And We'll Dance Like We're From Texas,

OOC - Dated two days after the party, if that's alright. Mya is in her Optime form, at the hunting lodge(:

Mya had wondered off from Thornbury deep in thought. She couldn't help thinking about the dance that'd taken place two days ago. Tal had been so happy with Sky. Sky had even seemed delighted as can be for a dancing partner. Didn't she have a mate? After all, she was pretty and known very well in the pack. She just seemed like the type to be married off. 'Course if she was a male, she'd be down right to scared to approach the healer. But that was just her.

Rose, her trusty adopted daughter in cat form, had stayed behind in the stables. She had found it kind of hard to leave the cat by herself, but Mya was sure the little feline wouldn't run off. She approached the lodge slowly, ears perked and tail wagging curiously. What was this? She picked up her pace as she looked around the woody exterior. She knew exactly what this was... A way to distract her thoughts. Hurrying to the door, she sniffed the air for scents but the report back was a simple abandoned lodge full of mysterious objects and hunting goods.

Throwing open the door, she stepped slowly inside. "Hello? Anybody living here?" After her mother's death she'd grown to name her motto as "Better Safe than Sorry". One she was sure everyone was aware of and used at least once in their lives. She gazed in the cabin at the beautiful rooms and both scary but inciting animal pelts and heads. First was the large living room of course. The Buffalo Wolf seated herself on a large couch where a big buck skin draped one side. Her eyes traced over to the stair cases and door ways to other rooms. Why did it feel so comfortable here? She was sure others would believe the place a tad spooky. Eyes of stuffed animal heads followed Mya's movements and stale scents of animal blood stirred only a bit as she disturbed settled dust on the furniture and floor. She felt like something would happen as she sat on the musty couch. I shall wait here for something to take place, she decided firmly before relaxing backwards. Now it was time to start the wait game.

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This amazing table by Sunny!

OOC: Remember this isn't my main, I don't get pm's with Shawchert, sometimes I don't check my email, and i miss out on pm's. Shawchert's profile has Niro's profile up in the ooc as well as the bottom.

Shawchert had once again killed more than what he could eat, but that was fine, they needed to work on winter stores anyway. He knew he couldn’t do it alone, but whatever extra he had he was sure would add to them being less hungry than usual. He was in the hunting lodge skinning the extra rabbits when he heard someone calling out. He got up and put down the knife and the rabbit to see who it was. When he moved upstairs from the basement he could see a grey wolf he’d seen dancing with Sky at the celebration.

“Hello, anything I can help you with?”

He asked. His hands were bloodied from handling the rabbit, but it could barely be seen with his own red hands that had been maticulously dyed a maroon color. He was able to stand his tallest in this building at a whopping eight feet. He wore only a few things, a loincloth that reached just to the middle of his thigh which was held on by a belt, though its purpose was not to keep the cloth on but to hold a sheath with a long undecorated sword. He also had a flute that was tied around his neck. Other than that he had nothing on him; save for the rabbit’s blood he’d been preparing.

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Table by Sorin

OOC - I sent it to them both I thought! ;3

When she spotted the bloodied, almost naked male her first reaction was to bolt. How had she missed that fresher scent? With a fast reacting hop, she was on her feet with in a second and eyes growing large. Gosh, how stupid she'd bend to intrude a nice lodge like this one? She searched for words to apologize, but her brain was froze up. "Uh... er... yeah," she stammered like she had brain damage. Then with one swift catch of the eye she exclaimed, "You're the guy who played a flute!"

Smooth retard, Mya thought. She chuckled uneasily as she swept her hair off her face. "Sorry, I was just looking around. Uh... curious about this lodge." That was good, way better than just stammering. She flashed an apologetic smile. Gosh. Why was this so shocking? He had a... rag thing on. And blood. And a dead rabbit. She sent a silent prayer up to whom ever was listening. Hopefully, he was just a hunter and flute player. Her weary gaze met his. Yes, hopefully...

In the meantime her always fast thoughts of random fury somehow traced everything about the flute player to Tal. Oh Tal. Why was she so crazy over someone she hardly new? Maybe it was the whole effect of being around boys for the first time without feeling the urge to run or scream. Kind of like this man was making her feel. Well, sure, he was pretty attractive but the whole bloody fur and surprising Mya didn't fly to well. He probably had a mate, anyway... Like Tal. Gosh. One session with Tal and she'd turned into a regular heart throb, dreaming of a mate to hold her close and ask her to dance...

Stop that! hissed her brain loudly. But a softer, sweeter voice covered it quickly. Tal, whispered her heart. And with that, everything went quiet. She focused on the male in front of her, wishing he had a cream colored coat.

