[M]Hi, my name is Hellguh

http://thrown-weapons.eastkingdom.org/Basic%20Throwing.htm Wc:626

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Itzal had finally gotten out of his cave, and went exploring on two feet.. But he still wouldn't leave the pack. He just felt like he was better off in the pack area. When he was part of Inferni, he never stayed in the back, and he never got to know the area. He wanted Anathema to be different. Right now he was exploring south east of the underground dens. He had another reason for coming out here too. All that time in his den, feeling sorry for himself had really gotten him out of practice with his knife. Not the he was worried. All he had to do was throw it a few times, and he would be good. Knife throwing was kind of second nature to him. At least with his knife it was. But these new throwing knives would be a good change up. He looked down at his pouch, as he had a few knives in it. He would have to get a belt made to hang them on. He wondered who could do that. He decided to ask around some time.

As he came to some overgrowth, and vegetation he smiled. This was perfect. It had a few good trees, and he smiled. He look up. It wasn't too late. He figured it would reach noon soon. He found a good one, and he smiled, pulling out his knife. Though if he was being honest, it was more of a dagger than a knife. He stood relaxed, keeping the knife balanced. He knew that no matter how you threw a knife, it would always slope some. So he aimed higher than what he thought to be the center. And as he kept his arm relaxed, he flipped the knife around, so he was holding the blade. He took in a deep breath, then pulled his arm back, keeping it straight. In one swift, exhale, he arm came forward, his body flowing with the movement, as the dagger thudded into the bark. He growled in frustration.

He walked up to the tree. His knife had missed by more than he expect. He was at least 3 inches up from the center, and 2 inches to the left. He pulled it out, and walked back to where he was. This time his arm was more loose. He flowed through the movement some, not actually throwing the dagger. Then he took position, and did everything before fluidly, and exact, but faster. He grinned as the dagger stuck the tree. This time he only missed by an inch up. He left his dagger in the tree, as he walked back to position, and grabbed one of the tinier, lighter throwing knives. 'Now for a real practice challenge.' He thought to himself, already telling he would need to adjust to the lighter weight.

He took some deep breaths, then centered himself, keeping his body loose, and keeping the knife and his arm balanced. He pulled his arm back, but didn't flip the knife around. For now he held the handle, knowing that it was the heavier part, he threw the knife in a solid, snapping motion. And he growled as the knife hit the tree at least a foot up from the center. It was much lighter then he was use too. And decided to work on consistency first. He moved to a spot and started throwing fast, trying to stay consistent with the motions he took, and with his release. He smiled, as he started to show improvement. Now..all he had to do was keep it up. He shook his head. It was like learning all over again, but hopefully it would be easier this time. He shook his head again and laughed to himself.

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yey! nice post btw. I'm excited for them to meet <3

Frankly the Acidic girl had been rather bored as of late, so she had taken to wandering around the territory, helping her mother with scouting the borders so that maybe she didn't have to work so hard especially with the new children that had arrived. Esmeralda needed to find something to do that would benefit her though, or she was prone to get bored with the place and perhaps wander off. Maybe she should seek out that stupid little bastard whom bit her so she could torture the stupid little dick, maybe cut his balls off or something. That sounded like a lot of fun to the woman, and she considered it greatly, but she found herself boredly walking through the caves, away from the scent of the boy, and towards a scent that had intrigued her. She didn't know what about the scent had caused her to follow it, maybe it was because she had not smelt it around very much before, much less moving around the dens, or maybe it was because it was a male scent. Whatever it was, she did not know, but she was curious as to find out whom such a male was to carry such a scent.

She hurried after awhile because she was starting to get excited in a weird way about the scent she was following. She wanted the mystery to be solved and her to meet someone exciting and new, hopefully handsome, and not like the ugly beast, Alaki, or Scorpius, or Gunnar. There had to be better looking males within the pack than just her brother and her father. She knew that there was, but it wasn't like she was against being with her brother or father, because they both were devilishly handsome, and hard to stray away from, unless they did something she did not approve of. This was rare though, so there wasn't much to say about her not wanting to be with them emotionally, or sexually. She was without her slave, the golden snake that he was, for she had told him to stay alert of her screams but to stay away from her because she did not want him ruining her fun. He was annoying at times to her, so she had left him in the den many times so that she did not have to see his scarred and pierced face.

She would be greeted with the sunlight when she had emerged from the caves, and not for from the entrance, her icy blue eyes would meet the physic of a young male, though definitely older than she. He was pitch black, like her father, but much thinner, lithe, but not impure or weird looking like Alaki, or Gunnar. She slowly approached the male, her lithe body moving gracefully as she could over the rocky terrain to be met with the forested that would lie where the male had been. She had a beautiful smile on her muzzle, and her tail wagged in the air softly. She put on her most beautiful face, and she tried to make herself look almost innocent, yet sexy at the same time. She had no innocence, not even for a nine/ten month old wolfdog. She simply did not believe in innocence.

