[m/p] so contagious
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content starting with the 7th post.. Reader discretion is advised.

For Faaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeee, hope this is okay? Bleh post is bleh.

They were very, very far from home on a mate bonding trip.

Ever had decided her mate needed a horse. Ezra hadn’t said no, but he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Ezra wasn’t sure if he would get along with another beast that he couldn’t communicate with. He knew low speech and had heard other werewolves communicating to lesser creatures that way. It was fascinating, for sure, but he wasn’t sure if a horse was his ideal pet. He would be a slave to the stables now and would have a lot of learning to do. As long as Ever was there to help him along, then he guessed he didn’t mind. A horse could be interesting and more fun than he probably thought.

The two had been traveling for what felt like days on Saphraine’s back headed north to a spot that only the silvery woman knew about. Wild horses lived there peacefully, and the two intended to bring one home with them. They had decided on a mare so that maybe one day Saphraine and Ezra’s horse could breed. Now that the time for horse wrangling was approaching, the hybrid was excited. No longer anxious, Ezra spent the trip daydreaming what his new friend would be like. The three were at the base of the mountain. The day had been long and strenuous, trying to make good time and not spend forever outside of the kingdom.

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Table by alli <3


Crap post too, writing it while I get ready and before we fly out the door >.<

It was getting warmer every day. The breezes were humid, and stained with salt no matter how far the ocean was. Buds had grown into feathered flowers and more green growth was appearing on plants. It seemed the perfect time to get away.

Ever squeezed Ezra’s hand, her delicate smoky fingers wrapped around his behind her. Her other hand was tangled in the stallion’s mane as they rode steadily towards the tallest point in the distance. They had been traveling for many hours, stopping very little. The mountain was a ways from Cour des Miracles, but the only place to find a heard of wild horses besides the island off the coast.

Originally, Ezra hadn’t said no to his mate’s eager suggestion on finding him a mare. Yet, he hadn’t been particularity agreeable. She knew he was nervous, but if he wasn’t, she wouldn’t have suggested the trip. It felt better having someone with her the third time she went, especially Ezra. As they traveled and the day went by slowly, the silver hybrid could sense her mate’s nerves dissolving.

By the time the sun had sunk under the sea, the golden stallion had made its way between the sparse trees and dry grass to a relatively green patch beside the mountain. She dismounted in her usual, graceful way, and began to gather wood, or anything else they would need for the night they would be staying. Occasionally looking over at her lover with a frosted blue-grey gaze, Ever began to construct a fire. Concentration began to take over as she battled with one of her many enemies. The wood smoked and billowed, glowing angrily and shooting back at the girl with heated vengeance. She blew gently and sent sparks a few inches away before a flame caught on a small twig. Ever treated it carefully until a small fire became.

Saphraine tossed his neck at the glow, swaying his silk mane. The silver girl walked to him and placed her hands on his neck. Ezra would be good with a horse, she knew. The mare would stay at the stables and she would take care of her like her own. After the wild stallion began to graze in the growing twilight, Ever spun her way into her mates arms, pulling them around her safetly.

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At least your bleh post was better than my bleh post :p

Ezra watched his mate attempt to light a fire with bemusement. Ever really was hopeless, but at least she had more of an idea than Ezra did. Eventually she got it, and soon wrapped herself in his arms again. No matter the situation, the hybrid always felt better with his girl nice and close by. This was no different. For the sake of comfort, the boy pulled her down to the ground so he could sit around her. His great big arms were wrapped around her, tiny frame in front of his. The fire illuminated her perfect face. The man sighed happily, landing his maw on his mate’s right shoulder.

He loved moments like this. No one was there to bother them, they had only the stars and Saphraine for company, and even the horse seemed to understand the lovers wanted time alone. “I wonder what she’ll look like,” Ezra mused quietly, imagining his new horse. She would be beautiful, and powerful, and an animal Ezra could bond with. An animal Ever and the man could both love and care for equally, and a mate for Saphraine as well. This mare would complete their odd little family.

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Table by alli <3


Big Grin I am thinking we have to have some kind of evidence of what we are planning … o.-

She felt his grip hold her securely and the warmth their combined bodies created being so close. Her hands laid on his, resting just above her abdomen. The contrasting dark on white stood out starkly in the growing dusk. The fire barely enlightened their silhouettes as the man pulled them down to the gristly grass. Her toes, wrapped around each edge of the fire, were barely warm from the tiny flame reaching just above her ankle. Ever turned away from the barely successful project and set her maw on Ezra’s chest. She sighed moments after him, hearing the stallion shuffle in the black.

