Little child have no fear
backdated to 8th Jace is near to her house and horses

The sun was out and shining down warmth for once and Jace was out basking in the heat before winter set in. Just because she was arctic born did not mean she enjoyed constant cold and snow, sometimes a bit of sun was a good thing as well and the woman was laid against a tree with the round yellow ball shining directly into her face and body. Her eyes were closed and her mind drifting on the gentle breeze, this would most likely be the last of the warmth before winter and she was determined to enjoy every second of it.

The trees and foliage that used to be planted so neatly in this little neighborhood had grown out out of control producing a slight jungle type environment of half grown saplings and trees. Not far away was the fenced in pasture that Jace's three horses were kept in, the white stallion, his grey colored sister and the black newborn filly. She could head them snorting and stamping their hooves every now and again. Temo was once again off doing his jobs whilst Jace rested and relaxed as her heavily pregnant body sapped more and more of her strength.

OOC here!

She still had much of the city to explore. Today the girl had been speaking to several birds in the area, getting a better idea of what the surrounding territory looked like. She had never been to this particular stretch of land, but something about it seemed familiar to her. There was a scent that she recognized slightly, and as she padded along she realized who it belonged to. One of her sparrow companions confirmed her guess as they fluttered back down onto her shoulder, chirping loudly into her ear. She got the impression that there was definitely a canine nearby

"Jace? Are you around here?" She remembered the female from the various pack meetings that they'd had and from the singing session and hunt. Wretch wasn't one to actively seek out another pack member, but she also did not want to make it seem as if she was sneaking around someone's private area. If she didn't have to disturb anyone or anything, she wouldn't. Wretch looked this way and that, her black nose working as she tried to pinpoint the other female.

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Table image © me'nthedogs @ Flickr
<:O It be a Jamesamathing

The words that called out for her pulled the wolfess from her gentle slumber that she had fallen into and she looked about herself trying to determine if what she had heard had been within her dram or not. Blue and amber gaze scoured the foliage and surrounding houses until the wind shifted suddenly and pushed towards her with it the scent of Wretch. With a grunt of effort she pushed herself to her knees first and then upright onto her legs, wincing at the ache in her back, she was still tired but she always had time for the young, no matter what was ailing her.

"Wretch?" She called out in the general direction of the smell and she was sure now that she could see little flashes of white through the brush and trees, "I'm over here Wretch." She waved an ashen pawed hand into the air to better show off her position and then settled back to wait for the little ivory princess to make her way over. Wretch had recovered from the attacks upon her person and the person had been dealt with, or so she assumed for no more attacks had occurred since and the female seemed to have suffered no lasting physical damage from the ordeal. But Jace couldn't still help feeling some anger towards whoever had done it, attacking a child was a serious crime in her book, she shook her head and muttered to herself.

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OOC here!

Her tail swayed from side to side as her own name was called out, realizing that the other female did remember her. She was a quiet one, sticking to herself and not actively seeking others this was a new experience for her. She did want to speak with Jace, something that surprised even her as she padded a bit closer to find her packmate. She was startled as a nearby snort caught her attention, turning her aqua gaze toward the pasture and the horses. Saul and Gideon had horses as well, and she had been tending to Gideon's young colt, who he called Finn, for the last week or so. He was a busy wolf, and she didn't mind spending time with the animals at all. Finn was young and needed a lot of exercise and training, something that she was very interested in. Having a horse would really help her get around Ichika better, with the many different terrains that the territory had to offer.

"Hello!" She greeted the other, stepping out of the brush. Was this where Jace lived? "I'm sorry if I bothered you - I was just passing by and thought I smelled someone familiar. Are these your horses?" She pointed at the pasture. The young horse was very cute, and she wondered if she could get a closer look at it. "I've been taking care of a horse, myself...a little boy one named Finn. How old is that one?" She was interested in learning more about horses and what they looked like in various stages of their lives. She noted the other canine's swollen belly and smiled politely, choosing to comment. "Not too long until your pups come, right?" She asked.

