Nurtured by the Sun
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ooc: Set Sept. 19th | Day One. Exiting the Phoenix Forest into the Dahlia Valley. 642 words

The territory was vast. Already within the lands for a full night and part of the following day, and she still had yet to see it all. The Ichikan guest hadn't met anyone yet, other than her gracious host, and she was content with that. No need to rush into the faces of the unknown. Though she was eager to make the aquaintances of the Ichikan warriors, she knew better than to go looking for them. As her Shepard would have said, 'look for trouble, and one would certainly find it.' Of course her spirit was for the sake of furthering her knowledge, but it may not have appeared that way to one that did not know the Nomad ways. She could learn patience. Time was still on her side.

And patience had awarded her a generous roam over the landscape; feeling the soft grasses beneath her paws as she ran freely without the worry of being stopped and questioned. She had seen the ranch house; a peculiar place that housed assorted animals bred and raised for Ichikan purpose. X'yrin had only encountered a horse once in her lifetime and it was through negotiations with another tribal bands of wolves. They rode the backs of these monstrous beasts as a show of dominance over the weaker animals. She didn't like seeing the burdened creatures at the time, but came to learn that they were also used to transport her brethren further than their own legs could carry them. They were remarkable, resilient animals. But in her eyes... they would first be considered food. Her survey of the hold had only been for a few minutes in fear that her stomach would encourage her to do something atrocious.

The better part of the night before was spent securing a keep for herself, a place kept secluded from wary eyes but within the territory as she remained their guest. Admittedly it was strange at first, residing within another's territory to sleep. But strangely she felt at ease for once being able to shut her eyes and allow her body to relax without worry of something sinister sneaking upon her. It was the most restful night she had had in a while.

The auburn dame awakened to the morning light refreshed and high spirited proceeding into a quick catch for breakfast and a hearty run through the Phoenix Forest. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she wound through the spindly trees, taking the turns as though they were fangs aimed for her flanks. Light upon her paws, she dodged them with ease and found pleasure in releasing her bound energy. So relieving... a well needed reprieve from countless days of monotonous trek. However she could not forget her reason for being here. Not to play, but to learn. But where to begin?

The lands were so vast she couldn't fathom where to begin, whom to speak with or where to go. The Abbey seemed appropriate but the Nomad found discomfort in its atmosphere. Adopting one's religion was...touchy. Having her own beliefs forsaken for another was utter sacrilege and the Abbey felt like a place of a particular practice. With a hung head and tucked tail, she fled from it the day before and swore she would not return again, thereby sacrificing perhaps her only reliable means of meeting others. Ah, but it wouldn't have been worth the effort if this had been easy.

Rather than exhaust herself with menial practices she chose instead to explore the lands again this time with a slower, more comfortable Secui formed stride. To truly taste the air and see how the sun shone upon the Ho-en land. Haste abated, perhaps she would have better luck wandering the expanse of the verdant Valley. Her striking pelt clashing the fresh green, one could only hope she'd be spotted.

Sorry for the wait. Words - 600+

Phoenix Forest was generally quiet. The wind would rustle by every now and then to disturb still leaves or a small animal might scurry in the under growth, but beyond this Jaden savored his silence. What better place to train then here, in the company of the trees?

But the man wasn’t simply in the company of the trees now, he was perched on one of their wooded limbs. About twenty feet above the ground, he stood stalk still. In his crimson paws he held a short bow, his favorite tool and most deadly weapon. Ahead of him stretched the soft green of Dahlia Valley. Across the Valley and far enough away was Broken Arrow Ranch that he could not hear the animals. There was no possibility of one of the Shishen’s arrows hitting some poor animal or bystander should they go off course. Only one possible target now lay in the wide open field and it was one he had laid there for practice. A hollow rotted log almost seemed out of place in the beauty and contrasted quite well against the lively green background. A perfect victim for one of Jaden’s hand made arrows and fragile enough to let the shaft survive such an endeavor.

The log would likely be the one to surely survive this day despite it’s attackers deadly accuracy and elevation for it had one thing on its side: distance. A little less than one hundred and fifty meters separated Jaden’s bow and the dry surface of the log. It was an incredible shot for any archer to make, especially when hindered by the range and accuracy of a short bow. Jaden had come within ten meters before from this elevated position but that was not close enough. So here he stood, balanced in the trees and squinting at his target.