Hello, brute. What do you do there? she asked the male, wondering what he was doing with those knives in his hands.

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Out of Character

Coding by Sie
I know a lot of this sounds sexual, but it isn't, except maybe the part where his evil half talks and he responds, lol. wc: 492

In Character

Itzal was thinner then usual. He hadn't had a good, decent meal in a while. But that didn't stop his muscles from showing. He never got out of shape. All that time in his den, he spent most of it getting stronger. He heard someone approaching, but didn't stop what he was doing, as he threw three more knives at the tree, each landing with a thud and sticking. They were close enough together that he wasn't displeased, but they weren't anything that he would brag about. He walked up to the tree and retrieved his dagger, sliding it into the pouch as his waist. And he grabbed the seven knives. As he pulled them out, he smiled, hearing how her voice sounded. She was definitely younger than him, but she sounded like she was a grown woman flirting, but trying to seem like she had no idea what she was doing. He turned as she spoke, giving her his usual smirk as he looked over the young female. This one looks taste.. another part of him said. He agreed. In more ways than one. He responded to his dark side with mental laugh.

"I'm training." was all he said, as he turned back towards the tree, and threw another knife, his wrist locking out, as he hit the tree dead in the center. He smiled at the results, not paying the girl any mind. He wasn't so easy, or submissive. He wasn't going to give her his full attention. She had to earn it. He threw another knife, and it stuck right beside the other one. He nodded his head and grabbed another. He spun 180 degrees on his heels, and threw one of the knives at a tree he had scouted out earlier. It stuck about 3 inches to low. It was still pleasing results, from the speed he spun and threw, and without looking at your target and aiming for a long time. He turned back to the female and smirked at her. He wanted to see if she was up for something. "Want to give it a try? We can make it into a game. If you hit what you aim at, I have to answer any question you ask me. If I hit what I aim at, you have to answer any of mine." It was something he never would have done before, but he was different now. And he thought it would be fun. And just to try and edge her on. "But I understand if you think that it is to hard for you to do. You don't seem like you could throw that good." He teased her, trying to bait her into his game. He smirked at her and raised an eyebrow slightly, as if asking, You game? As he smiled at her, he could feel that same communication as before. Only this time it said something different. I want to play, she seems like fun.

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Goddamnit i lost the firs post i had for you, but I shall write a better one! but anyways she would probably rather him be outwardly sexual with her, she likes the attention.

Thin but not unfit. The perfect way to describe the male. She liked the look of him, for he was not a sight for sore eyes like many a male she knew to live in the caves. She wondered why there were not more attractive males here, but she was glad that she had met yet another one that was fit and not scraggly or littered with scars. She found scars that were random and misplaced to be unattractive and a sign of slavery or weakness in the past, so she did not like them. Her injured leg would not scar because of the herbs that her slave had given to her. She also never received the Anathema scarring so in her eyes she was perfect still, but then again, she was always perfect. Always. She looked at the male, and wondered what he thought of her. Was she pretty to him? Beautiful? Worth a fuck? She hoped that she was, because she tried to look sexy, all the time. Her tail still wagged gently in the breeze that seemed to come from nowhere. She sighed contently at the breeze, for it felt good against her silky fur that she made sure to keep as clean as possible. She watched him, and she made sure to smile at him when he turned to look at her. She also made sure to lock eyes with him, and give him an innocent, yet sexy look. She turned on her charm, instantly, and she made sure to give him a bat of her eye-lashes. She also caught the smirk that he gave to her. She liked it.

She also was happy that she got a straight answer when he had spoken to her. That meant that she did not need to get nasty with him. This made the girl extremely pleased, and she perhaps she could get nasty in other ways than wanting to throw rocks and actually, knives at the man. (she would steal them if she had the chance to more than likely) Her icy eyes were on the male as he had continued to throw the knives at the tree that he had targeted. She marveled at his skill, never seeing anyone whom was so good at throwing knives at a target on a tree. She knew mostly of people whom stabbed others with knives, never threw them. She grew even more excited to meet someone on a skill she had not realized really existed. Her tailed wagged slightly harder to reflect her excitement. Her eyes also took a rather sparkled look to them. He gave her a show, and she liked it. She clapped her hands together when he had turned towards her, and then he spoke to her again about if she wanted to give it a try. She froze, and she wondered how she would do at it. She had a sharp eye so she figured she might be okay at it. She was willing to try. She nodded her head before she would speak. I can't say if I'll be any good. I've never done anything like it before.. the girl spoke to the man. You have such grace that I've never seen, it's quite sexy. the last word was dripping with a sexuality to it that showed intentions that were put out there already. He had told her that he would answer any question she asked if she hit any target she aimed for. The same went if he had done the same. A game it was. She liked games. Games with throwing knives seemed to be exotic and attractive to her, so she would try. I will play your game. she confirmed.

