She's a Stripper
Word Count→000 :: Open for anyone, a modern-day AU of Souls.

She didn't do it for the men. She didn't do it for the money. She didn't do it for the sex.

The men were usually dogs looking for their next s.t.i. victim, anyway. The pay checks sucked, even if the tips were sometimes amazing. As for the sex... what sex? Girl was still practically a virgin.

No, she did it for the beat. She did it because she couldn't afford to install one in her own house. She did it because twirling, swinging, defying gravity... it was fun. It was thrilling. People thought she was beautiful, sexy, alluring. They thought her movements were entrancing, teasing. She could have any man she wanted by just flicking her hips the right way, batting those long lashes, licking the hoops on her lip.

Instead, she remained single. The girl twirled and spun at night and made a coffee in the morning before she went to her second job at the flower shop. It wasn't like she needed the money or anything. She had plenty enough at her first job, the flower shop, to pay her bills and still afford a shopping trip every month.

No, it was her version of going out to a club and dancing. Sure, she was on display, but she didn't care. She loved being the center of their attention, their affection. And after work was done, both at the club and at the shop, she'd crawl into bed for the afternoon and have her eight hours of sleep.

She didn't work at the club every night, but on those days when she did, she dressed up pretty for it, brushing her fur, straightening her hair, only the best clothes and piercings.

Tonight was a busy night for the club. Even though most people didn't go clubbing on Sunday, they did tonight; a long weekend meant a special all-night happy hour, plus free entertainment. She was the first act.

The music switched to a heavy bass, her cue. She strode out onto the stage, hips swaying, that sexy smile so natural to her now. She stopped at the long, sleek pole in the center of the stage and smirked as many of the regulars started cheering in their own ways; whistles, claps, cat calls, all of it. She did a dramatic little bow, then as the song picked up, started her dance.

Spin, kick, dive, twirl, slide, grind.

Up and over, over and under, left, right, up, down.

She owned the stage, the crowd, the party. And she loved every single second of it.

Thread Info

Date. Modern Day, Sunday Night

Place. The King Cobra Club in Thornbury

Time. 10:00 PM

Form. Optime

Setting. Modern Alternate Universe
code by kiki - image by sky - tags by sie

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Hey Sky, it's me ^^ For those reading this, Blind is a luperci (in her optime form) in this post solely because I wanted to experiment with it. She hasn't changed in the main threads yet, and probably won't for a little while at least. But this is LASKY, anything can happen Tongue

Stupid jackals.

Blind stumbled through the city, her legs shaking and her body buzzing. She had asked for directions to a place where she could find something to drink, and they give her alcohol?! Water would have sufficed; that's what she was looking for anyway. But they were teenagers, of course they had to poke fun at a naive adult!

Everything around her seemed to blend together in her already terrible eyesight, and the rolling and swaying of shapes and colors made Blind sick to her stomach. Every sound vibrated through her skull like an echo in a cave, and she could feel her steps becoming increasingly sluggish. The dark she-wolf repeatedly chided herself for falling into the young jackals' trap, but it was over and done with now, and all she could do was wait for the alcohol to leave her system...and wouldn't THAT be fun?

A flashing sign suddenly caught Blind's eye, and she looked up to see an advertisement on the side of a dark building for 'drinks and entertainment.' The she-wolf thought for a moment: she didn't want to end up even more intoxicated than she already was...but surely they had to have water inside, right? Deciding to take the chance, Blind stumbled through the doorway, where a sudden wave of loud music smacked her in the face.

The door shut behind her with a loud 'click,' and Blind nearly jumped out of her skin. What was worse, there seemed to be even more movement in here than there was out on the streets - Blind could already feel the sensation to vomit creeping into her throat. Trying to hold it back, she rushed to a counter where she saw another luperci filling glasses, and immediately sat herself on a stool.

Can I have a water, please? she slurred, not understanding why the canine behind the counter then looked at her in such a funny way.

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Wow, I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist. xD
Ves is luperci as well, obviously.