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This amazing table by Sunny!

WC: 315 OOC: Rawr ^^ well just send it to Niro pls, not Shaw, he doesn't need pm's :3 I WILL get it with Niro ^^

Shawchert could see she was startled, very startled and he looked down at himself and reddened in embarrassment. He was not a pretty sight that was for sure but he smiled when she didn’t bolt and she seemed to recognize him, sorta. That flute player. Wow he hadn’t gotten that since... well many moons ago.

“Yeah I played the flute at the celebration the other night...

He trailed off his mind going to Sky, his once fiance, who was dancing with Tal and had those beautiful eyes on him, when he felt that it should have been Shaw whose arms she was in, but that was nothing compared to the rest of the night and his anguish he let out to no one he could hear.

“My name is Shawchert Menue, or Shaw for short. I am sorry about the mess I’m in, I’ve been getting some rabbit ready for the winter, this is where we cache our animals.”

He said trying to explain his bloody mess. He was normally a clean wolf, but.... something like this caused lots of messes and he would surely clean up once he was finished.

“Ah well it use to be more active... slightly, when one of our members pretty much lived here, though he was very.... I don’t know strange you would say, He never seemed to really like me.... especially... Never mind. So how long have you been in the pack?

He was about to mention argul, and his inability to be a good leader. He didn’t need her to know that much about him, they’d just met after all and he doubted he’d say anything. Only the origional cercatorians would know and he was sure the words flew fast around here so if someone did ask about shaw’s past they would learn it.

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Table by Sorin

OOC - Terribly sorry, Mya's attempting to cope, and she's a horrible flirt.

Relieved she wasn't the only one a bit freaked by his appearance, she managed to relax and smile. At least attempt being less awkward! her mind hissed. She ignored the spark of curiosity that filled her brain when he beat around the name of the last person to live there. When he finally waved off the name completely, she figured it was just another part of d'Arte's history.

"Only since a few days before the," she changed her words at last second, "end of July." The last thing she needed was more Tal thoughts. The fae realized she'd failed at it miserably, so she blurted out a conversational starter. One that first came to her mind given the current state of her company. "So do you, like, take out the guts and stuff? Is there some sort of creepy guy down stairs with a big knife that might go serial killer?" Her "oh-I'm-so-funny" smile set into place as her head tilted to the side some what flirty.

Two could play the rejection game. Even though Tal didn't have feelings for her, it seemed appropriate to pretend for the sake of her heart. And with Shaw looking attractively dangerous in his almost naked and bloody state, maybe it'd distract her long enough. Flirting was like a hidden instinct for the female after all. Even as a pup playing with other pups when the small family of loners crossed paths, Mya'd batted her blue eyes up at other puppies already wanting a Prince Charming. She'd kept the "instinct" dormant after the death of her mother, but now that she was safe in pack what could stop her? Her eyes lit up a bit more as her gaze met Shaw's.

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This amazing table by Sunny!!

+3 OOC: Big Grin

It seemed that he was not the only one who wanted to divert words to say something regrettable. He nodded thinking that wasn’t so far away, he’d been in the pack a little while before she came to stay. So he had not missed too much in her coming here at least. He wished he never left, and had kept his leader rank, but life happened and he had to go, besides Skye was a much better leader than he ever could be.

“I do hope you enjoy it here so far at least. It’s changed a lit since I mad- uh it was made.”

He said, feeling stupid he almost let slip that he was the one who created Cercatori, with Skye’s help of course. He wasn’t about to be asked many questions.... or try at least. He felt like he had not had any good influences on the pack other than making it. He froze slightly when she mentioned serial killer and looked down stairs, a shudder of memory ran through his mind but he hid what emotions he had and gave her a weak smile.

“If there is I would have already dealt with him.”

He said softly. He was not the packs protector and he would remain so for the rest of his days. He had overseen her flirt, not because he wanted to disappoint her, but because his mind was elsewhere on the past, trying to get away from it.

“Everyone is welcome here, this is a public place, though there are rooms that are open for anyone to live in, but with Thornbury not so full and I just got the treetop terrace fixed up, I don’t think anyone would be willing to stay here for long.”

He chuckled and he didn’t blame them. He would rather have a private place to himself, rather than have a bunch of wolves in and out all the time.

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OOC - Walls coming down, hope Shaw don't mind. Thought Id reply since we're getting down time from my moms plans.^^

She let him speak, seeing he was no monster like she had mistaken him for earlier. Shaw went on as he talked on the cabin's current state. Of course no one seemed to stay here long. The Buffalo Wolf recalled her earlier thoughts, and the feeling in her gut that she was oddly comfortable in the lodge returned. 

