One step closer

OOC: Back-dated Nov. 8th. The Trenches

Word Count → 503

Laying in the shelter of a sheer ridge in the dreary early evening gloom was Augustus. The heavy fog seemed to bring the night time with it, and he couldn't seem to keep his eyes open. He curled into a protective ball and wrapped his tail around him, and was soon off to sleep. Darkness took over him and all of a sudden he was running. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him. He could feel his heart racing in his chest, his feet hardly touched the ground. He used all his focus to keep himself from looking back, determined not to see their faces. He could hear them, despite his attempts to block out their cries 'Traitor' they called him and 'Murderer.' He drove himself harder, lengthening his strides until his muscles cried out in pain. Their jaws snapped at his hind legs, some missing the mark, but the ones that connected sent stabs of pain up his legs. Something grabbed his tail, he could feel teeth ripping into it, but he wouldn't stop, he couldn't. If he stopped they were surly tear him apart. He had to make for the border, it was his only hope. He wanted to cry out, tell them to stop and listen to him, but somehow knew he would not be heard.

In his slumber his feet began to kick out and he whimpered and cried to the night air. His eyes were closed, but were contracting rapidly as if blinking while asleep. His breathing was heavier and audible. In his minds eye he was looking back now, the others chasing him had vanished, but one face remained looming ominously behind. His eyes were a burning amber, his pelt, black as midnight. He lips were curled into a triumphant grin. Augustus was no longer running. Father, why? he asked, but Lionel said nothing and began to fade into blackness. Augustus's eyes snapped open and he jerked his head up. His chest was falling and rising rapidly as he looked around him. He saw no one there, and he was all alone once again. His smelled the stench of fear and took a moment to realize it had come from him. He was thankful for the moment that he was indeed alone, at least it had saved himself some embarrassment.

He got up and stretched, attempting to even out his breathing and lower his heart rate. Sleep was useless at this point so he decided to refresh himself in a neighboring stream. The cool water felt good on his face and he emerged from the waters dripping in the gloom. The fog had thickened and the trenches were strangely dim and eerily quiet. It was unsettling to the white and black male as the nightmare still lingered freshly in his mind. He milled about the stream's bank, unsure of what to do with himself. He lowered himself to sit on his haunches finally and heaved a deep sigh, gazing up hopelessly at the sky.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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Blind berated herself for wandering into the trenches as she stumbled through the fog, each step feeling heavier than the last. She had been hunting in the hills all morning, and somewhere she had taken a wrong turn. Her sense of direction was, in fact, rather terrible, and she often found herself trying to sniff her way back to familiar ground. She would eventually find her way back, true enough, but she had never tried to locate home with sleep wrestling her eyelids.

The she-wolf paused a moment among the trees to take a look around and listen. She couldn't see very far in front of her, and couldn't hear much more than a babbling brook somewhere nearby. She thought for a moment that she caught a sniff of another canine dancing in the wind, but the scent was too smothered with dampness to tell for sure. Shaking her head in an attempt to clear her sleepy eyes and then taking another step forward, the dark wolf's legs began to itch with a sudden and inexplicable desire to run. Her heart took off without her, and soon she found herself racing among the rocks in order to catch up with it.

An almost senile grin spread across Blind's lips as she let her legs carry her wherever they wanted. The wind moved her fur in every direction and filled her lungs with promise as her surroundings became a blur. Sometimes she felt like she could fly...and sometimes she felt chained to the ground. The young wolf's mood was as inconsistent as the waters of the earth.

A sudden change in the smells around her brought Blind to a screeching halt. One more whiff told her that a male wolf was nearby...and a big one at that. She could tell he didn't belong to a pack, however, for his scent was the only one that lingered despite a few stale traces of some other creature somewhere. Fear, as well, was the strongest of the smells that hung in the air, and this made Blind relax a little - if this wolf was afraid, maybe he wouldn't be so apt to take charge over her.

The dark she-wolf wandered toward the smell, her slim nose poking through the fog as she walked. Her ears remained erect and attentive, while her tail stayed close to her heels, just in case. Her eyes had learned to cooperate with her once again, but the fog reminded her of the days she fought with her vision not long after the bear attack in the woods, and it made her feel uneasy. Eventually, however, two charcoal ears paired with a similarly-colored snout became visible in the distance, causing Blind to puff up in mock defense. She figured that, however untrue it may be, if she stood tall enough, her dark pelt might make her look like a monster in the obscuring fog.