He then spoke of how she was probably not any good. She huffed at him and crossed her arms over her chest and her tail got still. That's not nice, ya'know! I'm sure I can throw them just fine! she didn't like when others would doubt her, and it made her determined more so than angry because she wanted to prove him wrong. Gimme a knife. I'm gonna try and hit that leaf right there, the lowest branch on that tree. she spoke, wanting to prove him wrong, and wanting to ask the male what his name was since he would have to answer any of her questions.

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Well that was an awesome post, so I'm kind of glad you lost the first one, not in a mean way though, lol. And I had a mini heart attack cause I pasted over all of this post when I meant to copy and lost it. But then I hit undo and 'poof' it all came back. XD Oh and just so you don't have to look it up if you don't know what it means, Libidinous means lustful. wc: 597

He looked the girl over again. She was obviously young, but she couldn't be that young. Her youth certainly didn't do anything to keep her from looking desirable. His eyes traveled from her face, down to her legs, and back, as he looked her in the eye and smirked, nodding his head in approval. He turned, this time holding one of his throwing knives by the blade, to make it harder. He threw, as it whipped threw the air he turned back to the girl, trusting his knife to strike true. He smiled as he heard the thud as it hit the tree. He grinned at the girls compliment, obviously picking up on the underlining message in the last word. "Thank you. I would call you sexy as well, but, it just doesn't seem like a strong enough word to describe one as...libidinous as yourself." He gave her a slight wink as he said the last three words. He decided to play the girls game too, and flirt back. He turned from her, and went and got the four knives, returning them to his pouch so he had all seven. When she told him that she would play he smiled, with his back still turned to her. It seems like this one doesn't mind a little playing around. He turned to the girl as he his other side stir at her acceptance. He couldn't help but agree that that was a very good thing. He liked this girl so far. Playful, flirty, sexy. He really like this girl so far.

He smiled, as he took five knives out of his pouch, keeping two for himself, as he held them out to the girl, balancing them in his palm. "These are yours then. You get to keep them after we are done. Think of it as a..thank you for helping entertain myself with this game." He gave her a suggestive smile, his eyes a sizzling gold color, as he mentioned her helping entertain him. He kept eye contact with her any time he was facing her, his tail moving slowly. He couldn't help but chuckle when she crossed her arms at him, and her tail stopped moving when she got upset at his words. He just grinned. "I'm not sure if anyone has ever told you this, but you look really fucking cute when you are upset." He turned his body some to look at where she was going to try and hit. As he turned his tail brushed against her. He turned back and nodded, still holding out the five knives. "Okay, and just because I'm nice, I'll give you some tips. Don't hold the blade part, it will be easier if you have never done this to hold the handle. Don't snap your wrist on the release, lock it out. Oh and take your time, I'll give you how ever many tries you need. Got a problem with that?" He asked, as he grinned at the reaction he had gotten out of her. She is a feisty one. I like that, it is always more fun when they fight back. The thoughts that he got from his dark side didn't disturb him any more, and in this case, he kind of agreed. Yes, this one is feisty. And I think she would do a lot of fighting back. He smiled to himself. This girl didn't even know that a conversation was going on in his head. But if she did, she would probably like what they were saying. The thought made him smile more.

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ooc: +7

She was given a compliment that she didn't quite understand, for she had never heard the word that he had told her before. She took it as a compliment though and she gave him that bright and sexy smile that she had on her face most of the time that she was in the presence of this male. He seemed to bring the good out in her. Well, as good as she could get. She loved the attention he was giving to her as well, it was good, if only he would touch her in ways that were forbidden in some cultures. She wanted it though, and hoped that perhaps, one day, or today, that he would. She watched him closely though, still wondering what was going on behind those golden eyes that seemed to compliment his look rather nicely. She was curious about this male to say the least, and the more time that went on, the more prying she wanted to do into that skull of his.

