
Word Count :: 3+

She had a lot of ground to make up. Weeks of sitting and delving into her inner mind had left her a lot more lacklustre-limbed than she'd have liked. It was only sheer luck she hadn't had to use her muscles to run, since she'd been the aggressor in her only fight this year. Even that she had avoided making physical effort with the use of her throwing knives. Walking had been tiring enough, and the winter beckoned now too. She needed to be much further down the path of muscular development than she was. Walking wasn't quick enough, tiring though it was if maintained for days on end; she felt running would make up more ground than anything else. So Caspa was here in Halifax, meandering through the city streets, using the straight lines of roads and measurable blocks as landmarks for her speed. What the humans had painted white lines for, she didn't know, but she found it easy to lope along them in autopilot, a collection of white lines herself with her long milky fur billowing gently.

She did not look to be moving very fast. Her legs were straight and steady pendulums, but the miles were ticking away at a fair rate. The scent trails were intriguing here. No one presence stood out, but many intersected. She saw birds, nesting presumably in rafters and chimneys or atop telegraph poles. The rats seemed to know she was coming, but now and then she saw a scampering scruff of brown. She wondered at the life that survived here, where there were so few plants. Insect-eaters and scavengers, and their predators, likely. She came to the top of a large main street which sloped down away from her, lined with buildings larger than most. The sky was criss-crossed with cables and wires. She slowed and gazed down at the abandoned metropolis, a craze of rectangles and right angles against a much more fluid cloud-brooding sky. She stood, hypnotised by the complexity of the scene. She would look for a minute, to outlive her bemused disbelief, and then she would run down the centre of the avenue, fast enough to blur the surreal and incomprehensible shapes of the cityscape.

Image courtesy of ®DS @ flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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The hybrid girl was taking a small break from her traveling. She had not left Ichika behind completely yet, still uncertain about leaving it in her past. It seemed that all that she did was run from things any more. She had run from Pandemic when he had revealed some of her true past to her, and now she was running from Ichika because of the crime she had committed. Wretch just didn't think that she could face Saul again now, after everything that she had done. She didn't deserve to live in a pack...she deserved to stay out in the city and starve. She was lucky that Tawny was traveling with her, as the other female was a much better hunter...but whenever she went her separate way from the brown girl she took a hit, food-wise.

Her stomach gurgled as she sat still on the front step of a broken-down apartment building, staring out into the streets. She was taking a short break from her treasure-hunting; Wretch had visited the city in the past and had managed to find some pretty useful things, and she was hoping to repeat that process now. She'd already found a few bracelets and a necklace that she thought Magnolia might like, should she see the Salsolan again. Wretch wore a few pieces of jewelry herself in her off-time, whenever she wasn't training. They really weren't practical for a warrior to have, as others could easily take advantage and yank on them in a fight. Wretch by no means went out looking for such a fight, but she'd been attacked twice in the past. She usually spent much of her time preparing for the next time that it would happen.

She stood up on two feet when she spotted nearby movement, her eyes catching the tail of a rat as it disappeared around an overturned garbage can. She was so hungry...Wretch went after the little beast quickly, standing up and running out into the street, her eyes fixed on the prize before her. It squeaked at the sight of the coyote-hybrid that pursued it, beady eyes blinking quickly at her a few times before it dug its way into a pile of long-decomposed trash. She growled, pounding on the can with a clenched fist.

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Word Count :: 3+ WheeeJames Big Grin

Like a starting gun, resonant clangs rang out along the highway and had the exact opposite effect. Caspa ground to a halt, heels sliding painfully into asphalt. The close-by noises had startled her, being regularly spaced and sonorous, they were clearly made by someone rather than something. When she span around with her eyes darting sidelong quickly to search for the source, she spotted it almost straight away down a connecting street. The slender back of a luperci bent over a metal cylinder, and she really was quite insubstantial looking - Caspa was sure she would never have spotted her if it wasn't for the noise she'd made. The girl looked to be young from here, and there was something about the ears that made her think she wasn't entirely wolfkind, like Caspa, but they were certainly not dog-shaped either. The Eastern hound-cross found herself intrigued, and concerned. The youngster had drawn benevolent attention this time, but who else might have been lurking in these abandoned alleys, goodness knew. Either she had justification for her bravado - a group with her, maybe - or she had not learnt fear. The scent that came on the dusty cool breeze was a foreign one, and the Duchess was certain this was a pack which had no territory nearby, thus making the second option more likely. Caspa had no weapons with her, but she wondered if maybe her well-developed sense of drama and practiced self-control over her expressions and actions might allow her to pretend to be a little fearsome, at least for long enough to make the girl capable of better caution in future. With this vague goal in mind, she drew herself up and scowled as she strode into the alley, with a gruff "And what do you think you are doing?"

