By River We Come to Spirit You Away

Not at all! :3

Word Count: 308

Parker leaped lithely across the soft loam of the forest earth. Her familiarity with the pack grounds made it easy to move. It was this confidence in her pack's territory that would be her undoing. If she had been paying closer attention to what was happening, the bright-eyed young Sadira might have noticed that something was amiss. The copper-colored male crouched in the underbrush that was waiting for her up ahead. As it was, she ran and listened only for approaching pawsteps that might indicate someone was after her. Her strides were steady, which also made it even easier for the interloper to judge the perfect time to ensnare her. Though she was not aware of any of this until it was too late.

She felt the loop of the whip around her ankles like a snake wrapping around her, then jerking her off of her feet. As was her nature, her response was silent. Even as she hit the ground and her breath was pushed out of her, it was a quiet hiss of an exhale. Parker had fallen on her stomach, though she had managed to soften her blow slightly by catching the fall partially with her palms. Her ears flattened against her head, her teeth baring in a silent snarl as she tried to turn herself over. It was awkward with the way her ankles were still entangled by the whip, but she was managing alright. Her previously retraced claws came out of their sheaths, ready to fight. Though she didn't really know how to fight, the girl knew that she couldn't just go down without trying to defend herself. It might make sense to howl and tell her mother that she had been caught, she knew that her parents would be busy already. As in most things, Parker would need to do this alone.

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I'm taking the second captive spot! :3

As the young teen wondered along her ears twitched as she heard fighting, snarling, and other sorts of horrid sounds. She whimpered slightly and quickened the pace. In her petite wolf form, she hid behind a tree and watched the action, knowing she was too young to help. Her turquoise eyes widened with fear as she watched, gasps escaping from her maw. How did this happen? Why where we fighting? Who wants what? So many questions wrapped and swirled around inside her mind. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to shut out the images and the sounds, but they only became that much louder when she opened them. The trees overhead swayed and leaves rained down upon the fighters. Which once was such a peaceful place was now turned into a nightmare of fighting. Fia whimpered softly, pawing at the ground as she watched. She wanted to do something.....anything! But had no idea what!

The small black and white fae inched closer to the action, hiding behind tree to tree, until she decided she was close enough. She whimpered sadly as the sight hurt her eyes, but yet she could not take her sad blue eyes away from the depressing scene. Scuffles and angry yells where close by, making the small fae jump slightly. She wanted to get away from this place, but she was frozen in place behind the tree. She was terrified, her paws trembling with fear.

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lil ol' lupus ^^ pp her as much as you need to Rachel Smile

Blue eyes took in the moving beasts around her. She did not know where to place herself, the world seeming to spin around her and even though the wounded were hidden by distance and the darkness of night Anu could smell the blood in the air. She turned her head to look for the wounded, searching to see if there were any Dreamers that needed her assistance. She could at least help them get away from the frenzy of the fighting, make it possible for a healer to help them.

Anu turned upon her heels, and saw the face of a deep gray wolf. She bared her teeth, for the male was obviously one of the wolves of AniWaya. The new AniWaya. The tribe of the past was no long, for their leader would never allow such a thing to happen to their once ally. Anu growled deeply but the sounds of war likely drowned it out. It seemed that he had his eyes glanced from her and then on to Savina. The wolfess wouldn't allow him to reach the black fey, her posture aggressive and though she didn't know how to fight she could at least attempt to defend and keep the intruder away from the alphess who would actually be able to drive the tribe forces back.

Teeth snapped at the male, a warning to keep back. The fear was welling inside, but instinct and courage triumphed for the moment.


I'm going to reply with Nayati and he's going to shoot and kill the NPC Guardian sneaking up on Savi 300+

The scent of the intruders hit her hard in the nose and there was no denying that her suspicions had been confirmed. What had happened to that once-peaceful pack? Of all the other packs in the area—besides the Court where Anu's children lived—the tribe was the last group she would have thought to ever come after them violently. This was completely unprovoked and the Consul would not soon forget this disgrace. Coming in the night like a bunch of cravens. The woman heard her packmates running around and beside her and as the raiders came into sight, Savina let out another loud howl to rally the spirits of her pack and to let the intruders know they had come as far into Crimson Dreams as they would get.

