[M] Battered, beaten, but not broken.
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

OOC :: Takes place around 11:30 pm. / +417

There are things that some people shouldn't do. It was on this night that Kostya discovered an important fact about himself.

He did not react well to large amounts of alcohol

Kostya had scrounged up the bottles of vodka in Halifax, intending to use them when he was forced into eating some of the more flavourless prey around the Drifter Bay area. However all it had taken was one nightmare about his mother too far and suddenly he found himself in his current situation. Blinding drunk, naked and shouting expletives at a cave while wildly gesturing with an empty vodka bottle.

"C'mon ya' fuckin' coward! C'mon out and get some!" Kostya sounded and looked ridiculous, his already dishevelled appearance being made more by the second as the pounding rain soaked him to his bones. However by this point he was beyond caring, so caught up in his drunken rage. With a final howl of rage that echoed throughout the mountains Kostya heaved the bottle towards the cave, where it smashed noisily a few feet into the opening.

Kosya was answered by an ear-splitting roar as a bear lumbered out of the cave, growling angrily at the intruder. Looking at its face Kostya recognised a familiar scar over its right eye, this was the bear that had killed his mother. With a second angry howl Kostya darted forward, intent on killing the bear.

A 270lb drunk wolf against an angry 600lb bear. The fight went about as well as it sounds like it would, quickly and brutally. The bear met Kostya's charge with a charge of its own, knocking the inebriated wolf off of his feet and to the ground, where it raked its claws viciously over his belly, cutting deep wounds through flesh and fur. The bear started to back off but Kostya managed to pull himself up and rake his claws across the bears nose, prompting an angry roar.

The bears response was quick and decisive. A brutal open handed swipe of its claws cut open a second set of wounds on Kostya's chest and arm, sending him staggering backwards as blood spurted pout of the wounds. The bear quickly followed to with a swift backhand that sent Kostya flying towards a nearby ledge. Kostya realised what was happening at the last moment and scrabbled desparately at the floor to no avail, the rain slicked rock providing nothing for him to grasp. He fell down a steep slope, slamming multiple times into rocky outcroppings before coming to a stop as the ledge met the forest floor. Lying bleeding in the mud, dark fur coloured scarlet with blood gushing from his wounds, Kostya just had time to see the bear outlined against the night sky turn away from the ledge before he blacked out.

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Rain is a disaster. At leas that's what Terra thought. It was wet and cold and tended to be a rather large nuisance. So why she was out in the cold wandering around when she should have been in her new home, tucked into the mattress, was beyond her. Perhaps she'd gotten hungry and forgotten when trying to deal with the torrent of rain. Perhaps she'd been sleep walking, stirred by an old memory. Terra often found herself moving without purpose since she settled down. It was taking time to get used to not traveling. Shaking the rain out of her red coat Terra snorted miserably at the mud. It looked as bad as her, worn out and trodden down by the rain.

Peering closer she realized it wasn't just mud. There was a wolf in there! A badly injured one, as well. Terra was small, so moving him would be difficult. Glancing around she spotted an overhang in the cliff wall. They could get out of the cold there. Whether or not there was something better she didn't care. She was wet, cold, and had just found trouble. Only the trouble part of it was welcome news. Terra changed into her secui form, and grabbed his arm with her teeth. Dragging him over the mud and rocks was difficult, but she got them inside. Terra changed back into her lupine form. Smaller she got more shelter. Huddling next to her find she licked him, whimpering miserably. Next time she'd listen to common sense when it rained outside, and avoid all this misery.
OOC herpderp? / +276

Kostya awoke to the odd sensation of something soft moving across his face. Staying still for a second he tried to gather his senses, the after effect of the fall and the remnants of the alcohol he had drunk doing a magnificent job in opposing this endeavour. Eventually he managed to place the sensation as somebody licking him.

With a groan Kostya opened his eyes to see what was going on. He found himself face to face with a reddish coloured wolf. Normally waking up with a strange wolf hovering over him would be more of a shock, but between the alcohol and the blood loss he found himself pretty apathetic to the situation.

