[m] I will never let you fall
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Word Count → 606 :: OOC: I want my Ouija board Forward dated to the 29th of September.

Use me as you will, pull my strings just for a thrill
I know I'll be okay though my skies are turning gray

Depression..She'd lost the very beings that would mean so much to her so early on in the pregnancy. She'd begun to collect things because of the loss of her unborn children whom were just fetuses before they were simply gone. Or maybe they weren't even that at all, just the hormonal switch in her body telling her things that were not true. Everything that signaled that she was pregnant had made her think that she was had dissipated. Not only that but she began to become skinny once again, and she did not want to eat as much as she had before. She was not providing for others now, so she had no reason to be eating so much, and Venom even realized this. He hadn't asked her about it because he was afraid of her answer. He hadn't even asked her about why she had been eating so much in the first place, though in the back of his mind he knew why she had increased hunger. To see her moping around the place was abnormal for the woman, and even though he had seen her in this period of time once before, but this was because she had a reason to be sad about the circumstances that she had been moping about beforehand. Now she was moping and collecting dolls, and furry things, and laying in her bed and stroking her gray feline rather obsessively. She also put off the aura that she did not want to talk about it. Venom had made it a chore of his to not enter her room for awhile now, to sleep in his own bed, but he was starting to worry about her now, and so he made it a task today to find out what had happened to her.

She whined in her den as she laid there. Her hand touched the gray mass of a feline that licked himself next to her. Venom did not make a sound before he entered her room, and then he knelt down and he had crawled under the pelts that she was hiding under. She was curled in a ball it seemed, her eyes sad, as was her overbearing aura that pressed on his chest now that he was within an enclosed space with her. His own aura was supportive and loving towards her as he took his hand and he buried it in her chest to grab her chin that rested there. He pulled it to where she would look at him, and then he pressed his forehead against her own. Why is my Panda so sad lately? It's worrying me. the male asked her. She didn't respond, instead, she looked into his pretty eyes and she put her hand on his face. She pet his cheek, and he pushed his face into her hand lovingly. Please tell me? he asked, returning the touch she had given to him before he would give the girl a lick on the cheek. She whined. She didn't want to say.

They're gone.. she spoke the two words, but she said nothing else. Instead she had tried to pull herself away from him, but then he blocked her from doing so. Instead he had put himself in between her face and her body. With this action, they were intertwined, and Venom put his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. It'll be okay, Panda. It's all gonna be okay. Venom whispered to her while they were under the covers. Little did she know, she was back in heat so she would be able to conceive puppies with the males whom she chose.

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image © Sie!


Word Count » 376 OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie

Ouija D'Angelo

Ouija knew of nothing that ailed Panda. Actually he didn't even know that she was bothered by something. He didn't have the close ties in this pack that he had while he was in the cult. He didn't know much about the members here. And well, he didn't find that he exactly cared either. If the others didn't put forth the effort to attempt to do things for the betterment of the pack then they were of no concern to him. Actually he had come to the conclusion that this pack was cursed. He had a feeling that it was his aunt's doing. She had upset the spirits somehow. Perhaps it was all of those whom didn't follow the rituals that lived here and she allowed them in without bothering to teach them. So of course that could lead a curse to land upon this place.

Ouija's mind always felt clearer and his spirit was higher when he was out and away from Anathema in comparison to being upon the lands. This place had already taken the life of his mother and his sister, granted his sister didn't exactly die upon Anathema lands. Who was destined to be next? And to think that his aunt had done nothing to honor the passing of either. She hadn't even thought to find out the cause of either. it could only be assumed that the curse had taken hold of her for family to not even matter to her any longer.

He had a few pelts draped over his arm as he moved into the main room of a connection of rooms that he had visited once before. Not saying anyone there he went directly into the bedroom to find the couple in bed together. "I brought the furs that you wanted." He spoke up from his place within the doorway. It didn't bother him if they were in the midst of things. It was something he was used to in the cult. Besides, he figured that he'd only drop off the pelt and be on his way since he didn't have any strong ties to either of the occupants. They'd all had a single night together but that wasn't enough to form a bond for the large male.

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OOC sup bitches? / +561!

They would lie together in silence for some time, Venom and Panda snuggled together, his hand on her dreads, petting then back like it was normal hair, and her with her head buried in the male's fluffy chest. She let a single whine escape her throat, letting him know that she was sad. Shhh... he told her, petting her hair still. It's okay Panda, my sweet little Panda Behr. It'll all be okay. Maybe it just wasn't our time, my luffily. he spoke to her, using the word she used to greet him, or to talk to him cutely, against her and he let a smile form on his maw. She did not look up at him, she just simply snuggled more into her lover's arms and she was silent. More silence fell over the two and they did not speak for some time. The one whom would break the silence was the girl, and she would speak something into Venom's chest, not meaning for it to be heard. Hm? the male asked, and panda shook her head in response, she didn't want him to hear what she had said. He disregarded it, even though his mind bugged him to know what it was that she had said to him.