A sharp whistling noise was heard a few times off to her side. She remembered that sound and the shock of impact when one of the projectiles had hit her shoulder. Jazper bellowed out the danger to his packmates and Savina's sharp eyes caught sight of the archer who now seemed intent on her. The alphess snarled and bristled at the man and silently she reached out to the dark, rage-fueled power within her. These wolves attacked unprovoked and now threatened her pack and family. She would not stand for it. She would not allow it. The male came after her and threw a punch, but Savina reared up and snapped her teeth at his face, the claws of her front paws scrabbling to cut his flesh.

The pounding of hooves filled the woman's ears and soon the angry horse was looming up at her attacker. The Consul dodged out of the way of the equine's fury and briefly saw the frightened Veles on the creature's back. This battle was not for her, and even if the horse was helpful she would not risk them both in this skirmish. "Pixie!" she bellowed. "Get back to the manor, warn the others." She then focused back on the archer and lunged to try and catch hold of his arm or hand with her jaws. If she could injure one of his arms badly enough he would not be able to fire any more arrows at her packmates. Unfortunately the woman was so focused upon this man she did not see the other warrior coming up behind and to her side.

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Jaeger is the NPC Guardian Nayati is pewing down, just fyi! Also feel free to have any other Guardians, played and NPCs alike, get hit by one of Nayati's arrows if you wish Smile 300+

Now we sound the drums of war!

The first howl rattled the refugee from his sleep and he did not have to guess at the cause of the warning. Nayati had feared this would happen from the moment he had stepped foot with his family onto Crimson Dreams' soil. It had been too much to hope that Maska would just let them be. He could not guess at the motive behind why the Councilman wanted them and would send raiders in the night to retrieve them, but he knew what the ramifications of this night would be. This had been foolish of Maska, the first serious misstep since he had come here. He was attacking the Dreamer's lands before even having a formal audience with Anu and the other leader. This was an act of hostility and war, and after tonight, he was certain that the Dreamers would give him just that in return.

In the dark he grabbed for his quiver and longbow. He whispered to his family to stay put while he climbed the unsteady wooden stairs that wound up around the inside of the windmill they sought refuge in. It was slow going and he had to be very careful, for much of the wood was rotten and not able to hold his weight, but finally he made it to an opening near the uppermost part of the structure and carefully crawled outside and made his way to the roof of the large old mill. Once he found steady footing on the roof his pale eyes looked down on the skirmish taking place below him. It was hard to make out who the individuals were, but it was easy to tell the Dreamers from the AniWayans since all of the tribesmen were obviously Guardians. The Utina felt relief in his heart at that, for he would not be aiming at any of his old friends from back home. These wolves were no kith or kin of his, and he had no feelings of hesitance or regret as he nocked an arrow and pulled the bowstring back past his eye. The Dreamers had taken in him and his family, and he would help them defend their home.

He saw a dark halfing wolf engaging with who he thought was the man who had subdued him in the Town Hall. The Dreamer was attacking him with all of her focus and did not seem to notice the other Guadrian who snuck up on her from her back and right. Nayati took careful aim and let his arrow soar down into the night fight. His aim had been good and true, as the arrow hit home in the man's throat and he soon dropped down to the ground, never to rise again. The hunter pulled more arrows from his quiver and fired them down into the fray. With an archer they could not see firing down at them, hopefully the Guardians would think better of this mission.

Image courtesy of Shelly Perry@Gettyimages; table template by the Mentors!

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Claudius could feel his heart racing. While before there had been few sounds, now, it seemed as though these pack lands were just completely alive. There was noise everywhere, which filtered through the thick trees to produce a strange, muffled sound of chaos. Claudius could not help but shiver a bit as he realized what was going on: there was a war. He began to venture farther, deeper into the territory, trying to figure out how to warn them or better yet, how to escape. Clearly, the members of Crimson Dreams had already encountered the invading AniWayans and they weren't taking this lying down.

Claudius moved as slowly and quietly as he could, but suddenly, he heard a new sound: footfalls. He turned quickly and was just in time too see a Crimson Dream wolf approaching with a coil of rope.

"W-w-w-wai-ai-ait," he stuttered as he backed away. He folded back his ears, and lowered his head to the ground. His breathing was ragged and his body was now shaking.

What was he going to do?
TURNSTONE: ALMOST AS USELESS AS CLAUDIUS 8D Btw, one of the arrows went right through his ear. He is kind of freaking out.

