Llama Man
WC: 1, 302
OOC: this is kinda rushed, but its a starter. Big Grin can't wait to get this going. xD not in the mood for a table at the moment.

More exploring was in line. The girl was getting restless with all the pointless sitting around. Her home was not getting modified fast enough, and was filling up with all of her crap too fast. Last night she slept outside under the stars, praying that there would be no rain or a big drop in temperature. She got lucky and slept well, getting up with the sun and packing her good sized shoulder pack full of meat from her last hunt. The palm sized chunks were wrapped in pieces of cured skin and leaves, masking most of the scent. On top and all around the meat, the bag was stuffed full with her flags, the thick material was nearly water proof, and it retained heat very well.

Some needles and thread were stowed away in her necklace pouch, along with some pretty beads and little trinkets that could fit. After taking a long, satiating drink at the stream, she stood and began walking. The pack lands were pretty much explored, so in her mind, it was time to go looking elsewhere for new and exciting things. She never thought about telling anyone that she was going to be leaving for a while. Being in a pack atmosphere was still something that she wasn’t really used to, and her parents had never cared if she wandered off when she was a child. In her mind, there was no one for her to tell, she had to get moving right at that moment, or else she would go crazy.

When she reached the base of the Halcyon Mountains, a flutter of anticipation and nervous excitement shivered though her body, causing her to grin widely and start to walk faster. About two hours had passed since she’d left her home, and the sun was now a bit higher in the sky, lighting the path that her feet were taking. The rocks started to get a lot bigger, and trees started to get smaller until they were dwindling from her view altogether. She never slowed down, never stopped walking or took a break. There was no point in taking breaks until the sun was setting and she could no longer see if where she was going. So that is exactly what she did.

A few times Tawny reached back and slipped out small strips of dried meat to chew on, each strip was thick and chewy, giving her at least two hours of occupation before moving on to another. The meat she had packed was a mixture of mostly deer, with some rabbit and fish mixed in randomly. Fishing was something that she had been surprised to learn about but had quickly gotten good at. Her hands were just the right size to grab and hold on tight to a medium sized trout or bass. She’d also found that they were absolutely delicious when cooked almost to burning over a fire and then covered in berry juice, it was her new favorite meal.

The girl was still walking, and getting pretty tired by the time the sun was turning pink with the first hints of sunset. She yawned widely and stretched, looking around for a good place to curl up and take a long nap. About thirty feet up the trail she was taking, there was a small overhang in the rock formation, bellow it was a cut out that was sprinkled with dirt, grass and left over snow. Hopping up and over a few boulders was easy enough, and the little cave like area was perfect for a sleep spot. Dropping her pack, she dug through it until she found her colorful flag and spread it out on the ground. It was really big and stretched a little bit longer than her body was tall, covering nearly the entire area. Another flag was pulled, this one laid out with the first, acting as her blanket for the night. Lastly, she wrapped her entire pack in the last flag, making sure that the smell of meat was masked totally.

Yawning another time, her jaws spread open wide; she dropped down and crawled under her make-shift blanket, pulled the pack to her chest. The sun was slowly setting over the side of the opposing mountain peak, making for a gorgeous picture as she watched. With the sleeping sun, her eyes slid closed and her mind wandered as well.

The next morning brought a light sprinkling of snow all over everything, and a large drop in temperature. Thankfully, the young woman was snuggled down under her flag, which had pretty much trapped and deflected her body heat back towards her all night long. Groaning, she stretched and sat up, taking in the beautiful scenery for a few minutes. After getting her bearings, it didn’t take long to have the flags rolled up and stored again. She kept the smallest one, colored dark green with an odd pattern on it, out and wrapped it around her body, settling the shoulder pack over the top to keep it in place as she walked. The flag kept her warm for the most part, only her feet, hands and face feeling the chill as she got higher up into the mountains.

Though Tawny didn’t think about it, she subconsciously knew that she was outside of pack lands and needed to be careful. There were wanderers and loners that lived in random places, both mean and nice, who might not want her trespassing on their property. This didn’t faze her one bit though, as she knew that the worst thing they could do was kill her, and most wouldn’t go that far in their punishment of stragglers.