The archer waited patiently for his gut to advise release of his strung arrow. For minutes he just stood and felt for it. So many things could affect the arrows trajectory. The timing had to be perfect, but before the timing felt perfect a sound made Jaden’s ebony ear flick into sudden alert. Below and behind him something much larger than the usual rodent was moving through the forest. What exactly it was he wasn’t sure, but it didn’t matter. He HAD to make this shot. Further disruption kept the man from proper concentration as what or who ever was below him slowly moved toward the edge of the forest. Jaden looked down and noticed an autumn hued coat and the features of a wolf. With a shallow sighed, he let the arrow fly and ignored his gut’s angry protest.

With an air cutting sound, the arrow dove strait and true but didn’t have the power to make its full journey. Nearly fifteen meters low and a little to the left, it plunged into the soft dirt of the Valley. Jaden didn’t bother watching. He knew it would not hit and was already skillfully pushing his way down the limbs of his chosen perch toward this new person. The last four meters or so were cleared all at once and Jaden landed with a huff, gear in his satchel stirring somewhat noisily and bow now in its quiver. He then stood and brushed a few loose twigs and such from his fur before looking again for the intruder.

Idly, he wondered if the wolf had seen his arrow fall, but it really didn’t matter all too much, so long as it wasn’t directed at the stranger he or she shouldn’t be put off. Jaden found this person, who was in fact a rather pretty she, not too far off in the green and approached her slowly. She was new to him and didn’t smell of Ichika but that didn’t mean much. There were many new faces appearing in the pack nowadays. “Hello,” He said in a calm and friendly tone which betrayed very little if any annoyance at the interruption of his training. “I don’t think we have met. I am Jaden Ohanzee. Who might you be?”

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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ooc: Set Sept. 19th | Day One. 602 Words

Peace was merrily accepted, albeit fleeting as were many pleasures in life, the warrior had come to learn. A disturbance to the forest from whence she came alerted the idle female that she was no longer alone but in the presence of a distraction. Her time better spent in exploration, curiosity lured her from her pleasure bed of fragrant flora to all fours. Her ears perked with intrigue with delicate nose quivering at the delectable aroma of a kindred soul upon the wind. From leisure to excitement, her lush tail greeted the distraction before even her eyes could behold its form. For all she knew it was nothing but weak fodder come to raise her hopes only to dash them mercilessly. The very thought eased the elated sways to tentative strokes...

The Lupus scent could have never well been imagined; her eagerness finally getting the better of her. Why she continued to depress herself, the female had yet to know. But to dispel these negative notions was well worth it when finally an image coupled with the scent. The unmistakable musk of male graced her flared nostrils. The aroma savored and scrutinized whilst her starved eyes continued to feast without shame. The generous sways of her tail grew eager once more.

As he parted from the forest, his obsidian hues bleeding upon verdant ground, she noted he walked upon two legs carrying an instrument strung with wood and string. A tool? Her head cocked left with a gradual tilt with brows knitted with curiosity. What purpose did it serve? Had it been that which caused the peculiar sound? Not even a moment in his presence and already the questions were bubbling to the surface, held in check by a tightly clasped lid. Ah, but her lips were trembling furiously, threatening to unseal... A detour from inappropriate questioning was better found in further observation of his person, she discovered. Aside from his foreign tool, the odd hue of his pelt warranted her attention. Sensual black enveloping a pristine form of trained muscle, fashioned with an irregular red. Again, her crown tipped with intrigue opposite to its prior angle. That couldn't have been natural. The Nomads shared many colored pelts, some rare and creating even more enticing hues. But this color by far was an oddity. Like blood had permanently marred his pelt though the stench of rotting essence did not taint him. X'yrin found herself edging toward him; his name and question in her ears though her tongue had yet to craft a response. She was... simply too drawn in by this enigma to speak. Like Nayru and the fountain of knowledge she provided, the Exultare again found herself allured by this new Ichikan strangeness. The mark of the warrior, perhaps?