[/html]Turnstone had awoken to the sound of a howl. This was soon followed by many others until it was a chorus as the message was passed through the lands. Crimson Dreams, his new home, was being attacked -- for reasons still unknown. Turnstone, captivated by his own lethargy, remained where he was, silent and unmoving, as he tried to figure out what he wanted to do. Just how loyal was he to this pack? He contemplated this, turning over the question in his mind. He didn't know who was attacking him; the name was unfamiliar; so why should he retaliate? Yes, the pack had given him shelter, but if he had only just arrived, perhaps it would be best if he went on his way. He didn't want to become involved in someone else's fight.

And with that thought, he turned over to go back to sleep. But sleep did not come to Turnstone, for he lay awake; wondering. He thought himself a man of principle, but how could he allow this pack to die? If he wanted to have a home, he would have to create one.

With that in mind, he stood up and then sent out a howl of his own: I am coming to help. Let that scare away the invaders knowing that there was one more body to fight.

He took off in the direction of the fighting and the sounds and smells soon invaded all of his senses. There were screams and shouts, and then suddenly, the scent of blood. Turnstone grimaced, but continued on -- right into the path of an arrow. He hadn't even begun his assault and suddenly, his entire head felt like it was on fire. He screamed in pain and dropped to the ground. He rubbed the other side of his head in the dirt, trying to make it go away, but it did not. His vision blurred and he blinked away blood. Then, the world was dark. He was a man of principle, a man of action, but a man without a cause.[html]
OOC: Herp, sorry I'm a tad late D: And Shadi's... mean.

As Shadi chased after the imbecile and the pup, another shadowy figure emerged and grabbed at her. Snarling, she signaled Geyahita, who had paused, to hide in the trees. The wolverine nodded and became invisible to all but her mistress, and trundled into the tree.
Whipping her head around to face the wolf who dared challenge her, Shadi snarled as the cloak swirled around her. It obscured the other person's vision of her, but not her's of him. The weapon was something she'd never seen before, but it mattered not. With her knives she could out fight anyone. With that thought, she tore off the cloak and pulled out two of her knives. Carefully watching the man before her, her eyes flashed. Knives in hand, the ashy female grew more confident.
"That had better not have been an insult you said." she stated matter-of-factly. If it was, she'd take out one of his eyes. As it was, she darted forward and stepped close to him, almost as if to embrace him. The weapon he wielded was of no use when she was that close, while her knives would be deadlier. Slashing his arm, Shadi snarled in his face and tried to lock her teeth into his shoulder. If he couldn't move his arm, he couldn't do jack with that big bladed stick he had.


As the horse went back down on all four hooves, Pixie heard Savina’s order over all the noise and confusion. For a moment she hesitated, not wanting to leave the battle when she knew some of her packmates were being injured right at that moment…but then she realized it was for the best. Neither she nor her horse could fight against all of these intruders at once, not without proper training, which they lacked.

Directing Magic to turn sharply away from the fighting, the silver girl sped off, back in the direction of the manor. Besides telling everyone what was going on, she wanted to help more. Crimson Dreams needed help…perhaps she could go to one of the neighboring packs and ask for reinforcements. She had the speed to get there quickly, after all.

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OOC Hope you don't mind this Haley! let me know if I should alter anything ^^'

As he chased the Aniwaya wolf, the timber didn’t know whether or not he’d be able to turn her from her course. When she suddenly spun about in front of him, he could only blink in surprise as the cloak flipped in front of him. While he brought himself to a halt, the woman closed the small gap between the two before he could react and sliced into his left fore arm. Leon gave no indication as the woman’s blade bite his flesh, though he felt the pain sharply. Without looking, he knew it wouldn’t keep him out of the fight. He was not going to lose his self control like he had against the boy from Anathema.

When she chose to snarl in his face Leon responded with a swift head-butt, feeling his brow connect with the base of her muzzle. He then released his right hand from its grip on the Naginata and brought his fist straight up to her muzzle. "Maybe it was." The timber said calmly.

While striking with his fist, Leon allowed his weapon to slide through his left hand till his hand gripped the upper portion of the shaft. He used the new grip to thrust the blade out at her chest. "And maybe I'll tell you if you beat me." He offered.

