[P] Curse These Winds

Word Count → ###
Stealing Darkness's table.

Noire Nishant was irritated. This wasn't her usual irritation; for once, her annoyance wasn't targeted at Layla. No, it was the weather, which was beyond her control. That meant that all the screaming in the world wouldn't get the damn rain to stop ruining everything about her day.

The brown wolfess hadn't been having the most enjoyable of days. She had managed to find an old cabin to spend the previous night in, but unfortunately its roof had been spotted with various holes. This wouldn't have presented a problem if it hadn't started to downpour only hours after midnight. As if her mood wasn't sour enough as always, waking up early never helped, especially if waking was by means of being completely drenched.

Her teeth hadn't gotten a break from clenching since she had scrambled around in the darkness early that morning, fumbling around for her satchel until her eyes finally adjusted to the light and getting out of the house as quickly as possible. By then the worst of the rains had ceased, but a light drizzle still fell. It had managed to turn her satchel into a giant lump of soaking leather which was not pleasant to haul around. Worse, it had completely ruined her notebook, which meant that she wasn't going to be writing again any time soon--not that it mattered, but it was nice to see something other than a wet blur in place of already illegible handwriting.

It was afternoon by then. After a round of thunder and lightning the tempest had finally calmed down; it had been like this all day: raging winds, roaring thunder, blinding lightning, and then just a light drizzle. If only this damn weather could make up its mind, Noire thought, silently fuming to herself. She was huddled under a tree, wrapping her arms around her legs as she waited. Her body was rigid and she tapped her fingers on her knee. No doubt that, if I go out and try to hunt, the blasted rain'll come back. I've got to wait to be sure that it's all over.

It seemed like her best bet for now was to simply wait for an idiotic rodent to scurry in her path; she'd whip out her knife in an instant. Typically she preferred eating fish--after spending a good amount of her life at sea, she was used to that type of food--possibly over a campfire, but she hadn't gotten to eat much so far other than a handful of tart berries.

It'll all be worth it, it'll all be worth it; to find Layla, I'd sit through a hundred thunderstorms.

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The small pup dashed along the muddy path as the rain pelted down around her. To her dismay she was covered in mud, her brother perhaps would enjoy this, rolling around so much that the ended up coat in mud, their white coats turning brown. But Aleu hated it. And she always would. She didn't notice the other female under the tree when she ran to the cover. To be fair, the woman almost blended in with the tree bark. By time she realised she was too late, she had rammed straight into the woman. Tumbling backwards, into a shallow, dirty puddle, she blurted out her apology. 'Sorry, sorry! I-I didn't mean to run into you, it's just...' the girl whined softly, 'I don't like getting dirty'.

Aleu sat up, her grey ears fell flat against her mud coated head. Her heart was racing and she was not sure what she was more frightened of, the woman or the weather and the mud along with it. She concluded in the pause the followed her babbling beg for forgivness that she was probably scarred of both on a par. 'My name is Aleu'. the princess said, sniffing and shivering. The grey girl wrapped her soaked tail around her legs, trying hard to retain some heat.

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Word Count » doesn't matter
Amazing table by Sie!

Noire Nishant

Noire's furious thoughts were suddenly interrupted by none other than a bump on her leg. Though it would have been a heavy collision for a rodent, the dark wolfess didn't give this fact much thought as she unsheathed her knife in an instant, raising it and coming very close to bringing the dagger down on the tiny animal now sitting in and covered in mud.

The only thing that stopped her from slaughtering her unknown niece was the whimper. Rodents didn't talk. Noire stared at the now filthy pup as she slowly lowered her dagger. Damn it, there's finally a hint of life and it's just a puppy. While most canines would have reached for the puppy and tried to warm her, Noire felt no need for this. Sure, she pitied the helpless thing, but why had it--she--been running around in the rain in the first place?

With a somewhat annoyed huff, Noire sheathed her knife, placing her arms on her legs and resting her head on top, looking down at the brown puppy with a look of slight distaste. "Hello, Aleu," she greeted dryly. "In this rain, you've got no choice but to get mud on your paws." Seeing no need to introduce herself, Noire reached down to rub the pup's head in an attempt to get the mud off. It wasn't so much that she cared that Aleu didn't like getting dirty, she would simply enjoy talking with the pup more if Aleu looked presentable.

Glancing around for a moment, wondering if anyone else was nearby, Noire sighed. Talking was really the last thing she wanted to do right then, since the noise would undoubtedly scare away any prey that might be lurking nearby, but she figured that there was no prey and that a little chat would take her mind off her hunger. "Where are your parents?" she asked the child. "Why have they let you run around in the middle of the forest in this weather?" As if in response, there was a rumble of thunder from an area not so far away. Whatever you do, don't tell me your parents just got struck by lightning.

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