But at last his words sank in, jarring the female to reality and urged a retreat of several steps back from the Optime form male. "Name... yes," she re-acknowledged the question, head dipping in embarrassment. "X'yrin Exultare.... a Nomad." For certain the band would not have been known to other Ichikan members as the name was foreign to Nayru upon their first encounter, but an explanation would come secondly given the situation at hand. An involuntary delve into the female's lifestyle would have been grossly uncalled for. But still she practiced the cherished art of exchange from one wolf to another; "Are you a Ryu? Like the Lady Nayru?" Her sight shifted again to the strange but curious tool in his possession. "You are... a warrior too?" Were the Fates truly that kind to bless her with an audience so soon?

Words - 500+

Against green X’yrin was a perfect blend. Rays of sun warmed her gentle colors too, making the unfamiliar aroma they carried easy to pick out of the usual ambient scents. Jaden stayed in the shadow, keeping the hot sunlight off his dark coat and his body cool. He observed her once again at a closer range as he waited for a reply. The stranger before him looked healthy and strong, hinting that she had been taught well on how to live as wolves do. A pack was the most likely place for such teachings to have come from, but why was she here if she had a pack? Perhaps a story similar to his own, though her curious eyes and inviting manor were not the same of a trustless soldier or trained killer. She seemed welcoming to his dropping in on her. Maybe she just left her home for something better, just as the female wolf he had met here in Ichika had. Her name shamefully escaped him at that moment as he thought back.

The warrior’s defenses fell as he gave X’yrin the benefit of the doubt as he’d grown fond of doing lately. His mind nodded off for a few seconds trying desperately to unearth a name for the female who had helped him only a month ago. When movement graced his peripheral vision, the Optime’s strong snout came down and zeroed in on X’yrin as she came closer, a wonder Jaden couldn’t read in her eyes. He wasn’t sure what to do about her advance either. A questioning and slightly defensive glance filled his blue eyes and he edged back a little, unsure if there might be one type of attack or another on his being.

But just as suddenly as her odd advance started the fae suddenly retreated and wore a look of embarrassment. An answer finally fell from her maw with a name and a self proclaimed title never heard by the Shishen. “Nomad?” he asked choosing the strange title to ask about instead of her equally odd name.

X’yrin quickly followed her name up with a new question. She asked if he was a warrior. The man smirked and searched for a layer of sarcasm in her voice. Strangely, only notes of honest curiosity played on her soft speech. It was as if she had never seen a bow before. Maybe if the Shishen had chosen to dawn his dagger this day it might have been more blatantly clear what his position was in Ichika. “I’m many things to my pack,” said Jaden modestly. “First, I am the lead hunter, but I would definitely fight for her too if ever need be.” He gave her a slightly amused smile after she again eyed his bow. “You ask because you’ve never dealt with Optime weapons?” He knelt to her level and pulled the bow from his shoulder. He tried to keep its sinew cord from catching his thick ebony fur and displayed it in his hands for her to observe. The weapon’s smooth wood was nearly the same color of the palms it stood in and Jaden took great pride in his hand made tool. “I am indeed a warrior.”

While holding out his weapon for inspection he casually met the brown eyes of his new acquaintance. From experience he knew a lot could be discerned about a person from their gaze. “What about you? What do you offer Ichika, X’yrin?”

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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ooc: Set Sept. 19th | Day One. Exiting the Phoenix Forest into the Dahlia Valley. 879 words

Eventually, the woman's curiosity would get her into trouble. But for the time being, it had served not to be a catalyst to an untimely demise. However it was not received without some suspicion and with good reason. Had she been in his position suddenly a spectacle to a stranger's gaze, she would have felt uneasy... perhaps even unnerved. It was a wonder the male hadn't snapped at her. Truly she needed a means to curb her curiosity. But it was difficult when so many experiences lied in wait, yet to have transpired. Her thirst to appease her curious mind yet to be sated; her actions were but results of that insatiable drive.

Herself and occupation named, the torrent of questions was stifled to just one. One that was replied to just as easily as it was uttered. Again the female found herself drawn in in wonder for the Ichikan male. An individual occupying more than a single task for the sake of the pack... X'yrin found herself standing a little straighter as she listened. Again her eyes turned to his bow. An Optime weapon? Generously, the hunter knelt the weapon down for her to observe in detail. The paw of an intrigued yearling stretched outward to grasp without so much as hesitation.