Looking around further he saw, to his surprise that he was NOT in the hollow where he normally slept, rather than the roots of an overhanging tree he could only see rock above him and to one side. Looking to his side he summarised that he was under an outcropping, though how he got there or who this stranger might be slipped his mind.

Concerned about his loss of memory Kostya began to sit up, speaking as he did so, "Who are y-" his sentence cut off into a low cry of pain as the wounds on his chest made themselves known at his movement. As Kostya sat looking dumbly down at his blood covered torso and the scratches that adorned it the entire night started rushing back to him. His nightmare, the drinking and finally attacking the bear.

With a despairing woof Kostya flopped back down onto his back, staring blankly at the rocky ceiling above him.

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The wolf had woken up. Pleased Terra turned to muzzle the stranger's wounds. They looked pretty bad. She'd have to clean them. Luckily the upper wounds were more shallow than the lower ones. Shivering in the cold she edged closer to the big wolf. His body was slightly chilly from blood loss, but it was better than nothing. Terra shrugged, thinking it was really too bad she didn't know how to heal, but still curious as to what the wolf had been doing. He didn't seem all that concurrent.

What made you go out there in this weather? I can understand moonlighting, in fact that's why I'm here. You don't seem like a dreamer though. Terra began to lick the wounds, cleaning the mud and rocks away. If he was lucky she'd be able to get the worst of it and he'd heal without needing help. If not, Terra wasn't interested in helping a fool. There had better be a pretty good story about why he was up and about. Without worth he was just something to keep her warm until she managed to head back.
OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

A combination of pain, alcohol and having just fallen off a cliff left Kostya's mental clarity in a state that was not to be envied, however the general gist of Terra's words filtered through and he attempted to answer. Attempted being the key word. "Ha' nigh'mre, bear, ma'-" His words were disjointed and slurred and on some level he recognised this so he stopped talking and closed his eyes, trying to clear his head.

Unbidden he started to shift into his Lupus form, his body automatically seeking the comfort of his more familiar and comfortable form, ignoring the pain this sent through his wounds. The transformation was more slapdash and random than his usual methodical transformations but it got the job done. One he was done transforming he found that his mind was slightly clearer. Laying on his side to keep the his wounds off the ground he spoke slowly, his words still slightly slurred but more understandable now, "Who are you, what 'appened?"

That said he closed his eyes and let his head rest on the ground while he waited for a response, watching the female wolf carefully through one eye he left just open. While a generally trusting wolf Kostya was not completely comfortable being in such a vulnerable state near another wolf that he didn't know.

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Terra laughed when the wolf shifted into his lupine form. It was much better now, the wounds cleaned up. Snuggling next to him for warmth she looked at him. You wrestled with a bear, lost, and fell in the mud. I found you and dragged you in here. Now, grinning to herself slightly, you're my prisoner. Playfully she nipped at his ear. Despite the cold Terra felt much better now that she was warmer and entertained.

So tell me, what possessed you to fight a bear? And why are you so incoherent? Terra didn't know about alcohol, so she thought it might have been a blow to the head, but she was checking to make sure. There were a lot of things she didn't understand. Maybe fighting a bear in the pouring rain while completely incoherent was a ritual of some sort.
OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

Kostya grinned at the other wolf's playful manner and rolled onto his back with his legs stuck in the air, exclaiming dramatically "Oh no, captured by an evil rouge! Wha' nefarious purpose could ya' possibly ha' in store for me?". Grinning toothily he rolled back onto his stomach, wincing slightly as he did so. Ahh, guess ah better stay still for a while, eh?" He remarked, moving back close to Terra for warmth; the adrenaline was wearing off enough that he was now feeling the effects of being out in the rain and mud.

A bit of a laugh was just what Kostya needed to get his mind of what had just happened, unfortunately his good mood was soured at Terra's next question. "Eh, ah wasn' exactly in my righ' mind, had some things on my mind an' kinda' ended up 'ere without meanin' ta'." Kostya answered, deliberately being evasive in answering the question before attempting to change the subject, "Anyway ye' didn' answer my firs' question, who are yeh'?" Kostya faked a smile, trying to trick himself back into a good mood, "I'm Kostya by tha' way."