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ooc: it's all good ^^ Could you do the injury your next post please? and if you don't want Geya biting him, just poke me to change it ^^

Shadi snarled at the male who held her and when he headbutted her let go of her hold on him to touch her chin, ducking while he tried to punch her in the face. Disoriented slightly, she felt the bladed stick thing cut the side of her muzzle, alongside her chin. One of the knives fell to the ground.
Snarling ferociously, Geyahita became visible and darted into the fray to bite at the man's legs and tail. The wolverine would protect her mistress with all ability, and was showing so now. Snarling herself, Shadi grabbed the man's shoulders, pushing his arm out of stabbing distance to her chest. Smiling almost humorously, the ashen wolf looked at him. "It's a pity you're insulting me." she said softly as she brought her knee up to his groin in a cheap shot. "I don't like men who insult me."
Eyes narrowed in calculation, Shadi elbowed him in the solar plexus, spun away and searched for the knife. She sensed that the raid would be over soon, and she refused to leave behind one of the objects that became like children to her. Distracted from the man behind her, she grabbed her cloak and looked for the knives, a bone dagger that wouldn't shine in the light of the moon. A fact that, at the moment, Shadi cursed silently.

Sorry for being so late! School just started!

Her ears twitched as she heard Savina's maddened howl. She whined softly, trying to keep herself from making too much noise. Standing behind the tree her white and black pelt stood out slightly in the pitch black night; Not a good thing. It felt as if her paws where permantely glued to the ground, while inside her body screamed her brain to run. But her paws would not obey her commands. The small fae's bright turqiouse eyes where dark with fear and saddness as they shone in the black night. A soft breeze came, bringing with it the scent of the wounded, the opposing pack, and the dead. Shivering softly she closed her eyes, hoping that her family was alright, that they weren't........No, she couldn't think of that right now. Flashing her eyes open, the fear-struck fae searched for any of her packmates that where wounded or that needed help that where nearby. Seeing none, she sighed in relief, but it was short lived as she heard more snarls, yelps, barks, sounds that made her ears scream.

Hot tears streamed down her face as her mind swirled around so many possiblities. Her blue eyes where like a never ending waterfall, tears making streaks in her white fur around her face. They dried into her fur, making temporary marks to show she had been crying. Why couldn't she move? Why couldn't she get away from this place? Instead she ended up getting herself closer to the action, crouching behind tree's and bushes, her small, petite form being able to fit into small places easily. Sitting behind a bush, she closed her eyes, trying to push away the sounds that echoed in her head and ears, and instead replaced it with happy memories when this fight had not broken out. When the wounded where not wounded, when the dead where alive. A weak smile appeared as her turqiouse eyes where sheilded by the ugly truth that lay before her.

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OOC here!

Leon prepared to follow through with his thrust, moving his feet to keep with the flow, when something suddenly tugged painfully at his ankle, forcing him to stop his advance. He turned his head quickly to find a wolverine attacking his feet ferociously. His shock at this sight, so random and out of place to him, prevented him from noticing the recovering woman’s sudden rush back to him. As such, he was caught completely by surprise when she gripped his arm and spoke practically right in his ear. He smirked and opened his mouth to give a smart response, but coughed up as her knee made contact.

The Timber was tough, and could take some pretty harsh hits. But that under handed blow put him down on a knee, closer to that aggravated creature, who wasted no time coming after him again. He tried to stand and felt an elbow smash into his chest, stunning him and dropping him to his back. He remained there for a moment, dazed and breathless as the woman searched for her knife. Then he noticed her companion again closing in on him. With a throaty growl, he punched the damned things nose and grabbed the dangerous creature with both his hands, then rose and tossed it away from him, feeling it claw at his right arm, leaving a long scratch mark across his right fore arm.

He rose to his feet, knees bent to keep himself from toppling down, and raised his pole-arm once more. “I doubt you’d like me on my best days…” He muttered, then closed the gap between the two and smashed his fist against her kidney, his anger beginning to rise. This fight was growing tiresome. As she stumbled, he took a step back and brought his weapon sweeping up towards her head with deadly force. "Taigi tiesiog mirti jau!" The man shouted. He had her, defenseless and off balance. And it was time to end this.

But as the blade closed in, Leon felt something slam into his right leg, knocking him off balance and bringing the blade too far for a killing blow. And then felt something biting his thigh. ’That damned thing!’ He screamed mentally, as he noticed the wolverines return. But even with the disturbance, he felt something soft give beneath the weapons tip, and felt the odd sensation as it sliced through a small amount of flesh.

The man quickly put a few feet between himself and his opponent, snarling, ears laid back. The woman had a hand to her eye, but was still on her feet and glaring at him. He couldn’t keep wasting time with these two! He had to get back to the others!