Yet the Nomad stopped suddenly, eyes darting from her oversize paw to the dexterous digits used to grasp the instrument. A sort of scowl came upon her, creasing her brows with dismay. She heaved a most disgruntled sigh realizing the inevitability of her form needing to be changed. Upon her paw dropping soundly to the ground, the she-wolf released a tensed breath as her present form relinquished is bulked mass. The realigning the muscle and bones was seamless, more practiced than her prior shifts in form. Still she did not enjoy the sensation nor having to discard her more appraised form. An unkempt mass of fur shrouded both eyes in the midst of transition. Her minutes ticked by within personal darkness til she was able to draw the hideous veil from her eyes with newly defined fingers.

The bow still within her sights, she reached for it again this time looking at the darker male for some semblance of permission. "A warrior..." A simple word held such definition for the Nomad. It was the purpose of her family, a specialized task passed down through the wanderers generations. It was the craft that defined this sect of the nomadic family and gave them their name. Returning her gaze to the bow again, her hand still above it though within reach, she rid herself of the great weight resting upon her chest. The Fates were kind to a wanting heart...

But what could she offer?

Her claws snatched back suddenly, her entire paw recoiling to the safety of her chest. Of course. This was an exchange after all, no different than her meeting with gracious Nayru. Perhaps this time her words would better serve her than a craft. X'yrin drew her lengthy legs beneath her, remaining knelt as she looked toward male and bow with unbridled interest. "There is... still not much I know about Ichika... besides what I learn on my own..." She admittedly shamelessly, all the while holding the warrior's gaze. "But...I can offer the practice of my family." X'yrin didn't know where to begin on the matter without divulging the entire workings of the Nomads. With Nayru explaining her situation and sect within the family had gone surprisingly well enough even with her unused voice as a crutch. Perhaps her words would serve her well here and now.

"My family are the Exultare;" she began, "...warriors and defenders of the Nomads. It is a practice we are born into and cannot detour from." She splayed the digits of her paw still clasped to her chest, then carefully gestured to Jaden with the same paw, fingers still splayed and outstretched. "I am a warrior of the Nomads...just as you are warrior to Ichika." She nodded toward the bow. "Your weapon is strange to me. The Exultare rarely use a weapon even when we walked upon two legs. Rather... our body is our weapon and we are trained to use it when we are able to walk and run." Habitually, the female brought a hand to her head and pat to twice as a gesture of understanding. "Makes sense?" she inquired innocently, before continuing.

"We are fond of other warriors. It is the Nomads' way to exchange knowledge for the like, be it in hunting, craft, or defending." She conveyed her excitement modestly, betrayed only by the repetitive taps of her lush auburn tail. She was hard-pressed to look away from the idolized form despite the mass of russet and umber locks threatening to obscure her view of him. Within her hopeful gaze, resided an opportunity; a fine influence toward her decision whether or not to continue holding within this vast, mysterious land. "Master Jaden, warrior of Ichika no Ho-en," she smiled through her formal address. Her soft vocals achieving a sudden peak of enthusiasm. "It would honor me greatly if I could share with you what I know. You could assess whether it is an acceptable offer to your lands."

Words - 800+

What Jaden found in the stranger’s eyes was hard to describe. He believed that the eyes were a window to the soul. If one was a good enough observer they would be able to tell key details about a wolf from their unique gaze. X’yrin’s eyes were filled mostly with curiosity. A want to explore so strong it almost bled excitement into Jaden as an object of her exploration. There was also intelligence there, but beyond that he didn’t have the chance to see.

The explorer broke away only a step or two and began to change. Surprise froze Jaden in place. He had only expected the stranger to look and become disinterested just as most non-luperci wolves did. He had assumed she was one and the changes she started did not surprise him because they were unnatural, no, he went through the same thing every time he changed forms. What kept the man in place was the attractive body suddenly forming before him. He watched as bones realigned and listened to the stomach turning crunch. Within a short amount of time the she-wolf stood on two legs and was brushing long, beautifully russet hair from her narrow features. She bent down once more and looked as though she was about to take his weapon, which he would not have fought in his state of awe, but suddenly pulled herself back and began to speak. Jaden pushed off his knee to a standing position once more and used the brief moment of broken gaze from her figure to compose himself into the intelligible brute he had been only moments before.