Nights like these reminded Vesper how lonely she was. She meandered to the local club every weekend, sat at the bar and drank as much as her small body could handle, and left without company. For being physically lightweight, she wasn’t a lightweight, which came mostly through discipline and the threat of males hitting on her reach time she took a seat. Just now she wiped the blood from her claws on her white chest, disdainful, pretending that she didn’t see her would-be suitor slinking off.

Yet this—isolating herself, fighting off those who approached—made her seem all the more attractive in the eyes of the pervs who frequented this place. She narrowed her eyes at a dog who waltzed up to her, telling her she wagged his tail, and rested her chin in her palm wearily. “Do I need to spell it out for every asshole at this bar?” she asked idly, and the man’s—or boy’s, really—ears pricked. She leaned in so their noses were nearly touching and said slowly, “Starts with an ‘L,’ ends with an ‘esbian.’” And that was the end of that.

It looked like tonight would be as boring as any others, and she was contemplating finding her way back to her apartment. She listened to some of the wolves howl for the entertainment to come, some less civilly than others, and rolled her eyes before the sound of another luperci entering the bar made her turn her head.

Vesper scowled at the wobbly girl that came in, watching her as she took a seat on the stool beside the coywolf. Easy pickings, that was for sure, and she wondered if it was worth the effort to defend her from the low lives that crawled around the place. It was pretty tame for the first few hours, but with so many luperci in once place, it was hard to keep a limit on their drinking. King Cobra Club was unique in that no one had died from an overdose of alcohol—yet—but that didn’t mean that the canines around here were moderate.

The dark-furred girl ordered a water, and the hybrid glanced at her and the confused bartender. Hell, she was more lost than Ves had initially thought.

“She’ll have a St. Paulie Cola, sans beer,” Vesper said, resting her elbow on the counter. The bartender gave a glance as if to say “Then what’s the point?” but he knew better than to argue with the tawny fighter. Shrugging, he went to get the soda, and Vesper turned to her new companion with brief advice. “Pop might give you a little buzz from all the sugar, but it isn’t bad.” Her lips twisted before she turned away, adding, “And don’t let any guys handle your drink.”

With that, her sky blue eyes turned to the gorgeous slim dancer who’d come out onto the stage, and a more content smirk settled on her mouth as her body relaxed. This is more like it.

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I saw this and I just had to its a party in here. Aeron in Optime wearing Dress in red. Sky totally tell me if you want this changed.

Aeron smiled as she watched the first dancer appear, she was here for business and entertainment. Golden eyes cast on the stage as she smiled too bad daddy was too sick to show. The old Coyote was dieing and Aeron would have to take over the fact was she had no idea how good or bad her father's club was. She had been living in California running a few night clubs and this was the first time she'd seen her dads.

Glancing to hear the hybrid next to her she chuckled poor girl wouldn't get far with venom like that. Titling her head to the side. She smiled, "Now now, I might just have to stay. If the women are as feisty as you up here." she said as she laughed. Golden eyes studied the patched girl, if the women had a kick to them she may stay after all he preferred her women with venom. The girl then ordered a drink for the poor thing further down. Silly girl must have been in the wrong crowd.

Leaning up and away from the bar aeron's golden gazed locked on the stage as the first dancer appeared. Golden tail swayed lightly to the beat as she smiled, so maybe the old man had taste she could make this work. She was a capable young woman after all. Aeron watched all the men and even the woman next to her. Hmm yes this could be fun, even if she didn't take over for her father and just came here to watch she wouldn't be bored. Tossing her head to the side she smiled letting out a cat call at the woman on stage. Even she could be a pig. Crossing her arms she watched the girl content on her face. Yes this was nice.

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Word Count→000 :: Weuu! Big Grin Hello, ladies!

She hadn't noticed the change in customers tonight. Apparenly the special event had even a few brave women showing up. As she spun, leaning backwards to the point that her hair brushed the ground, legs hooked around the pole and eyes scanning the bar area out of curiousity, a cat call caught her attention. Not the normal call; it wasn't a guy.

Three women sat at the bar. One patchy and confident (that much she saw right away), another dark as night and seemingly lost in the crowd, and the third was her admiring caller, a bay-brown woman with golden hair and matching, vibrant eyes. The first and the third seemed completely comfortable with watching. The second wasn't paying attention.

