To the Other Side of the Wind

Using my new table~~~ <3 (Backdated to June 7th) (Nootau: Visible)

The pups had gotten more and more restless since their first outing, and although Ralla now had her hands more full than ever--what with Kemo still gone and her patience thinning (mostly from worry)--just trying to keep their adventurous spirits contained. Even complacent Alaster was getting antsy, begging with his siblings to go outside past the bounds of the tree hut. With reluctance Ralla had agreed, but only on the conditions that they all stay within her reach. She knew it was being overprotective, but they were so small--not even two months--and could easily get into all sorts of trouble. Especially Ahiga; he was the most prone to do so. With Ayasha going about doing her duties, Ralla had to take a little extra time to ferry each pup down the ladder, since they couldn't climb it in lupus form anyway, as Nootau watched the ones that were already on the ground and made sure that they didn't run off. The barn owl spirit guide was quiet that day, and Ralla knew that he was suppressing his words only because she was willing him so; she didn't want to hear them just yet, and it was through that sheer will that he did not speak of what she did not want to hear--he knew she would ask eventually, and perhaps he was letting her bide her happiness for awhile longer.

All three fluff-balls on the ground, the family began a slow walk to the Great Fire as the pups still tumbled over themselves about the ground, Nootau gliding every so often to keep pace. Little Aleu kept yelling after her brothers to wait up or not to get her dirty, but Ahiga only continued his assaults on Alaster, who--although he protested--reciprocated with the same amount of rambunctiousness. Honestly, had it been snowy, the twins would've probably disappeared into the ground, and then where would their mother be? Worried more than a mother hen on drugs, that's what. Of course, Aleu was the easiest to see, since she was mottled brown and slightly grey like her grandfather. Ralla knew how she must feel; the entire family was white, Ayasha--the adopted daughter--included. But oh, how adorable she was.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]

WC:269 OOC:

Liliana felt like she was about to burst. She hated the feeling and couldn’t wait to have these pups, how much more could she gain, how many puppies was she going to have? She felt her rounded belly as she made herself take a walk. She was suppose to be active, and by being active that meant she had to walk, though her swollen ankles complained and she’d been up half the night because she had become so uncomfortable that it was hard to sleep. She was at ends, but knew she only had a few weeks left, a few miserable weeks. She stopped when she heard giggling of playing pups and twitched her ears. There were puppies in AniWaya? How strange! She was used to adults and since coming back she had not known about Ralla nor her puppies. Feeling a maternal pull she went towards the sound of the puppies. She found herself in the clearing of the great fire when she finally spotted the young wolves and their mother. She was taken aback a little but then smiled.

“Ralla, it has been a while. Are these your little ones?”

There could be no doubt they were, considering the woman was watching them with the utmost of motherly needs. None of them should get hurt or get lost in Ralla’s eyes. Liliana remembered as a pup her mother did not always stay so close, but being really young Liliana knew that it was best to keep ten eyes on children at all times.

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Table made by Erin!


The voice at first startled Ralla, but all thoughts and feelings were soon replaced by warmth and happiness when she saw the origin of the voice. "Liliana!" she exclaimed, a smile beaming on her face, residual from watching the pups' antics. Curious as to their mother's attention being drawn elsewhere, the twins and Aleu hopped over to her feet and stared at the newcomer, quizzical and unsure. "You're right, it has been a long time. I--" Ralla was cut off mid-sentence as Ahiga stood on his hind legs and leaned on her leg repeatedly, unsteady on still-weak muscle. "Momma, who that?" Alaster stood a little behind Ahiga--curious but yet shy--as Aleu stood even further behind her elder brothers, completely unsure of how to handle the situation. "Yes, Ahiga; this is Liliana. Come and meet her." So saying, Ralla took the steps towards her friend and tribe mate, making sure that all three children were following close behind her.

She noticed the obvious about Lili--that she, too, was pregnant--and felt a swell of happiness for her friend. "Well, I can see that I won't be the only one for long, at least. But it's so good to see you! How was your journey to the Great Tribe?" It had been so long, and even before then it had been rare that Ralla had had the chance to talk frequently with the women since the both of them were often so busy. At least now their mothering duties gave them pause for such conversation, even if they were still technically on duty even then. For AniWayans, duty never paused, and they were grateful for it. "The two white ones are Ahiga and Alaster--Ahiga has the left grey sock and Alaster the right," she said while motioning with her arms to indicate the location of the markings, "and this is Aleu," she said jovially as she nudged her daughter forward a little with her foot, seeing as the small girl was seated oddly on top of her mother's paw anyway. At first Aleu stared up to Liliana with wide eyes, probably further dwarfed in size because of Liliana's belly, but seeming to forget her fears after Ahiga and Alaster began to wobble up to the woman was well, looking back and forth to their mother for confirmation that it was okay. Ahiga, ever forward, then also stood and leaned against Liliana's leg, as if he could gain some closer vantage from doing so. Looking to Liliana with a bit of a lopsided grin, Ralla sent a silent apology for Ahiga's lack of 'personal space', since she knew he would probably jump on the other woman up and down given the chance. He was just a naturally inquisitive and aggressive pup.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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Table by Meghann!