While X’yrin spoke she held Jaden’s gaze. He knew she had some respect for him and could tell her gaze wasn’t aggressive, though he thought he could see some challenge in them. The brute was the first to break their gaze as he watched her slender paws and the delicate motions they made while she spoke. When she asked if he understood a moment later he nodded curtly and returned his dark blue eyes to the brisk hold of hers.

The Nomad warrior explained a life of tradition and training. Jaden could tell from the time he had spent examining her that she could not be much older than he. If this was true, that means she would have the same or slightly less experience in her combat training than he did, depending on how long she had been traveling to reach Ichika. He wondered just how much training she had; just how dangerous this petite female truly was. Training and tradition sounded much more delightful than his dark and gruesome past. He had been trained in killing and the fastest ways to. In all honesty, his hand to hand skills were not used for killing, but rather deflecting, disarming, and escaping. If any wolf he would have fought were to get close enough to him and have a chance to throw any type of free handed attack, without Jaden’s dagger sinking quickly into the victim’s ribs, then he had already failed his job. The Shishen had been an assassin and not to any noble ends. He had killed for religious fanatics who craved power and had come within a breath’s distance of becoming their Alpha.

But that was the past. He had been betrayed by his brother who took every thing from him and owned an even colder heart then Jaden had at the time, if that was possible. The assassin had barely escaped with his life and found shelter and kindness here, in what used to be Dahlia de Mai and was now Ichika no-Hoen. But the name didn’t matter. As far as the crimson and ebony wolf was concerned, this pack owned him. He owed them everything including his skills, his life, and what purpose he now had to live.

Thoughts of his former life didn’t distract Jaden for more than a few moments as he listened to X’yirn. He had spent all his time bettering Ichika and plenty of sleepless nights pondering his past. There was no need to waist this fine stranger’s time fuming in it.

The Fae’s words finally came to an end and the Shishen had an expression of pride and interest sprawled about his dark features. So you will stay then, here in our land and share with me all you know? He let the question hang as he searched her enveloping eyes again. We will see if you have enough to offer Ichika. And, If you are so eager, perhaps we could even start now? He had nothing planned for a few hours other than training anyway. That could wait. He felt he was privileged for a chance to evaluate this she-wolf. What is it that you know the very most about, He intentionally looked her up and down wearing a false mask of light scrutiny. If she indeed had lessons to teach and lessons to learn, he wanted her to understand through his banter that they were equal and that there was no need for her to address him as any thing different then “My friend”, something you pride yourself on?

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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ooc: Set Sept. 19th | Day One. 689 words. Feel free to assume she just elaborated on their fighting style and time slipped by them Smile

The Nomad had learned to speak and observe at the same time; a practice she was enlightened to when her brethren informed her she tended to drift when speaking or gesturing. She had learned to keep her words steady, finding a comfortable groove as she explained the basics of what she was accustomed to, all the while watching her audience. The way his eyes scrutinized her form... the almost glazed gloss that overcame them as he appeared to be lost in thought. X'yrin felt her voice grew quiet, her words strung into a seamless whisper just audible enough for her own ears. Sudden his attention snapped back on her and she too snapped back into attention, coming to an abrupt, sound end asking if her words made sense before transitioning to question.

Her brows unfurled when regarded with a question, a rather sudden and imposing inquiry to say the least. Would she stay within Ichika? This was a pack, she had sense enough to recognize. And with a pack as her Shepard professed to her many times, came commitment. A degree of pride and honor reserved a place in one's heart for their pack and comrades. Be it for love, knowledge, camaraderie... What ever reason constituted for aligning oneself with a pack, they had to give their all for it. Would one interaction be enough to sway her heart to come to accept this place as a home over the Endless Road? Truth be told, she didn't know. But her unquenchable desire to further her own knowledge was strong. Was that not part of the reason for her leaving the traveling band?

Her ears flicked occasionally with indecision, warring withing herself for which path she could take. She would never learn as much here as she would if she returned to the open road. But passing these lands would forfeit her the opportunity to study in-depth enough pack's working. Also, she could be avoiding another chance to reacquaint herself with a group, a 'family' again.