The man would give her five knives and then speak of how she could keep them and how it was a thank you for entertaining him with the game they were about to play. Her tail wagged gently, and she let a small giggle come from her charming lips. ”Oh, sir you flatter me!" she spoke, and she fluttered her eye lashes before she had turned her face from him to look at her knives that she had been given by the male. ”Though I do know of games that will further entertain such a handsome male as yourself, if you would like to partake after this little game is over.” she spoke to him, her words inviting, and on the more sexual side of it all. She then took a knife in her hand and she looked at the target she already picked out before. The male also mentioned to her that she was adorable when she was upset, in which she did realize this, but she was never told it. She giggled lightly at the male and she shook her had lightly. ”Sir, you are just a man of many compliments!” she spoke, with that smile on her face as she glanced back at him for a second and then to the tree where she would be aiming to throw the knife.

Before she had thrown the knife, the male continued to speak to her, telling her some tips on how she would be able to get where she needed it to go. She glanced back at him when he was explaining what to do and she nodded her head at his question. She closed one eye and aimed with her left hand, her right on the handle of the knife she was holding in her hand, the others had been discarded at her feet until she needed them. She aimed as well as she could and then she pulled her hand back and then thrust it forward as hard as she could so that it would hit it's mark. Sadly, it did not hit it's target, but it was pretty close. It was about 7 inches away from where she had told him she was going to hit. She huffed, and puffed out her furry chest and her floppy ears were pulled back on her head. ”I'mma try again! Just hold it!” she spoke as she bent over , slowly and she had picked up her next knife, but she also was showing off her butt to the male just because she could which was why she was moving so slow. She then would move back up to an upright position and she would then proceed to do the same thing she did before, but she aimed higher this time. This blade had hit the tree, but it did not stick into the tree, instead it fell to the ground. She huffed and puffed again and proceeded to pick up another knife.

”Fuckin shit!” she spoke and hurled the next knife at the spot and to her luck, she hit it right on the dot. When she did this, she let her smile return to her face and she cooed excitedly about it. ”Okay! I got it, soooooo my question isss, What is your name?” she started off with that simple question, after this though, she was bound to come up with more creative questions.


OOC sup bitches? / +yo numbah! wc:543 and new table by tawny

He smiled at her as she mentioned other games that they could play to entire themselves. He moved over to her, placing a hand on her arm and grinning "That sounds like fun. I'd be happy to play your games after this one." He took his hand away, and giving her a sexy smile as he moved away. The female was beautiful, and sexy. He found himself wanting to finish up his game so they could get on to hers. He wanted to hear her scream, more than one part of him wanted that, and he knew he could make her. He smirked at the thought, looking her over again and then watching her readying to throw the knife at her target.

He watched her fail twice, watching her form and her possible skill. She had potential, so he wasn't wasting his time. But still, she needed work. He looked with surprised when she actually got it. He looked from her to her mark, a knife sticking out of it. He smiled, chuckling softly "Not bad. You are actually pretty good at this. As for my name. It is Itzal." He pulled out on of his knives, looking around for a target. He glanced around then noticed a brilliant spider web. He grinned as he looked at it, pointing towards it "You see that spiderweb? I bet you I can hit the center of it." He turned towards it, leaving his hand down at his side, he held the knife by the blade, Ad glanced back at her with a wink, then looked at the web, pulling back his arm and bringing it up, then straightening it out and letting the movement flow through his muscles, feeling the knife leave his hand at the end of the fluid motion, and smiling, as the spider web was pierced through the center, and then the knife held it against a tree.

"I believe that means you have to answer my question. So what is your name as well?" He leaned back against a tree, an eyebrow raised in question as he grinned, amused and entertained by this game. And imagining the games that had yet to come. The girl wants us..or does she just want you? What is it that you want from her, other than pleasure? Because I seek her blood and flesh. Eztil flooded his mind, and he sighed, to soft for Esme to hear. I do not want anything from her other than pleasure and fun. You shall not get what you seek. At least, not from her. He countered, pushing Eztil away and trying to ignore him. He didn't want to have to deal with the crazy thing right now.

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ooc: it's an awesome table man. +5

The man agreed to her suggestion of another game. She grew excited and she couldn't wait til this game was over so that they could play her dirty little games. Her tail wagged at the thought of what was going to happen between the two. She was glad she could find a sexy man within the pack whom would take her sexually, whom did not think that perhaps she was too young. She didn't think she was too young. She was never too young for the adult games that apparently everyone else was allowed to play but her. Now was her chance to play with someone besides her golden serpent slave that she had been practicing with.

She had been excited for the male's name, which was a first for her, but since their game was one of questions, then she had built up excitement for all the answers for her questions that were popping into her mind at the moment. She cocked a smile at the male still, and he answered with his name and that she had potential. She was glad she didn't completely suck at this skill, and that the male giving her those knives was not going to go to waste. She nodded her head. ”That's a handsome name, Mister Itzal.” she commented as she would watch him point to a spiderweb and then tell her that he was going to get the middle of it. When he was positioning himself, she watched his body closely, so she could mimic his movements when it was her turn again. Of course, he threw the knife and hit his target on the first try, which left the woman with a slack jaw for a moment before he had turned to her and asked her the same question that she had asked to him moments before.

