Never More
Thread Information
Date: 05 May (Backdated)

Setting: Anathema

Time: Morning

Character Form: Optime

Hello =)

WC: 243

Points: 0

Axelle was about to keel over. She was almost to the Anathema caves and she was exhausted. The early sun was beating down on her back as she walked and it was so hot. So many bags she had now. She had gone to town and picked up a few things for her Wiccan ritual. She hoped that she would be able to settle down in time. She needed to be set up.

Now she had a bag full of blankets, a bag full of her weapons and crossbow ammo, complete with her crossbow strapped to her back, a bag full Wiccan herbs, oils, pots, and other tools she needed, and a bag full of books and other random items. They were all heavy, and the one full of weapons was sharp, even though all of the knives were in their sheathes. She had the one bigger sword strapped around her waist so that she didn’t have to make her bag any heavier.

Her shoulders and arms ached, and when she reached the Anatheman pack lands she felt relief. Only a little more ways away to paradise. A few more steps, it felt like, and she was there at the caves entrance. She peered inside only to see cave walls. She plopped her bags down with a heavy “thud.” She stood there panting and waited for Naniko to show up. To appear out of thin air, just like she always did with convenience.

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Hey Big Grin

Naniko was very interested in learning about the cultures that others brought with them. She and Selene had brought their own with them from the pack they had come from, and each wolf had their own individual belief systems and ideas of what was right and wrong in the world. She wanted to know what everyone else thought so that she could compare it to her own ideas and feelings and either accept new outside ideas or reaffirm her own.

She was exiting the cave to walk toward the border and see if Axelle had come back when she heard a nearby thud. Was she already here? The Angela turned to the exit near her den and spotted the other female with her many bags. "Hey! you made it! Let me carry some of that, yeah? We can pick you out a den or something...somewhere for you to put everything. Do you want to live farther down the hall or nearer to the entrance, do you think?"

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I started them walking.

WC: 347

Points: 3

Axelle’s tongue lolled out of the side of her mouth. It was hot. It was May. It was supposed to be hot. As Naniko appeared with such great convenience, Axelle nodded toward her offer. Some help would be nice. Axelle picked up the bag with her weapons and the bag with the blanket inside, leaving the random bag and Wiccan tools bag to Naniko. They weren’t that heavy. She appreciated the help.

A big room would be nice. Maybe toward the back.

Axelle followed close behind Naniko into the cave. This was an interesting place to live. Not many packs lived totally underground, but they did. And now she was a part of them. She raised her hand to look at her palm. The fresh cut was beginning to scab up and heal. Her Anatheman mark. Awesome.

She couldn’t wait to see her room. She needed somewhere to put all her things, and now she had the perfect spot. As soon as she found it. She would need to go out and get things to hang her weapons on the walls, and build shelves to put her herbs and oils, if there weren’t shelves already there. She was excited and tired at the same time. Being somewhere where she knew she was safe gave her a nice feeling. Like she was in her comfort zone, and she could finally sleep deeply without worrying about who was stalking or watching her.

There were always so many things she was able to be lost in thought about. Maybe being somewhere where she actually was safe would get her out of the habit of being afraid of others. That was a maybe. She felt that she would always be afraid of males, especially how most acted toward her. Though, she also learned that not all males were savages. Some were actually decent, like J’adore for example. He was a male friend that she wasn’t afraid of, while Kemo was someone who raped and beat her and she still managed to be his friend after all that. What a weird life.

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It would be nice to have a female friend; there seemed to be far less complications with those these days. Naniko was able to have male friends and all and got along with them just as easily...but her sex drive sometimes got in the way of some friendships. She didn't mind either gender, but normally found males more easy to understand and manipulate if such a situation arose. In most cases, the males wanted it just as often as she did. Viking proved that often enough; she had him in her bed as often as she could.