"A pack is a commitment," the words of her Shepard passed between them, her voice ascending above a whisper at last. "It would be foolish for me to take Ichikan side by one encounter alone." X'yrin again lifted her gaze to Jaden. "Lady Nayru was kind enough to permit me a limited time on your lands to assess if this is where I want to be. I would rather know first if what I have to offer will be good enough for the pack. Otherwise I would be a wasted resource and would have torn myself from the Endless Road for nothing." In a gesture of understanding, the woman again raised a hand to her matted crown and patted twice. "Makes sense?"

The Nomad was excited for this opportunity but was more fearful of wasting it than anything. To accept the open arms of the pack only to be found useless was more devastating than finding death had become her during her travels. At least in death, there was a purpose. The decomposition of life to provide for the smaller creatures which would in turn become nourishment for beings higher than itself. She simply needed to know there was indeed something she could offer. So for now, they could begin with what she was proud of. "The way of the Exultare," she smiled proudly. "Combat and Defense. It's principle use is diverting hostile energy into positive energy. In essence, no energy is bad or good, but the intentions behind it make it so. Either through word or physical means, we alter the negative to positive from others. Even our own, if need be. I must admit it is very exhausting," her smiled seemed to falter as an emotional fatigue sapped her strength though her body remained in peak form. "When it is easier to combat hostility with greater hostility, true strength comes from channeling the rage into a positive energy. More strenuous than attacking blind. Our art commands constant thought. But if all else fails; we immobilized."

Giving Jaden a moment to digest her information, she went on to explain the practice in detail...

I was tired and a bit wordy but same for him. We can end with another post or two? Words - 600+

Perhaps Jaden’s question was a bit abrupt but, for him at least, to be without a pack, without a family or friends or even just comrades, was akin to being without life. If no one knows of you and you do nothing but survive then what will be left once you have gone into the afterlife? Not even a name. The Shishen had wandered for a time after loosing his old ways without purpose and it had nearly destroyed him. Here, he had purpose. Here he had responsibility. What else could one truly ask for?

But, the Exultare did give a good answer. She was undecided and had been given time to make up her mind. Plenty of it, he answered, you have a good head on your shoulders. If Nayru had given X’yrin time to make her mind up, then she fully deserved it. Even if he disagreed, Jaden would never question the word of his Alpha she-wolf.

The two warriors then fell into a meaningful and enriching conversation. First X’yrin explained in depth her own fighting style. To change and redirect energy sounded alarmingly familiar to how the Ichikan’s own style worked, but with some differences. The man listened intently and smiled when he noticed how frequently she asked if things ‘made sense’ and made the motions that went with.

Jaden started to explain his own fighting philosophy once she seemed finished. Not often did he talk so much and he was a little rusty. Often, he stopped and reworded things or asked if he was making sense. When first starting to speak his arms crossed over his wide chest and showed the slight discomfort and insecurity he felt. The longer he spoke the more he relaxed and the more he grew accustom to his own voice. It wasn’t long before his words evened out and the man was motioning with his hands in an almost exaggerated fashion at any opportunity.

Since free hand combat was not Jaden’s first choice when confronted, he first discussed his weapon proficiencies. The projectile slinging bow was first to be described and this time he was sure X’yrin got a chance to examine his short bow and an arrow from his leather quiver closely. He then motioned to the arrow he’d fired into the grassy valley for an example of the weapon’s range.

Once the bow was done being described, Jaden moved onto blades. The Dagger he usually carried with him and his ‘Moon Blades’ which he nearly never used. Both were dangerous close proximity weapons in the right hands and the Moon Blades were custom offensive weapons which took loads of training to use properly. The bladed gauntlets were difficult to describe properly so Jaden only touched on them lightly and said he would show the Nomad some time if she’d like.