The pelts in the doorway of her room had moved and her sensitive ears had told her that someone had joined them inside of the room. There was none that they knew that was allowed in the room like this, besides maybe the male she had mated with the last time, the other male whom had gotten her knocked up. Ouija. She hadn't told him about her condition, because she had not been so sure until they were gone. He didn't want to tell him either. She probably wouldn't because she didn't want him to be hurt like she was hurt. Venom could tell that she did not want to tell him about it, so maybe if he felt up to it he could talk to him in private and explain to him about what had happened. Panda moved from the male's chest and she peeked her head out from under the covers to see who it was. The look on her face was harsh for a moment before it softened because she realized that it was Ouija. He spoke about how he brought the pelts she had wanted, and she smiled to him softly. thank you Ouija. she spoke as she had crawled out of her bed and she moved towards Ouija and she took the pelts from his hands. I have another favor to ask of you... she spoke, and she looked at the male's gris-gris that hung around his neck. Ya' think you could make Venom and I some gris-gris? I think we might need it soon, for what's ahead of us both.. the woman asked of the male, pointing to his gris-gris pouch.

Venom had not been far to get out of the bed as well, for he wanted to greet the male as well. There were no signs of them being in the middle of anything though, for they weren't really. Venom took some of the pelts from Panda and put them on the bed. The others were still in Panda's hand. How are you Ouija? In good health? Venom asked to the larger, colorful male.

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Word Count » 568 OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie

Ouija D'Angelo

Ouija hadn't minded giving away what extras of the pelts that he had. The decision he had finally settled on had been long in the making. He couldn't say that he was particularly fond of it but it was the only option that he could come up with. He had to figure out if it was he that was cursed or just the lands. To do that he had to leave. He really didn't enjoy abandoning things that he had pledged himself too but he really needed to figure this out for himself. Perhaps if he went home and was able to figure out just where things had gone amiss he would be able to lift the curse. It was a thought that had weighed heavily on him for awhile. Finally, after the compilation of events, he had made up his mind to go back and try to make things right in his life again. He had no real attachment to this place and to no one within the pack. There was only he felt compelled to tell of his decision and he figured that he could do that on his way back home.

The scent the female stirred up as she moved from the bed had him closing his eyes and taking a step back. It was a scent that he remembered and one that he couldn't give into this time. Not, if he was to make this journey. He had to concentrate on fighting off the urges. Panda's words had him opening his eyes to glance from her and to her companion then back again. "I can do that. I will have them to you before I depart. I will get them made up and I'll add some things for luck and protection from my stores. You may want to change them out with something fresh when the season comes again. Also, don't forget to add something to them in order to personalize them to yourselves." He decided to go over a summary that he would typically give upon delivery since he didn't expect to linger after he had made sure that the duo had gotten what they wanted.

He was surprised when Venom approached and spoke with him as well since the male had seemed rather stand offish when he had last been in the other male's presence. "I'm as well as can be expected under the circumstances." He spoke, hinting at the unease of his mind but not delving into his personal problems. There was nothing that anyone else could do since this was something that he had to figure out on his own. Also, it wasn't as if they were particularly close enough for there to even be concern.

He took another step back in order to exit from the bedroom. "If I can find what I need I should have them to you in a few hours." After all what he really needed was to find some snake skin since that wasn't something that he kept on hand. He had remembered seeing a few nesting in the caves before and he hoped that they were still there. Hopefully too many hadn't passed through the area where he had last seen them for them to have been disturbed and forced to move. So with that in mind he made to leave the duo's den in order to get to work on the request.

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Word Count → 1432 :: PP was OOCly Approved by Sly.

Let me be the one who calls you baby all the time
Take some comfort knowing that you're mine.

Apparently the male was departing to somewhere. Panda cocked her head and asked the male where he was going, and he told her that he would be returning home, but nothing more than that. He also explained to her that they would need to make the gris-gris unique to themselves and Panda nodded her head. Thanks for the tip. she spoke to him, and smiled to him. She resisted asking why he was leaving, but deep down she knew why he was leaving. It was the same reason she was going to when she found a place to go to. The lands of Anathema were full of deception and it didn't seem like these were the holy lands that Panda knew that she could live for the rest of her life. When venom asked Ouija how he was doing, the male had told the chocolate one that he was doing as well as he could considering his condition that neither Panda nor Venom could understand. Like that though, the male did not seem to want to continue talking and instead of really saying much else, he had left the room. Panda looked to Venom and found the male to be acting distant to the two, which was weird to them. Panda shrugged her shoulders before she had strutted up to the boy.