[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]

WC:333 OOC: Big Grin i hope i made something for you to reply to, if it's hard for you, then let me know I'll figure something out

Liliana grinned when the woman recognized her and started talking animatedly only to be interrupted by her pup. She encouraged the three little fluff balls to come meet Liliana, and then turned her attention back to lili mentioning she wasn’t going to be the only one for long. Lili blushed.

“Yes it was a magnificent surprise. Nayati is very excited, he’s helped me so much already, it almost makes me wish I were always pregnant...almost.”

She said when she felt a pain to her abdomen. One of her pups moved inside her, kicking a possibly important organ, that hurt considerably. She didn’t double over, but the discomfort was shown on her face. She was ready to have the pups but the pups were not ready to come out. She was happy enough to continue smiling eslecially when Ralla asked about her trip.

“Oh it was wonderful, we had a good time, I learned a lot when I was there, and met so many nice people. I almost wanted to stay, but this is my home now.”

She said, and she would always keep this as her home. She looked down at the pups as Ralla introduced them, there were two shy ones and one very inquisitive one, Lili wished she could kneel down to greet them properly, but with her belly as big as it was and the ground so far down, she didn’t want to risk not being able to get up on her own.

“It is very lovely to meet you all. You are being good for your mommy it seems.”

She giggled when the braver one came up to her and leaned on her. She couldn’t bend down but she acknoledged him in any case

“They are such wonderful pups, I hope they can be friends with mine. I wish mine were here now, but they won’t be here for a little while.”

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Table by Alli

Ralla mock-cringed, remembering her time pregnant. Although she had not often let on, it was an...odd experience; not always enjoyable, even if the result more than made up for it. She remembered swelling, the inability the change, the tough times getting up and down; all that jazz. "They'll be adorable, I'm sure. Are you hoping for any colors? Daughters? Sons? How many?" She asked out of sheer curiosity, although it was in more of a bullet-line of order; quick and concise, itching to know what Liliana was thinking. In a way, it was almost like assuring herself that she hadn't been the only one to think such things, if Liliana answered similarly to how Ralla had been thinking when she was pregnant. She certainly didn't know the norms.

Ralla bent forward a little when Lili's face contorted into one of pain, although it disappeared after a moment, reassuring Ralla that it was only one of the kicking pains and not the actual birth taking place right there. Now wouldn't that be a sight? "Well, we're glad to have you home. The horses all missed you terribly; even Sugar said so." Ralla could still only speak very few, broken low speech words, but it was still enough to hear and understand her trusted mount to a point. "But I saw all the new horses come in. Where did they all come from?" Noticing the pups' curiosity for Liliana, Ralla scooped up Alaster and held him gently in her hands, using one paw to make him wave with his own. Ahiga didn't seem to mind Liliana not greeting him, instead more interested in her protruding stomach. "Why Miss Lili so big?" Aleu asked as she followed Ahiga around like a shadow, daintily picking up her paws as she went. "Aleu," Ralla admonished, shooting Liliana an apologetic look for the little girl's forthright comment. "Not too long ago I was like that, and you three were in there." In all likelihood the pups wouldn't understand, but would probably leave it alone in favor of other things to keep their attention. Like the two female's tails for play toys... "Thank you," the white mother said, blushing at the comment to her children. "I wish for the same. Of course I'm looking forward to your children as well; I'm sure they'll be twice as precious--maybe even be in the saddle by one month!"

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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Table by Meghann!


[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]
OOC sorry for the lateness and the no tables and the crap post

She smiled at the barrage of questions given to her. She could understand Ralla's excitement, and probably would have asked the same things if she had seen Ralla Pregnant; how she couldn't was beyond Liliana.

I only hope they look more like their father than me. I want them to be wolves more than dogs. I think it would make their lives easier, even if we live here, there are still others who do not like my kind, and if they look like wolves they won't be badgered about it."

She said honestly. That was her only wish on the puppies, she did not care if she had one gender or the other or both, as long as they were healthy and had the look of their father, it was good to her. She smiled when Ralla mentioned the horses and blushed. She loved them and had missed them dearly herself.