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Table image © me'nthedogs @ Flickr

Jace brought her hands together and to her face in the traditional Ichika no Ho-en greeting "Namaste Wretch." The curiosity and exuberance of the child before her empowered her and gave her strength as the youth always did with her, even though by luperci standards she was still pretty young herself. She was aware that Wretch was a shy and quiet child usually and waved her troubles of bothering her away with an airy cheerful laugh,

"It's no bother at all. I'm all alone here, apart from the horses so I don't have anyone t entertain or anything to do really." Her grin was friendly and welcoming and her tan tipped white tail wagged lazily behind her almost as though it could not be bothered with such glorious sun out. How the pale child had come to be with them was a mystery to Jace, for as far as she knew Wretch was looked after by Saul who she knew not to be the father, they smelled and looked too differently, Wretch was thinner and lankier than the wolves by comparison prompting Jace to wonder if she had coyote or jackal blood in her heritage, not that this would be a problem to Jace who was a hybrid of two seperate species herself. Even her one experience with the coyote clan had not soured her opinion on their red furred cousins.

"Yes these are my horses, they are unnamed so far, I haven't been able to think of suitable names for any of them yet. If you wanted, you could help me come up with some?" Her offer was genuine, Jace was horrible with coming up with names for things and she didn't think the horses would appreciate being namked after arctic gods and godesses of wolfen origions,

"She's about six or seven days old now. She's very young, I had to stay up with her mother all night before her birth just to make sure she was okay but eventually she was born and then immediately fell over." AQ lighthearted laugh came from her maw at the memory of the spindly legs trying and faling to hold up the flighty animal. The little filly had arrived in her own sweet time and had cost Jace a night of sleep in doing so, but she smiled as she remembered the day after spent cuddling and then sleeping next to Temo. "Her uncle wasn't too thrilled with me being so close though." she gestured to the white stallion. At the girl's question her mismatched gaze swung down to her own swollen stomach, yes it would be a few weeks now before she would see the ones that resided inside of herself,

"Nope, less than a month.." She sent wretch an almost childish grin of happiness, the tips of her floppy ears quivering slightly "I'm so excited for it." She waved out a paw and gestured for Wretch to come closer to the fence. Inside of the paddock the male raised his head from grazing and watched the two hybrid females as they watched him and his family. Wretch seemed like a smart kid, as long as she stayed behind the fence she would be safe from him.
OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

She was very uncertain about many things in the outside world. Wretch wasn't sure where the anxiety had come from, but it had always been there for as long as she could remember. Perhaps it had come from the very day that she had been found, the day that Saul had discovered her broken body amongst the waves on the beach. Wretch had always feared the ocean since then and most other bodies of water, only taking drinks from smaller puddles or jars that she used to collect the rainwater. In the winter time she would likely just melt the snow and drink that, if she could, rather than brave going near a big body of water. Her chaotic past had most definitely traumatized her, in more ways than one.

Namaste. She repeated, greeting the other canine in kind. Jace spoke of her experience with the horses and Wretch blinked, looking down at Jace's stomach for a moment and then back up at her face. You weren't afraid of getting kicked? The horses' hooves looked rather hard and sharp, though she had never felt one with her own hands before. They could do quite a bit of damage, though, from the look of the beast. I mean, they look like they're almost all muscle. Like they could really land a good one on somebody they didn't like.

Jace gestured for her to come nearer and she did, watching the stallion's actions carefully. I think...that the big stallion reminds me of a protector, someone who watches over the safety of the others. He reminds me of a character I read in a book when I was younger...Emmett. Do you think that's a good name? She inquired. I've never named something I'm not sure how to go about it. How will you decide your childrens' names, Jace? Wretch's own name had been the only word that she had been able to remember when she'd been found, but she did not divulge this fact yet.

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Clicky; This is what Jace is stood like XD

The woman grimaced a little and pressed a hand to her spine as a twinge of pain shot through it. Her other hand soon joined it as she discovered this eased the pressure on her bladder and spinal cord. Her stance now that of the typical pose of motherhood. With her legs played slightly apart underneath her for balance, her mouth split into a grin as the youngster gazed upon her rounded stomach. One of the children within kicked and her stretched skin bulged slightly around a tiny paw before sinking back into the depths of her uterus.

