Paint me beautiful

So beautifully wrong

She and Deuce had been planning on turning the shed into a herb-storage house for a while, now, but it'd taken up until today for her to get up the energy to take on such a big task. She'd have to move all the paint buckets out, first. Naniko pulled the door to the shed open, picking up two buckets and setting them down outside. The shed itself wasn't too bad looking....but it could use a fresh coat of paint.

Once she got all of the buckets outside she stopped, looking down at them. What color? The first step to painting something was to get all of the old paint off, she thought about what color would look best as she began scraping the peeling paint from the outside. She didn't know if Sirius was up yet (he'd been sleeping inside the house when she'd last checked)...maybe he'd help her decide.

The male had feelings for some one else, he wasn't sure if it was love or lust. Though all he knew there was feelings for her there. Though there was only a small issue, she was from another land, and he...he was a leader for another pack, and he had a mate. The male knew that only one female and only one souls he could talk to about his issues, he knew holding them all in would shut him down, he wasn't able to hold back his pain, or to ingore his feelings. The male felt like he was a child going to the dungeon that his father had locked him in after hearing about his rape. Fear shook though his limps. Fear was showing in his dead eyes. He had to talk to Naniko, his closest friend. He trusted her...

Seeing her with the pain bucket the male shook her head, she shouldn't be doing this alone. He would help her in turn maybe he could get some help out of her. Maybe there was some herbs or something that would make him be a better mate and a better father. Lucifer looked to the paint buckets and stood by them before making any more action. "Need any help?"

So beautifully wrong

Naniko didn't really have a lot of close friends, but she did talk to a lot of animals. She didn't know if those counted as friends...but sometimes they gave her as good advice as some wolves she knew. She'd lost her really good friend, the magpie, during the fire...and hadn't seen him since. She hoped that he'd made it out and had found his mate; he cared a lot about her.

She wasn't sure where her life was going right now...but whatever direction it went in, she knew things would be okay. The pups were growing and didn't need as much care, so leaving Sirius inside the house wasn't too big of a deal. He could get around by himself, and she'd hear it if he opened the door to come outside. She was glad that there were so many adults around this pack that cared about the welfare of the pups--so far, Sirius hadn't managed to escape the lands without being caught by one of the adults first.

She wasn't looking at Lucifer when she answered, still scraping some of the paint off of the wood. "Sure!" She should have known that he would be the one to come and offer to help--he was always there for her. "Just trying to pick a color. Any ideas?"

The black male looked down to the paint, there was so many colors. Lucifer wasn't sure really if it mattered what color it would be, as so long as it served the manner in which it was meant for. The male rolled his shoulders back as he rubbed his chin. He closed his eyes and reached down picking up a bucket, opening his eyes the male looked down. It was a butter color. The male wasn't sure if it was a correct color for painting but he was never good at picking out colors, he left that to Deuce. Holding it up, he looked to her with a smile."This okay with you?"

The male sighed as he looked back to her, painting seemed fun but his heart was still hurting over what was going on with Deuce. "Naniko....I..I think..I'm in love with some one other then Deuce...." He didn't want to look to her face, he didn't want to see it, he handed her the bucket of paint. He was going to help her, maybe she could help him."Is there any thing you can uhm...slide me to make me forget about every one else but Deuce?"

So beautifully wrong

"That looks fine" She agreed, stopping with her scraping. She grabbed a paintbrush from the ground and reached down, cracking the top of the bucket open. "This is perfect--it'll look great" Naniko was large, bigger than most her age and species, and she could almost reach up the entire wall of the place without anything to stand on. She'd have to bring a rock or a small ladder over to get the higher stuff.

She was reaching up and starting the first stroke when he spoke, and she paused to look at him. "Lucifer..." When he continued she finished the brushstroke then stood back. ", there's nothing I could give you to make you forget. You two had something really special once, didn't you? There has to be some way for you to bring it back" That was what being in a relationship was all about, wasn't it? "We talked about this...about how relationships take work."

And he had children to take care of! His own! She could care for Sirius and Apollo if she needed to, but Lucifer was the other two's father. He couldn't take it back. "You have a family that you should be worrying about. It might seem like a good idea now to leave Deuce and go off with someone else...but you made a promise to her when you two decided to try and have children. You have to at least be there for know?"