"The new horses came from down south, there were a few wild herds and I thought it would do us some good to keep the horse bloodline clean. That way we don't imbreed."

She said, knowing there were only a few herds here in the peninsula. Liliana stiffled a giggle at one of the pups questions, and nodded at Ralla's answer in agreement

"Yes I am going to have children of my own. They will be small and blind and deaf, but soon they will grow and be as playful as you."

She said, then turned to Ralla as she spoke once more, knowing that their children would all be able to play with each other. In a wonderfully beautiful pack led by a knowledgable leader, and in peaceful times. It was all Liliana could ask for. She let out a laugh when Ralla mentioned her children being in the saddle at one month.

"I am sure Nayati will have them hunting in no time as well. He's been so kind to me. I wish your mate had stayed, he does not know what he is missing.

She said, smiling at Ralla, feeling nothing but respect for the single mother.

Sorry for the lateness ^^”

"Lili," Ralla admonished her friend, even though Ralla was technically younger. "No matter what they look like, they'll fit in fine. They have family here." Of course she meant that as more than just blood kin; the tribe was their home. Ralla understood that there was prejudice in some places against those who were any less than pure wolf, but she did not understand it in the least. What did it matter if one was a coyote or a dog or a wolf or any mix between? The only way to see the differences was in appearance and sometimes scent; it didn't effect one's persona or heart. Certainly if her children were a mix she wouldn't love them any less, nor would she think that others in the tribe would do so. "Besides, I think I would like to see some miniature Lili's running around."

"My commendations for taming them; that must've been difficult, since they were completely wild. But I suppose that's why you're our Nadie Tadita." Indeed, how Liliana had managed to herd all those wild horses all the way back to the tribe was an amazing feat in itself. Ralla could only handle so many animals, and even then she would have trouble if there were perhaps more than two under her care. It was simple; she wasn't made to shepherd a menagerie. But Liliana handled them with such ease and love that their livestock thrived. The fire was, in a way, Ralla's creature to tend, and she could not think of it any other way. "I'm looking forward to seeing them out in the pastures, now that we finally have some proper ones built after the storm."

"I know what blind is! Adutsi was that!" Ahiga piped up, having successfully pinned the tip of Ralla's long white tail to the ground. It was true; even after the journey south to the tribe, Kemo had remained blind, and yet Ralla had not cared a wick that he was still so. It had not mattered before; why would it have mattered after? He had been an able father and mate all the same. Still, the children realized his disability when they had begun to ask about colors and shapes, and he had not been able to properly respond. It wasn't until he had properly explained his blindness that they had understood, but Ralla thought they somehow knew that it was better not to ask. Little Alaster, previously quiet and squirming to fit a question in, finally spoke. "What kind of horses?" The shy boy was more often than not fascinated by Sugar when Ralla took the pups out through the village, and even more so by the other livestock present in the stables. What with his birth month and sign--the sign being the symbolism of the grey sock on his right leg, the same as Ahiga's sign was pertinent to the sock on his left leg--she wouldn't be surprised if she found the boy hounding Liliana sooner than later about the creatures.

"Kemo has...been gone, recently," Ralla explained, feeling the worry from before returning to her. "I only think it is a short journey--like the one I begged of you not long after I came here--and I do not begrudge him it. But...I do agree with you; I wish he was here to see the pups grow some more."

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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Table by Meghann!


[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]

OOC: I apologize for the horrible wait ; ;

Liliana frowned, she had nto been talking about AniWaya. Though she had known a few to actually have not liked her being there when she first came, but she proved herself well enough. She was used to the torment of being a wolf dog, and knowing that it was something hard to live with and inevitable if one could tell the difference.

“It’s not AniWaya I’m worried about Ralla, it’s the rest of the world. They will be welcome here, but if they leave, and I know they would want to visit other place, well they will find great prejudice. I’ve lived with it all my life, I don’t wish for them to have to.”

She said, though the subject change was welcome, she smiled. She was very good with animals herself, possibly due to her herding instincts. Her shepherd mix had an ingrained sense of flock herding, keeping them where she wanted them, and this helped her keep the animals in check on the long way home, with little trouble. She turned to the pup who asked about the horses and smiled.

“All kinds of horses, big ones AND short ones. Maybe when you’re a little older your mom can put you up on one of the ponies and you can have a ride.

She said smiling, and then looking up at Ralla as she spoke of her mate, and nodded her head, trips still meant leaving and to miss the age of learning in a pup was something Liliana couldn’t bare to do.

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Table by Erin


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