She kept on going like she had the day before, refusing to let the elements slow her traveling down. She didn’t like the thought of stopping again to take breaks, even though it was slowly getting harder for her to breath. The air quality at this level of elevation was thinning out drastically, and her body wasn’t used to it at all. A few times she had to lean over and wheeze for a while, holding her chest until a large enough breath was taken in. This kept going for hours and hours, having to stop and cough a few times every mile she walked. Progress was slow going, but she kept trying.

Eventually Tawny collapsed, hitting her knees and sinking down against a boulder, panting heavily. She closed her eyes and rested for a while, not wanting to move, body sore from climbing and carrying her heavy pack. After a while of just laying there, the girl lifted her head and looked around, deep blue eyes flickering around quickly, taking in all of her surroundings. She sighed when nothing exciting came into view, and started to stand up again, determined to keep walking. Only a few more steps down the trail and she stopped dead still, her body frozen with a nervous type of excited fear. The animals in that dip of grassy land…looked very odd. They were like a mix of a sheep and a horse, with soft looking fur and mean looking hooves.

Moving as quietly as she could, she slowly drew closer and crouched down behind a small rock, watching as an old man walked out of a falling down cabin. His coat was ratty and dirty, but she could tell that it had once been a beautiful golden color. Hunched backed and leaning on a cane of wood, he looked like he was about to waste away into nothing. Whining softly in sympathy, Tawny stood up again and started walking down the path once more. She wanted to meet this old man and make sure he was okay; possibly he could teach her something from him while she was up there.

OOC: Hehe this is gonna be fun.
Word Count: 400+

The weary aged male had delightfully finished a pleasant meal, the soup he made was perfect. It was his late mate's recipe and had been for the most part his only choice of food since her passing. His belly filled he was ready to proceed with the duties of his day. He grabbed the twisted walking stick leaning against his thigh. He pushed in attempt to stand from the wobbly chair but the act was treacherous. Curse you legs just stand. He leaned further upon the stick and pushed with most of his might and finally found himself standing. He breathed hard already feeling like he had completed a full days work but he still had much to do. He caught his breath after a wave of thick deep coughs and set out the door.

It took him long to reach the door but he was quickly greeted once he stepped out. Ah Ramallamadingdong my love. Thank you. The dark female llama was quick to aide the male as she was each day that he grew more weak. He settled his arm upon her back once he stroked the fur along her long neck. He commenced toward the crooked farm house where his pretties might rest for the night. He noticed a few of his herd had become unsettled, the action was very out of place. Even Rama took a slight side step to turn the male. What he saw next surprised the old male, the image so very similar to that of the day he met his mate. The young female was blatantly approaching him just as she had oh so long ago. The smile spread across his face for in his aged mind he thought is was a memory a flash of his past. It crossed his mind that maybe she is here to finally take me with her. My love... oh how I have waited for you.

Her expression snapped him into reality quickly turning the male to questions. Who are you?! How did you get past my defenses?! He had snapped his fingers twice and made a waving gesture. The herd reacted immediately, they started to flock to the barn with haste. Bo fell into a serious coughing fit from the yelling. Rama watched the new comer, not phased in the slightest by her master's fit as she had grown use to them. The sign of her defenses were barely noticeable but she would quickly defend her master with swift force if the wolf displayed any threat. When Bojangles finished the wild coughing fit that curled his body the herd was gone, safely tucked away in the barn. What is your business here? He said with less harshness. He had realized that he had not been to tend to his traps and trickery for many months. The ones on her path had probably broke or she was extremely lucky.

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WC: 428
OOC: Yes ma'am! Big Grin

The young woman kept walking even when she saw the old man turn and catch sight of her. Nerves caused her to shake a bit, and she held the flag made cloak tighter around her body. The weird looking animals scattered about the unusual clearing quickly made their way towards a dilapidated building that reminded her of Broken Arrow Ranch. A small smile pulled her lips up but she was careful to not bare her teeth at the old man, not wanting to make him any wearier than he obviously was. Not until she was about ten feet away from him did she stop walking, her eyes glued to the animal he was leaning against. When he began talking, most of her confidence flew out with the wind. She wondered if he would tolerate her inability to speak and understand correctly.