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Word Count → 591

The stream bed offered him no solace as he sat on its bank. He shuffled his paws and swished his tail restlessly, unable to ease his racing thoughts. He could hardly stand to look at his reflection. When he did he saw them, his two parents, their features combined and collected in a single body; his body. He'd never noticed just how much he resembled them. His father's mark was present in his muscles, bone structure, and sheer size. His mother was in his fur, and when he looked at his eyes he saw hers instead. The only thing that seemed to make him his own was the green flecks that littered his irises. His mouth was set in a solemn frown and he looked at his surroundings. All was dull and drear, rocky, and uneven. The trenches looked even more miserable at night. His vision was limited in the fog, so all he saw were outlines of rock floating like ghosts on the horizon. The only sense left to him was hearing, and at the moment all was quiet.

He rose to his feet, unable to remain still. He traced his steps along the stream bank and began to pace slowly up and down. When one of his paws met the water he stopped and looked absently in the direction of the water. Is seeped between his toes, cool and inviting. For a moment he forgot himself. He heaved in a sigh and exhaled his tension. Without thinking he placed another paw in the water followed shortly by hind paws. He waded out into its middle. The stream was small, the deepest part of it only reaching up to his elbows. A smile eased itself onto his muzzle as he relaxed his cares to the blissful dancing of water around him. When he looked into it he found his reflection interrupted and distorted. He was something else now, a creature all his own. He swatted it with a paw and laughed. When it reformed he leaped at it this time, crashing down with a violent splash. His laughter grew louder, bubbling forth from his muzzle pure and deep, and happy. The sound startled him and he stopped suddenly. It had been such a long time since he'd laughed he hardly recognized the sound, but it felt good. He laughed again, exalting in the feel of it.

His laughter soon died as did his smile when his ears twitched catching the muffled thud of nearing footsteps. He rose his head to look in the direction. He saw a rough outline on the horizon and his nose drew in the scent. It was harder to read than normal, but he gathered that she was a wolf and female easily enough. A stray moonbeam finally broke through a wisp of fog and her eyes caught the light, glowing two different shades of color. When he saw her pelt his heart stopped, but he was able to recover quickly. The nightmare had come back to haunt him in those brief seconds, but her scent allowed him to push the thought aside easily. When she came closer something struck him as odd, or wasn't odd. The was what gave him pause the fact that she smelled normal. His ears perked with intrigue and his posture remained relaxed. He saw her rise to her full height when she saw him and his lips drew into a small smile. I'm not afraid of the dark, he called out to her with a swish of his tail.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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Sorry for the wait dear! Hope you're doing well. As you can probably tell from this post, my length varies depending on the action haha.

Blind felt almost disappointed that this stranger seemed so confident and not the least bit afraid by her arrival. She had been hoping that, for once, she might not be the weak one of the encounter - she often found herself taking on a submissive posture in order to avoid being snapped at. Her mother would be ashamed, that she knew. But, for some reason, it didn't bother her TOO much. She saw it as a part of her personality now, not a flaw. You're doomed to be the dominated, she mused, not the dominator. Oh well. It was fine with her.

Relaxing her stance, she trotted closer to the creature and soon came face to face with a large, dust-pelted male with a rather vicious-looking scar across his snout. For a moment, she wondered how it got there. But soon her curiosity faded, as it so often did lately - she felt the "puppy" side of her was finally starting to dwindle. She stood there almost awkwardly, sizing up the brute with her bi-colored eyes and making up some sort of story in her mind behind the reasoning of his current state of affairs. As usual, she hoped circumstances were in his favor, instead of what logic made her assume: he was in trouble. She hated seeing others hurt, but she knew that Mother Nature wasn't kind to loners.

There wasn't much she could say; or at least that's how she felt. Her standing with males in particular was still rather questionable, and she found herself fumbling for words a lot of the time. And a wolf that seemed as menacing and as tough as this one...well, it didn't make things easier. So she stood, quiet and waiting for him to make the first move. Or at least, she assumed he would.

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OOC No problem at all on all accounts the same goes for everyone I believe.

Word Count → 326

When she came to stand before him he could not help but furrow his brows in confusion. She did not seem to wish to speak to him, and he couldn’t help but wonder why. One passing glance into the watery expanse below him told him why. No matter how much he had healed or how far he had come, his scars would cause wariness in everyone he met. He wished he could somehow make them understand- all of them, but knew there was no way. His scars were not the only thing working against him. It was the mere fact that he was indeed a lone wolf. The lone wolf was not often found to be particularly trustworthy or inviting. He was far past the belief the he could feign to be a member of some pack. The canines here seemed to be familiar with which wolves belonged to which pack, and he would be fooling no one. He was much leaner as well. Though large and muscular, he only had a thin layer of fat and a bulky pelt to obscure his ribcage.