"You bet" She said to the tired luperci, taking a few things from her and beginning to walk alongside her down the hall. They came to one of the last rooms and she stepped inside, grabbing a torch from the wall to light the one just inside the doorway. This illuminated the space in flickering fire, casing a golden sheen over everything that the light touched. "It's pretty big...I hope everything will fit, though. Do you have anything to sleep on? I have some spare furs"

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WC: 347

Points: 3

Axelle was excited. Finally, a room to call hers. She followed close behind Naniko until they stopped at a doorway. Naniko grabbed a torch from the wall and lit one of the ones inside the room. Axelle walked up behind her and peered over Naniko’s shoulder. The room was spacey enough for her and her things. There was enough room on the walls for her weapons and for shelves if she ever found anything suitable to make them out of. She dropped her bags off by the doorway, inside the room and smiled looking out into it. She nodded happily.

This is definitely big enough for me.

Then Naniko propositioned her with some furs for a bed. She did have comforters, but furs might be better for the actual ground. Comforters could either be for on top of the furs or to cover herself when the caves became cold. She stopped looking at the room for a second and looked back at Naniko.

Furs would be great, thanks.

She was appreciative of the female. She was happy she found someone who cared about her enough to give her a home and help her get started in it. She looked at the other with grateful eyes. What the hell would Axelle do without her?

Then she turned back to the room and looked around for about a third time now. She wondered what Naniko’s room looked like. She needed something to go off of. She saw the human houses before, but they were very messy now with all the scavengers throwing things around. She wondered if humans were actually clean and organized before they died. It was a dead thought, no one would ever know.

What does your room look like? Where should I start?

She wished Naniko would show her her room. Axelle remembered way back when they first met that Naniko didn’t take her to her room, so maybe she was secretive about her things? She didn’t want to ask up front. If Naniko wanted her to see, she would offer. She hoped she would offer.

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She was very happy to have a friend living with her in the pack, someone who she could confide in if she had something to talk about that she didn't feel she could go to anyone else about. Naniko didn't have many close friends, but the ones that she did have, she trusted explicitly. She hoped that Axelle didn't feel like she "owed" her anything for having helped her out; Nani had simply been in that same position before and had wanted to do something for the girl at the time. She liked to think that Axelle would have done the same.

"Great! Well, let's head down there and get some. The caves stay pretty chilly at night, even in the it'll do you good to have some. I have a bed of my own, so I don't have any use for them." She motioned for the other to follow her back down the hall. "Then we can work on getting you unpacked and settled, if you'd want some more help. Have you eaten or drank anything today? I have some food and some jars of water in my den" She offered.

Naniko's own den was larger than any other in the denning area, at least twice the size of most single dens. She liked her space; it gave her enough room for her king-sized bed and a small fire pit in the corner. She had a few shelves full of knick-knacks that she'd brought back from the human city, along with a couple of jars of home-made healing salve and a few other herbs. It was a pretty sparse living environment, really.

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WC: 339

Points: 3

What luck! She did. Axelle followed Naniko down the hall without hesitation. She kept up with her steady pace and looked at her. She was grateful to have such a good friend in her life. She was a loner, she was antisocial. That would have to change now, and she wanted it to change. She needed more of others in her life, and this was a great example. Having friends felt good. Others you can go to when you’re having a problem or a bad day.

Thank you, Naniko, for everything you’ve done for me.

It was important that Axelle told her that. Without Naniko, she would still be a loner and still be living in the woods. She hadn’t liked the other packs like how she liked Anathema, and to be finally here was a blessing.

How’d you get a bed in here?

She pictured Naniko, in her mind, carrying a big human bed on her back all the way from Halifax. Impossible. Maybe she got help from someone else to help her carry it. Maybe its not even a human bed at all…

I would like that, thank you. As for the food, I’m going to go out and get some later. I’ve been in Optime way too long. I need to stretch my wolf legs.

She loved being in her lupus form, and missed it when she didn’t visit it often. She had been in Optime now for a couple of days carrying things and using her hands, but it was time to shift down after everything was settled and go out to hunt. She hadn’t hunted in a while either, which reminded her of how hungry she was. She held her stomach thinking about hunting. Deer, maybe. Or five rabbits. She remember Eris’ slave skinning the creature and cooking it’s meat on the fire. She might try that after an invigorating run in one of her lesser forms. And after feeding herself good, she would retreat to her cave where a required sabbatical will begin.