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Fia crouched low to the ground, her ears laid against her scull. Getting closer suddenly she saw the wolves fighting. One of her packmates. A small growl erupted out of her throat, but she stayed there, her tail flickering furiously agaisnt the ground. The opposing female had a cut to her face and was holding her hand up to her eyes, blood pouring between her fingers. But yet she was still on her two feet. There where others too, wolverines. The small black and white fae watched silently, hidden among the bushes, but yet she didn't realize the female had saw her. Fia's ears twitched as she was dangerously close to the fight. She took a step back, but suddenly a twig snapped underneath her paw and her eyes flashed up, praying that they hadn't heard her. If they did.....well she was screwed. The young teen knew she couldn't stand up agains't an expereinced adult with weapons. Espicially since she had never seen or been in a fight like this before. Maybe she could turn back andm run now. Maybe she could hide. Maybe she could find help or something. No, she couldn't. If everyone in her pack where pitching in then she should too. If they came at her then she'd fight her way out, help out her pack. Yet even though she was small, young, and experienced, she wasn't helpless. She could defend herself until some point. Which one of the adults from her pack would hear her by then right?
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ooc: and the pre-plotted fight is over, Fia is captured Big Grin powerplay approved in advance.

Finally finding her knife and picking it up, Shadi gasped as she felt his fist hit her in the kidneys, and then felt the blade coming at her neck. Geya abruptly bit him, harder than she normally would have, still pissed about being picked up and thrown. He shifted and the blade cut her face... And she lost sight.
Clamping a hand to her face over the eye she had now lost, Shadi snarled. "Damn it!" she shouted, and brandished her knife at the man. Looking around, blood seeping through her fingers, she saw from her right eye a terrified looking girl. The girl stepped back and broke some twigs, and Shadi's attention snapped fully to her. She smelled the same as the man attacking her.
Running forward and grabbing the girl, Shadi stopped holding her eye and pressed that hand on the woman-child's shoulder, clutching her to her own body. The knife that had been rescued was pressed to the girl's neck. "You follow and I will kill her." she snarled, and dragged the girl to the boats.
Once at the canoes, Shadi pushed the child down in one and sat in front of her, pressing her blood-colored cloak to her new wound. She stared at the bloody handprint that was left on the child's fur and remained resolute as she waited for the rest of the guardians to come, so she could leave this forsaken land and heal.
Seeming to share her sentiment, Geyahita jumped onto the boat and settled on the girl's lap, baring her teeth and licking at a cut on her flank. Despite the fact it would heal in a day, she would still react instinctively to the wound. Looking up at Shadi, she whispered for her ears only. [i]"I apologise."[/b] she said simply, taking the blame for her mistress' crippling new wound.

Awesomesauce :[ Sorry for the wait ^^ I'm gonna pp this all in one go to make this a little smoother, so you can have Anu retaliate and act as she wants until the end of the second-to-last paragraph...where it's kinda imperative that Wematin can knock her out XD

Nahele did a good job--whether or not he had heard Wematin, the black Guardian did not know--and when he saw that the black alpha was sufficiently distracted and away from the second, he burst forward and snapped right back at the patterned woman, teasing her forward. She was far smaller than he, although he suppose this was also because he was in secui form. Finding that she would not take the bait directly--standing firmly by her leader's side--Wematin reached forward and snared his fangs into the scruff of her neck and began to drag her back into the brush, albeit a different direction from where he had come, since risking running into the black warrior again would be impossible as he was then.

They did not get terribly far, what with the female's struggling and his injured left shoulder, but they were far enough that the black alpha would not come to bother them. Before he let go--or rather, before she wrestled herself free--he slammed his good right paw onto her neck, making a jump for the female as soon as she was free, trying not to let her have a moment to escape. He would need to get her unconscious somehow, or trucking her about would be nigh impossible. He rushed forward for another bite to her legs--perhaps to cripple her?--but found that her agility and his lack of it at that point annoying. In a final attack he lashed out with his jaws and found her neck again, slamming her head full onto the ground in a jarring hit while his right paw swept her front legs out from under her. He felt the repercussions of the hit and was satisfied with her eyes shut tightly closed. Although her body was limp, she was still breathing, and this would suit him fine.