A soft whine left her throat as she crouched a little and bowed her head, showing her submission and understanding that she was on his property, intruding. When she stood again, the girl kept her ears flattened and her eyes cast down to the ground. She was so nervous about speaking to the man that her words caught in her throat and she had to cough a few times as well. It was a pathetic coughing fit compared to the man’s, but she had to get a good enough breath in to be able to tell him her name. The thinned out air up in the mountains was not helping her case one bit.

After she had relaxed from sputtering and had caught her breath, she straightened up again and licked her muzzle, seeming to squirm a little. “M-my name…um…is Tawny.” When the words came out mostly clear and not stuttered, a smile broke through and she grinned at him, blue eyes wide and innocent. It was obvious that the woman was sweet and wouldn’t hurt him or his pets at all. She was not a cruel female, like some grew to be, and her past made her know how much abuse hurt, and vow to never do that to another living being. Stepping a little bit closer, she reached one hand out slowly towards the large animal, hoping that it wouldn’t bite her. Flicking her eyes towards the man, she smiled again and sighed softly. “Your…and its…n-name?” She pointed towards the llama and tilted her head, full of itching curiosity.

The girl wanted to learn and explore more than anything, and now that the exploring part was accomplished, she was ready to soak up some knowledge!

OOC: Creepy old Bojangles XD
Word Count: 300+

As the girl reacted to his harsh words, his question it was blatantly clear just they type of female she was. When she spoke it was further conformation of her timid nature. She was no harm to his family; she really was just a lucky traveller. He had seen so few in his life upon the hidden mountain paradise. His smile was friendly enough, but the way he curled his fingers over the round top of the twisted cane suggested otherwise. He looked over the female as she reached out toward Rama. His hand reached out to stop her; the placement of his hand upon her chest seemed innocent. Then he stroked her fur with his thumb before pulling it back. Forgive me. You might want to be careful around her Ramallamadingdong can be a bit unpredictable. It was a half-truth around those who proved to be threatening she was but he already seen the relax in her body when the girl spoke.

A small hint of a smile could be seen as he turned toward his home. Come deary, you look exhausted why don’t you take a rest and possibly have a cup of soup with me. They headed toward the house Rama helping him along. It occurred to the male as he was walking over, this meeting must not be by chance… that the gods have favored him in that moment. He knew his time was coming knew the days of his life were shortening. Maybe they had sent this sweet girl to him to ease him.

His worry for his pack had become so great it further sped the deterioration. Maybe she was here to ease his mind, for she could just very well be the Llama’s new Shepard. He looked up at his precious Rama; she was looking at him as though confirming the notion. It was settled… he would convince this young lady to care for his flock before his passing. He opened the door that jerked slightly as it opened, the hinges just barely hanging on. So tell me dear. Do you like animals?… you seem like you like animals.

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The large animal didn't seem to mind her drawing closer and was watching her with a seemingly calm and docile expression. Just before the young woman's hand was to rest of the creature's nose, the old man's hand was pressed up against her chest. Tawny clenched her teeth together and flinched back a little bit, moving away from his direct reach. She figured that he was old enough to garner some respect, unlike the sweet young man, Range, when he had started touching her all over without warning. The girl couldn't bring herself to snap at the scraggily old guy like she had the pup, it just didn't seem right at all.

She sighed softly and smiled when he invited her into his home for something to eat. Her eyes were drawn to the way his body had to lean against the big animal for support as he walked shakily, also using the cane to help himself along. Sorrow filled her heart as she thought about the time he may have left, and how it must not be very much. A soft whimper slipped from her throat before she realized that she was about to cry. Sucking in a sharp breath, she shook her head and stepped up into the house, brushing her fingers over the door frame gently.