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She considered her close friends a part of her family. Naniko didn't mind helping out a fellow luperci when she could; there had been times when she had needed some assistance in the past, and she'd had somebody there to help her out. She had in fact carried the bed back on two wagons, using her strength to pull them across the terrain and up toward the mountain. Naniko was a large girl and back in those days she'd had strength to spare.

It had taken a few trips, though. "It's not a problem. You would do the same for me, I feel" They entered her den together and she made for the corner, picking up a few furs. She had a few deer pelts and one large bear one, and she picked all three up and placed them on her mattress. "I used a wagon to drag the bed back. The city has many treasures to offer if one looks hard enough" She explained.

Naniko didn't understand the need to shift back down into her lupus form. She looked quizzically back at Axelle. "You shift a lot, then? I have barely ever left this form. When I was pregnant and still living in the cult pack, it seemed necessary to stay in this form. We left and I had to carry many items back with me here to Anathema...and I've never left it. I use human tools to hunt...a bow, arrows, my dagger" She explained.

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WC: 412

Points: 3

Naniko turned a corner, and walked into the doorway to a room. Axelle followed behind, and looked in awe at how much bigger Naniko’s room was. Fit for a Queen. Axelle’s eyes wandered around from her human bed to the fire pit, and other things that lined the walls and were on the shelves. The fire pit looked rather catawampus from the wall. Her room would be this nice soon. A few more trips to Halifax, and maybe a wagon, and she’ll be able to bring back enough things to decorate it how she wanted. ”Do you still have the wagon? Can I borrow it soon?” A wagon was a great idea that Axelle had never imagined. Why didn’t she think of that?

She noticed she hadn’t answered Naniko’s first statement, but felt it was too late. She just smiled, and hoped Nani got the point. She probably would help the leader out if she was in need. Axelle liked to help anyone that was in need, of course if they were nice to her. If not, let them rot.

Axelle noticed Naniko’s expression, and became defensive, playfully of course, ”What?” Axelle returned her eyes to the rest of the room, and then returned them back to Naniko when she said something. ”You use human tools to hunt?!” She looked at Naniko almost astounded. She’s seen it before, luperci using human tools. She had weapons, too, but she didn’t plan on hunting with those. Even though, it might make hunting more effortless. She pondered on the thought of catching a deer with her crossbow. It was one she would have to try. Maybe now.

”Sorry, that one kinda caught me off guard. I just find being in wolf form feels more natural to me. This form is only for when I need thumbs,” she raised her hands and wiggled her thumbs, ”But to think of it… Hunting with human tools might not be so bad.” She looked toward the doorway as she realized she wasn’t in her room anymore, ”Hell, I might go try it later when I go hunting.” She wasn’t sure, but it was a possibility. Then she could store some meat for the pack or something. There was a question she had to ask, ”Does the pack have a place where they store food? I could contribute if I catch something big.” She liked being helpful when it was needed, and especially for somewhere that was part of her.

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She was curious about what things were like for the female before she had come to 'Souls. When Naniko had found her she'd been pretty beaten up...did she have a history of getting into fights or bad things happening to her? Anathema was a somewhat darker pack...but they cared for each other in their own ways. She would always try and protect Axelle if she could.

"Right now the wagon's just outside the main cave entrance, tied to a tree out there in the woods. If you walk straight forward from the entrance that's closest to my den, you should find it. I put some branches on top of it to hide it a bit" She said, agreeing to lend the wagon to her friend. Axelle would bring it back, definitely. "We do have a food storage in the back..I sometimes use the wagon to drag a deer or two back there if it's too big for me"

The black and white female's coat coloration reminded her of Nayru in ways. She didn't often see that type of coloration on someone, and envied the dark patches that the female wore on her pelt. Her attention was caught again by Axelle asking a question, however. "Yes. It's much easier, I think. But then..I'm always in this form. So I'm not sure if it would be easier for you or not. You can borrow them too, if you want to. Any time I'm not using them"

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Maybe Axelle would use the wagon when she went hunting later. She wondered if Naniko would try to hunt in her Lupus form, ”Would you want to join me later for a nice wolfy hunt?” She didn’t want to push Naniko if she was uncomfortable with it, but a little push of encouragement would help. ”It would be an interesting experience, and maybe something new for you.” She didn’t push the subject further than that. If Naniko would join her, great, and she could join in whatever form she wanted to.