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Terra giggled at the wolf's playful movements. I'm Terra. Well, I suppose it's not some kind of tribal rite then, though if there is one like that I'd love to find it. Grinning lopsidedly she looked outside. The rain was still heavy, making it too difficult to leave. Heat was starting to fill the small overhang as heat came off their bodies. She wouldn't mind sleeping here once she got some peace of mind.

If you want to fight a bear there's better ways to do it. I should know, stole their food all the time. Stealing from a bear was risky, but Terra had learned how to do it without getting injured. Kostya seemed like a nice enough wolf, but he didn't know a thing about bears. Then again, he'd admitted to being out of his mind. An insane wolf shouldn't be expected to know what to do.
OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

Kostya stifled a sigh of relief when the conversation seemed to be steering away fromexactly how he had found himself in his current situation and focused on the conversation, Love ta' find? I'd stay tha' hell away from any pack or tribe or whatever crazy enough ta' go pissin' off bears on purpose. Kostya snorted, ignoring the hypocrisy in his statement to express his shock at hearing how terra apparently obtained her food, Ya' steal food from bears?! Don' know whether ta' call ya' crazy or bow down ta' yer' awesomeness. Kostya teased, lowering his tail and head in mock submission for a moment before returning to a normal stance and laughing.

Still, ya mind offering a few tips? This is the second time tha' pesky blighters caugh' me a few blows, though ah' guess not being starved or drunk wouldn' help mah' chances. The words were said with self-deprecating humour but just after Kostya said them he cursed silently, realising that he'd just steered the conversation back into the territory he had previously tried to steer it out of. Mentally berating himself Kostya sat back and hoped that Terra didn’t notice.

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Terra was ignorant of his discomfort. As far as she was concerned dealing with bears was a normal occurrence. It didn't even pop into her head that most rational canines avoided creatures that weighed at least four times as much as them. She laughed at his playful words. Yes, not being starved would be helpful, though that was usually how I was at the time. Making bears mad is hazardous. Terra wondered what being drunk was, but pushed it off as part of his craziness.

Well, for the most part, you don't let the bear see you. Leaning in closer she mock whispered at Kostya. It's a trade secret, so don't tell anyone, but bears are practically blind. Terra leaned back, enjoying the odd conversation. People falling out of the sky were entertaining, something that she hoped was fairly common. It was nice to meet someone as lighthearted as her. Most of the canines didn't get her humor, or just stared blankly. Another thing is, bears have thick heads. Hitting there is pointless. Right here though she pointed at the inner part of her leg with her nose they're really weak. I guess they got a major artery there or something, but they bleed a lot! Going for their nuts helps, of course.

Terra grinned at the slight humor. She'd only ever killed one bear, but she'd injured a few. There was no choice when her life was on the line. It was either steal the food and risk being killed or starve. Getting killed seem less painful.
OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

Kostya winced as Terra's advice to go for the bears nuts sent a sympathetic twinge of phantom pain shooting through his own at the though and consigned that idea to the "Do not do" pile'; there were some things that nobody deserved, even bears. Still the advice about sight and the bears inner leg was useful and he made a mental note of it. Thanks for the advice, though if ya' don' mind i'll stick with less dangerous prey, an' a bow fer' tha' hard stuff. Safe an easy when I'm hunting fer food, I can mess about afterwards.

Lightning flashed outside and Kostya automatically huddled further into the overhang and towards Terra, gazing distastefully at the sky outside, Bloody weather seems ta' be getting worse. he grumbled, hoping fervently for some dry weather to dry his fur, he really didn’t want a cold on top of some fresh wounds. Thinking about the wounds led him to notice that they weren't hurting as much anymore, whether this was due to terra's help or something he should be worried about he wasn't completely sure, though that did bring a thought into his mind.