Image courtesy of ®DS @ flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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It's a-me! James-i-o!

She only very rarely came across other canines when she visited Halifax, so she wasn't prepared for this sudden encounter. Wretch knew the city to be full of immense steel fortresses, lined with streets that stretched for miles in every direction. There was so much space and so few prey animals that very few canines were able to make it a home. Only those used to hunting creatures like rats and pigeons, two species which dominated this sector of the urban jungle. She had spotted canines from a distance in the past and had managed to avoid them, but never actually had a face to face encounter to anyone in the city.

It would appear that her rat had gotten away from her, sneaking out from behind the bag and running off into a nearby gutter as she searched through the muck, and she growled beneath her breath. As if echoing her own feelings, her ears caught another nearby rumble. She discounted it for a moment as she made one last sweep of the can until she realized the the canine was nearer to her than she had expected - quite close, in fact. She had never seen a dog mix like this one before and backed away from her trash can, abandoning it willingly so that she did not have to turn her back to the stranger.

They appeared quite angry, which was something that she didn't understand. In Ichika and Dahlia, all canines had been friendly outgoing to her knowledge. It had only been when she had ventured outside of the territory that she had gotten attacked. Perhaps Dahlia was the only place that canines worked together and helped one another. Her heart beat uncomfortably fast in her chest, adrenaline and fear filling her as she stared back at the other. She had managed to get the upper hand on the last canine that had attacked her, but she'd lost two confrontations before that.

Did this canine own this sector of the city? She didn't understand how her actions could have angered the other canine, and possibilities flew quickly through her mind. "W-what's it ttt-to you?" She managed to get out. She had her knife, but was only trained in very basic techniques. She wanted to run, but the fear that the other canine might be faster than her kept her rooted to her spot. " here?"

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Caspa saw that the girl was backing away and felt a stab of sickening gladness and amazement. Who would have thought that with a little grim intent, a seemingly harmless spidery-wraith of a mongrel could be intimidating. She did not even have with her the few things that really did make her dangerous - knives: poisons. Not that she would ever use those without outstandingly good reason. This youngster was not to know, of course. Caspa knew she should have felt bad, scaring and surprising the stranger in this way. She rarely felt guilt, though. She was a master of her emotions, and if she had decided to do something because she thought it was for the best, then she saw no point in wasting energy regretting it afterwards - or even during. Still, the other wolf wasn't so young, close-up she looked less like a child - perhaps even a yearling. There was no telling what she might be armed with, too. Caspa didn't think she was a threat, but it seemed wrong to push her too far, in any case. Her face changed, the lines smoothing and eyes softening. "Relax. I'm just passing through like you. It is lucky, though. I might have been a murderer or slaver." She looked disapprovingly towards the can. "There may still be some on their way." She snuffed the air, ostensibly to check for additional interlopers, but also investigating the other girl's pack-scent. Nothing she recognised in any way whatsoever.

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table image credit to Burksy@flickr

Wretch feared most everybody, though she was trying hard to change that. There was always an underlying anxiety that came along with any conversation that she had, thoughts running through her head on a nearly constant basis. She continually wondered whether what she was saying was correct and socially acceptable, watching whoever she was conversing with for hints and signs that she was acting appropriately. Being around other canines was an alien concept to the girl, who had grown up alone for the most part. She'd always had some injury or another that had kept her inside and away from other canines in general, especially those her own age.

Oh. There isn't much life here...I didn't know, though...Some can survive off of rats anddd..p-pigeons She stammered. Usually..I have my friend with me. B-but I came alone. hungry. I forgot to eat earlier b-before I came She didn't know exactly what had spurred the female to come toward her, if it was her presence there or something that she had done. She was not able to recognize the smell that Caspa carried on her pelt either, something that the pair had in common with one another. I only know my pack's smell..and maybe one other one. But they're really far from think there are murderers here? said..slaver? What is that? The naive girl asked.