The food storage. She would definitely work toward contributing to that at least once a month, if not more. ”Thank you,” for the wagon, she meant. She appreciated Naniko’s helpfulness, and wouldn’t ever take advantage of it.

”Borrow what? Your hunting tools?” She was confused for a second before answering on her own, ”I have my own weapons that can be used for hunting…” She paused, but then continued, ”As soon as I learn how to use them. I guess it’ll be wolfy hunting for now.” She had the general idea of the crossbow: shoot at things. And don’t miss. The missing was her problem. Her accuracy wasn’t that great, and she needed some target practice. The swords and hunting knives on the other hand, she needed someone to teach her some sword fighting. General cutting and stabbing was easy, but what is she needed to ‘fence’? There she would be sliced and diced in an instant. The thought of being sliced and diced showed on her face, but she quickly returned it to a cheerful expression.

She returned the smile at Naniko, walked over, and took the furs from her bed. She carried the heavy skins in her arms, and stood by the doorway, ”Shall we?” Meaning to go back to her room to help her unpack. She just wanted to get most of the important things and ingredients up on the shelves and out of the bags. Then she would be satisfied enough to go hunting, and probably come back and sleep.

Act speaks thinks

Word Count → 345

Points → 3

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Mind if we close soon?

The suggestion was considered by the female for a few moments, but she ultimately shook her head. ”Thank you, but no. I need to be at the top of my game and in this form to defend the pack if a call should come to the borders. That is one of the main reasons that I stick to this form” She explained. Her offer of the tools was denied, but that was alright. It was good that Axelle had tools of her own that she could use.

She nodded and made to follow the girl back to her den. The cave system was easy enough to get around…she hoped that Axelle would feel at home soon. Maybe the furs would help with that; they weren’t terribly easy to get, and they would spruce up her den and hopefully make her feel more at ease with this new environment. ”Are you glad to finally be able to settle in one place, Axelle?” She asked.

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Sure =] You could wrap it up with your reply. I give you permission to PP Axelle leaving Smile

Her suggestion was denied, and she felt a little disappointed. She understood Naniko’s reasons for not wanting to join the hunt and leave her Optime form. Axelle nodded, and when they reached her room she dropped the furs on the ground. One by one she took one and placed it nicely in a corner of her den. Then she placed another on top, and so forth. Then she went to one of her bags and pulled a comforter from the inside. The bag seemed to take its original form again. She folded the comforter nicely, and placed it at the foot of her nest.

Then she turned toward Naniko, ”Well, actually I think I’m just going to put stuff away later. You don’t have to help, but thanks for the offer.” She went over to one of her bags and took out her crossbow. She looked at it for a moment, turning it and studying it before putting it back down. Then she shifted down into her wolf form. She was happy to be small and natural again. It’s been a while, and she was happy now that she could stretch her wolfy legs. She looked up at Naniko, and answered her question, ”Yes, yes I am. I’m actually relieved I have somewhere safe to put my things and somewhere where I can safely sleep.”

After that, she walked toward her den door.”Well, I’m going to go hunt now, I guess. So, I’ll see you later?” She hoped that she would be hanging out with Naniko often now that she was in her pack. Axelle waited by the door, attempting to walk Naniko out so that she wouldn’t just leave so abruptly. Then she will go on her merry way outside and hunt for something tasty. Maybe a rabbit, or a deer if she was capable of bringing it down by herself.

Act speaks thinks

Word Count → 312

Points → 3

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Done ;D

She would definitely be seeing Axelle again. Naniko was glad that the other female hadn't taken offense to her denial of the hunting request; she felt uncomfortable on four legs and that was that. Part of it was likely deeply ingrained in her from her youth, as well...Naniko had shifted for the first time during an attack on her, an attack made by her very own adopted mother. She'd had to shift to be able to run away from her quickly enough because she had been injured.

"Well, we're glad to have you here. Have a nice hunt!" The leader had a few things that she needed to do later on anyway, and there was plenty of meat in the store room today if she felt hungry at all later in the night. Naniko waved to her friend as she left, padding back toward the comfort of her own den to take a nap or work on a few of the maps that she'd started.

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