Speakin' of food ya' want ta' get somethin' is this rain ever dies off? I've got some deer left from yesterday and it'd be tha' least I could do fer you helping' me. He offered, smiling gratefully at terra, before his smile took on a teasing edge, Ya look like ye' could use it an all, yer' all bloody skin an bones, He poked the smaller wolf in the shoulder lightly with his muzzle before laying his head back down, watching the rain fall down outside as he waited for Terra's response.

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So he would stay away from bears from now on. That was understandable. They did tend to get grumpy when you dealt with them, often ending in fresh wounds. Terra nuzzled his coats, whining softly as she checked the wounds. They seemed better, but she was still worried. They had been numbed by the cold, stopping the blood flow, and clean at least. There were no infections that she saw, so she was relieved.

A deer sounds good. Huddling into Kostya she whimpered slightly. Terra hated the rain deeply. It was a big mess that always left people irritable and drove the prey into hiding. Peering out she thought she saw a slight break, but didn't want to jinx it. You won't chase bears anymore? Terra was positive he wasn't up for it, but checked to make sure. Saving a person that would go out and kill themselves was pointless.

Between the lack of pain from his wounds and the fact his fur was starting to try out slightly Kostya was just starting to get comfortable, though he was looking forward to getting back to his den and relaxing. Feeling terra huddle into him slightly he turned and licked the smaller wolfs ear, Yeah, I'll be leaving bears alone from now on, especially tha' grumpy bugger up there, he was in a much better mood now and his tone was brighter. Speaking of brighter if he squinted he could just see a bit of moonlight breaking through the clouds off in the distance, though the rain was still going heavy around them

Looks like, touch wood, tha' rain is startin' ta break up over there. Tha's good, wasn' lookin' forward ta' getting my fur wet again, Kostya shifted his back, feeling the damp fur flop about but not moving it enough to shake the water everywhere he groused good anturedly, Ah' feel like I've been dragged through a swamp after being out in tha' rain an mud. Figuring that it would be a little while before the break in the clouds reached them he turned back to Terra, thinking that he might as well talk while he was waiting.

So, wha' brough' ya to be out here this time a' night an in this weather? Not complainin' o' course, i'd be in trouble without ya. Kostya racked his mind, trying to remember the conversations that had happened earlier when he was less coherent, Ya said soemthin' about Moonlightin', what did ya' mean by tha'?

Terra wagged her tail when he licked her ears. He was such a nice guy, if a troublemaker. Then again, she loved trouble, so that wasn't a problem. Moonlighting? It just means you're wandering around without a purpose. I might have been sleep walking though. Terra shook her head when his licking tickled her. Staying still is hard. Terra stood up and looked outside. The rain was almost completely over now, thank goodness.

Are we still going to eat that deer? Terra hadn't put on the weight she needed to yet, her ribs slightly sticking out. Any offer of food was deeply welcome, not to mention spending time with Kostya was fun. If he was just a bit better, there were all kinds of things she wanted to do with him. He was injured though, so sharing company was all they could do.
Hmmm, it appears that the table I was using has randomly broken =/



Kostya flashed a smile towards Terra, Yeah, rain looks like it's about died down an' I could use a bite to eat after everythin' that’s happened tonight. Indeed the rain had all but died down, with a light drizzle being all that remained, though from the looks of it that wouldn’t be lasting much longer. Yawning Kostya slowly got to his feet, carefully stretching his muscles and testing how much he could move without stretching his injuries. After a minute he was satisfied that he would be able to walk without much trouble and set off out of the overhang.

Once outside he walked carefully up a slanted rock nearby and started looking around as he tried to get his bearings. The last time he had been up here he had been wandering randomly when he had found his den and frankly he was amazed he had managed to find this place while drunk. After a few moments he spotted a mountain peak that he recognised, and often used as a point of reference. Jumping lightly down from the rock and wincing lightly he set off at a brisk trot, calling back over his shoulder, C'mon Terra, its about a mile or two this way. He set off across the mud, making his way towards the treeline.

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OOC: Wrap up soon? Don't know what else the two could do. If you have ideas...