"Hm, I imagine the old heads of dead animals creep people out a bit, too? They seem to watch you every where you go." She looked to the side at an old buck head. "Excluding myself, surprisingly." She returned her eyes to the male, her tail swishing behind her. Did that make her weird? She wasn't exactly sure. Her thoughts drifted back to Tal. He probably didn't think Sky was weird. Not a bit.

A surprising whimper escaped her lips as her thoughts enveloped her. She jumped at her own voice, blinking so that she looked Shaw in the eyes. Now she was sure she was strange. The skin on her face beneath her fur reddened secretly in a warm blush. "Sorry, I seem to have a lot on my mind." She thought a moment and added in further explanation, "Love's difficult; if that's what you call what I'm dealing with." And with that, her calm and collected exterior melted away. She lowered her eyes and flattened her ears on her skull. Just when I think I'm normal...

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This amazing table by Sunny!!
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ooc murr

“I don’t think they mind the heads so much as it’s probably far out of the way and it’s more commonly used than an empty home, I mean, we hunt these things often enough, though we do not preserve them like these humans did.”

He shrugged, he wasn’t too uncomfortable with the heads, and if anyone was, he was sure they could be taken away to accomidate, but there had been no complaints so there was no need. He had his back to her looking at the lifeless heads when she made the noise, he turned to her to see if she was ok, but all he saw was an embarrassed looking wolf.

“I think we all have a lot on our minds. I do know how you feel.”

He said, looking down at his red stained fur, trying to get the image of Sky and Tal out of his head. It came back to him when she mentioned love’s difficulty, yes... yes he knew that perfectly well. He wouldn’t not complain or let the man know that he was in any way jealous that he’d taken Sky as his own. Shaw wouldn’t give up but what chance did he have to the very handsom white male? After all, Shawchert was no longer the leader, so what good was he to Sky. He wasn’t much of anything anymore...

Table by Jenni/Kiri


She let her shoulders sag, her tail droop. All her flirty, friendly acting had deleted itself from the script. Pathetic. You are pathetic. she told herself. Shaw agreed, saying he knew the feeling. She slowly settled her blue eyes on his face. "How do you know the rejection I've been dealt?" Her moment of truth had seemed to turned into a truth filled rage. "Tal loves Sky... The real pretty medicine girl. He's probably on his way to see her again."

Her ears flicked back in rage and envy of Sky. Thoughts from her always kind heart now spoke of insults toward the female in hope to raise Mya's self conscious. "I just don't know how I fell for him so hard..." she whined in defeat. And that, as much as Mya denied it, was what bothered her the most. Just like Mom...

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This amazing table by Sunny!!
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ooc murr

He scowled at her question, sure she didn’t know, but as old as he was.... nearing five already, wouldn’t she think he’d been through quite a bit? He sure had since he had made this pack that was for sure. He had learned from it all, but it was still hard to think about, especially Sky, she’d broke his heart without even trying.

“Yes, I know, that Sky girl was my fiance once, when I left the pack to do..... things, she thought that I left her, abandoned her, though I left a not stating i would be back for her, that I would be there for her after. She never read that note, and now she’s with HIM.... so I know your rejection, possibly more than you could ever know."

Shaw’s voice was low, deep and rumbling at the memories that came back to him. Why did such things have to happen to him? Did he deserve this? He turned to face one of the horses so that he couldn’t look at the woman, show her his anger hurt, and whatever else was expressed on his face. He hated himself and now that he had forced his answer out, everything came to the surface.

Table by Jenni/Kiri

OOC - This is a pretty good one xD

Word Count → 319

Mya stood like a deer in the headlights. Speechless at the outburst, but more amazed by the claim of being Sky’s ex, she feel quiet and averted her eyes quicky to the ground. What to say? She tried not to think to hard on the irony of the situation. After all, she’d even flirted with him a bit. Say something! Stressing, her tail curled between her legs. How stupid could she have been? The harsh lesson of realizing everyone experienced heart break at some point and she wasn’t the only person who’s crush(or fiance for Shaw) had decided to like someone else. Shaw’s case was even worse! Surely he still loved her... Mya just was crushing on the guy. Yeah... just crushing, right? For some reason she couldn’t figure out what this was.

Peaking over at the angry male, she searched his face as best as she could. Well... he was mad. He was really really mad. Furious, actually. Yes, that was the correct term. “I’m sorry... I was being retarded.” She had murmured the words so softly they were almost a whisper and she added while averting her eyes, “I shouldn’t have been pitying myself so much. I’m not the only person with emotions.” The young female’s voice was thick with an attempt at being mature. All her emotions had shrunk back to simply apologetic. Wow, she was a moron. A royal idiot, for sure.