She flashed the two attentive ladies a charming, sexy smile, then pulled herself up to continue her dance. She put some more effort into showing off for the girls, keeping it classy in a way, like a tease.

By the time the music changed and the next dancer was to come out onto the stage, Sky had made up her mind to talk to both of them. She wouldn't go home with a man... but a woman, maybe. They didn't scare her in the slightest and there was no risk of pregnancy with a girl. Heh.

Sky slid away backstage, much to the protesting crowd's dismay. Changing into something that didn't look stripper (a small leather jacket and some tight jeans over top of what she'd been wearing, a skin-tight corset and matching black thongs), she readied herself to leave the backstage area as soon as the crowd was settled on the new dancer.

Cat calls were her cue. She slipped out the staff-only door and headed straight for the bar, ignoring any and all interested men as she went.

On her way over, she waved to the barkeep, who smiled knowingly and went to work mixing her a gray goose; her favorite.

She didn't sit down at first. Instead, she lingered near an empty stool, smiling over at the tawny woman who'd called out to her. "Never seen so many girls stick around before. You're a welcome change, ladies." She was clearly addressing all three of them, even the shy little thing in the corner. Her voice was like satin, eyes as cool as ice but somehow warm at the same time.

She saddled the stool as the barkeep came over with her drink, a Gray Goose Martini, then left as she mumured to put it on her tab. "Did you like the show?" She asked idly, taking a small sip from her drink and flicking a docked ear at the sharp taste. Yes, her favorite.

code by kiki - image by sky - tags by sie

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Blind didn't notice the coyote hybrid until a drink she hadn't ordered herself was coming her way. She sniffed the foreign liquid, the carbonation stinging her nose. She had never smelled anything like it, and she was wary about taking a sip, for fear it would worsen her already handicapped state. Gently pushing the drink away, she mumbled, "Thanks, but no thanks."

The dark she-wolf didn't dare look up from the calm surface of the counter, afraid that the nagging feeling in her throat might become more than just a threat. It took the cat call for Blind to notice the second luperci's arrival, and her ears twitched from the pain that the noise had caused them. Although Blind didn't get out much, she knew that a call like that had to mean something provocative was going on behind her, and suddenly she realized what the sign out front meant by 'entertainment.'

Her senses were too muddled to smell the dancer approach behind her. However, as soon as she took a seat near the three canines, Blind caught a strong whiff of the bits of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and perfume that clung to her fur, not necessarily from use, but simply from being present in a room where all of those things could be found. She sleepily glanced up at the dancer. She was a pretty young thing - curvy in all the right places and full of charisma and spunk. The dark wolf giggled foolishly, not even understanding why she had done so. She then tugged the hood of her sweater over her head, pressing her ears flat. Her dizziness was kicking in again, and that feeling was climbing...she could taste it in the back of her mouth.

The dancer asked the women if they had enjoyed the show, and Blind shrugged - she hadn't been paying attention, how would she know? The dark-pelted girl was tired, confused, and she wanted to go home, but she longed for a glass of water first. What did a girl have to do around here to get a drink?

Drink, she repeated aloud, that looming feeling now smacking her uvula around like a punching bag. She lifted her head, ready to run...and puked all over the floor.

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This thread is so fun. <3 But poor Blind!

The confused, drunk girl sniffed at the soda pop offered to her but ended up declining it. Vesper shrugged, supposing all the carbonation and sugar probably wouldn’t have helped anyway if all she wanted was a quick drink. Then again, why wander to a bar? Licking moisture from the ground might have been considered barbaric nowadays, but one should be able to do whatever they wanted if they were desperate. Ves herself had the guilty pleasure of sticking to a four legs when out of public; she felt attached to it, somehow, even if the lupus form was mostly for puppies. It made her feel secure and feral rather than some washed-up lonely woman.

A copper-furred woman approached the bar, and Vesper immediately let her blue eyes wander over the red dress clinging to her body. She kept from staring too much—politeness to ladies, after all, was a virtue few still upheld—but still wore an impressed smirk before the coyote woman spoke. She laughed at her comment and rested her cheek in her palm. “I can be as feisty as you want; I’d love for you to stick around.” Her voice was teasing, as she wasn’t going to simply throw herself at the copper lady, but she still wanted to be kind; her venom was sharp but fleeting when it came to those she liked. There was no point in brushing her off, either; after all, few luperci could pull off a dress like that; it fit her gorgeously.