She wagged her tail again, the smooth and fluffy tail brushing against her rump as she closed her jaw, gave the male a shy glance, and a bat of her eyelashes. My name is Princess Esmeralda Acidic. she spoke, her voice sweet and innocent for about the third time within the moments they had been talking. She then looked to the two blades she had left on the ground. She would also look around for a new target, one she could possibly get on the first try. She found herself a big oak leaf that would work fine for her. ”See that orange and green leaf right there? I'm gonna get that, probably on the right side.” she spoke and pointed at the leaf before she picked up the knife by the handle, and she had mimicked the same stance that the male had when he was throwing his knife. She aimed and then threw the knife at the tree, and it stuck, on the right side of the leaf like she had said. She grinned and then looked back at the male. ”What do you think of me, Itzal?” his name rolled off of her tongue wrapped in a layer of seduction that she couldn't help but put out there for him to taste.


Haha thanks. And sorry for such a late reply,
we changed internet companies, and that was a big long process. Wc: 520

He smiled, watching her closely. When she told him her name he smirked "It is an honor princess Esme. It is no surprise you should have the title of royalty." Itzal didn't care if she called herself a princess. She probably wasn't, but he was willing to play along. It was obvious she was looking to be treated like a princess, so he would humor her, just for the fun of it. He watched her pick her target, glancing at it while she explained exactly where she would hit it. He looked back at her with a grin "Okay." He noticed her copying his stance and motion, and it amused him. She hit it on her first try, much like he had. He nodded in admiration. She was impressive. Hopefully she would be just as interesting in the games after this.

He listened to her question and thought about it, feeling the potential this question posed. "I think you are beautiful, sexy, skilled, and...mature." He picked the last word carefully, feeling that word would fit perfectly to what she wanted to hear. She was a child, who wanted to be seen as a grownup, so, he played to her wants. It didn't matter what he really thought, even though most of that was true, all that mattered was what she wanted to hear. She was his amusement for now, and that was enough. So cruel are you? That you would toy with this female, use her? Then again, I honestly don't think she cares. She just wants the illusion that she is using you, and manipulating you. How does that make you feel? Eztil's cold dark laughter followed, as Itzal smiled at his other side. I honestly don't care. We are both doing the same thing, it doesn't matter to me. If she thinks that, and is satisfied, then let her, I don't care. He smiled. Why couldn't they both win from this encounter? There was nothing wrong with that. He grinned.

He looked around, his eyes scouting for a target. He couldn't see anything, and he narrowed his eyes, trying to find something......there! He smirked, pointing at an acorn hanging from a branch. "I bet you, I can knock that acorn down." He smirked at her, grabbing his last knife. Good thing he could probably get the other one back. He twirled the knife in his hand, looking at the acorn. He threw the knife, and he smiled when it hit the branch the acorn was on, knocking it down. He chuckled, turning to Esme with a smile. "So Princess Esme, what do you find attractive about me?" He raised an eyebrow, a confident smirk on his face as he leaned back against another tree as he waited for her answer and next throw. He wondered how long this game would go on before they finally got on to the others. He was impatient, but he wouldn't show it. She would break first. To him, this was a game of patience and lust. And he didn't plan on losing to a pup at a game like this.

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OOC: Sorry for the wait. Also might want to put [m] tag at the top of this because...Esme is dirty and i assumed that Itzal has his pants on because his profile saids so. If not feel free to correct me. / +642

The male was oh so sweet to her, even going as far as to believe her false royalty so that he did not make her angry. It was a relief to her that she did not have to get angry with him because really, what princess always wanted to be angry? She'd much rather be happy and evil than having to be angry and evil, because when she was angry, she did things that she didn't mean to do, such as cut the wrong part of the flesh she wanted to cut, or shake uncontrollably. The siren did not like anger, but she knew it was what made her mortal. When the male had answered her question, her long, fluffy tail wagged gently behind her and a smile was placed upon her lips. She had forgotten that she had an extra knife, so she figured that the game was over, if only because she did not feel like going over and getting the rest of the knives that were in the bark of the trees that had been her victims.