Finally, with weapon description finished, the brute touched on his combat beliefs. To find myself entering a genuinely dangerous situation unarmed is a dreadful mistake, he explained, But it is inevitable. The art of combat I trained in originally focused on diverting and deflecting energy but almost never into an attack. ‘Ocadi’ my teacher called it. Jaden spoke the truth when he said this though the name is not real. ‘Ocadi’ is actually an uninspired twist on the word Aikido, Ocadi basically being a somewhat smooth mix of Aikido and only enough Kickboxing to make the art more than just defensive. Ocadi teaches that energy is round, in a sense. he frowned and thought of a good way to describe it best. He’d never had to before now. To interrupt that round-ness by absorbing the energy or blocking it causes harm. To use Ocadi, you must know how to continue energies natural flow. Once you can alter the flow, you can direct it to your own means. Know where your own center is and have control of the energy there too so you can be most effective…

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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ooc: Set Sept. 19th | Day One. 417 words. Smile Indeed. A couple more posts and I think we're good.

Their sharing of fighting technique, of their selective practices was seamless. A generous compilation of enlightening ideals passed between them maintaining a smile upon the female's pace as they became animated in their explanations. She noted with pleasure the gradual transition from defensive to receptive on part of her male companion. Having been an open creature herself, sensing the closed nature of others set her on edge a bit. It was a relief once the tension eased from his shoulders and he continued to speak as excited as she on his particular practice. Her tail settled into a leisure, rhythmic pat on the ground.

X'yrin watched him as he spoke. The way his hands moved as he explained things, the way he took care in his words, even addressing them to make sure she understood to which she nodded without hesitation. She was a pup again, listening to the lectures of her Shepard, learning what it was to carry the name Exultare and the responsibilities within. Yet this was a whole new lecture, one she thoroughly enjoyed same as the last. Though, admittedly she was not too keen on the warrior's bow. Intricate and useful as it was, it lacked the intimacy of his gantlet blades. Her eyes shown with awe for the instruments, rather taken by the opportunities the provided.

She did not, however, divulge her fixation for the weapon for it roused a sensation that even she could not address with a name. True the Exultare prided themselves for utilizing the negative energy into positive through hand-to-hand, but X'yrin knew herself. She knew her lust for that intimacy, for that close encounter would not bode well if taught to properly use weapons like these. She was superb as a warrior, as prided by the Nomads, but she did not want a reason to enjoy or seek combat. She tore her eyes from the formidable blades and again trained her eyes ahead as Jaden delved deeper into his combat style.

"Direct it to your own means," she echoed his words thoughtfully, her muzzle tipped skyward in thought. "It sounds familiar... but at the same, not." Thoughtfully, her ears twitched then her gaze again settled on Jaden. "Perhaps you could demonstrate some time? I would enjoy seeing this technique put into practice." And of course she would be more than willing to demonstrate her own skill of combat. "It sounds like you must be close for effect." She smiled. "More rewarding than a bow and arrow."

Itz so short >.< Apologies for that Sad Words – 200+

Honor and reward were not a core value in Jaden’s fighting style. He was taught to kill and not be killed only. Anything more than victory in a serious battle with a serious enemy, he figured, would be extravagant. X’yrin’s outlook on battle and the inquisitive mind presenting her ideas and questions comforted the warrior in an odd sort of way. It was almost like she had such and desire to learn that nothing else was consequential. Jaden’s beginning and the clumsy way he started the conversation was irrelevant. What freedom it was to have such a sincere and divine conversation! Since joining Ichika, he’d found not a single being with as much interest in his practices. They were partakers in the same trade, souls with similar passions.

More rewarding perhaps, the brute chuckled, but there is no method greater for safely and effectively disabling a target than my bow. This was a proud declaration. The man loved his weapon of choice and trained it avidly. But, I would love to see you in action as well. We should spar, or demonstrate if you would prefer. He grinned and tilted his head to the heavens in a similar fashion to X’yrin’s previous movements, though, he was in search of the passing daylight and not in thought. Unfortunately there isn’t time for that today. he breathed, grin faltering a little at how much time had passed since their first words. I have a lot to do before dark and should be on my way soon. What are your plans for the rest of the day?

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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ooc: Set Sept. 19th | Day One. 352 words.

As she had exhibited pride for her tribe, so did the warrior display his pride in his weapon of choice. It was not the female's preferred for it lacked the intimacy of a close encounter, but she could respect his choice and learn to honor it. Least of all she could learn what benefit he saw in the weapon and perhaps share this information should her path cross the Nomads. She was not the type to simply dismiss an opportunity just because she did not favor the circumstance. She took such pleasure in the conversation that she did not want to appear dismissive in fear he would withhold future delectable details!