The darkness made her appear the deepest color of black, hiding from his sight the deep tones of chocolate in her pelt. Her eyes were a chilling oddity that he was sure made her almost as inapproachable as he at the best of times. Although she was female and would not be taken as seriously as he surely would be. He pondered over their origin, and how she could have come-by this mutation.

Hello… He said slowly with a brow raised, wagging his tail once to dissolve any illusions aggression. Still, he could not help but stand just a little taller. He waited for her to return his greetings, dripping all the while. His fur was ruffed and spiked by the water and several tufts about his belly and lower chest encouraged small droplets to plummet melodically into the glassy surface below.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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Haha you're probably right.

Blind felt herself relax as she looked at the silver male, her eyes flitting toward his tail when it flicked gently. He didn't seem to want to fight or take control, but she could never be sure when it came to guys. She often wondered why it was that men were so hard for her to socialize with, but quickly brushed it off with an excuse like "it must just be they way they are." She blamed herself, too, when she felt like being sensible, for she knew it wasn't ONLY the male's fault - she didn't cooperate much when it came to socializing with them. But it made her feel less socially inept to blame it on a stereotype instead of her own dysfunction.

Trotting over to lie by the water's edge, she looked into the boy's eyes, her ears semi-flattened by instinct. She wondered what the poor dear might be swimming in the chill of November for - the water had to be freezing! And soon she voiced her concern, however gently: Don't you know it's nearly winter? You'll freeze in there!

The dark lady flinched a bit, as if expecting a harsh retaliation. She hoped she hadn't overstepped her boundaries by scolding him, no matter how kind she may have tried to sound. She recalled the times when her birth mother would tell her to "stop being so witty," and she immediately lowered her gaze. Then, taking notice of her stance, she felt amazed at the fact that she could go from feeling so confident to feeling smaller than a mouse in a matter of seconds. Just another thing to work on, she thought.

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OOC: Very crummy post, but I didn't want to keep you waiting. I work tomorrow and Thursday long hours, so I wanted to get a post in before then. The rest will be better. Until then enjoy my updated- photomaniped table xD

Word Count → 303

The large black and white male chuckled heartily before leaping up out of the stream. He stood close to her with a wickedly mischievous grin before hunching his body and shaking free the clinging damp, raining an army of water droplets upon her. He laughed shortly again and leapt before she could possibly plant a counterattack. When he was a few feet away he reclined onto his haunches and wrapped his water-ravaged tail about his large paws. His head he dipped to look at her properly. Augustus couldn't quite understand how one moment he had been distressed and reeking of fear and the next he was happily splashing water upon the new female he'd just met. He certainly wasn't complaining. It was nice to have finally let his burdens go even for a few short moments.

You easterners are too soft. He stated in tones deep and filled with mirth. Where I come from even summer is colder than this. He ruffled his thick pelt for good measure and gained all four feet. His brows furrowed at her behavior and he brought himself slowly closer. What's the matter? He asked, perking his ears forward and lowering his head. He drew his face dangerously near hers as he tried to meet her eye. Do I frighten you? He asked, half resentful, half honestly curious. He was growing tired of all the negative attention he was receiving and wanted to make it right with this female at least. Perhaps then they'd be able to continue their meeting with more success. It wasn't his fault he looked this way. All thanks to dear old dad. he thought bitterly. He was beginning to lose hold of his former joy, and could feel his anger slowly rising to the surface. Why did she have to be so afraid?

Table Template by the Mentors!

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No worries dear; thanks for the heads up Smile Haha Augustus is great.

Blind felt her dark fur bristle when the silver male leapt out of the stream, only to shake water all over her. Her ears flattened, slightly perturbed, and she felt that this man would now be open game for any tricks she felt like playing. She watched him sit and curl his bushy tail around his paws, wondering how many creatures he might have taken down with those massive things...He could be a big teddy bear! she thought, trying to stay positive.

A sudden pointed muzzle in her face distracted her thoughts, and for a moment she thought she felt her heart stop as she went cross-eyed and stared back at the male. Flicking her tail mischievously, she felt a wave of confidence wash over her and propel her forward, her nose pressing against the large male's. She batted her eyelashes and flicked her tail again before giving his wet nose a quick lick and strutting past him. Hmph! she snorted. You're not the only one who has a few tricks up their sleeve, big boy. Twirling around to face him, she sat again - although more daintily this time - and wrapped her long, bushy tail around her paws in a mimicking yet flirtatious fashion.