She watched as he had told her what he was going to hit next, and her eyes only left him when he had picked something and told her what he was going to so. Her eyes remained on him after that though, he moved with fluidity and grace that she had not seen in another man before, and for some reason this made her think about how good he would be in bed. The sly grin was forced upon her lips as she thought about it, to him she probably looked bi-polar or something because of the switches in her innocent to dark smiles that were forced within seconds of each other. She didn't even look at the acorn fall though, her eyes too busy looking at the male and all of his glory. His smile made her tail wag before the question came from his maw. She listened with her floppy ears to his question, and she decided then that she was tired of playing his game, and she wanted to play her game because of the fiery build up in her stomach and lower. She let a growl pass her lips as she closed the distance between the two and she put one hand on his chest and the other towards his belt and pants. Well... she let the acid laced word fall from her maw as she thought of the reason he was so sexy, so fuckable.

Well, first of all, the way you move... she spoke her fingers lacing around his belt buckle, undoing it. Then there's those sexy eyes of yours. she spoke looking up at those golden eyes as she blindly unhooked his button on his pants. The smile was still on her lips as she had touched his belly for a moment. There's also these wonderful muscles. her fingers traced over those muscles, a spare giggle falling from her maw. She stuck her tongue out of her mouth and she ran it on his stomach. You even taste delicious. spoke the girl before she had reached down his pants to fondle his parts that were hidden from the world. She shouldn't have expected the male to be particularly small in those parts, possibly normal sized for the type of canid he was, possibly bigger. She giggled again. Not only that, but it seems like he isn't too pathetically small for me. she spoke, stroking him down there, her hand working him as she held a smile on her lips and she looked up at him, wanting him to hold her. She was too short to get up onto him herself unless he held her so she would need him to help that way, or to make her lay on the ground for him...

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Out of Character

Coding by Sie
Yeah he is wearing jeans so you are all good. And the mature warning is up and all. It is a good think you reminded me cause I never remember those things, lol. Hope you don't mind the tiny bit of powerplay, let me know if you do and I'll change it. And let me know if there is anything you want me to change. WC:523

In Character

Itzal was happy when his game ended. The female must have been tired of it as well, because in an instant she was in front of him, her hand on her chest and the other on his belt and pants. He smiled, amused and excited as she told him everything that she found desirable about him. As she spoke he looked into those young sexy eyes of her, full of mischief. He felt her hand brush his stomach as she work at undoing his pants, and he wanted that touch in more private places. He stiffened more at that thought, already feeling his bulge press through his jeans. He had to fight not to shiver as her tongue ran over his stomach, tasting him like a delicate wine she was about to enjoy. The feeling of her tongue on his skin made images in his head that made him groan softly when she finally touched him. He smirked. Even with his coyote blood, he was impressive. He was gifted as if he was a very large wolf, bigger than the average purebred wolves. He growled at her comment "There is nothing small about me in that manner." He thrust into her hand once, winking at her.

He shifted a little, letting his jeans fall to the ground as he stepped closer to her so his tipped pressed against her upper stomach. The jeans were left behind on the ground. He wrapped an arm around her waist and his other hand grabbed one of her thighs as he lifted her up to his waist. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he licked her neck before taking one of her nipples in his mouth, his hand fondling her other breast. His tongue swirled around her sweet bud, his teeth brushing across it lightly. He moved, pressing her back against one of the trees as he growled against her breast, his tongue flicked the nipple playfully. His hand caressed her other breast. He wanted her, but first he wanted to drive her mad. She was going to beg to have him fill her before this was over.

His maw left her tortured nipple, as he kissed her lips rather rough, pushing his tongue into her mouth and exploring it, as it covered every inch of her mouth, running over her tongue before finally he broke the kiss to breath some. He smirked at her, pressing his body against hers more as he brought his muzzle to her ear and bit it softly before letting go. "So princess, do you think I am enough to satisfy royalty?" He chuckles, running a hand down between them and over her stomach. He stopped right above where she was so hot, and began to circle it with one claw, slowly brushing his hand over her wet lips once before moving his paw to her waist with a grin, as he licked her throat, and then licked his lips. "You taste delicious as well. I wonder if you taste that good all over." He said with a suggestive smirk. He was going to find out, if she wanted him to..

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OOC: I don't mind at all, it was what she was going to do either way Smile / +549

Oh, a little cocky there aren't we? She giggled at his comment none the less, because it was true, the male had been pretty anatomically big, considering his bloodline, and he had been bigger than Daisuke, which made for her to be playing in a whole new ball-field. She was excited to be with this male none the less, and you could see the excitement in her icy blue eyes that were normally like daggers in flesh. The male had thrust himself into her hand, giving her an example of what was in store for her before he had taken her by the hip, and lifted her up in his strong arms. She loved the feeling of this male holding her at this moment, and her natural reaction was to have her legs spread on both sides of his hips and locking together behind him. He then took her nipple in his mouth and she let out a surprised squeak before it turned into a lustful moan. He was turning her on even more, and the torture of her nipple was not only ticklish to her, but also very sexy to her. Her other breast was in his hand, and she put her hands in his hair, and she ruffled it, and once he had lifted his head from her nipple, she greedily forced their maws together, as did he, and they shared a passionate kiss in which both of their tongues searched the others' mouth.