The inside of the little falling down shack was surprisingly warm and it smelled so delicious. She smiled at the sight of a large pot sitting over the smallish fire, filled with steaming stew. Her mouth began to water and she placed a small hand on the old man's shoulder, "I get the s-soups?" Her smile was soft and innocent, blue eyes wide and willing to help. Her other hand pointed towards a rickety looking chair near the fire. "You...sit, please?" Her smile only grew when he rolled his eyes and complied, lowering himself slowly into the chair and sighing with relief. Tawny pushed her backpack off her shoulders and set it near the door, then took her flag-made-cloak off and folded it on top of the pack.

She spotted some bowls and a ladle, going over to the big pot and scooping some of the soup into both of them. When he asked about animals, she shrugged a little and handed him his bowl. After taking a few sips of the delicious hot broth, she licked her 'lips' and looked up at him. "Animals are good...j-just no h-hors-ses!" It was obvious from the slightly annoyed look in her eyes that she wasn't on good terms with the large beasts, but would be okay with the llamas...probably.

Word Count: 200+

The male knew the face well when he turned to allow her through the door first. He may not have known people well through out his life… but the thing he did know was when a female was about to cry. He was about to ask if she was ok but refrained. She seemed to remain unnoticed and he obliged. He watched her walk in before turning to Rama. Till we meet again my love. He patted her nose softly and hobbled in.

Like a respectable young wolf should be the female offered to fetch the soup. Though his stubborn nature had come through and he didn’t want to feel any feebler than he was. But she insisted and he complied with a heavy sigh as he sat in his chair. He chuckled when she responded to his question.

Seems we share the same passion for horses. I can’t stand the brutes. Llamas… the adorable creatures outside how ever are great companions. They remind me of pups at times curious & kind. Though they make less noise and don’t pester you constantly. Easy to teach as well… they each know various commands. A joyous smile spread across his face as he spoke about llamas. It was clear how much he adored them. They have been his pack for many a year and he wouldn’t change that for the world.

So tell me dear child what are you doing all the way out here on your own?

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The girl continued to eat her soup as the old man spoke of his pets, the odd looking ones that were taking up most of his yard. She simply smiled and nodded at what she thought was the right times, liking the sound of his voice, wanting him to keep on talking. She realized after a while that there was no fear within her mind or heart at the moment, something that almost never happened when she met someone new. Even the pups often caused her to freak out a little bit, thinking that she would somehow screw things up and get someone hurt. Perhaps the calm gathering within her came because she knew that he didn't have much more time, and that she was here to help him with whatever he needed help with.

When they were both done eating, she took his bowl and set them on the mantle of the fire place, going back to sit on the floor in front of the man. His question made her smile and she sighed softly, looking out the still open door, watching the llamas walk around as they grazed. "Bored. Nothin' to d-do...and I l-love ex...ex...p-plorrring?" That last word was hard to pronounce and she stumbled over it a few times, hands clenching into fists, angry that her stupid speech was still giving her trouble. Despite all of her damn practice, she was still not getting anywhere! It simply infuriated the little girl.

With tears pooling in her eyes, Tawny turned away from Bojangles and focused her attention on the llamas outside, studying the way their body's moved as they walked. Beneath all the fluffy fur it was hard to tell actually how big the creatures might be, but she was sure by their long legs that they were tall. The one that he called Ramallamadingdong had been taller than her, the thing's head about ten inches higher than the small wolf girls'. "Can I...go see?" She pointed towards the creatures and stood slowly, waiting for him to say yes or no before leaving his side.

OOC: Meaning to be quicker with responses. XD
Word Count: 268

He liked this young lady, not only was she a delightful sight for his eyes. She was polite, pleasent and it seemed her pack would love her as easily as they did him. He had only a spoonful of his stew as he had just finished his meal moments before she arrived. He more watched her with curious eyes. His eyes would wander constantly away from her face but it had been ages since he had been in the presence of a female. As she sat before him he felt honored by her trust. He wondered what made her so different in her speech but he wasn't a very nosy person he could go with only the basics. Yes please go right ahead. Come give me hand if you please.