The future. The female suddenly lifted her head caught by her own subconscious thought. Strangely she found herself tending more to the pleasure of future discussions like that... which would assume she saw a future within these lands. She hadn't been among them a week and already her interest with residing within Ichika was growing more sound. Perhaps it was finding a kindred spirit that swayed her... Her shimmering hues brought the male before her into focus again drifting between the bow in his possession to his handsome face. Thoughtfully, she tail pat the ground. Very likely this circumstance was the cause of it all.

Eagerly her ears perked with the suggestion of a spar, dismissing all other thoughts of the future to the present. "Shepard says there is no greater demonstration than a spar. But if time is not in our favor-" she followed Jaden's gaze skyward noting too the sudden passage of time. They hadn't even noticed! "-we could spar another time." But what did the female have for the remainder of her day? Nothing, she supposed. Other than a snack and bed, she was a creature with little to occupy her time. She settled upon the gracious Shishen whilst raising a thoughtful claw to the tip of her muzzle. "For the rest of the day... I have only to find a small meal then rest for the morning. A Nomad's day starts as the sun begins its rise."

Words – 300+

Time had indeed seemed to melt away under the depth of the two warrior’s conversation. Though he felt a need to continue on with his day and start his other chores, to leave her company left him with a light pang of regret. X’yrin was an interesting wolf and seemed to have a lot to offer Ichika. If anyone said differently he would defend her. A mind hungry for information was just as good as one filled to the brim with skills. Another time then. said Jaden with a polite nod. He had planned to offer a chance for the nomad to accompany him during his duties so they wouldn’t have to depart so soon but decided to let her have her morning. There would be time enough for chores and working with Ichika if she decided to stay. Enjoy your day. I have much to do to prepare Ichika for the approaching winter, but I do look forward to our next meeting. Goodbye, X’yrin.

With his parting words, the Shishen turned and Phoenix Valley sunlight cascaded around his shoulders and quickly warmed his fur as he stepped with just a little hustle on his gait into the large clearing. Jaden looked forward to seeing the fae again. Something about her was disarming and a little endearing. Almost most definitely it was what they had in common, but perhaps it was more. The man bent down and pulled his arrow from the grass as he passed it. He wanted to see her skills. How she practiced ‘the way of the Exultare’ would be wonderful to see. Hell, he might not even mind having her practice the combat portion of it on him, or watch her try at least. He smirked to himself as he fingered the sharp point of his arrow and retreated to the closest edge of the valley he just wandered into. Their sparing would be glorious!

Before the trees took Jaden’s ebony form, he slipped his arrow into it’s quiver and threw a last look toward where X’yrin had been. Intrigue might have been visible on his maw just before the brute disappeared into Ichika.

[Exit Jaden]

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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[html] ... wer_01.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; background-color:#95856A; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right:5px; padding-top: 300px; ">

ooc: Set Sept. 19th | Day One. 245 words.

She had faced a reluctance like this only once before, and it was a difficult now as it was then. The Nomad was compelled to stay, to carry on other conversations of the like. She was thrilled to have met another like herself, but wanted more... much, much more.

But against her insatiable want, she remained rooted to the ground and instead offered a smile of understanding. This was but one encounter shared with the Shishen, yet it had been so fulfilling she was already starved for another. Her time within Ichika was limited. Her decision to remain had yet to be made... but this encounter was a positive lean toward permanent residence. She had wanted to meet another like herself and done so, receiving more than she could have hoped for. She received promise, potential... an opportunity she could not ignore. When it came time for the male to bid his farewell, reluctant as she was to see him go, X'yrin was not upset. Rather she was happy knowing this would not be the last time.

Her ears flicked at word of his 'goodbye' whilst raising a parting hand. "We will meet again," she said in confident, reciting the farewell of the Nomads. A Nomad never said 'goodbye', for in due time they would meet the other again til their passing time came. Only to the dead with they share those parting words, and the warrior female was feeling more alive than ever.

[End for X'yrin]


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