“I’m just gonna go... I’m sorry Shaw...” She was stammering as she backed up toward the door of the lodge. Her heart was so loud she was sure that the older male could hear it. Idiot... Retard... Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! She hurried out the door, walking hastily down the front yard’s pathway. Good heavens this was a mess. Her head was dizzy as she trudged toward Thornbury. Please don't be sick! she begged her stomach and other systems that made you barf.

Table code by Cait and/or the Mentors!

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OOC: Seriously shaw is dumb Sad I'm sorry for the wait, I'm trying XD hard to keep up right now i guess, but we shall prevail!!

Shawchert regretted his words when the came out. He'd scared the woman he had just met, and that was not what he was meant to do. His heart sank as she spoke and was soon out of the stables. Turning, he didn't want their meeting to end this way. Running out of the stables he called after her.

Hey, wait.... I'm sorry....

The rage he had shown only moments before was gone. He really did feel sorry for what he'd said and hoped she would forgive him. He wasn't about to let a pack mate leave scared of him. He wanted them to rely on him. He was their protector after all, and now he was letting his emotions get the better of him again. He hoped she would stop. Let him explain and show her that he really was a nice man, and a reliable pack member.
ooc; not feeling tables lol...

She heard his voice, his wish for her to stop, his apology. Her ears swiveled back and she slowed to a stop. Turning at the edge of the little pathway to face him. The she-wolf's head was lowered in submission, and her eyes starred toward him with a simple wish to hear more. It wasn't like she'd been struck down or harmed physically; but she felt rather embarrassed and ashamed of stepping on an older male's toes. His flash of anger had reminded her so much of the wolf that killed her mother, she felt unstable and semi-delerious. Old fears and painful memories swimming once more in her mind.

"Sorry," she muttered softly to Shaw. Her tail hung low, threatening to go between her legs with a bit of a quiver. The silence of the area around them was an eery space between them. No birds were chirping that she had heard before and there was no far off sound of prey breaking branches and leaves on the ground. She awaited the male's reply, praying he wouldn't strike her if he got to close. The eyes first, and then he'll throw me down... The terrible thoughts she floated into her mind; memories contorting her face into a more pained expression. Please don't kill me like my mom... Please don't.
He came closer to her, thanking the stars in the sky she didn't run off, and finally caught up with her, sorry... why did she have to be sorry? It was he who had blown up at her, and a pack mate at that.

"No, I am the sorry one. You are my pack mate, part of the family. Taking my anger out on you isn't going to make things better. Honestly, I do not want such a bad impression of me to end. I would like to make it up to you."

He was sincere, sure that he could do something to let her know he wasn't the angry bitter man that he had shown. He let emotions slip that he never should have. He didn't blame Sky, nor did he blame that idiot Tal, but he did blame himself. It was up to him to keep his thoughts in check and he never did. Now he was paying for it.

"I'm the protector of the pack, and everyone should feel safe around a protector."

He added. It was true. He wasn't going to have his pack mates scared of him because he couldn't keep his temper, that was bad for business, no, he needed to keep his cool. She taught him that he would need to work a little harder on keeping it.
OOC; I'm grounded, so we can rap this up pretty fast.

She blinked a bit, glancing the male up and down to take in his body language. He was sorry, and his words added to that. Tilting her head to the side, her ears twitching from front to back to front to back again. "Okay I understand... And I forgive you..." her words were growing stronger as she went, as if assuring her mind that it was right.

"One pack member, to another; you don't have to make anything up to me. It was over something foolish." She nodded her acceptance toward the male. It wasn't like she felt the need to run anymore, but she felt like it was time to go. The sun was drifting toward the ground and the adoptive kitten of her's probably needed tending to. She raised her eyes toward Shaw, hoping he'd dismiss her like a little pup.
He let out a sigh of relief as she accepted his apology, though he could tell she still wanted to go. He gave her a nod.

"I'm glad you forgive me. I hope it never happens again. I best be getting to my rounds, I'm sorry for having disturbed your day.

Yes his rounds was probably an excuse, but he would do them as he said he would, he had to keep an eye out for any intruders and he wanted to be alone, mostly to beat himself up for letting his emotions like that out. He bowed his head to her, and turned himself, heading out of Thornbury. He was likely to see her again, but he would probably still feel bad for his outburst. He hated being like that at times, but it was the nature of the wolf.

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