The heat from the fire was growing slowly as they sat, despite the temperature dropping while the sun went down. Ezra spoke first, his deep, supple voice sounding quietly in her auburn ear where his muzzle lay. She moved her shoulder affectionately and tilted her head on his.

She will be beautiful, and powerful … anything you can imagine,

Ever said softly, her own tone melodically sweet and mingled like a song with the multi-hued man’s. The warmth spread along her legs, making her drowsy. She breathed and twisted suddenly, fighting off the fatigue. Excitement helped fuel her energy. The idea of tracking down another wild horse gave her chills. Her job was important to her and she was passionate for it.

We will leave when the sun rises, the heard will be just waking then,

Truthfully, she didn’t know where the heard was, nor did she know if there would be the beautiful and powerful horse she had promised Ezra. Ever knew he wouldn’t be picky, but she couldn’t just give him any companion. They were special, and he knew not much of them. He needed a horse that matched him, like Saphraine and her. Her ice blue tinted irises gazed over where her companion could have been obscured by brush.

She hadn’t brought anything on the trip. A satchel would slow them down and meat from their homeland would attract unwanted attention. Ever didn’t even obtain a rope. Horses were not domesticated animals to her. You couldn’t lay a rope on them and teach them to enjoy it if they didn’t. Saphraine was wild, however much Ever told others differently. He left and came when he pleased, and the silver girl hoped Ezra would understand her ways. She squeezed his hand again with her small fingers. Once more the female marveled at the beauty of having them.

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I SUCK OMG. I have had zero Ezra inspiration lately ;_; so I apologize for being the slowest person ever. Our other thread will be replied to on Sunday/Monday.

Ezra’s mind was sent into revelry, thinking about his new mare. It was predetermined a mare would be right for Ezra; she would be easier to train, be more loving, and Ever could breed the two horses together. Ezra didn’t even care about the horse’s appearance. No matter what, he knew she would be regal and beautiful and exactly everything he wanted in a mare.

“I can’t wait,” Ezra crooned, whispering in his mate’s ear. The fact that they were alone and in the middle of nowhere excited Ezra. Not too long ago, the two finally made love for the first time and since that day, Ezra’s mind had strayed to nothing else but the memory of the two lovers intertwined. “But the horses are for tomorrow, you are all mine tonight….” Ezra grinned, knowing Ever’s passion for her equines. He did really enjoy listening to her talk about them, but at the moment his mind was trailing elsewhere.

The Duke flipped around so that the lovers were face to face, and Ezra kissed his mate with as much force and passion as he did the first time they kissed. He loved Ever with all his heart and couldn’t imagine being anywhere else with anyone. Ever was his lifeline, but also his temptress, and he wanted to give into her again.

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Table by alli <3


It's all good! Whenever you reply my schedule clears up enough for me to post ... magical powers ^-^

Ever let her eyelids close over blue ice tinted irises. Ezra’s excitement mirrored her own in waves washing over their embraced bodies. The light from the fire was steadily growing and the girl extended her reach to add more slender pieces of wood to the flame. Red ribbons wrapped around the fuel and held it in its grasp with orange and yellow fingers. Sparks spat into the pitch black air and highlighted themselves against the stars.

His voice still against her auburn ear, hinting a surprising seductive tone already. She let the man speak for a moment longer before turning to catch a glimpse of his face illuminated from the light. Ezra’s expression matched his tone, the soft dark outline of his face twisted lightly in intrigue. Ever smiled, leaning forward to let him twirl before her and lay her softly in the grass. It felt warm from their heat and rough from the sparse pebbles lining the ground. The girl let the hybrid kiss her for a minute, giving him permission to explore her frame. She shivered at his touch, snaking her hand to her stomach and placing it over his forcefully enough to keep it there.

The fire crackled far away in Ever’s mind as she began to return her mates kiss. Her eyes looked past his for a moment, gazing at the starlit sky that was quickly growing in luminosity. It was a crystal clear night. A sudden chill swept across Ever and she pushed Ezra up with her mouth into a kneeling position. She positioned herself on top of his lap, placing her knees on the outside of his. Her smoky arms blended with his shoulders as she placed them over him. Ever had stopped wearing dresses since the summer wore on and was no longer uncomfortable being unclothed around Ezra. Her heart beat quickly at the thought.

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End soon?

Ever’s sudden desire to push Ezra into place sent chills down the male’s spine. This side of her he had never seen before, and the hybrid only wanted more. Her insistence was enticing, alluring, and all around perfect. Ever was a goddess and the man couldn’t help himself around her. She was everything the hybrid ever wanted and moments like this were what kept the man crazy about the woman that was straddling his legs.

