[M] Eyes
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

I'm excited for this XD

The dusted gentleman was in a foul mood today. Oh yes he was.

It had been brought on by nothing short of trivial. A lack of sleep. For some reason, he had had trouble sleeping. Iven hadn't been anywhere near Galileo as he was travelling somewhere looking for more wares to bring to the traders pack. It was a problem spanning his life, Galileo had always had nights where he would sleep, not even for a mintue no matter now tired he got. And then the next day he was a heathen. There were times where the grumpiness stretched the whole week, and sometimes the whole sleeplessness drove on through the entire week too.

The dusted creature moved through the grass donning his bulky secui form for added effect. Any body who decided fuck with him today would get their come upance. His head was kept lower towards the ground, his eyes only darting up for a sense of direction. He was ready to snap at any body wo gave him reason to.

Sleeplessness was a trivial reason to everybody else, but to Galileo it was a fantastic reason to release some energy.

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Me too :3

Mysterious was riding on his donkey's back as he squinted his eyes toward a lumbering creature nearby. He slid off his steed's back with an empty beer bottle in hand to throw at whatever was there. He looked at the world around him as he began to relax. He calmly walked toward the figure with Brutus following from behind him. He threw his bottle at the secui nearby before shouting, "Let's fight" he was very drunk at the moment and if he had the chance, he'd do whatever he had to change what he had said and done. He rolled his pink tongue over his keen-tipped, wine-stained teeth before continuing his way toward the male.

Mysterious Does "Mysterious speaks." Mysterious thinks.

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Word Count → 000

As the bottle made contact with the hulking secui male's body it shattered into a thousand pieces. A sharp growl erupted from the male's throat, the guard hairs along his spine and neck raising as if inflated with adrenaline. He stopped dead in his tracks, taking a deep breath and letting himself recover from the shock. After a moment of absolute stillness, Galileo's head suddenly turned towards the runty creature, hardly a canine. Blumine eyes flared fire and brilliant white teeth bared themselves silently, chino lips raising in anger. Another moment passed before the creature moved. He stalked towards the runt male slowly, his paws moving silently over the grass. Another quick growl came from Galileo's throat, his lips moving up a fraction to amplify the sound, red liquid falling into his mouth, glass digging into his skin as his pelt folded into a face of pure detest.

A nasty smiled cover the male's face, 'You want to fight? Me?' he let out a low pitched chuckle. The male sighed, oh how fun this would be... A bulky hybrid in his battle form against a tiny ickle runt. Surely this was a game set and match. He had played this game before, a long time ago almost two years. He had been a young boy, on top of the world almost. Another boy had started on him, a younger cockier male. Galileo had shown him. Just as he'd show this guy.

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Sorry for being lazy - his personality and just his entire self in general will change drastically after Mysterious' encounter with Galileo, I've got ideas in my mind...

He began to cackle in enjoyment as he heard the shattering of the glass and the sudden aggressive energy beginning to burst from the secui. Mysterious' keen terrier ears caught the low growl coming out from him and knew their encounter wouldn't end without one of them getting hurt. The back of the male's throat began to burn as he examined the hairs on the canine's back prick up in alert.

The Jack Russell jerked his head to the side to spit out a disgusting load of bile he had held in his mouth for a moment. Slowly going back into position, his stance began to waver as his senses became blunt from the alcohol. Mysterious licked the remnants of vomit off of his keen-tipped ivories and replied, "Yes 'ou... Let's do this brother" he said as his jowls raised up and exposed his lower row of teeth. This wouldn't end too good, not at all.

Mysterious Does "Mysterious speaks." Mysterious thinks.

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Word Count → short post, for a short thread ^^ slight pp and outcome agreed before hand Smile feel free to archeive this after your post

He wanted to fight, boy, would Galileo give him a run for his money. His fur bristled and his snarl ripped through the air. The teeth once pursed together tightly snapped open into a fierce unearthly howl and without thinking he lept forward. His limbs moved in sync to power him forward and ready for his attack. He looked toward the runt dog's body, scoping every inch of it to see where a weak point was. The eyes. Perfect. Now he wouldn't be able to do anything useful. But he wouldn't go for the eyes first, no, suffering was worse. To Galileo he was doing a righteous thing. Hindering this male to aid others.

First he slashed the male's chest, then his shoulder and then his neck. Neither of his targets gave him any joy, so with a sick smile plastered onto his face, he made his aim. He floored the runt first, he force of it would keep him down. His fore claws dug deep into the eye flesh, scooping the gooey matter out slowly. Relishing in the feeling. He stood up and smiled, 'Go. Feel your way home. Clean yourself up and if you tell any body who did this...' he turned around, trailing off. His hind leg kicked the runt right where it would hurt, 'Your little friend their will disapppear too'. He walked away smiling.

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Nice short and simple, I like this thread Smile Before I am asked, beings who become blind later in life can see images in their dreams, but beings who are blind at birth cannot see images in their dreams since they can't even fully understand what an image is. Although people who are blind at birth cannot see images in their dreams, their dreams revolve around the sensations they get from interacting with other items and beings and they can get various sensations in their dreams.

Mysterious' eyes focused on the wolf as he expressed his aggression toward the terrier's own actions. He nearly fell backward from the impact of the luperci's attack before he managed to stop his fall with a backward movement of one of his feet. The canine swallowed hard, still having the foul taste of vomit on his tongue, as he paced himself for whatever was in store for him with heavy panting. He released a small unnoticeable yelp of pain in reply to Galileo's next two attacks. The Jack Russell suddenly had a feeling his next move would take a turn for the worst. His panting grew heavier as he felt a foreign feeling rush through him, fear. The small dog quickly averted his gaze toward his hands. He just had taken note of how they were trembling right before he was knocked to the hard ground with great force. This was all happening too fast for him. Quickly he would have to take in his last sights of the world before they were literally all gone. This time he screamed from the intense pain from the removal of his eyes. Then nothing was there. He saw total nothingness. Was he blind? It took the male a few moments to finally realize he had just been blinded. The terrier was so panicked that he had ignored the canine's hateful words and had completely unexpected the strong kick aimed toward his groin area. Mysterious replied with a loud groan, trying to hold in his sobs and screams. How would he make it like this?

Not long after the man had left Mysterious had fallen asleep. He could "see" light and beautiful color again all of the sudden. He was back in Texas all of the sudden with his siblings by the river. He felt the sensation of splashing around in the water and heard the sounds of everyone around him laughing and saw their friendly smiles. In his dream he seemed to be younger. A smile caused the corners of his lips to curl upward into a crooked smile as his older sister helped him out of the river and gave him a warm hug before throwing him up into the air. The canine began to pant heavily as he felt the sensation of floating up higher and higher into the air. He reached a point where he was floating about in space. All of the sudden all of the stars and planets around him began to disappear as the darkness came back again. He was awake now, not that he knew yet. Minutes had passed before he had managed to reach for the base of a tree and help himself up. Mysterious felt weak, his limbs ached and his mouth was dry. The dog wandered off into the distance, sometimes bumping into things in his way, and suddenly wondered how this new life would be. What he didn't know just yet then was that whenever things would get in his way he would always find a way out. Of course though it would be a long, long time for him to learn the real ways of living life, especially like this.

Mysterious Does "Mysterious speaks." Mysterious thinks.

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