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Although she did reckon the girl's age to be more than she'd first thought, her words were like those of a young child: all explanations and excuses. Caspa didn't want to be appeased, though. She wanted the youngster to realise how dangerous drawing attention could be, if it was from the wrong person. She wanted her to have more wisdom and practical caution, because she seemed far too helpless right now. Caspa's every instinct told her to protect anybody and everybody who needed it, and she knew that a small dose of sharpness now might prevent real hardship later. "This is a lawless land," she said curtly, "so yes, there will be murderers, as well as cannibals and torturers. Slavers capture wolves and take away their freedom. You should find your friend and return to your pack, unless you are willing to try harder to keep your head down and defend yourself if necessary."

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table image credit to Burksy@flickr

I never left my pack before this... She tried to explain once more. The other didn't seem pleased with what she had said before and she looked down at the ground, ashamed. Her father had always been there to protect her in the past...this was a new experience for her. Could Tawny protect her from things like slavers or cannon-balls? She didn't know. She could only hope that together, the two of them could either run away from a threat or take it on. I would just run away...or try to She whimpered.

I'm sorry She tried to apologize, wanting to make the situation better. I'm an embarrassment.The girl had few experiences other than this one to judge the safety of the world around her. So far, this encounter wasn't going very well at all, either. She didn't want to be taken and have her freedoms stripped. Where can I find defend myself with? H-Here in the city? She asked, trembling. The pretty female had been quick to chastise her, but would she help her find something to use as protection? If not, she'd have to go it alone until she managed to catch up with Tawny once more.

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The girl's next excuse was flimsy, and Caspa wanted to snap at her 'obviously' but restrained herself, not wanting to be cruel or an example of the kind of horrors she was trying to warn the girl about. Had her pack not taught her anything about the outside world? She didn't think the level of paranoia inducement her own birth-pack had dealt out was really necessary, but surely at least one emphatic mention of the need to stay out of trouble was required. "Criminals can almost always run too," she pointed out simply. "You need to be careful it never gets to that stage, because you can't be certain of escaping."

Perhaps this was enough scare-mongering. If she reduced the poor child to a quivering wreck she would indeed stand no chance in combat. But the final question was much better, showing a little more fighting spirit. Caspa lifted her brows. It wasn't so long ago she had been here in this same city, asking a fearsome looking man the same question. At least she had done so from a standpoint of caution, already clutching a weapon. And since then she'd fought in a war and helped to kill a man. She cast her mind back over what that wartorn husky had said. "You can often find knives humans used for cooking in places like kitchens and cafés," she said in a much more friendly tone. "There are special places where they kept lots of weapons together, but those are mostly empty now. Apparently it gets harder every year to find threatening objects. What does that tell you about the state of the world?" she added with a return to her former harshness. "Still, I think you were lucky to meet me, and I am happy you were not somebody more unsavoury. You have an intelligent look in your eyes and I think with some more common sense you will be fine. I don't know if you want to introduce yourself to someone who has just chewed on your ear, but I will, at least. I am Caspa from Cour des Miracles." She bowed her head, hoping this offer of peace between them would smooth the ground a little.

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table image credit to Burksy@flickr

She really was a worthless girl. Wretch had relied on others for her safety her entire life and didn't know much about taking care of herself. She'd tried to get some training from Gideon...but he'd taken off and she hadn't seen him since his disappearance. The girl could use the protection of a pack...but she also wanted her independence. She would need to learn more about protecting herself and working with weapons if she was going to make it...otherwise she'd just keep getting beaten up again and again. Maybe even killed, eventually.

"I come from a peaceful pack - I was attacked outside of the lands and had some bones took me a very long time to heal, then more time to be able to walk right and function. I spent most of my puppyhood inside..without anyone except my father to care for me. Then again when I was attacked. But now...he disappeared, his brother Gideon with him. I..I need to learn how to take care of myself" Wretch said, still trembling. "I'm glad I met you, Caspa..I'm Wretch" The information about kitchen knives was very valuable, especially to Wretch who had no prior experience with finding weapons.