She had to check for a moment to make sure it really was her doing all this, for she had NEVER acted in such a way toward any male before. It almost felt...good. However, she didn't want to string the poor dear along or offend him in any way, so she allowed a playful grin to barely turn up the corners of her mouth to show she wasn't looking for a challenge of dominance.

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OOC I've never seen this side of him before xD

Word Count → 399

He watched her ruffle up with some amusement, giving his tail a suave flick. The water never reached his second layer of fur and he felt quite contented in the chilly and fog-shrouded night. He was made for the cold and seemed to radiate heat like a large furred furnace. He kneaded the ground with his forepaws before sliding them across the ground in a deep stretch. His tail gently lifted upwards and fell with the action. The fog was beginning to thin, though the night had already fully set in. It didn’t make much difference. Catching a moonbeam his eyes emitted a faint yellow/green glow.

He was completely caught off guard when the female, rather than shrink away meekly or snap at him, landed a swift kiss upon his nose. His eyes widened suddenly and all anger was lost to him. It left him as swift and sudden as a flash of lightning. His cheeks grew heated almost immediately after he recovered from the initial shock. He turned his head to follow her almost robotically as she sauntered sultrily past. His ears swiveled in odd directions and his tail was wagging, buffeting the air behind him as if it had a mind of its own. His face flushed further when he became aware of its actions and he forced it still. He licked his lips still following her with his green flecked gaze. It was all he could do to stop his jaw from dropping. His eyes roamed over her curves and he almost lost what she was saying. When the words finally registered he stiffened and narrowed his eyes. His body was betraying him, having been too easily seduced by her playful charm. He let a smile slip onto his own muzzle and turned to face her straight on. He would see if she was bluffing.

Well played. He said with a slight dip of his muzzle. It was his turn now. He leaned in towards her attempting to plant a long winded lick from cheek to ear on her pretty feminine features, his mouth closing slightly to coyly nip at her earlobe. He opened his eyes and leaned back into his haunches, looking up at her from underneath his lashes. He stalked to her side raising his tail and wagging it like a banner and turning his head towards her before running off into the night. Here, princess! he called from afar.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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Hehehe I'm quite sure this is new as far as Blind's behavior goes too.

The dark-pelted wolfess basked in the attention as she made a point to draw out every movement just for him. When his tail wagged, she giggled softly like a kitten teasing a mouse. This was a game now, she could see, and it sparked her interest like none other. He was suave, sure, but she had slenderness on her side, and she was certain to wiggle her way out of anything. However, as he moved toward her, her suspicions were reassured: she had to be extra watchful of this one, because he was a sneaky devil.

Luckily for her, she maneuvered out of the way of his pursuing tongue quick enough to dip beneath his body and come out near his hips - she wasn't about to let him win that easily! She batted her eyelashes again as she watched him saunter around her, and then tilted her nose upward with a haughty grin. The glint in his ghostly-green eyes sent a shiver up her spine, and she thought for a moment that she might fall victim to their hypnosis. No, she wouldn't let that happen.

Just as Blind was about to face him again with some kind of witty remark, the silver wolf took off into the fog with a prideful swish of his large tail. She looked stunned - she didn't know whether to chase him or not. Then a taunting remark danced toward her from his lips, and she flattened her ears in a playful manner before galloping toward him. It took a few strides to catch up, but soon she could see his shiny pelt reflecting the light of the moon in the distance, and she pushed herself to move faster. At his heels, she nipped gently at his tail before taking off in another direction. Over here, big boy! she called, adding an extra bit of ooze to her voice.

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Word Count → 000

His tongue met nothing but the damp fog-ridden air and he opened his eyes quickly. He swiftly shifted his gaze as he felt her fur brush against his belly. He stiffened and turned his head to her new position to gape at her, stunned. It soon ebbed away and he emitted a low growl of frustration. It was neither aggressive nor threatening, but gave her solid proof that at this moment, she was winning. Then, the tide turned in the slightest and drew them to a draw when he sensed her shiver. He grinned triumphantly and gazed deeper into her bi-colored eyes, but he was off before she had the chance to entice him again.

