I like my wine chilled

Lethal mismatched eyes scanned the horizon for any dangers or things out of the ordinary, sharp claws rested against the outer part of her thighs occasionally clenching into a fist before relaxing again. She was like a good strong knife; sharp, cold and deadly, able to strike with pinpoint accuracy and bring pain or death to any and all who threatened the pack or its members, the assassin of Phoenix Valley whom most of its members didn't even know this deadly and almost deranged side of her. Paws were silent as falling snow as she padded over bushes, under branches and through the forested borders with nary a rustle of leaves.

Flash of brown in front of her had her lashing out with the hunting knife and a rabbit's scream pierced the air before it was cut off abruptly. She followed her weapon into the bush and came across the quickly dieing animal and with a practiced move silenced the animal for good and severed its ties to the mortal world. After cutting off a strip of meat which she tucked into the crook of a tree branch for the spirits of the forest to take the woman ate quickly and left little waste, whatever was left she buried into the soil so the bacteria could get to work consuming it and feeding the nutrients back into the environment so it may help the forest grow.

After her lunch Jace returned to her rounds, a full stomach now a pleasure she experienced. slowly the she dogwolf was putting back on the weight she had lost and didn't look as skinny or sickly as she used to. Bones no longer protruded from her skin and the patches of missing fur were regrowing. Blue and amber gaze returned to thier job of searching out intruders or strangers.

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