She could barely speak to him, because she was too busy moaning, and letting him know that she wanted him inside of her. She couldn't wait for him basically, for she was easily excitable because of her young age, and inexperienced to more aggressive males like himself. Sure, Daisuke would touch her and tease her, but never would he put her up to a tree and threaten to fuck her then and there. He always wanted to lay with her, but this male, no, he was ready to fuck against this tree, and this excited her. She growled at him when he had spoken in her ear and tugged on the floppy mess that they were. Yes! Itzal! she spoke to him, feeling his hand running down her stomach, towards her core, circling and then moving back up. She wished he did not tease her, and she growled again in protest. Don't play with me, just fuck me! the woman spoke, she was impatient, and she was a princess who wanted him now, and not later. She couldn't wait for him to be in her, even though she knew it might be painful, she still had that insatiable burning in her stomach that only he could dose. She wanted him to wreck her, because she wanted to be wrecked.

She groaned at him when he had spoken of her being tasty. She wanted his cock, not his tongue, but maybe she'd have to settle for such. Maybe the woman would not get what she truly wanted. She might throw a fit, and grab one of those knives if he denied her wishes for him inside of her. She might have to get nasty, and after all that had happened so far, she hoped that he'd have her the way she wanted to be had.

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Alright, let me know if you want me to change anything, Wc: 609

Her words made him smirk in smug satisfaction. She told him he was enough to satisfy her and that she was tired of the games, she was ready to be fucked. He should have realized that such a young pup wouldn't understand the possibilities. Or maybe he just like to torture his prey to much. But he was done playing with her now. "Okay, I'm going to fuck you hard and rough, and you better like it." He pushed her up against the tree harder, bringing his maw to hers as he kissed her hard and hungrily, forcing his tongue into her mouth again as he grabbed her hips and positioned her for himself. He pushed his hips forward to hers, his tip just barely entering her as. His tongue explored her mouth again. He knew he should go slow, and let her get use to his size, but he was running the show here, and he wanted her now, so he thrust forward hard, burying half of himself in her at once. As he thrust he grabbed her hips and pulled her onto him with a savage growl. He pulled back out fast and thrust back in again, harder, burying more of himself in with each thrust as he jerked her hips to meet his every time. He moved fast, taking her hard and rough. It was made easier since she was already so wet and excited from his teasing and their games. He moaned in pleasure as he managed to force more of himself into her with another hard thrust. This wasn't some gently love making, this was pure, lust induced fucking, and he had no reason to be gentle with Esme.

Itzal moaned in pleasure. The young princess was so tight, it felt incredible. He hadn't manage to get all of himself in her yet and he growled, setting a fast hard pace he kissed her greedily. He was lost in lust for Esme's body, for her tightness and youth. He was still pulling her hips to meet his own, waiting for her to catch his rhythm and meet his thrust with her own. He wasn't sure how much this little pup knew, but she seemed like she knew what she was doing. He broke the kiss to take a deep breath, growling as he licked one of her breast. He was fully aware of how it felt like she was wrapped around him to the point he thought he would break, and how her fur felt hypersensitive against his own as their bodies rubbed against each other, sending sparks through his nerves. He groaned loudly, stopping his thrusting to move his hips to a different angle as he set back at his pace, only harder this time, as he hit her g-spot over and over again, growling from the pleasure. He was a creature of endurance, and he could keep this up for a while, but he wasn't to sure about her. She had already been so wet, and she was young, but he didn't think that mattered. As he slowed down some in case she needed a break, still pounding into her hard, but softer. He kissed her briefly before growling and pushing against the tree with his hands to give him more support, leaving her to thrust against him in time without him guiding her. He took one hand an ran it up her thigh to her ass and squeezed it as he gave a harder thrust into her. He was running the show. He had pinned her against this tree and he was the one fucking her, and she should know that.

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She starts her new diet, of liquor and dick,
Just like Hollywood but laced in sick.

OOC: Sorry i'm so late. we can end with a fade to black if you don't want to continue. Tell me if i need to change anything. I also had a different post written up for this but i lost it >.<' This one isn't better than that one though, trust me.

Word Count → 502

He warned her that he was going to fuck her hard, but who said that she was looking for soft? She didn't expect him to be soft, or gentle with her, simply because she knew she could take it. She didn't want gentle. She was tired of having gentleness in her sex life, which is why she had abandoned having sex with Daisuke for now. She cocked a grin at the male, a silent signal that she would enjoy this session with him, just as she had enjoyed the game that they were playing earlier. He had stolen a kiss from her, hungry, as was her own returning kiss, their tongues intertwining before the kiss was ended and the male had positioned himself and pushed her back against the tree. When his tip was put to her entrance, she had been getting ready to say something to the male, but before the words came from her maw he had pushed half of himself inside of her, which had made her gasp instead of the words she wanted to say came from her mouth. After the gasp came a moan from her. She was surprised at the size of him, and it was painful to her since she had never been with someone as big as he, and he was relentless, barely giving her any time to get adjusted to his size. She could barely keep quiet because of him though, so with every thrust in came a moan from the girl.

He was rough with her, but she was a creature of adaptation, so soon she had caught up with him and matched his thrusts with her own, and again, she had been forced into another aggressive kiss. She was not much of the one who liked kissing, but she had been good at it to say the least, so she had returned his kiss with the intensity that he had given to her. He broke the kiss to move down and lick her breast, her nipples becoming hard because of the act of the male. She moaned again before she got the sadist urge to bite the male. She opened his jaws wide and took a hold of his shoulder in her jaws and she bit down as hard as she could, trying to draw blood and not being subtle about it at all. She even let a growl pass her lips as she had bitten down on his shoulder. He twisted his hips to a different angle, and it made his tool curve up into her g-spot, which had made her scream at the top of her lungs, and thrust more into him, trying to get his full length inside of her. ITZAL!, YES! she screamed, a laugh coming from her maw as she continued to ride him since he had given her a chance to shine at the moment. FUCK YES, ITZAL she screamed and then kissed him again, all while riding his rod like there was no tomorrow.

Image by J; table code by the Mentors!

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Sorry for the wait, and I know this post sucked. >.< Idc about fading to black, we can if you like. Wc: 322

Itzal growled and kept his rhythm as he teeth sank into his skin. He was panting softly, feeling her teeth break his skin as blood rushed to escape. He was baring his teeth in a smile, snarling as he thrust into her harder and harder. He wanted to laugh when he heard her scream out. His claws were digging into the tree as he ran his paws down the bark, ripping up its rough surface below his sharp claws. He was shaking and he wanted to groan but held it back. She was a fast learner, and had already adjusted to his fast pace. She was riding him while he fucked her hard. He kept thrusting into her hard. His panting grew louder as he licked up and down her neck, snarling. He felt the urge to bite into her neck and rip out her throat but he resisted, hearing Eztli's laughing in the back of his head.

Itzal groaned as he grabbed one side of Esme's hips, using it to push himself in harder, he slowed down some, still going as hard as before but pacing himself. He pushed off the tree some, to give her more room to ride him as he snarled, biting her throat softly as his tongue ran over it, feeling the fast paced beat under his tongue he growled. His other hand dug into the tree, still tearing into it as he took Esme hard. His panting was rough and husky as he felt pleasure coursing through his body as he lost himself in taking Esme's. He kept changing his hip angle, pushing himself in deeper everytime as he grabbed one of her breast and gave a hard squeeze before letting it go as a wicked grin spread across his face. He was throbbing inside of her, her walls wrapped around him. She was so wet and tight that he couldn't help groaning against her shoulder.

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We can just finish it.

She took him as gracefully as she could, moans coming from her maw every time he had thrust into her, her inside beginning to feel like it was in fire from the friction that the male was creating from his huge penis. The fire was pain and pleasure mixed into one, the devil and god making love, it seemed to be. Blood was dribbling down the corners of her maw as she moaned, and she threw her head back to howl in pleasure, and in pain. She was keeping up with the male, putting herself through as much abuse as he was doing to her, all for that release of sexual tension. She worked for not only his release, but she her own, in which would come to her fairly soon with the way this male was playing with her. He own breaths were heavy as they continued, and her own hands had still been on his shoulders, helping herself rise and fall on the male and eventually she was able to move one of her hands away and touch his face and the scar that sat there. She traced it with a finger unknowingly really and then she pulled him in for another aggressive kiss.

She would break the kiss to throw her head back again and that was when his teeth went around her throat. She felt a sudden fear that shuddered through her, and it made her stop, and she tensed her body, her legs and muscles lining her vagina were included in this, and she gulped. He continued to thrust into her though. He licked and then let go of her throat, so she relaxed everything again, and then fell back into her own pace that matched his. She groaned and licked the spot where she had bitten him, his blood staining her tongue. She then let a hand run through his blue-black hair that seemed to shimmer in the afternoon sun. It was amazing to think that no one had found them pinned up against this tree yet. She almost found it funny, you know if she could think of anything but the throbbing penis that was inside of her.

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