He could hear her footsteps behind him and dug deeper into the earth, lengthening his stride, but to no avail. Her jaws extended towards his tail and he flicked it in attempt to dodge the attack. When he turned his head to look back she was no longer there. He lessened his pace to look around him, and for a few moments, saw nothing. He stopped for a better view and caught the sound of her voice, teasing him with her call of ‘big boy.‘ His ears shifted towards the sound and he raced after her, more confidently when he caught sight of her glowing yellow and blue orbs. She was smaller and swifter than he, indeed, but he was determined and cunning. When he began to close the gap he stopped suddenly, feigning exhaustion. He panted and fell to his haunches with his tongue lolling from the side of his mouth. You…win…princess He puffed, heaving his shoulders and drooping his head. He peered slyly at her from the corner of his eye, just waiting for her to take the bait.

Let her think she’s won, he thought. Then I’ll show her. He willed his grin away and gazed at her under his lashes with his tongue still drooping from the side of his mouth.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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Blind slowed her pace to an easy trot before stopping completely and staring proudly at the male. A grin lightened her face as her ears pointed jovially forward, and she laughed haughtily - the poor boy seemed to be retreating.

What's the matter darling, a little out of breath? she cooed with a wink and a flick of her long tail. Just then she inhaled deeply, realizing that she, too, was a little tired. Prancing a small circle around the panting wolf, she puffed herself up and made sure to add a little extra swivel to her hips for good measure. Then, pausing at his side, she lowered herself to the ground and began grooming herself like a cat.

It was a lovely evening, despite the fog. The air wasn't too chilly or too damp, and the white noise of the crickets in the background eased Blind's usual tension. Perhaps, she thought, that was why she was so relaxed around this man? Normally she would have tucked her tail and cowered before him, stuttering like a baby as she struggled to keep her gaze in line with his. No, this was definitely different than she was used to...and she liked it.

Pausing her grooming long enough to look at the wolf again, her face softened as her bi-colored eyes danced around in an attempt to meet his. You ready to give up then? she asked with a giggle.

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Word Count → 303

His ears flattened a little bit with the sound of her triumphant laughter as he attempted to look pathetic. He was aspiring for his performance to be ‘just right.’ He would need her to be fully his before he could plot his next move, and tip the scales back into his favor. He was watchful as she pranced about him, seeing everything from the flick of her tail to the added swagger of her hips. He chose not to reply to her, but turned his head with her movements, staring her back in the eye when she sought him. He licked his lips before pulling his tongue in to rest between his pearly white teeth. His eyes followed the stroke of her tongue as his head did not as he was intent to watch her groom her luxurious dark chocolate pelt.

The evening had given way to the night and the stars shone here and there through breaks in the fog, twinkling down on them with the light of the heavens. How romantic… he thought mischievously. She’d never suspect him now. He evened his breathing so as not to appear ill, he wanted her to believe him exhausted, but not to the point of a physical condition. Asthma, was rather unappealing as it happened.

He moved his body casually to face her, careful to do so as naturally as he could muster. He waited for a pause in her preening, perking his ears in the slightest when she spoke. The black and white male stretched his forepaws out evenly before him in the beginning of a lay, but paused before lowering the rest of his body. In the split seconds that followed he altered his stance to a crouch and pounced at the female with all his force. Never! He exclaimed in mid-leap.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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Blind's face at this moment: OuO

Watching the male carefully, Blind flicked her tail as if she knew very well what he was thinking...even if she didn't. She basked in the way he watched her every move, feeling like the most beautiful wolf in the world. It helped, too, that the man she was showing off for didn't look half bad either. His eyes caught hers again, sending her stomach somersaulting around in her body and forcing her to look away to feign disinterest. She never thought herself to be the type to indulge in these little games, but she was certainly enjoying herself as she did.

The way he crouched with the utmost of care made Blind shift her weight a little as she laid there. Her tail flicked again, this time portraying anticipation, and her heart lurched at the way he licked his lips. She felt as though she had suddenly taken on the role of his prey, and though it made her nervous, she felt excited at the prospect of this new game. So excited, in fact, that she had to keep herself from pouncing on HIM.

There wasn't even a second to think twice before the seemingly-exhausted male came careening into Blind with a playful bump. For a moment, terror chilled the blood that flowed through her veins. She still didn't know this wolf very well, and Blind knew to assume all wolves were capable of an attack, especially if you happened to wander over onto their territory. But, seeing the grin on his sharp face, she knew she wasn't in trouble and immediately relaxed. Now looking up at him from a belly-up position, her tail curled between her legs, she cried in a mock-scolding manner, How dare you, you stinker?! Now you've gotten my fur all dirty when I just barely finished cleaning it! What do you have to say for yourself?

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