He was quick to jump in and start helping her. These where the pack lands that his childern would grow up in. He didn't want to see her face, he was sure it would be disappointment. The male sighed as he looked down shifting his weight so he can dip his brush back into the paint as he brushed more onto the wall. The male sighed shaking his head."The pups...where not planed. After her mis-carry we agreed she was done." The male had a feeling why it wasn't working out, he was her...he wasn't Soran. Though he was black and she had known him when they where together. No matter how hard he tried he wasn't her.

"Naniko....there has to be something. Noah telling me that she wants to rip my head off my shoulders. And not the top one....I've been hiding from her. Beside I plan to keep all the boys from her till she can prove to me that she not going to go off and hurt her-self or the pups. I couldn't have that, and I won't. They are just about off the tit, so I can give them chewed up meat.Naniko...I've come to a point where I'm not sure if I am ready to be with one female...Or if I was meant to be a mate."

So beautifully wrong

"I haven't spoken with Deuce, myself...I didn't know. Sorry for jumping on you like that--I just guys were really good together before. What happened that made it all change?" Naniko looked at him with concern. "There are a lot of extra rooms in the house, and if you ever want a break from caring for the little ones I can babysit them. We're if you think that Deuce is going to harm the pups, then it's in your and my rights to take them. Even hers."

She dipped the brush back into the paint, continuing to work. "Dierdre did say something about that...forever ago. That Deuce had problems. Did you know that I used to live with her as a sister? My adopted father, Physe, took care of me when my parents left and took care of her when Deuce wasn't well enough to. So I spent a few weeks with her. She said that her mom had tried to kill herself. Back then I didn't know who Deuce was, really, and then I had that fall and lost my memory. I haven't thought about that night for a while..."

Maybe she ought to have a talk with Deuce, to see how she was doing. If Deuce really was doing all of this, and Lucifer was trying to stop her...well, if they fought, then Naniko would have to take some kind of action. A pack needed to work together. A family needed to work together. "If I don't have the chance to see her and you run into her...then you need to give her a warning. Anyone who tries to harm another member of this pack, even a pack member harming another one, is not welcomed here."

The two worked side by side, not missing a beat. They really where a well oiled system. The male shifted to reach up higher spots on the shed. The male looked at the ground with a sigh, this was hard. He didn't want to be the bad parent, but on the same side he didn't want his childern or grand childern getting hurt, by any one or any thing. The male rolled his shoulders back as he looked up at her. "I've cheated on her..a few times...she cheated on me, though we where both in the wrong. I just never see my-self being as good as Soran. She still in love madly with her, I feel like I'm always being compared to her. I know that I am not her, never have never will." Then her ruling came about the pups, he knew there wasn't any fighting about it, he was looking out for the pack as well as the pups. "If she can prove to me that she's not going to hurt them then hey she more then welcomed to do what ever. I just ask that I can be in the picture and they know I'm their father, or grandfather. Thanks for the offer. I helped make them, so I should in all right bear the time it will take to raise, teach and take care of all of them." The pups where not planed, they where welcomed and Lucifer loved more then any thing being a father, but he had to play it safe. "I have plans to meet with her in the den we dug when we first got here, and where going to have it out. I will let her know that if any one hurts the pups, no matter rank or relations to any one, they will be gone. Naniko....I think this is turely the best thing that could happen. I'm not sure where, at what point it went sour...but it did."

So beautifully wrong

This was the first real decision that she'd had to make as a pack leader, and it was a very big one. The main thing that she was focused on was keeping everyone safe. She had thought that things were going well, and to have everything flipped upside down on her...she had trusted Deuce to take good care of Sirius and Apollo, her adopted nephews, and hearing this definitely upset her.

"The most wonderful Soul I ever knew was my adopted father, Physe Revlis. He took me and my sister in when we had nowhere else to go, even though I knew he had mixed feelings about me. My other father, Roman, had once been lovers with Physe. They wanted children, so they went to my mother, Kaelyn, to ask her to be a surrogate. But once we came around, my father found that he cared more for us and for Kaelyn than he did for Physe, so they split up. I think Physe was probably jealous of us for a while...but he still took me and Pontiac in anyway. Ponti left after that, though, I think she went to look for our parents. But I haven't seen her a whole lot since.

She paused for a moment. "I guess what I'm trying to get at is that family is important, no matter whether they're related to you or not. I mean, Dierdre's pups aren't blood related, but you're still taking care of them and calling them your grandchildren. I think it's great. And with Deuce...I can watch the pups while you talk to her. If you need any help, though, you can call me."


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