Happily Terra trotted after Kostya. He was limping slightly, but otherwise seemed fine. The wounds would tear open if he exerted too much effort, though. She kept that in mind and didn't pounce on him as they left. The sky had cleared up beautifully, the stars glittering over head. She couldn't help but sing up at the sky, glad the rain was over. Her voice echoed through the small glen as they entered into the woods.

Terra thought about her strange new friend. His mind had cleared up, but obviously he was prone to bouts where he lost his mind and fought bears. He had mentioned that it was his second time getting beaten by one, and Kostya said he didn't usually hunt them. She'd have to watch out for her new friend, help keep her safe. Sniffing the air she began drooling when she smelled the meat.
OOC: Yeah, probably want to wrap this up soon. Fancy having the two meet up again in another thread when Kostya has had a little while to heal? It would be nice to get Kostya an actual friend he sees more than on‌ce =p



Kostya walked happily through the forest, watching as the moon and stars started to pop into existence in the sky as the cloud cover began to break up. After the heavy rain that had come this was a beautiful sight to him, and Terra apparently agreed as she began to sing. Joining his voice with hers Kostya continued to lead the way through the forest, slowly becoming for confident as he made his way back to familiar grounds. The nearly two mile journey didn’t seem half as long and soon he was nearly home.

It was the smell that struck him first, the scent of fresh meat from his recent catch coupled with his own scent, accumulated over the weeks he had been living there, it was a familiar and comforting smell, the smell of home. Speeding up slightly Ksotya made his way through a bush and into the clearing that houses his home.

Kostya had been lucky finding his den. It was located a hollow formed under a large and ancient oak tree where the earth had worn away. The roots almost directly under the trees trunk actually made up the roof of a good part of the den. Padding gratefully onto the soft moss floor Kostya flicked his tail towards a area where the moss was thick, "Make yerself at 'ome, i'll go get us somethin' ta' eat."

Kostya made his way to a small hole he had hollowed out where he stored his food and belongings. With an annoyed snort he kicked aside an empty vodka bottle that was lieing on the floor, ignoring it as it smashed against a rock. He reached into a small shelf dug into the earthen wall and pulled out a decent sized chunk of deer meat which he carried over to Terra. "'Ere we go, only caught it yesterday so it's nice an fresh." he said, plopping the meat down in front of Terra and settling down beside her.

Image courtesy of madamem@deviantart; Table by the Mentors!

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OOC: Sounds great! Kostya's an interesting character. They could cause a lot of trouble together.

Terra pricked her ears when Kostya joined in. His voice was smooth compared to the jolts in hers, but together it entwined through the sky. She couldn't be happier at the moment, feeling much better about the night. She wasn't cold anymore, and she'd met someone interesting. It'd be good if they could meet up again. Happily she tucked in, breathing in the scent of the area. Kostya had obviously made this area his private den, which showed a lot of trust. Terra would never willingly reveal her den to somebody that she didn't trust.

The meal was good, but it was time for her to return. Crossing the table Terra licked Kostya's face, thanking him for the meal. We'll have to do this again sometime. Well, preferably without the rain and wounds. Laughing softly Terra turned to head back to her home in the territory. Staying up so late had her exhausted, and she was looking forward to her own den.


Nodding his head to Terra, Kostya said farewell, "Of course, injuries aside it was a pretty enjoyable evening," Kostya joked, grinning at the other wolf, "If you're ever in the area give me a howl, it'd be nice to see a friendly face around here." Giving Terra a last lick on the ears he stood aside and watched her disappear into the darkness, though he quickly lost sight of her between the low light and plentiful bushes surrounding the den.

The evening had left Kostya exhausted and the meal had left him feeling warm and full so he decided to head off to sleep. Padding across his den he entered a second hollow beneath the tree where he had piled the softest moss and several comfy blankets from Halifax. Stepping into the smaller hollow Kostya buried himself inside the blankets and went to sleep with a content sigh.

Image courtesy of madamem@deviantart; Table by the Mentors!

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