Once he was standing he opened the door with a struggle. Silly door only has a few more left in him himself. He chuckled lightly. Now really all you need to know about them is that you shouldn't go for the nose.[b] He approached Rama with a smile. He reached for her neck and she responded to his reach by bringing her neck in. [b]They like their necks scratched and their backs as well. Go ahead give her a pet, she has taken a liking to you. Haven't you my Ramallamadingdong. Then it occured to him he had not introduced himself. He smacked his forehead with an embarrased chuckle. Dear me, seems in my old bogie state I have forgotten to give you my name. He stretched out his hand over Rama's back. The name's Bojangles. Bojangles McGee.

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OOC: This sucks, I know. xD

Tawny grinned when he said that she could go out and help him with the llamas. She hopped up and waited for him to get up as well, staying there just in case he needed some help. The poor man looked to be in a lot of pain with each movement and she was sad because she couldn't really do anything to make old age feel better. A little smile pulled her mouth up when he commented about the door, frustrating with his inability to push it open easily anymore. She giggled when a little thought came to her mind, but refrained from saying anything about his weakened state as it would probably upset him. It would be really rude for her to make jokes about his age when it was so obvious that he hated it and wished he was a younger man still.

When they got outside, she stayed behind the old man, a few feet away from the animal he called Ramallama...something. The thing was really big and scary looking, so she wasn't sure that she wanted to really get up in its face. When he called her over and told her to pet it though, she nodded and slowly raised one hand to it's back, gently stroking her fingers through the thick fur and scratching the skin beneath. The llama made a grunting noise and stretched her neck out, shaking her body in pleasure as the smaller wolf woman gave her attention. Tawny laughed softly and kept scratching up and down Rama's back, liking that the llama was appreciating the attention.

Her head turned a bit as the man began speaking again and she smiled more, pleased with how the interaction was going. His name made her laugh again and she nodded slowly, wondering if she could say it without totally messing it up. "B...B-Bojangles...I like it."

OOC: teehee
Word Count: 350+

He chuckled with her, he often found his own name amusing. His past mate had often teased the man about his name. She use to make songs, all were filled with amusement and cheer. The thought of her made him smile at his companion. Ramallamadingdong was named by my mate. It was based off a silly song she had made. His voice filled with a pleasant melody.

Ramallamadingdong here's my song.

Ramallamadingdong it won't be long.

Ramallamadingdong hear me sing.

Ramallamadingdong see me zing.

Ramallamadingdong watch your eyes.

Ramallamadingdong I see you.....

He coughed at the end realizing the song was probably not very appropriate for the young lady. Anyhow... sorry about that, in my rotting state my voice has left me. He chuckled. It felt good for him to have someone else there that didn't speak low-speak. Llama's often didn't have the same sense of humor a wolf had. Rama how ever did enjoy her song. She snuggled the old wolf narrowly knocking him over but he gripped her back expecting the attack. He laughed again but it ended in a coughing fit. Sorry... ack... Come I'll introduce you to the others. He let out a whistle once his coughing stopped. Then as the attention of the others was received he swirled his finger in the air. They started flocking toward them. That's how you call all of them. They each have their own call but if you decide to stay long I can show you them and more if you like. He patted the first to arrive, he was Rama's partner.

This is Puppy, he is deeply inlove with Ramallamadingdong as you can see. Then there is Jezabel, Mazda, Acer, Lala, Elroy, Randy, Rusty, Daisy, Sunny, Skye, Jack, Joe, Ellie, Dori, Blue, Rangi... All the llama's were of different shades and colors as well as age and size. It wouldn't be hard for her to learn each one's name for each were very much their own individual with very distinct personalities. Some approached Tawny with extreme interest while a few stayed their distance, then there were the ones who adored their master. Bo chuckled with affection in his tone, he adored his pack with great love.

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OOC: effin funny song. made me lol. Um...and I've picked Rama, Puppy, Jack, Daisy, and Lala for her to take back in the end.

The young woman laughed while he sang the song, simply because of the funny tune and words, not because she understood anything he was currently saying. A slightly sad expression covered her face when he had spoken of his mate and she wondered what it would be like to have that kind of love. Tawny had never looked at males in a way that she could possibly think of them as mates, never having been interested in being that close to them. The whole encounter with Saul was slowly changing her mind about all men, and Bojangles was helping a lot as well. Both of their caring natures was showing her that perhaps all men weren't crazy abusive bastards like her father had been.