"Yeah I was a little worried but he and I..." She waved an ashen paw towards the easily riled male "... We have an understanding. So as long as I didn't get too close unless things were going obviously wrong then he was okay with me being there." She remained quiet as the young girl spoke gently and the coal black foal suddenly leaped into the air with joy and began racing around the paddock with his stressed uncle in tow.

"Emmett? Yes I think it's a good name, it sounds big and strong like he is." She considered Wretch's question for a few short seconds before replying,

"Honestly? I'm not really sure. I'm not very good at names but I am hoping because they are my children that I will have a burst of inspiration or something. My first daughter.." Here she stuttered and hesitated a bit, ".. was named after my own mother and my son was named after his grandfather." A grimace pulled down her mouth and a black cloud seemed to materialize over the expecting female and settled there, the hands at her back formed into fists. She didn't want to talk about them,

"So what about the other two? Got any ideas for them?" The cheerful note in her voice was obviously forced and couldn't be more fake.

Her eyes widened as she looked at Jace, watching the other canine's movements with slight apprehension. Wretch didn't expect to ever have to go through something like that - she was far from dating, far from any sort of lasting relationship. She had never really found another canine...attractive, to say the least, and had never had such things explained to her before. Pups, having a mate, what it was like to feel that attraction to someone or have chemistry with them. Such things were a complete mystery, really.

Jace explained a bit about pups that she'd had in the past. Wretch wasn't very socially ept and noted the stammers in the female's voice, but took it as some symptom of her pregnancy rather than a sign of her uncomfortableness with the subject. "I'd be scared of having pups..I don't feel like much of a grown-up yet, really. And I just...well, Jace. I haven't felt like I like anyone enough yet to want to do something like that. You and Temo...there looks like there's something strong between the two of you. I don't know if I'll ever experience that." She admitted.

The pups' name ideas sounded good to Wretch, to name them after siblings. "I met my brother once, from before I came to live with Saul. Maybe name the horse after him?" She said, following with Jace's tradition of naming them after family members. "And my sister...her name was Sal, I think. Pan and Sal." Whether the horses were male or female wouldn't matter; Sal and Pan were pretty short, simple names. "How did you and Temo meet?" She asked, curious.

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She gazed down at little Wretch and wondered if Lily would have been like her if she had lived. If she would have been shy or loud, inquisitive maybe, fierce like herself, calm and detached like Temo. Or if she would have echoed the wild personality of her long dead aunt. The lines of her face contorted int fondness as the female expressed her concerns over any future relationships and pregnancy that she may have and Jace wished she could sit down next to the girl but her large stomach would not allow this,

"Well Wretch you're still young. You don't really need to be worrying about that for the moment. When I was younger I never thought I'd find myself anybody to love either or have children of my own. My pack was smallish and I didn't like anybody in it that way until a newcomer showed up but that wasn't love it was a child's crush. At the time I thought he had broken my heart but it turned out he had done me a favor." A bitter smile twisted her mouth, that man was now hated and reviled above everyone else that was in her bad graces. "Just keep an open mind while you search. You never know you could have more than one that is meant to be with you or it could be a woman you fall for. Love and relationships are never straight forwards or as simple as they seem. Myself and Temo have been through a hell of a lot together since we were barely adults ourselves." There. She felt that was some good advice for the girl, open minded but cautious. Jace knew some people didn't follow nature's design for male and female to be together and she was okay with that, she didn't condemn those who had found love for their choice.

Now back onto the subject of the horses names, the final two were graced with the title's of Wretch's siblings. Jace's soul ached for her own sister, her twin, it always would do, the young woman who had been everything to her once upon a time, now she was dust and bones. She nodded,

"That sounds good, Pan and Sal." Her next question had Jace laughing at the memory it brought up. It was a fond one even if it had been born of misery and slaughter for her.

"Well it was just after I had traveled down from the arctic. About a year old I think. Well he had come across from the western side of America, just wandering around I suppose. And we had decided to hunt the same herd although we didn't realise it, it was a large herd. By some twist of fate we ended up coming at the same doe from different sides, she jumped out of the way and we headbutted each other." The female rubbed the side of her head as though it still hurt, "He has a hard head. After that we decided that it would be better if we traveled together because we would have more chance of catching food. I told him I was heading for this area so this is where we came, it took us nearly a year though to get here. We didn't actually get together though until earlier this year"

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