in the spaces between the lines
Having some fun free-writing with Faerydae; this'll have more posts eventually. I want to get a feel for her before she makes it to 'Souls.

The darkness closed in again. As blood surged through the chambers of her heart, pulsing through her veins and arteries, Faerydae felt the shadows suck the oxygen from the air around her. Everything grew colorless. Everything cried. Her lungs burned. The world faltered. Her being twisted in her skull, radiant eyes falling unfocused upon the specks of the world that lingered in the air. Voices ascended on her senses.

Faerydae, I love you.

Faerydae, don't leave me here.

Faerydae, help me.

Faerydae. Her steps halted, the inner voice of him pausing her body atop the earth and chilling her bones to the marrow. He always came at the strangest hours, he was never present when she needed his company the most. Her tail dropped between muscular, Secui thighs. Her ears flattened against a broader skull than that she was born with. You came back. Had it been days, weeks, months? Or merely hours, as it so often was, for time escaped her clockwork brain like fine sand drizzling through an hourglass. Soul was an enigma still to his psychological charge, who merely bent to his will rather than her own. She watched as he appeared: from shadow came more shadow, four legs of darkness and gaze to mirror her own sapphire blues. Soul. Soul was hers, a friend she did not have to share, one who did not speak behind her back to others. Someone who did not create paranoia. Someone she didn't need to be rid of.

When did you come back?

I am always here. Was he? Her subconscious could never really know, for she did not delve past the stone wall hiding there. I didn't see you. She approached the fictional being, one she saw as flesh and blood and shadow and mist — Soul was as real to her as anything else, with saccherine smile and double-meaning words. Behind him, the world twisted again, the hues of the earth shifting shade and shifting saturation, and soon it was all ruby skies and azure waves of grain. Soul distorted everything. He always had.

Do you ever? No. Until he leaked from the shadows, she was alone. She could not command he appear. She could not make demands of her Shadow at all, for he held the cards to control her. Large skull shook from side to side as her body passed him, eyes focused forward while heavy steps found the earth again. We have things to do. Things to do, always things to do.

Faerydae, please.

Faerydae, don't leave us here again.

Faerydae, we're your family.



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