Her eyes flicked up when he whistled, watching as he called to the other llamas and then waved his finger in the air. With that simple gesture, the entire herd came trotting closer to their master and the strange woman. A few of the creatures wandered up and started sniffing at her, wondering who she was and why she was there. They hadn't seen many other two leggers like their master since his mate died, so it was an unusual sight. The girl nodded and whispered their names under her breath as he counted them off, pointing to all their different colors. Puppy, the name made her laugh, was a big male colored back and white. He bullied his way up to the front to be near Rama and snuffled his nose and mouth against Tawny's head.

The girl yelped softly and ducked, giggling when he followed and stretched his head out as if begging for a scratch. Complying happily, she reached up with both hands and started scratching his neck on either side, grinning at his heavy sigh and grunts of approval. A few others, she though they were Jack, Lala and Daisy, followed Puppy's lead and gathered around the woman, sniffing and checking her out. The attention was a bit nerve wracking, but Tawny liked it and began petting all four of the llamas happily. Turning to Bojangles, she patted Rama on the back and grinned, "I love t-them..."

Word Count: 300+

Seems they have taken a great liking to you. Daisy there is a sweety pie, very loving. Surprising that Lala has approached you she is usually shy. Jack there is Puppy's buddy they get into some mischief together all the time. He smiled, Rama turned him toward the barn knowing it was time for their watering. Whoa girl. She's thirsty come I'll show you what I do for them. He wondered how long it would be before the female caught on to his plan. He knew they couldn't all go, it was difficult even for him to deal with a herd as big as this. Though he hoped he could convince the girl to take atleast a few.

Llamas are quite simple to care for, they don't eat as much as horses or cattle and most of what they need comes from the grass. Occasionally I leave a salt lick for them but they get addicted to it so I have to take it away and hide it. He chuckled softly. I found this cabin and barn already built, its been a rough road trying to upkeep but I have managed. Unfortunately being the old fart that I am I have neglected them both for a while as you have probably noticed. But the greatest feature to this place is this. He stopped by a spout that was in the ground. From what I can tell there is a glacier stream somewhere below us as the water is delightful. He struggled to pump the water into the wooden trough. Would you mind?

The barn how ever hasn't really been necessary, they prefer the outdoors its more for protection when strangers come and carries all the necessary tools. Llamas are quite clean so you don't need a whole lot. The best way to describe them is that they are a lot like sheep... only they don't need to be trimmed. But as you probably noticed their hair is quite delightful and would make great clothing. My mate use to make hats... she adored hats. He looked at Tawny. Forgive me I am getting away with myself, get me started on Llamas I could talk all day.

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OOC: awesome.

Tawny followed Bojangles around the clearing happily, resting her hands on the llamas as they walked past her towards the large water trough. When the old man struggled to use the pump, she gently got in his way and did it herself, cranking it a few times and watching in awe as clear water poured from the spout. It was beautiful...and amazing thing that she'd never seen before. In Ichika, their water supply was mostly from streams and rivers coming from snow melt in the mountains, not pumps like this. The girl dipped down and scooped a hand through the icy liquid and brought it to her mouth, lapping at it. Tasted wonderful and clean as well, furthering her infatuation.

Her head bobbed and nodded as he spoke about the llamas, and she was surprised to find that she was understanding most of what he was saying. Only a few of the words didn't register, but she was smart enough to piece things together. Overall she got that he was happy that the few llamas took to her and were interested enough to come check her out, then he began talking about their personalities and something about the males getting into mischief. No surprise there, if they were anything like horses or goats, mischief would be nothing new.

The girl just kept walking around while he talking, petting the llamas and running her fingers through their thick, soft coats, wondering about how to make it into thread for clothing. It would definitely be an interesting experience, learning how to do it. She looked up at Bojangles and smiled sweetly, stroking her hands over Rama's neck and back gently. "So soft and pretty...I like it."

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