She could feel her libido come to her, and she was very frisky all of a sudden, perhaps from the higher amount of testosterone that had been in the room just now, and since Ouija had left them, she figured that she would just have to 'settle' for the male. Like that was settling for him. She lusted for him often times and if anything she would have been settling for Ouija instead of the male in front of her. The woman moved to him, falling into his arms and putting her ear to his chest, and listening to his heart that had picked up speed because of her closeness. What? Are you nervous all of a sudden? she asked, giggling softly at the thought of her Venom being nervous about her touch. Just excited. the male corrected her, his own grin on his lips before Panda looked up at the male and then she kissed him once, softly at first, and letting a smile break their kiss. A giggle happened to pass the girl's lips, for she was known to get flustered at the last moment. It didn't mean she would stop, it just gave her that anxious feeling within her belly about what was going to happen next.

Since Venom had been dressed, she had grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him back towards the bed. Venom's hands hugged her hips and he followed her to the bed, and once she had found the edge of it with the back of her shins, she fell to it, rather roughly, but she did not mind the softness of the pelts against her back. He followed over her, and she helped him remove his shirt. There was no need for it, plus she wanted to feel his chest against hers instead of the fabric. He complied with the action by lifting his hands over his head and helping her. Once he was out of the prison of his fabric he had given a kiss to the woman and another one of his handsome smiles. Alex, I love you.. I will always love you.. she spoke to him, after he had broken the kiss. I love you too, Panda. he mimicked, though this confession of love for each other was never so special than it was now, because they were alone, and going to do this together, without a third party like two times before. This was much more intimate than they normally were. I've...never felt this way with anyone else. You are always the only one I ever want to be with. she spoke before she gave him another kiss. He did not speak back to her, though this was a true statement for him as well, he was immature to the love he felt for her. He had never experienced anyone else outside of her as fully as he has. The way she had used his middle name instead of his first did not have him confused, for the woman often did use this name instead of his first name. There was something about it that she liked to have roll off her tongue, and she always did say it with a certain emphasis that was weird, but he liked it. He put his hands around her skirt and he pulled it down her hips and legs, and once it was free from her form he had put it on the side of the bed. He returned to hover over her and Panda's hands went to work again, them moving to his belt and checkerboard pants. With quick hands she unbuttoned them and pulled them down his glorious hips and she smiled at the sight of his manhood. He'd grown, that was an understatement. She figured it was his Italian blood that had allowed him to have such a 'perfect' form.

She put her hand on his manhood and she stroked it lovingly before he bent down and kissed her again. He began to grow hard within her hand as she stroked him, and when his tip was showing, he had bent down lower to let their hips touch. She put her arms around his shoulders and kissed him deeply and she put her legs around his waist. With only centimeters separating them he closed this gap by thrusting himself inside of her. She let out a moan against his lips, telling him that she enjoyed this. He slowly pushed in and pulled out ever so slightly, and then pushed in more, pulled out again. His pace would quicken as time went on though, for he could not help it, once he got a taste he had to quicken himself. They were silent lovers though, only small moans and groans were appropriate even though they felt so much more for each other to scream names. They did not want others to hear though, for they were very much a private couple. Other luperci would know nothing of the two's joining as one, and since Ouija was leaving, there would be one less person who knew. Venom was panting by the time he was in the middle of him thrusting into her, and he could not continue the kisses she loved to take from him. This was okay because Panda would be panting by this time too, and soon the male could not take much more of this.

It did take the male about thirty minutes to push his knot into the woman, and when he did, it was pleasurable for both of them. A few grunts and then a sigh would come from him when he did, as did a content sigh come from the woman herself. She licked him and then continued to pant while the male had moved to the side of her, bringing her hips along with him since they were now stuck together. She could feel his seed move from his shaft and into her, a warmness filling her belly that made her shiver in delight. She hugged him, and snuggled into his chest. Panda...I love you more than you know. he spoke. She did not speak, instead she simply moved her hips to where he was more so inside of her. She wanted all of him. That's what she'd be getting.

Another thirty minutes would pass of them snuggling in bed, under the covers that they had placed over themselves after they had cooled down. Panda's chamber smelt of sex, and Ouija had returned with the snake gris-gris' in hand. He walked into the room and he could smell that this time, something happened. He ignored it though, and he had silently placed the gris-gris on the floor. Panda hadn't heard the male walk in because she had dozed off, as did Venom, still waiting for his tool to shrink enough to remove it from the woman. Ouija did not want to disturb them so he had left the pouches on the ground and he turned around an left. With that, the male had left the Anathema caves, and then he departed from Anathema and Nova Scotia all together. Panda's eyes would flicker open at the feeling of the male leaving, but she ignored it and snuggled more into Venom's chest with her arms folded into her chest.

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image © Nat!


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