Shaking himself to rid his skin of the adrenaline still pumping through him, Wematin nosed his muzzle under the limp lupus second and hefted her slight weight up over his back where she lay draped like a dead-weight. Her body would not shift on his broad back so long as he ran straight, and he could easily carry two of her for miles. With the second in place, the Galonv Adagatiya howled a series of deep, loud notes into the air, signaling his colleagues for a retreat--no questions asks, no query given. Their raid for the Utinas had failed miserably, but at least the Guardian had a bargaining chip, and would not be going home empty. As he ran, the man steeled himself against the pain of putting his and the second's weight on his left leg, running as fast as he could to the canoes. When he reached the water he unceremoniously dumped the female in there and began to shift. With his shoulder it hurt more, but he was still able to complete the transformation in about a minute or two. Grabbing an oar, he waited till at least one other Guardian--this time Armis--was in the boat before he began to paddle to the center of the river. At least there they could drift for a time, seeing that their comrades got into the other canoes safely from a safe distance. Sadly Wematin couldn't have stayed on the shore...not with his prize in such jeopardy.

He was cunning and strong, not foolhardy and stupid.

Guardian walks. "Guardian talks." Guardian thinks.

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Silvano ignored the wolf's cry to wait. He should have, he should have listened to what he had to say. But the sounds of fighting, of bloodshed, of war, behind him stirred his primal lust and it fed his anger at the invaders who came in the night like guilty children. Even as the other wolf backed up, fear in his eyes and limbs quivering like a sapling in a gale, Silvano could not feel pity. All he knew was he had to jump him and get him down. Knife forgotten, the young man circled in. There was no need to hide in the bushes anymore; he simply emerged from the brush, out of the shadows. Mottle pelt faded into site as his emerald eyes blazed.

"Sneaking thieves..," was all he said as he lunged at Claudius, rope in one hand, and open palm in the other. A growl ripped from his throat as he rushed him, eager to knock him down and out. He would question him, if he went down fast enough.

The sensation of rushing at an enemy, weapons forgotten, was all very knew the Sadira. It was exhilirating, but he knew when he came back to himself he would be saddled with a big bundle of problems. What was he going to do with a tied up invading wolf? But that was not the point. Now he felt the surge of anger he knew his mother was legendary for. Yet his felt weaker; he could focus so well, even as he attempted to capture Claudius.

Image courtesy of wit@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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Kansas could not sleep. He was in the basement with his guitar, zoned out on the melodious sounds that echoed in the cold room. He was engaged in a melancholy song, music that made something stir in his belly. His claws paused against the strings and he looked up, ears twitching. Something was wrong. Faintly in the distance were strange sounds, perhaps whispers of the wind, or perhaps canines snarling and spitting somewhere nearby. His heart filled with dread, Kansas set the guitar down and rushed up the basement stairs, and as he mounted the last step the main floor a dreadfully familiar howl sounded. Savina.

He bolted out the front door, and on the porch shifted into his Secui form. He paused and lifted his nose to the wind, ears erect, and then the dread within him went to its highest level. What he smelled were numerous unfamiliar wolves in Crimson Dreams, near the river, and what he had heard were indeed the cries of fighting wolves. He did not take a moment to ponder why this was happening, but instead sprinted as fast as his long, but beefier limbs could carry him toward the river.

Oak had been sleeping in the forest when a similar feeling of horror took ahold of him, when Savina's furious summons came to his ears. He, too, shifted into his secui form, becoming a massive and foreboding beast. He tore through the forest toward the river, and at about half the distance there he encountered the white Sadira. Kansas, what's going on? he asked, worried eyes frantic and blazing like cold blue fire. I don't know, but let's go, was all that Kansas could reply, and the two sprinted the rest of the way to the river, keeping themselves low to the ground, senses alert for the evil ghosts who lurked within their home.

They were met with a scene of utter chaos. Strange wolves were everywhere, clashing with both fangs and weapons with their pack mates, their family. Both scented their loved ones in the breeze and parted ways without a word spoken between them. Kansas followed Savina's scent, finding her in full fury, certain that she had unleashed her dangerous rage on the intruders already. A werewolf lay with an arrow through him nearby. Kansas did not know what to do. He could not fight worth a shit, but he would stay with his mate and protect her at all costs.

