dog might, on being taken out for a walk for the first time in months. Caspa was only standing on this rock for as long as it took her excitement to build to a head of steam. Then she bounded down, and took off, galloping along the beach like a child, like a racehorse, revelling in the way her fur blew backwards now, instead of every which way possible. She let her direction gently take her into the surf, where she kept to the shallows, a silver spray of water following her footsteps. Each bound covered a prodigial distance, each step landing on broad paws bred from desert-running ancestors. If the surf had allowed her to leave footprints, a casual observer might have feared them those of a bear. There was nothing fearsome about Caspa today, though. Everything was well in the world. She was fed, and safe, and had companionship of a sort. She was learning to focus her mind and turning this new attentiveness to developing her previous skills of leatherwork and philosophy. All was peaceful, and she could relax.

Amaranth watched her son carefully as he ran around on the sand. the boy was just about two months old and that meant that she would soon have to let him go and play with out her constant eyes watching him. Jiva was her son and she would not have him hurt she would be there to protect him and be there through the changes he would someday go through.

"Look mama, look" jiva said as he looked at the silver thing running down the beach. "Jiva come here please get over here" Her tone slightly panicked as she waved her hand calling him close to her. She couldn't tell who or what it was that was running at them. though she could tell that it was a luperci the scent was not one that she knew.

Jiva coming to her side made her feel better because she could protect him better from next to him. The world was to cruel and she knew it. Watching the figure come closer she relaxed a bit. She could smell the pack on her and that at least meant she was on of the members here. "Hello there" Amaranth called as she waved her hand high in the air.

When she spied the couple ahead, one tall and one tiny, she stuck to her line rather than veering towards them, sensing she was interrupting a moment. The Cour's scent drifted her way across the saltiness of the sea but even then she wasn't tempted to invade their space, especially when the grown woman drew the child close, Caspa could feel her approach being watched. She lowered her head and didn't look over, cantering onwards through the shallow surf, she would pass them by and they need not be disturbed for long. Then the woman hailed her and Caspa, delighted to be greeted, turned in their direction, taking in ruby hued fur and the little boy who couldn't be more than a couple of months old. She took a few strides up the sand, her large wet paws leaving water-filled prints and drips cascading every which way from her fur, answering "Good day... I don't believe we've met?" Their scent was familiar, though, they had lived in the same pack for a while now, without their paths chancing to cross. "I'm Caspa." She hesitated, there didn't seem to be much more information she could give about herself. Really, she had yet to make her mark on the world in any way whatsoever.


Word Count » 000

Amaranth smiled as she watched the other come closer. her son bolting off towards her and then back and forth. He was hyper having a good time seeing someone else coming to see them. he had met many of the pack members.

"no I am amaranth Catori, you've most likely met my mother or father. The king and his mate." She stated. "I live in a cave with my son and mate Niro." She was happy to meet the woman. She looked at her boy as she looked back at the woman.

She couldn't believe that Jiva was so hyper. "Hi" He pipped as she ran to the water and splashed around in the soft sand. She was happy to see him enjoying life. "what brings you to the beach today/" She asked out of curosity.

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Caspa's relaxed, playful air became a little more attentive as Amaranth told her of her family connections. The lanky white dog had not met either the King, or his mate. She was beginning to see them as mythical figures at this point, rumours of scent that she wondered if she would ever have the honour to lay eyes upon in this large and populous territory. Niro, though, was a name she recognised and gave a slow swish of her tail, remembering the amiable wolf who had brought her in at the borders. It seemed all her puppyish exuberance had drained from her into the child, who went dashing into the sea like Caspa had been a moment before, while she stood respectfully attentive in front of her new acquaintance. "I just came to run on the sand," she explained, "The warmer weather is very pleasing." She guessed the cave was nearby, as the parent and child looked perfectly at home here. "How is your daughter, Magnolia?" she added, remembering the girl from the hotel who had resembled her father Niro so closely, assuming this to be her mother although perhaps she looked rather young to have such a grown-up child.

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table © Alaine
ooc: Srry for the wait

Amaranth smiled as the woman made herself part of the small group she was glad to be talking with someone. "I do agree that the weather is lovely and it makes being out here amazing." she said. she kept her eyes peeled on her son who was just to hyper for his own good.

Amaranth watched as her son splashed around the edge of the shore line. She didn't really hear what Caspa had said. "she's fi... Oh wait Magnolia she's not mine." she said. "She is one of Niro's three girls." She said. None had met Jiva and she hoped to meet up with The girls to introduce him to them. "jiva is my only child." she said. She couldn't even consider Magnolia her step daughter for she wanted nothing to do with them.

Speak think walk


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