Her kisses intensified, and Ezra used her enthusiasm as a reason to explore her beautiful, lithe body. His fingers crawled up and down her frame, settling on particularly sensitive places for arousal. His fingers lingered between her legs, knowing the way she was sitting provided excellent access. Ezra knew he was good at this, but he also knew Ever could send him to another galaxy with a few strokes of her fingers. The male growled in pleasure, ebony hands cupping her chest with passion and desire. He wanted every inch of her.

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Table by Anna! <3

Sure sure, whenever! Maybe a mature banner might be good, I bet Ezra wasn’t expecting this? :p

His magical fingers pierced her skin again, moving like silk across her silver fur. She could feel him shiver slightly as her body pressed against his on a stronger level. Her mouth continued to press on his until her mind swam with a lack of oxygen and she stopped only for a moment to take a breath. The girl was vaguely aware of where the man moved his touch. Bleached hands moved from her back to her sides and persistently glided farther down her frame. Ever smiled through her kiss and kept her tinted eyes closed, enjoying the attention.

Suddenly, Ezra’s touch moved deeper, startling the girl. She nearly jumped to her feet and sunk her claws into the back of his shoulders, breaking their embrace. She wasn’t used to being touched in the way he did. The girl cherished him and everything he did, but she was the most sensitive to him. The first time they had both been anxious, nervous, and excited. But this time there was something different about it.

So- … Sorry,

Ever said eventually after a few breathless tries, settling herself slowly back to where she was before. Her smoky hands moved to where her nails had stricken her mates back. She stroked the area with her thumb and gave the man a pained and apologetic expression before moving her grip down and across his chest. Finally, she rested her hands on his thighs before her own, holding a light grasp to keep her just hovering above him. Her thumbs had halted on the inside of each leg, near the top, hoping to make up her incisive action.

Ever looked at her mate deeply, trying to sense anything she had punctured. Her eyes begged him not to stop. His touch sent electricity through her and stopped her heart every other beat. He knew her inside out and all of her sensitivities. She was inexperienced in this department and immediately felt inadequate for reacting wrongly, dropping her auburn ears into her plethora of curls.

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Maybe one more from you and we’ll call it a day? Big Grin
Words: 334

Ezra’s tour of his mate’s body was cut short by a sudden sharp pain in his back as Ever dug her nails into him in fright. The man gasped in surprise at the unexpected pain and he searched Ever’s endless eyes for an answer as well as he could in the faint light of the fire. Ezra had made sure everything was perfect the first time, did Ever not want to do anything the second time around? Had he hurt her? The Duke was worried, that was for sure; he didn’t know he had made a mistake, but clearly he did. In his mind the male blamed himself for the way his girl reacted.

But those eyes, those eyes…. She may have flinched at first, but she hadn’t moved away from him or said no. Ezra was indeed confused but didn’t want to press it. “You’re alright? Did I hurt you at all?” While Ezra’s approach may have been a little too… forward for Ever to handle, but he could see that she still wanted him. The hybrid gave his mate a loving stare, still hungry for her, as he tried to contain himself a little.

“Don’t even worry my darling, I’m going to take care of you…” Ezra’s double entendre was meant with all the love in the world. He wanted to make her scream, but he was also the typical loving mate he was expected to be. Ezra kissed her again, this time heading south more slowly and with more care. His fingers barely touched her lithe body, this time almost tickling her fur as he meandered down her frame again. Ezra resumed kissing her softly again, every moist kiss more careful and gentle than the previous one.

Ezra hoped the mood was still there; he prayed it was. Ezra had been ever-so-patient with her, making sure things were always perfect. He wanted her with every fiber of his duo-toned body, so much so that he was positive their bodies were starting to melt together.

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Table by alli <3


Short but ... I’ll archive!

She stayed still while he kissed her again, her body just a bit looser than being rigid. Her mind was spinning after her sudden movement and her mouth was dry with embarrassment. Still, when the man’s pale fingers reached her silvery pelt, Ever became alive again. She twisted into his touch, trying to control the shivers that raced through her spine. The idea of hurting Ezra again and stopping the wonderful experience frightened her, so the girl kept things simple.

No, no, you did not hurt me,

Ever replied to her mate, letting out a sigh once her lips were free of his.

I am just a little bit sensitive …

The girl said again, lowering herself onto the man. His warmth spread from her legs to her body. She continued to lace her lips against his, thankful he didn’t decide to call it quits. The night was still fresh and they had until dawn to do whatever they pleased. Never once had Ever doubted that Ezra wouldn’t take care of her. He knew her the best out of everyone. But the hybrid hadn’t much time to think at the moment.

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Forum Jump: