
Goran didn't see the point of the large city which now enclosed him. It seemed too large and complex to be regarded as anything but inefficient. Cesarski had been large, but nothing compared to this. It brought a heavy scowl to his face as he crossed the deserted concrete landscape. Cars littered the dead streets, the wilderness had quickly ceased them and now it seemed to be nothing but a rusted plant pot. The odd skeleton was seen, though most he found were in houses. It seemed that the humans had decided to die in their dens like curs. No wonder they died out. Though Goran had to admit they had been midly smart creatures, though a friend of his hand once put up the idea that it was just the technology they owned that gave them their smarts. The canines had it now, the Cesarians had adopted the farming ways long ago. Bison captured from a forest when the pack members had first gain lupercism were thriving under the clan's control. Point was, Cesarski was humanised, just enough to make it efficient.

The Doberman pelted hybrid kicked a chuck of rusted metal down the cracked streets sidewalks, equally as fractured. It skimmed along down a broken gutter, leaving the hybrid without a play thing. He sighed, sitting down on the crumbling curb.


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