"Can we go look together?" The girl asked, ears perking up a bit. "And know how to fight?" She wanted Caspa to teach her, but wasn't sure how to ask or if it was even appropriate to. If the larger canine didn't want to, then there was nothing she could do about that...but it was best to inquire, at least. "I could trade..for some lessons sometime? I have a lot of jewelry and some meat...and could get some furs from my pack if any of that sounds appealing"

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3+ [html]

A peaceful pack? A stupid pack, more like. Caspa's birth-pack had acted only in the name of peace, but they'd understood that peace wasn't something that you could infect the world with. The brutality that existed in the wilderness could only be tamed with the language it understood: force, inflicted with good judgement of course. She wasn't certain that every law of her land had been for the best, but when it came to violence, she was certain that it was necessary and even right if used to protect the innocent. Like Wretch herself, but she had nobody except this supposed friend to protect her. She would have to learn. Her name was Wretch, and it fitted that quaking exterior like a glove. She wasn't really a lot smaller than Caspa, but her fearful body language made her seem tiny and pitiful. Caspa was not a large canine, but she stood square and stiffly upright and somehow managed to tower over the poor girl. "I am glad you met me too. I am sworn to protect the weak," she said without a trace of mirth even though anyone might have laughed at the idea of this spindly hound being any kind of protector. Of course, she had teeth and claws like anyone, and she also had some hidden secrets that meant she was not entirely harmless. "If you practice to look and feel stronger you may deter attackers, as well as being quiet and careful to avoid attention. But I am not trained in fighting techniques. I know some tactics for making a quick kill, but I keep my head down so I have little need to defend myself. I can give you a little advice though. Let's look around for weapons meanwhile. We are in the central part of the city and many of these buildings have kitchens in my experience," she added informatively, and flicked her fingers dismissively at the idea of a trade. "I don't expect anything in return but your promise to take better care." She jerked her head for Wretch to follow and moved away from the side-street, back into the main thoroughfare, looking up and down for anything resembling a restaurant or diner. "Here is something to note - move quietly and smoothly, as quick movements are loud and catch the eye of any onlooker." She listened carefully to see if she could detect Wretch following her, and figure out where the other girl needed to improve her stealth.

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table image credit to Burksy@flickr
OOC: WC: 616 :3

There were times that she wished Ichika wasn’t the pack that it was. A peaceful place with pack members who all wanted to help one another and do their duties like good little pack members. It seemed like the perfect, most ideal place to live for a pup. But instead of teaching her, the place had done the opposite; it had sheltered the girl. Made her fear the outside world and had kept her locked up within. Each time she had left the lands, she’d been injured..up until this very last instance, where she had left alongside another canine. She would learn with time that living with a pack was preferable to being alone…but for now all that Wretch wanted to do was run, jump, explore…and spend some time making up for those months that she spent confined to that house.

I don’t think the pack does its members justice. I mean…I never got a rounded education there…I was mainly just taught to respect nature and my fellow pack members. I didn’t know that there were canines who would try and hurt me out there…even now it doesn’t make sense to me that anyone would be anything less than nice, or wonderful. But...I’m learning. She continued. Wretch wished that she could have grown up in a different place, a place that would have better equipped her for how the world really ran. How things actually were beyond Ichika’s borders. It was living a lie, to believe that one would always be safe and that they could always count on somebody else to help them or protect them. One could only ever really be there for themselves.

She gave a small “oh” when Caspa mentioned that she was sworn to protect the weak. She hadn’t fully understood the other female’s intentions until now, that she had been testing Wretch to try and help her out. She listened carefully as the other stated some interesting tips and tricks, ears perked up to catch each word. The silver furred hybrid would need to learn as much as she could, to take in as much as her mind possibly could. She could not read or write, or she would have tried to find a pad of paper to record it all down on. Her memory would have to suffice.

It seemed as if Caspa did know some things, whether she usually kept her head low and kept out of trouble or not. Wretch was more interested in learning about defense than offense…she didn’t plan on starting any fights. The idea scared her, really. Wretch had no desire to go out and harm another canine for no reason…she’d only do it if she had to, if she had no other choice. She nodded when Caspa spoke of finding weapons around the area that they were in. She needed to find something to defend herself, even if it was just a small blade or sharp object. Anything defensive would work.

Ok, let’s go! She said. Shouldn’t be too hard to find, I hope. Wretch was going to get her very first lesson in defense before she even realized it! She’d heard Caspa’s next instructions before the beautiful canine had turned to walk away from her, and she hurried to follow before remembering to heed them. Her claws clicked on the pavement as she padded along, and she noticed this after a moment and tried to walk more quietly. Her posture wasn’t very good when she walked that way, though, and she tried to find a rhythm for her legs to go at that was comfortable for her. Caspa was larger than she and could walk faster and more fluidly…but she was trying.

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