She laughed as the woman let out a catcall to the current performer. It seemed more and more like girls’ night, despite the men crowding the bar. The only women who came here were either with a date, looking for a date, or shared the same tastes as the guys did—well, besides the dark-furred girl hunched beside her.

The stripper flashed an alluring smile their way, and Vesper’s tail wagged before she could pull her composure together. It became harder as the tawny woman seemed to put a special effort into her performance after that, sensual without being slutty. She danced beautifully, and the smirk on Ves’ face faded into something softer but no less attentive.

There was a momentary outcry as the dancer left the stage, and Vesper found herself unable to focus on the next girl. She glanced at her empty glass, about to order a second drink, when her fur spiked up at the feeling of someone else approaching. She turned to look at the dancer, smirking again and chuckling slightly at her remark. “Yeah, a very welcome change,” she agreed, glancing at the few disappointed men glancing in their direction. She almost hadn’t been sure why she kept returning to this place, other than for some place to wallow, but the woman had reminded her.

“To say I liked the show would be an understatement,” Vesper said, raising her paw for another drink before returning her attention to the woman. She had the prettiest sky blue eyes. “What’s your name, gorgeous?” Her voice was soft. She abandoned the sight of her eyes to look at her lips for a moment, but then there was a croak of “drink” beside her.

The dark girl had her hood pulled up over her head, but now she lurched—and vomited. Vesper’s eyes widened, and while she first curled her lip in disgust, she also abandoned the endeavor of flirting and reached for her glass. She’d been sitting long enough that the ice cubes at the bottom had melted into a pitiful mouthful of water, but she knew that would be better than the bubbly Pepsi she’d tried to give to the poor young woman.

“Here, sweetheart, drink.” Vesper pushed the glass in her direction, rubbing her back for a moment before glancing at the dancer and the copper woman with a sigh.

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I saw this and I just had to its a party in here. Aeron in Optime wearing Dress in red. Ladies night whoot whoot!

Normally the scares and hardened look on her face turned people away. She wasn't known for a fluffy cloud attitude she normally was a viper ready to strike. But she was a business owner that's how it was and she had to admit she was starting to like it here. She had been scoping the place for a while and tonight was time to relax and to see what it was like. There would be many changes she had decided, though the girl would stay.

Aeron was like any other woman her age, horny, in need and always looking for the time of her life. Not to say she wanted the other female but hey she was horny. looking back at vesper "I think I might stay and some time take you up on the offer. She said with a chuckle.

It seemed like the show ended as soon as it started she had to admit though that the brown girl had caught her attention. She vanished behind the stage as the next came out. Aeron looked at the bartender, "Scotch on the rocks" She said as she waited. The girl next to the patched woman seemed to not be fairing any better then she had been minutes before. Her mind was taken off the girl as she turned hearing the dancer behind her speak.

Aeron chuckled she loved clubs hence why she had three and now four because of this dancer. "You mean no ladies like to party here, Mmm we'll have to change that." She said as she looked around. there were many pigs around here man that was just to bad. Just as she was about to introduce herself she heard the sound she'd been dreading. A slight look of disgust on her face. Looking around she sighed as she whistled to one a the few staff members on. Just another thing to change. "Get this cleaned, so no one slips I'll deal with the girl" The man looked at her and she gave him a glare as he nodded. "Yes miss Ganesa" He said. Aeron smiled as she picked up her scotch and shot it back in one swig she'd need more before the night is out. "Another and make it a double. And see the poor little thing why is there no water or ice melting for her hmmm? I want a glass of water in front of her now, or your dead" She smiled sweetly watching the man scurry around to get the girl some water and ice. Yes it was good to have power. He then poured her a double and she smiled smugly as she looked at the girls. "I think introductions are needed." She said after the patched woman asked the dancer what her name was. "Aeron Ganesa, new owner of the shack de'la pigs" She said referring to all the men. Scum of the earth in her opinion but hey ya need them to make babies.

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