Oak crawled around in the brush, sniffing the wind constantly. Cypress was somewhere near, but what took his attention was his mother's scent. He followed it with mounting terror to the river, just in time to see a canoe drifting away, a gray werewolf at the paddle and his mother lying in the bottom. Immediately he was filled with unadulterated sorrow and anger. It made him reckless, uncaring of who saw him standing in the open before the river. Mother! No! he screamed, his voice guttural and frightening. He threw his muzzle toward the sky and sang of his sorrow, for the canoe was far now, and there was nothing he could do to save the woman who had given him life.

Courage filled her, the duty to her friends and her family blinding her from the dangers that the gray male brought. The woman had lived a long life filled with more happy moments then sorrowful ones, perhaps it was simply her time. They couldn't live for ever...

He leaped towards her, Anu lowered her face to protect her eyes from his jaws and he took hold of the loose skin that her neck owned and felt the tension and then pain that followed as he pulled her. Her paws stumbled forward to keep the flesh was ripping from the forced and fell forward into him as they rocked through the undergrowth. Twisting to try to bite his limbs and body only brought searing pain to her but she fought against him and struggled. She fell the ground, but lashed out again and again only to miss his bulky body.

Then there was nothing. The sharp blow to her skull caused her to leave the conscious world even before the pain could coarse through her head and neck. The wolf lay limp, darkness taking over faster then the turn of a second.


Sorry I'm late everyone!!! WC: 789

Soran was not in the lands, she had been wandering around the neutral territories close by though, something that she was prone to do when she found herself at this late hour with sleep eluding her. She had been up for hours, just watching the stars, wondering whether or not sleep would ever catch up with her once again, it was not often that she found herself with such insomnia anymore, now that she was safe and back in her home, contented with what life had given her, the unstable relations between herself and her family beginning to be patched up she had been finding it easier to sleep; but tonight she was restless, and had left the manor in the late evening and gone for a walk, hoping to tire herself out. It had been quite a traquil and peaceful night, but suddenly the peace was shattered, a loud shout going out from the packlands, many voices all together, warning of the troubles in the lands, there were intruders, the ebony female had no idea how long it had taken for these calls to reach her in her current position, but it did not matter, her home was in danger and she could not simply stand idly by and allow that to happen. Her first thoughts were of Mati, her young granddaughter, she always seemed so strong, but there was weakeness beneath that and Charm, her new lover, she could not allow anything to happen to them, or any of the other pack members. She shifted into her Secui form, something that she was not used to doing, her limbs becoming thick and stout, rippling with muscles which were usually not obvious in the tall female's slender frame, even her jaw thickened, her fur became thick and shaggy; the female had always been a large wolf, her family always being tall and this transferred over to her Secui form, all in all she was beginning to look more like a small bear than a wolf. Her eyes flickered poisonous green with fury and she set off, racing into the packlands as fast as this awkward form would take her, muscles rippling and shifting beneath the thick fur as she powered forwards. The female had no idea how long it took her to arrive at the battle ground, only that when she did arrive all she could see around her was devestation, her eyes narrowed further as she hunted for a familiar face within the cacophony of bodies moving this way and that. Soon her eyes fell on a familiar form, Anu, flopped over the shoulder of a large male in the distance, she seemed to be unconcious and helpless and he seemed more than happy to take advantage, to kidnap her.

A loud snarl of fury escaped the female's lips and she raced forward, her low to the ground, sharp fangs bared, her lips pulling back to reveal the rows of sharp pale teeth, her ears flattened to her skull as she raced, but alas it was too late, by the time she arrived at the shore the male and her leader were already in a canoe, too far away, she skidded to a halt, thick claws digging into the ground to halt herself, she considered a jump, but in this form she was unsure how far she would manage to get, and the risk of upsetting the canoe and having her leader slide into the water and drown in her unconcious state was too much. She simply raised her head and shouted, "You, the grey wolf! You will live to regret this night, that I promise you! When you are begging for mercy beneath my hands I will show none!" She spat, her voice filled with rage, something that was uncommon in the sable lady, she was often a pacifist, a gentle soul, but at time like this, when her family were threatened, she could be vicious and cruel, her father had shown her enough cruelty for her to easily muster some when she needed it. Long claws tore into a clod of earth and tossed it into the river, how she wished she had been in her Optime form now, the long hunting knife had proven itself a good thrown weapon, and although she could not reach the male who was taking her grandchildren's mother away she was certain that ther knife blade would have reached, burying itself in the back of the grey male, oh how she wished she had it with her. Giving the rescue up she turned around, racing back into the body of the scuffle, searching for Savina, hoping her mirror image leader would have some idea of what to do next.

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